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Fandom Marvel: The Next Generation (Anyone Welcome)

Titania Frigga Odinson



Titania cocked her head, confused. "What do you mean? So what if they see us, or . . . Are you embarrassed to be seen with me in public?" She hoped that wasn't the case, as she'd missed her cousin so much, just to find out that she wouldn't even let herself be seen with her. She glanced over at Damien and Lauara, they seemed to be having an argument.


Damien T. Wilson



Damien winced, her knee connecting with his chest as he gasped for air. He laughed slightly, pulling himself up. "Damn . . . I forgot how strong you were." He muttered, before he healed. He sat next to her once again, taking in a deep breath. "I'm sorry." He said, but it was quite low. Out of all the kids, Damien was probably the most stubborn. He'd only said sorry to two people in his life. His father, and Laura. Anyone else he just didn't care. "You want to know the truth?" he asked, "That dog of hers went on a rampage, with her right beside it. Have you ever seen a God in bloodlust?" He laughed, shivering slightly as he gripped the limo sides, "Trust me Laura . . .  It's horrifying. I couldn't stop her, I couldn't do anything . . . She doesn't even remember it happened. Just that I shot her dog, which, yes I did. It was the only thing I could think of to bring her back to her senses." He sighed, "You ever been hit with a bolt of lightning by a God? It hurts, like . . . I mean it HURTS."

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T'Chalca had arrived at the embassy and had changed out of his costume and into a business suit. He had spoken with the security detail, instructing them that his guests were to be extended every courtesy and were allowed free reign of the embassy even though Mr Wilson would have to be supervised at all times. He had also provided them with living quarters, should they require them, even though he expected this to be a temporary measure. The embassy had everything they could possibly need but it wasn't a perfect arrangement. 

T'Chalca trusted his friends (all but Mr Wilson) but he knew that his fellow Wakandans and especially his father weren't as trusting especially of a team of young and inexperienced heroes. Some of whom who were from a less than impeccable background. He knew that, as prince of Wakanda, the embassy would see to his requests but he did not want them to out stay their welcome, if he could avoid it, so he had starting looking into acquiring other properties such as the Baxter Building and the old Avenger's Mansion that could also fulfil the teams needs. 

After briefing the security detail and the rest of the embassy staff, T'Chalca waited outside for the arrival of the others.

@Navy @Flowër Powër  @Mori-Jin @blep @Bmikeization


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: ...

outfit: click

Laura actually never meant to knee him in the chest, but she didn't feel any remorse for her action either. She hid a little smile as Damien grunted, taking it as a small victory. 

After kneeing him, he slid in beside her, doing a somewhat better attempt at apologizing. She would admit that it was a valiant effort since Damien rarely to never apologized to anyone. 

When he asked if she wanted to hear the truth, she buried her face father into her knees, grumbling.

Upon his explanation, she slowly raised her head and squinted at him. "..." She glanced out the window and back to him, brushing a loosebstrand out of her face. "...Well, I guess that makes sense.." She nodded, since it is her duty to protect humans.. 

"But if I hear that you hurt another animal again, and its not for eating, I will personally kick your ass." She growled, clenching her fists.


Damien T. Wilson


Damien smiled, happy that she was back. "Of course, I wouldn't dream of hurting another animal. But . . . Can you NOT tell Titania what she did? For one, it might trigger that War Hammer of hers, and . . . She wouldn't be able to handle the stress, knowing she had hurt innocents." He nodded at her, patting her shoulder as he put his mask back on. "And don't tell anyone I actually said the word sorry . . . Can't afford to let these guys see me soft." He laughed, "Last time I let some friends of mine see me in a softer sense, they tied me to a chair and tortured me for a good week." He bursted into laughter upon seeing her response, "I'm joking, I'm joking." He wasn't, those were one of the very few things he never told her.
Joy had exited the limo as soon as it stopped to greet the newcomer. She offered her hand. "Hello, I'm The Patriot. You must be the next Thor. We were just on our way to the Wakandan embassy to group up, why don't you join us?"

