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Fandom Marvel: The Next Generation (Anyone Welcome)

Kary sighed as she walked towards a certain embassy, pulling back her combat suit's sleeve to reveal a watch with a screen half the size of an average touchscreen phone's. She pressed the first button on the right side, causing the device's screen to light up. She pressed the button below that twice, and pressed the button on the left three times, highlighting the name T'Chalca before pressing the button below it once.

She began to speak.

"T'Chalca, this is Dark Laughter. I've found some info you might be interested in, and it's...well, on a scale of 1 to 10 of how concerning it is, I would say it's a solid 7."
"Harry Osbourn claims that the drill used to rob a bank earlier today had a vibranium drillbit. We brought the drill to make sure, and we want to know how some random thugs got their hands on it." She said, bringing the drill to her. "And since you're the local nerd, I thought you might be able to help."

Nodding at the information she was given she smirked at the nickname she was given once again. Then crossed her arms looking over the drill. How was it possible that simple robbers was able to get his hands on this drill? Trying to go over a few thoughts in her head she tried to get a closer look towards that drill. Just as she was about to find out more information she saw someone step towards her, looking towards the Wakandan young man automatically knowing who he was.

With the others engaging the other new arrival, T'Chalca turned his attention to Mari."It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms Stark." He offered a bow. "You are free to use our equipment anyway you see fit. I can also offer you my help in the matter should you require it that is?"

When everyone had been engaged in other matters, she smiled at how generous this young man was. "Ah Mr. T'Chalca I was hopping to meet you today. I'm grateful to get this opportunity." Bowing back towards the other grateful for the resources she may need.

Listening to T'Chalca's and Joy's conversation she agreed with Joy's words. She knew that Harry had several resources, however she had to wonder why he would try and threaten T'Chalca to claim that drill. She knew that vibranium was a limited resource. Placing her hand against her chest, she had to wonder though. Couldn't Harry easily go ahead and buy another source to buy a vibranium drill. He certainly had the money for it, however he wanted this one in general. Maybe it was because it was specifically designed. Just as she was about to bring up her ideas, she heard something go off. She wasn't sure what it was but she had a feeling this had to do with T'Chalca.

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As Daniel swung with force and power, passing by glass windows and brick apartments, he could feel the wind's power rush past his face, even through his mask. New York was a beautiful place, despite the constant sirens and shouting. Daniel released his hands from the biodegradable web and launched himself forward, landing on his hands and feet. Landing on a glass wall, Daniel kept his feet propped on the wall and pulled his hands away. He gave a glance over his suit and his physique, realizing that he could put on a little more muscle, but why would he? He smiled widely under his suit and flung backwards, plummeting towards the street, and screaming with joy. Before he reached the ground, Daniel shot a string of web out and it attached to a metal pole. He regained his momentum and continued swinging through the enormous city, swinging in different poses as he advanced forward.
"Almost nothing is out of Osbourn's reach. Much less a piece the size of a crayon. Still, if he can get it then why would he threaten you to sell it to him?" Joy asked out loud. @Scatterbrain

Nodding at the information she was given she smirked at the nickname she was given once again. Then crossed her arms looking over the drill. How was it possible that simple robbers was able to get his hands on this drill? Trying to go over a few thoughts in her head she tried to get a closer look towards that drill. Just as she was about to find out more information she saw someone step towards her, looking towards the Wakandan young man automatically knowing who he was.

When everyone had been engaged in other matters, she smiled at how generous this young man was. "Ah Mr. T'Chalca I was hopping to meet you today. I'm grateful to get this opportunity." Bowing back towards the other grateful for the resources she may need.

Listening to T'Chalca's and Joy's conversation she agreed with Joy's words. She knew that Harry had several resources, however she had to wonder why he would try and threaten T'Chalca to claim that drill. She knew that vibranium was a limited resource. Placing her hand against her chest, she had to wonder though. Couldn't Harry easily go ahead and buy another source to buy a vibranium drill. He certainly had the money for it, however he wanted this one in general. Maybe it was because it was specifically designed. Just as she was about to bring up her ideas, she heard something go off. She wasn't sure what it was but she had a feeling this had to do with T'Chalca.

"Unfortunately, I do not know." T'Chalca replied. "There is more going on here than we realise..." He was interrupted as his kimoyo bracelet let out a small ping. "My apologies. If you'll excuse me for just a moment."


Putting the jet on auto pilot once he put in the co-ordinates, he pulled up the comm for T'Chalca.

"Hey Buddy, heard some things are going down your side of the world, Lucky for you I'm on my way"

Kary sighed as she walked towards a certain embassy, pulling back her combat suit's sleeve to reveal a watch with a screen half the size of an average touchscreen phone's. She pressed the first button on the right side, causing the device's screen to light up. She pressed the button below that twice, and pressed the button on the left three times, highlighting the name T'Chalca before pressing the button below it once.

