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Fandom Marvel: The Next Generation (Anyone Welcome)

T'Chalca fell to the floor from the punch. He wiped the blood from his mouth. a smirk crossing his face before climbing back to his feet. The guards attempted to help him up but he politely dismissed them.

He brushed his suit off before looking to the two that had been shot. "See to these men's injuries and then attend to our guests. Make sure that they have everything they need." He glanced towards Damien. "Please extend the same courtesy to Mr Wilson as well. Regardless of his actions, he is still our guest." He turned away again. "I will rejoin them shortly."

T'Chalca took a few stops towards the embassy before continuing again. "Make sure that Mr. Osborn is okay as well and arrange that he makes it home safely. That will be all." He said before disappearing into the embassy. 

@Mori-Jin @Navy @Flowër Powër   @blep 
"This is what we do." Joy said sternly as she grabbed deadpool by the collar and threw him as hard as she could away from the embassy, walking in the same direction as she said, "There. Now what I do to him isn't Wakanda's problem."

@blep (might wanna edit)
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Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: O o O

outfit: click

Laura glared at Deadpools actions, crawling out after him. Before she could even do anything, he had begun to threaten the Prince.

Laura knew the Prince is a noble and trustworthy, so she felt heavily conflicted when one of her close friends pulled a gun on a reasonable man.

"Damien!" She called out sternly, standing a few feet away from the action. Knawing on her lip, her fists were clenched so much that they began to turn white.

Him finally lowering the pistol, she let out a breath of relief. But then he swung at Deadpool.

She shook her head and buried her head in her hands. 

As soon as he had stood beside her, she was tempted to inflict the same actions Joy was doing.

Sighing, she watched as he was thrown and decided to talk to him instead.

"Damien.." She keeled beside where he was thrown. "If you keep threatening allies like that, you're going to get kicked out.. I don't think you want that-"

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"I don't . . . " Damien muttered, looking up. "Laura . . . Half of the things I do, I don't even mean to. The voices . . . THey just, pick up my strongest emotion, they null my senses and just . . . Forget it." He stood up, he'd tried explaining, hundreds, and hundreds of times. No one ever understood, "Sorry . . . I lost control and acted upon impulse. I want to be apart of the team, I do, but Laura you and I both know that no one on the team likes me except for you. Titania can just about withstand me and that's it. I just . . ." he let his voice trail off.


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: :'c <3

outfit: click

Laura frowned and nodded slowly, letting him continue talking.

"I understand..."

She gently pulled him close and wrapped her arms around him in a calming embrace. Standing there for a few moments hugging, she spoke up. "Whenever you feel an overwhelming negative urge, look at me. I will try to help you, ok?" 

Laura had honestly cared for him genuinely, just like everyone else on the team. But she was probably closest to Joy and Damien. But since Joy and Damien didn't get along, it was tough on the brunette. 


Damein blinked slightly, mostly in shock as she hugged him. He wasn't used to it, hugs. He hugged her back, burying his face into her hair. "O-Ok . .." he muttered, and separated. He coughed slightly, "We should uh . . . We should head back now. We don't want the others worrying about us, I mean you."


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: C:

outfit: click

Laura giggled slightly at his reaction. She knew he wasnt used to hugs, but she thought he would at least be used to hers (especially because she loves hugging people.)

As they seperated, she nodded. "We should head back. And I doubt their worried about us. But something important is going to be discussed." She nodded, before getting on her tiptoes to press a quick peck to his cheek.

Returning to flat feet, she smiled and waved him on. "Well, lets go!"  

Harry straightened his sunglasses and looked over to T'Chalca. "Thank you for your time... and for controlling your maniac. Call me if you change your mind about the metal. I have a feeling you will." And with that, his Limo sped off. 

Joy announced to the rest of them. "I don't know about you guys, but after today I need a shower. I think I'll check out these living quarters I've heard so much about" She said as she entered the embassy. "But first...." She pulled out her cell phone and pressed speed dial. "Mari? Come to the wakanda embassy please. The whole gang is here and there's something I want you to look at." @MsRetroGeek
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Zooming through the city of New York, she smiled flying in a zig-zag motion past several tall buildings. The air swished right past her as she continued to practice flying through her gleaming red and gold suit. Just as she was about to reach the Empire State Building. "Ma'am you have an incoming call from a Joy Rogers." Her AI alerted her smiling at that name she wondered what her friend had wanted. Accepting the call she levitated in the air near the Empire State Building. "Hey Joy. What's up?" She greets her friend. When she heard the reason for her friends call, "A fun get away with the gang and something for me to check out? Sounds like Christmas came early." She responds sarcastically. "Sure, sounds like a date. Oh and speaking of dates you still owe me a sparring session from last time." She accepts rather jokingly flirtatious. 

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Titania looked at the child of Captain America, nodding as she called the female. She turned, walking to her cousin. "Hey," She said with a smile, "Come on, let's go.



Damien smiled, jumping up as he followed her. "Let's go."
Joy scoffed as she heard the challenge. "Be careful what you wish for." She said before hanging up and turning to T'Chalca. "I gotta say, you were very noble. I don't think I have the patience you have. How about a tour?" @Scatterbrain
Mari smirked at the response to her challenge, she knew what she was in for. She knew how hard Joy trained each day with her Father, but she really liked riling up the other. "See ya later, Pat." She says hearing the other hang up on her. "Alright F.R.I.D.A.Y let's get going to the Wakanda Embassy." She tells the AI, as she answers her with an affirmative. "Yes Ma'am the coordinates. I'll boot up the coordinates to the Wakanda Embassy right now. After getting the coordinates she thanks the AI then zooms through the city towards her destination.
Joy scoffed as she heard the challenge. "Be careful what you wish for." She said before hanging up and turning to T'Chalca. "I gotta say, you were very noble. I don't think I have the patience you have. How about a tour?" @Scatterbrain

T'Chalca saw his men safely escort Mr Osborn to his limousine when Joy approached him and spoke. "How could I turn down a request from such a close friend and a honoured guest. It would be my pleasure." T'Chalca said with a smile. It caused him some discomfort as his face still ached from Damien's punch but he did his best to mask it. "Do not sell yourself short though, Ms Rodgers. I know you would have done the same thing in my shoes. In fact I believe you have the potential to be the greatest of us all."