A black limo pulled up to the Embassy in front of T'Chalca. Where he might've expected the heroes to step out of, he instead say Harry Osbourn II. With a smirk, Harry approached him with his hand outstretched. "Prince? My name is Harry Osboun. I'm a local who is interested in your fantastic metal."
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Titania blinked, hearing the voice of another girl. She turned to see the daughter of Steve Rodgers, Joy, as her father had named her. She nodded, "It's nice to meet the offspring of the legendary Captain America." She shook the girls hand, glancing at her cousin as she pulled Mjolnir to her hand. "Of course, I would love to join you." Been a wile since I've Wakanda, she thought to herself.
T'Chalca was taken aback by the arrival of Harry Osborn II but quickly regained his composure. "I know who you are Mr Osborn but I must admit this is rather unexpected surprise." T'Chalca replied shaking Harry's hand. He was suspicious of the man, a trait he had inherited from his father but kept it hidden. The bank robbery and now his sudden appearance, it was all a bit too coincidental. How did Harry even know he was in the country? Was he spying on his activities? Were the thugs at the bank working for him? All questions T'Chalca would have to find answers for soon.

"If I had known you were coming, I would have made sure to clear my schedule as well as arrange a more fitting welcome for you." T'Chalca's said with a smile but it soon turned into a more sombre expression. "I must apologise, Mr Osborn. I can't just hand out one of Wakanda's most precious resources without going through the appropriate channels first. I may be a Prince but a matter as important as this must first come before my father, the King. If you would like we could arrange to discuss the matter at length at another date? We are both busy men and I unfortunately have other matters that require my attention at the moment, as I am sure you do as well." T'Chalca extended his hand. "It was a pleasure though to finally meet you in person, Mr Osborn."

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Joy smiled at the reunion before turning back to the limo. "Alright guys, let's get moving." She said as she climbed back in to the argument between Damien and Laura.

Harry shrugged. "A later date sounds fine, I just heard you were here and I was in the neighborhood." He turned to leave, before looking over his shoulder to say, "Do you know what else I heard? That the bank robbery in the city used a Vibranium drill bit. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: 'I guess I won't kill him'

outfit: click

Laura felt slightly better and obeyed Damiens plea, nodding slowly. "Sure!" She chirped, him patting her shoulder. 

But when he requested she not to tell anyone of his apology, she rolled her eyes. "There's nothing wrong with being soft. Puppies are soft so their really fun to pet-" She then furrowed her eyebrows when he 'joked' about being tortured.

She decided to not comment on it, instead brewing over the thought.

Laura was heavily protective over her team and hated hearing news of them being harmed in anyway. Them getting hurt is a sort of failure to her, like her duty is to also protect her team, not just civilians.

Joy then slid in, sitting beside Laura. Realizing she hadn't hugged the leader yet, she threw her arms around her and enveloped her with a cheesy smile.

T'Chalca was shocked by this sudden twist. How did the bank robbers get their hands on a vibranium drill bit? Was whatever they were after in that safe that important? Or was Harry just trying to distract him? Have him chasing his own tail whilst the criminals continued unopposed? Osborn definitely knew more than he was letting on. But what did he hope to gain?

"I am not quite sure what you are implying Mr Osborn but I can assure you, the movement and trade of vibranium is strictly monitored by the Wakandan government. The chances of it falling into the hands of petty criminals are almost infinitesimal. I wouldn't worry yourself, most likely just exaggerated hearsay. You know what people are like." T'Chalca said, tilting his head slightly to one side and holding up a palm. "I will however look into the matter personally just in case some aspect rings true. I appreciate your forthrightness with the news nonetheless and look forward to meeting again with you soon."

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Lacey got back in the car, making sure Tatiana followed her. "I'm not worried about us being seen," she shouted, standing above the car, "I'm worried about who might see us." she replied, glancing up at the sky before getting back in the car.

Damien sighed, laughing slightly as he slid into the other side of Laura. He was glad he was able to fix the entire mess, he didn't know what he'd do with himself if she ended up hating him. No, he knew. He would probably go on a murderous rampage. "Nah." He laughed, bringing out a soda and drinking it.



"What do you mean?" She asked Lacey with a confused look. "Who would be watching us?"
Joy hugged back with one arm and chuckled. "I love you too, Laura. This is why you're my favorite." She then leaned toward the front and spoke to the driver. "Sorry about that... would you mind taking us the rest of the way? Thank you."

Harry breathed an obviously fake, almost theatrical sigh of relief. "Well that's good to know. I mean... if they did get their hands on it, it would probably be from someone with wealth and influence who could get their hands on about a gram of the material. I hope no one assumes it was you or your father."


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: 'I guess I won't kill him'

outfit: click

If Laura had a tail, it would be wagging so hard right now. Laura beamed and snuggled her closer. "And you're my favorite!" She beamed, Joy being her first friend. All the other girls were scared of because of her claws.

