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Fandom Marvel: The Next Generation (Anyone Welcome)

Titania looked at his hand, but didn't shake it. It wasn't anything personal, but she knew too well what magic could do. Infact just knowing somebadys name opened up an entire world of both good and quite dark magic. Physical contact was even worse. She smiled, and nodded at the boy. "You may call me Thor, as does everyone else." 
Alexis would would not really care when she ignored his handshake but would still have the emp on.Listening to her reply he would say "i cannot call you thor.I admire the original thor so calling you by his name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.Im sure we can figure out a name for you.Regardless of her reply he woul observe deadpool who was currently next to a girl that felt odd to him.He would not turn his body as he would be using the electromagnetic field of the earth to view the.Still talking to the wannabe thor he would say "either way its a pleasure to meet you"as nodded courtesly.

"Female Thor." She spoke, "Either that or FT, nothing else." She spoke with a nod, she could practically taste the magic in the air. But it made no difference to the young God, she could find a way through it if she needed to. This boy, or girl as Titania really could not tell, had magical potential. But compared to the likes of his father, and the people Titania had met, it was like comparing a human to a baby. She would keep an eye on him however, he was still the child of the Sorcerer Supreme, it would be almost idiotic to not. She walked back to her cousin, nodding to her as she flipped Mjolnir in the air, sitting down on it as it floated.



Deadpool hadn't expected this. The child of the Sorcerer Supreme himself had gotten here. He smiled, giving the boy a wide grin from under his mask. The tension in the air was thick enough to stop a bullet. He jumped up, "Well this is going to be fun." he muttered a he laughed slightly. Damien had been everywhere, magical Realms, planets, etc. He'd captured many items and many different things, of which were all left in his Pocket Dimension. He could deal with practically every single person on the team, except for Laura of course. For some reason he just, couldn't let himself not trust her.
Ft it is he murmured lowly.He watched as she walked away flipping the hammer in the air.He was highly tempted to manipulate it but he didnt as he was sure she would turn hostile.Not that he wasnt confident in beating her but she was the daughter of his idol that wouldnt be a good impression at all.Even then the spell was still active.He wishing right now that he could do magic but unfortunetly for him he had only been interested in controlling his powers.He pulled out a card and showed it to the gaurds who immediately relaxed.He then turned to deadpool who's smile he could see from under the skin tight mask(im assuming your wearing the original deadpools costume).He gave the man a half hearted two finger wave before flying towards him.The others seemed to be to busy.
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Deadpool smiled as he walked over to him. He jumped up, walking forward as well as he took his mask off. "Look atchya boy!" He yelled, opening the pocket dimension over them as fireworks shot out from it, and he cupped his hand towards him in a handshake. "The Sorcerer Supremes offspring himself, what took you so long?" He asked with a playful laugh. His hair was slightly singed and burned from the fireworks going off above his head, but it was no problem. They just regrew as the silver hair flowed back to life.
Alexis watched in amusment as deadpool walked towards him and shouted "look atchya boy!while opening a pocket dimesion.He had felt it the moment it started to open knowing that feeling that accompanied it as his father did it quite a lot.With his enhanced perception he quickly think about wether he should forcefully close it or not.He then decided no and watched as deapool came up to him intending to shake his hand.While the fireworks had signed his hair.The Sorcerer Supremes offspring himself, what took you so long."He allowed deadpool to shake his hand while responding "had to take care of my brother.He tried to beat dad got his assed wupped by me.Dad has much more important things to do.He would  then say in a playful tone "are you as crazy as your father"As he was actually curios.


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: ?:3

outfit: click

Laura whimpered slightly as she felt the magnetic force draw closer and nearer, much more sensitive than the rest.

Biting her lip and clenching her fist, she observed the figure who had conjured such magic. Laura would've glared but she was highly interested in the gold that covered his face, drawn to the shinyness. The only reason why she hasn't run up to him and poked the visor, was due to the overbearing force. 

Unable to take it anymore, she left the remainder to talk while she tried to quietly walk away.

By then, she bit her lip so hard that it drew blood and her knuckles had turned white.


Damien laughed, "Ha! Am I as crazy as my father?" He pulled out a gun, pointing it to him. "No I'm crazier." He laughed, putting it away, "I'm joking, I'm joking!" He glanced back to Laura, who seemed to be having some problems. He could tell however, as he could feel the shaking of his guns and blades. He took something from his Pocket Dimension, his fathers famous teleporting belt, and put it on. "Gimme a sec." He smiled, teleporting next to Laura. "Hey, Laur!" He laughed, bringing something out from his dimension. It was something his dad had picked up, something that temporarily nullified magic for someone, he only had one, but what would he need it for? He took it out, as it seemed to look like a strange metal tablet the size of a small picure book. "Hold this for me." He patted her hair, smiling under his mask. He turned, teleporting back. "Whoop~" He laughed, "Sorry bout that, you most likely know what that thing is but I hella don't. Anywho, just cant have you affecting my friends too much." He gave a thumbs up."