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"You have reached the Wakanda Embsassy." F.R.I.D.A.Y had announced as she touch landed outside her destination. Thanking the AI, she walked towards the entrance. Just as she landed her suit began to remove from her body, turning into a gold and red suit case by her side. As she got towards the entrance she saw a group of men dressed in suits come towards her. She wondered if they would ask her what her business was here or whether they knew of her business already. "State your business." One of them had ordered her to do as she saw them ready to pull out guns on her. "Whoah... okay why don't you all just put down your gleaming machines down. I come in peace. Joy Rodger a friend of mine had wanted me to come by for business." She explains hopping that they would disarm. 

@Scatterbrain @Navy @Mori-Jin


Zipping through the air Alexis Von helsik grinned slightly as he enjoyed his flight.One of the many things enjoyed about his powers was the ability to fly.I wasnt as refined as other people with the ability to fly as he couldnt  easily change direction yet.He had to abruptly and quickly change direction by generating magnetic fields.He didnt yet have the fine control to match other flying beings in manuveribilty but he definetly match up to their speed.Zipping through the air he watched as his teammates handled a bank robbery before hoping into a limo and driving towards the wakandan embassy.Honestly how none of them noticed him trailing above them was suprsing to him.Especially the female Thor she had been flying under him directly under him for god sakes.He didnt really know the names of his teammates as he was not generally someone to interact with others and just called them what he felt like calling them.After a while watched as they stopped at the embassy and the drama unfolded.His teammate dead something he believed needed to control himself.He shrugged slightly at this before noticing tin girl flying towards them.She also did not seem to notice him. "I am a god of stealth apperently" he chuckled lightly before descending slowly towards the ground his cloak fluttering in the air.


@every one else

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The men hadn't disarmed as she tried to explain herself once more. However she paused when she felt someone close by her as she turned to see who exactly had provoked these feelings. The Wakanda guard men hadn't seem to take notice as she continued to try and look around for that strange feeling she felt. Just as she found the source, she paused to take in this new person. He was dressed in a dark cloak, interesting her. 

@Shi no toki 2

Titania looked up, blinking as a strange person in a dark cloak flew towards them. She blinked, as she realized where she'd seen him. When she followed the limo, she could feel someone by her, but she ignored it. It must have been this strange person, "Hello there." She said softly, leaving Mjolnir on the ground as she walked to the strange man. She wasn't defenseless without the Hammer, as she still had her other magics, but she still kept her body tense, just in case.






@Shi no toki 2
She still kept her distance incase this strange cloaked figure was a threat. Trying to read him, she suddenly saw Titania came out to approach him. She wanted to question what she was thinking but had decided to allow her to go forward with this. She knew she was one of the strongest in their group but just incase she summoned up her arm gauntlet from her suit case.


@Shi no toki 2


He silently landed on the ground looking silintly as tin girl and the thor look alike walked towards him.He showed no outward appearnce of suprise or any emotion but behind his mask he was contemplating wether he could manipulate thors hammer or not.Something that he definetly wanted to try.His fingers would twitch a little at the thought begore turning to the two women approching him and saying in calm voice "Im your new teammate,sent here by my dad doctor strange.If you don't believe me ask captian A.Obviosly meaning captin america.He would then continue without giving them a chance to speak "i am Dr.Essentia or if you prefer cosmic.Its an honor to meet you."He would nod at them respectfully before looking back at the hammer.Still contemplating if he could control it.He would notice their tense bodies but he wasn't worried,he could manipulate one of the four fundamental forces of nature afterall.

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Joy smirked as she saw the men draw their guns. "I have no idea who she is. You should probably open fire just in case." When they looked at her in a puzzled manner she explained. "I'm kidding of course. This is Tony Stark's daughter Mari. I don't know about that guy in the hood. Is he with you?"

Lacey watched the drama unfold around her, punches and yelling alike. Her cousin prompted her to speak, before heading over to a brand new arrival. She left her hammer behind, and Lacey eyed it warily. She had been hit with that thing many times, on purpose and an accident. She drew her attention away from the weapon and watched the cloaked figure introduce himself.

Titania raised an eyebrow at the boy, he was acting quite strange. 'Hammer', her inner self spoke as she raised her hand summoned the hammer Mjolnir to her. It slammed into her hand, and she spoke to it. "Mjn Tu' Ra." She spoke, binding the hammer to her once again. Magic was one of her many great skills, much better than her father at least. She put it by her side, and loosened up. She needed not to let herself be worked up, it only made things worse. "Interesting." she spoke, giving a soft smile.
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Alexis sighed slightly as he saw the thor look alike summon her hammer and bind it to her.He recognized the spell after all his father is the sorceror supreme."Completely and utterly binding it to your being huh,were my intentions that obvious"He would say this a light and playful tone to his voice.His attention would still be on the hammer.He shrugged before turning to the girl "i have already intofuced myself,who might you be.He had already concluded that she was thors daughter as not many people didnt know of her but he was simply doing it out of courtsey.He would then levitate towards her begore putting his hand out waiting for her to shake it.He prepared a bio eletric Emp just incase she turned hostile.


@Flowër Powër


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