Letting her go so she could tend to her leader-ly duties, she turned back to look at Damien. "Where the hell do you get those sodas from?" She questioned, although she knew part of the answer.


Damien laughed, "Easy." He pulled another one out. "I hold a Pocket dimension, inside of it, nothing decays, nothing dies, nothing gets warm or freezes. Anything put inside of it is left in complete and utter suspended animation, until I pull it out again." He pulled out a soda, giving it to her, "You thirsty?"


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: O o O

outfit: click

Laura blinked and tilted her head as he pulled out a soda for seeingly nothing. Before she could part her words to get a word out, he had already answered her question. 

"Ah ok.." She nodded, grabbing the soda with a quiet thanks.

"Can I get in it?" She asked with wide eyes, getting a little bit too excited.


Damien thought, and smiled. "Hell yeah! I never thought of putting an actual person inside before . . . . Let's do it!"
As the limousine pulled to a stop, Joy's jaw dropped as she saw who was standing outside talking to T'Chalca. It was Harry Osbourn. She stepped out of the limo as it was slowing down and defiantly walked up to him, before the realization hit her. It would be in her best interest to act like as if she suspected nothing. "Harry Osbourn??" She said in an excited tone as he turned to see her.

"Joy Rodgers. I've heard of you but.. you're taller in person." 

"Yeah.. I get that a lot. Were you just leaving or am I interrupting something?" She asked.

"Yes... I was leaving. Goodbye Joy. T'Chalca." He said as he climbed back into his limousine.

Deadpool glanced, seeing Ousborne. ANd by instinct, he jumped out, stopping bellow him as he pulled a bazooka out of his Pocket Dimension. "Move, even a muscle, and you die." He spoke with a dead serious tone. He was NOT about to risk this man letting anything loose.

T'Chalca and the rest of his security detail rushed forward towards Deadpool.

No matter how suspicious his actions were, Osborn was innocent into proven guilty and T'Chalca would not let him or anyone else come to harm whilst they stood on Wakandan soil, especially from this pyschopath.

In his sick and twisted mind, T'Chalca knew he probably thought he was doing the right thing but he gave little thought to the consequences of his actions. At this range, his bazooka would wipe out his teammates and the security detail. With unbelievable speed gained only from a lifetime of training, T'Chalca threw himself at Osborn, pushing him out of the way whilst two of his security detail charged Deadpool. T'Chalca climbed to his feet as the rest of his detail grabbed Osborn and rushed him inside the embassy.

"I will not allow anyone to come to harm on Wakandan soil. If you wish to harm Mr Osborn you will have to kill me first." T'Chalca said defiantly, stepping in front of Deadpool. 

@Navy @Flowër Powër  @Mori-Jin @blep 
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Deadpool hated being kepy captive, hated being controlled. He brought out two guns from his Pocket, shooting the security guards in the foot. He lifted the gun to the princes head, reloading it quickly. "That can be arranged."

"Then do it! Prove me right! Prove to everyone that you are not a hero as you claim to be!" T'Chalca spread his arms, defiance still evident in his voice. "I do not fear death. I am under the falcon god's protection. If he should deem however that I die today, I welcome his edict! For I would have died in the defence of my people and my friends and upholding the laws I believe in. But know this, if I die that Wakanda will not rest until you have met justice!"

@Mori-Jin @Navy @Flowër Powër   @blep 

Damien shivered, he couldn't do it. He couldn't pull the trigger. Not here, not like this. He yelled out in rage, putting the guns away as he panted. He turned around, walking back. He stopped, "Know what?" With incredible speed he turned, jumping forward as he slammed his fist into the princes cheek. Security guards surrounded him, but he removed himself from their grip. "Don't touch me." he glared, turning as he walked back. He stood next to Laura, silent as he grumbled to himself.

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Lacey hadn't even gotten out of the car when the violence broke loose. Harry Osborn had decided to show his face st their place of safekeeping, their location no doubt exposed now that he knew they were all here. She teleported out of the car, standing at a respectable distance from Joy. "Joy!" she said, walking over to the heroine. "Harry knows we are here. What are we going to do?" she whispered, glancing over at the man.

Titania opened the door of the Limo, Mjolnir in hand. She looked at Damien, watching his outburst. "Well then." She muttered to herself. She put the hammer on the ground, leaning on the limo.

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