//sorry, im late 
Alexis watched as deadpool pulled out a gun and and started said he was crazier than his father.Nah he deinetly wasn't crazier than his father his seemed more forced,his fathers was natural.He had met the crazy man a few times himself.

He would watch as deadpool left and pulled out a magic nullification brafelet out of his pocket which he gave the girl that the metalsin her body.He could sense them.When deadpool pulled out the magic nullification bracelet he almost wanted to laugh "so they think this is magic?"he mused silently to himself before reducing the power of his output making his feet touch the ground again.As well making it feel as if the "magic"had been nullified.Well it wasn't his problem if the got the source wrong.He would just have to make ot look like magic them.Wondering how long it would be until someone figured out it wasn't magic he turned back to the approching deadpool.

Sorry about that didn't now you would she would be so affected he it' he would say responce to deadpools sentence.He would then immediately ask Why does She have so metal in her body?Everbody has some amount but hers is quite alot. 

@blep @Mori-Jin

Damien shrugged. "Reasons." He spoke with a soft laugh. Something was off about this dude, but it didn't matter to him. What exactly was that artifact anyways? What was it his father called it? It was . . . Something from his mother . . . Now that Damien thought of it he didn't even know his mother. But it had to do with science. Something Titanias father once said, "What you call science, we call magic. They are one in the same." Magic, as Damien understood, was just science in a way humans couldn't understand. Either part of new laws of the universe, or parts of existing laws and theories that humans have not yet heard of. That item just nullified, or changed the laws one way or another. Though, it had to be activated by a button Damien held, though he hadn't turned it on yet. But the magic stopped. Oh well, as long as it's over. "Anyways, what's up?"




"Well that's new." Titania muttered as she looked at the object the female wolverine now held. It was an artifact, lost in both time and space, that her grandfather, Odin, would once speak of. He barely spoke of it, but it had many different . . . Uses, as he deprived it. How in the hell did someone like Damien, DAMIEN, get his hands on something like that? She shrugged, shaking the thought out of her head. It didn't matter to her.
(Ok guys, slow down a little bit so that people not involved don't have to scroll past a bunch of spam, ok?)
Dropping her defense, she smirked hearing Joy approach her. Rolling her eyes at her words, she opens up her face plate as she sees the gun "Nice to see you again, Pat." She says using her nickname that she often used for the other. When she was asked about the figure in the dark black golden cloak, she quirks her eyebrow at the figure introducing himself but then she relaxes after the introduction. "So apparently stranger in a black dark cloak adorned in gold aka Cosmos is Doctor Strange's son and our new team mate?" Mari asks Joy surprised by this they hadn't had one in a while, but she was excited about this new member. Watching the exchange between Damien, Laura, Titania, Lacey and their newest member. He had to smirk at Titania's new nickname they had always known her as Thor but TF could be a new interesting nickname for the goddess. Glancing at the artifact in Laura's hands she wondered what it was exactly as she turned back to Joy. "So Pat what's this business you guys are attending to?" She asks curiously.



@Shi no toki

"Harry Osbourn claims that the drill used to rob a bank earlier today had a vibranium drillbit. We brought the drill to make sure, and we want to know how some random thugs got their hands on it." She said, bringing the drill to her. "And since you're the local nerd, I thought you might be able to help." @MsRetroGeek
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Luke had been given the latest run down regarding the training teams finished up in the danger room.

The offer to join the team was still there but he was unsure if he should take it or not.

Shaking his head, he made his way to change into his uniform. 

He did some free lancing hero work on his own. Taking a car from the garage,

he left the mansion and began the drive to New York.

He wanted to reach out to a few contacts he had in the city and maybe hang around for a while.

He knew some people in the mansion began to make probes into Lukes background to find out who his 

parents were as his mother at least knew Luke would be a mutant as a baby.

Shaking his head he focused and continued driving

(hey just made a generic intro, if anyone wants to be a kind soul and give me an in for the current plot to save me making a major mistake with the plot I would appreciate it :)  )
Joy heard a familiar rocket sound coming from outside. "There she is. You might wanna wait a sec. Mari is on her way. Have you two met?" She asked T'Chalca 

"I don't believe we have." T'Chalca replied. He could hear a commotion from outside and Joy was about to investigate when he stopped her. "Apologies Ms Rodgers but I have some information I believe may be pertinent to our investigation. As you undoubtedly witnessed I was visited by the young Mr Osborn and he shared with me that the robbery earlier used a vibranium drillbit, almost taunting me with the fact. I believe he knows more than he is letting on."

"You have reached the Wakanda Embsassy." F.R.I.D.A.Y had announced as she touch landed outside her destination. Thanking the AI, she walked towards the entrance. Just as she landed her suit began to remove from her body, turning into a gold and red suit case by her side. As she got towards the entrance she saw a group of men dressed in suits come towards her. She wondered if they would ask her what her business was here or whether they knew of her business already. "State your business." One of them had ordered her to do as she saw them ready to pull out guns on her. "Whoah... okay why don't you all just put down your gleaming machines down. I come in peace. Joy Rodger a friend of mine had wanted me to come by for business." She explains hopping that they would disarm. 