She began to speak.

"T'Chalca, this is Dark Laughter. I've found some info you might be interested in, and it's...well, on a scale of 1 to 10 of how concerning it is, I would say it's a solid 7."

"Glad to hear it, my friends. I will inform my men and the others and we will eagerly await you arrival." He tapped his bracelet before returning to the others. "Mr Southern and Ms Havlock shall be joining us shortly. Ms Havlock tells me she has some important information pertaining to our current investigation. Hopefully it shall shed some light on our current situation."

NightQueen NightQueen (Just a heads up, we're at the Wakandan Embassy in New York not Wakanda itself.)
DankWaffles DankWaffles
Lucas Ringe
(New York City Streets)
Lucas was quickly walking through the city, trying to follow Daniel as he was swinging through the street. Lucas was wearing full black with gloves, a sweater, and a ski mask. He was studying Daniel, looking at his every move. Lucas was not sure whether or not he was mutant or human. People claimed he was human but it just didn't make sense. If he was a mutant though, he would kill him. He would kill him and stop the people from adoring a satanic creature like him. Lucas watched closely... Staring at Daniel. He wouldn't look away.
Kary walked into view about a minute later, twiddling her thumbs as she walked, stopping about three feet away from T-Chalca.

"T'Chalca, it's good to see you. Now, the information I have has been confirmed by my sources. From what I've gathered, one of the people you have sold Vibranium to has been kidnapped, with a double pretending to be them, and the Vibranium stolen. Unfortunately, I don't know who it is that's been replaced. As far as I know, it could be anyone but me and you. Me, because it's impossible to copy someone's magical energy signature and I could just warp my blade back to me if I was captured, and you because the effort it would take to capture you without someone noticing would be astronomical...plus someone would notice if the entire Vibranium stockpile was stolen."
Daniel began growing bored and tired, with the continuous swinging, and decided to land on a nearby roof. Perching himself to glare over the endless hoards of people, Daniel's spider-sense began to push through his thoughts and grew in pain. Shaking it off, Daniel wondered what his senses were trying to tell him. Was there an inevitable danger to occur? Or was it going off for no reason? This is why Daniel hated his spider-sense, he had NO control over it, plus, it would appear at random times, without any warning. Giving one more look over the streets of New York, Daniel took notice to a dark figure that was walking quickly, and keeping an eye on the Spider. Daniel just tilted his head and gleamed down on the figure, exchanging looks and not breaking eye contact.
TrueBananaz TrueBananaz
DankWaffles DankWaffles
Lucas Ringe
(New York City Streets)

Lucas continued walking until Daniel landed. He looked directly at Daniel, watching him, studying him. He smirked when the spider noticed him. He had an opportunity to strike and took it. He made direct eye contact with the spider and suddenly disappeared, simply vanishing out of existence. He was inside of Daniel. He saw what Daniel saw. Lucas suddenly left Daniel's body and appeared behind him.

"Now what do we have here?" Lucas said as he got extremely close to Daniel.​
Daniel began to lower his guard as the figure below seemed harmless, and just a regular bystander, but just as Daniel turned to leave, he saw the figure disappear. Scanning the street to look for the figure's distinct mask, Daniel grew suspicious, yet worried, that this person was now gone. That's when Daniel heard a voice behind him grow. It had to be the man from below, but how'd he get up here so fast? Daniel turned around to see the man so close to him.
"Listen, I know I have fans and all, but I never knew of a hardcore fan such as yourself." ,Daniel added a smirk under his mask. He still needed to work on his taunting skills.
TrueBananaz TrueBananaz
DankWaffles DankWaffles
Lucas Ringe
(On Top Of Building (New York))
"Don't flatter yourself." Lucas said in a monotone voice " I wouldn't consider myself a fan. You can keep thinking that. I'm just very interested in your work." He then held out his hand "It's great to finally meet you."
The extended hand was a gesture for a handshake, or that's how Daniel perceived it. With Daniel's "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" persona, he was going to follow through with the handshake, but his spider-sense kicked in once more. So, Daniel withdrew from the handshake and stared at the man, climbing down from his perch.
"Well, it's great to meet you too, I guess?" ,Daniel responded.

TrueBananaz TrueBananaz
DankWaffles DankWaffles
Lucas Ringe
(Building Rooftop (New York))
Lucas grimaced when Daniel withdrew from the handshake. He may have been an insane mutant who was possible going to end up killing the spider, but that just seemed a bit rude. He didn't think too much of it though. He simply thought his mask might have made him look bad so he took it off. It wasn't like he was going to infect Daniel. Daniel was wearing a full spiderman costume for crying out loud.

"I was just curious if you can ask some questions." Lucas said.

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