As they stepped out he could see his men surrounding a red and gold figure. Anyone would recognise that armour, it was just like her fathers. The young Ms Stark, I presume. He could understand his men's reactions to their surprise guest, after all his father and hers never quite saw eye to eye.

Joy smirked as she saw the men draw their guns. "I have no idea who she is. You should probably open fire just in case." When they looked at her in a puzzled manner she explained. "I'm kidding of course. This is Tony Stark's daughter Mari. I don't know about that guy in the hood. Is he with you?"

Joy asked his men to stand down. They looked towards him hesitant and he nodded, acknowledging his approval. They then turned their attention to their other new arrival but T'Chalca dismissed them once more. The men put down their weapons.

Dropping her defense, she smirked hearing Joy approach her. Rolling her eyes at her words, she opens up her face plate as she sees the gun "Nice to see you again, Pat." She says using her nickname that she often used for the other. When she was asked about the figure in the dark black golden cloak, she quirks her eyebrow at the figure introducing himself but then she relaxes after the introduction. "So apparently stranger in a black dark cloak adorned in gold aka Cosmos is Doctor Strange's son and our new team mate?" Mari asks Joy surprised by this they hadn't had one in a while, but she was excited about this new member. Watching the exchange between Damien, Laura, Titania, Lacey and their newest member. He had to smirk at Titania's new nickname they had always known her as Thor but TF could be a new interesting nickname for the goddess. Glancing at the artifact in Laura's hands she wondered what it was exactly as she turned back to Joy. "So Pat what's this business you guys are attending to?" She asks curiously.

"Harry Osbourn claims that the drill used to rob a bank earlier today had a vibranium drillbit. We brought the drill to make sure, and we want to know how some random thugs got their hands on it." She said, bringing the drill to her. "And since you're the local nerd, I thought you might be able to help."

With the others engaging the other new arrival, T'Chalca turned his attention to Mari."It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms Stark." He offered a bow. "You are free to use our equipment anyway you see fit. I can also offer you my help in the matter should you require it that is?"

(Apologies about long post. There was a lot to catch up on)

@Navy @MsRetroGeek

@Haus Of Alaska I've tagged @Mori-Jin @blep as their both mutants too and maybe they can help think of a way to introduce you.
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View attachment 253106

Excuse me Pool i have to call our other team memeber.Walking a few feet away he would say into his helmet "sev please call luke."Immediately after saying this his helmet would turn blue and start to call someone.Once the call was answered he would say "Hey Luka where are you.I need you to hurry up and get over here."

@Haus Of Alaska

Luke saw the communicator light up, pressing it with a grin he spoke.

"Hey whats going on"

He said as he wove between traffic as he made it into New York.

Parking up, he made sure the car was stowed away before fixing his costume

"I'm just in the city now, where are you"

He asked as he climbed up a ladder to the roof of the building he hid the car in,

the plan being to fly the rest of the way to the team.

He listened for a response while he fixed his uniform

@Shi no toki 2
I am currently at the ambassy of wakanda"he would say this while glancing around at the surronding superhero's.

"Most of the team is here i believe but its taking awhile for things to get started."

@Haus Of Alaska


Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: ow. but not so ow. also >:3

outfit: click

Laura blinked as Deadpool teleported to her, looking down at the piece of strange metal he had got her. She was confused until she felt the pain and the screeching in her ears decease. "Thank you-" But then he had teleported away. 

Laura had then decided to join the rest, noticing two more hero's in the mix. Laura had no problem with the daughter of Iron Man and the new male. But the one with the golden mask..

He seemed incredibly cocky and arrogant to her, as if was better than any other person here.

Deciding to not seek drama, she instead listened. 

@Scatterbrain "Of course." She handed the drill to T'Chalca. "This was the one we found." It was as small as a household drill, which was possible due to the vibranium drillbit. "I think it's safe to assume where they got it from. Harry is up to something."

Location: Avengers tower, New York, United States...

Luke had arrived at the avengers facility and helped himself to a jet to get to Wakanda,

Luke was a reserve member of the team, meaning that he did not become involved unless called.

It explained his departure from the mansion.

Putting the jet on auto pilot once he put in the co-ordinates, he pulled up the comm for T'Chalca.

"Hey Buddy, heard some things are going down your side of the world, Lucky for you I'm on my way"

Luke could not keep the grin off his face as he pulled up the up to date info on the mission from the SHIELD data base.


@Shi no toki 2
"Almost nothing is out of Osbourn's reach. Much less a piece the size of a crayon. Still, if he can get it then why would he threaten you to sell it to him?" Joy asked out loud. @Scatterbrain

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