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Fandom Marvel: The Next Generation (Anyone Welcome)

Brian smiled as all his 'friends'- he wasn't so sure about pool and Trickster- showed up. "Well its nice to see that we can get together since none of you guys seem to like to write these days." he winked at Laura as he made his way outside blowing a bubble with his chewing gum. "Dont worry officers nothing to see here just doing our jobs." He smirked at the limo, Brian loved to travel in style well it was better then his 10 speed anyway. As he climbed into the back he winked and waved at the small crowd that had now gathered across the street.
Lacey teleported into the interior of the limousine, settling down on a seat as if nothing happened. "It's okay if I sit here, right?" she remarked, staring out of the tinted window.
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"Sure thing." Joy said, a bit started by Lacey. After sitting in silence for a bit, Joy finally spoke up. "There's something else I've been meaning to investigate and you two are some of the smartest people I know. There's something going on at Oscorp. Ever since Harry Osbourn died his son has kept the workings of their applied sciences really hush-hush. I wouldn't be that worried about it if they hadn't created half of the local bad guys back in the day. When we get there, we need to make a plan to investigate them.
"Hmm Oscorp, I've always wanted to get a good look at the set up." by this time Brian had slouched kind of far into his seat just so he could comfortably fit in the limo and he had his arm up on the back of the seat where Lacey was sitting. "And now with little Os running things its no good him keeping it hush like that. Hes a bit on the unstable side." He popped some M&Ms into his mouth and began speaking again "So what do we think hes working on: laser missile, time machine, computer with every episode of every show known to man. Now that would be a powerful weapon." Brian smirked.



Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: hmmm

outfit: click

tagged: all <3

Laura blinked as Brian winked at her, confused a little but shrugging.

"You coming Damien?" She asked Deadpool as the rest filed in. Instead of sitting inside with the rest, she crawled to the top of the limo, legs swinging over the side. 

Leaning down to knock on the window, the driver opened the sunroof. Beaming, she peeked her head in, hair flowing like a dark river of locks.

"Now what are we talking about?" She asked, waving at Lacey.

Laura didn't entirely trust her, being the daughter of Loki, but she could tell she was one of the good guys.


Damien jumped into the Limo after Lora, laughing slightly. "Finally some action!" He yelled, "I haven't had any since that murder-I mean raid on the Russian transport ship. Of course they were doing illegal things, I think." He laughed slightly, and slid into the seat next to Laura. Though something interesting did catch his eye though. Brian, the big tough green guy, had winked Laura.


Damien smiled, going over it in his head. It DEFINITELY happened, he hadn't imagined it. "Well then . . ." he muttered, leaning back, this is going to be fun." He said the last word in a cold harsh tense, which would spread a chill down the spine of almost anyone that heard it. He reached into his little pocket dimension, pulling out a soda and and a honeybun. The soda was still cold, as he opened it, taking a sip.
Lacey turned away from the window and crinkled her nose, feeling the vehicle start in motion. "Oscorp, huh? Never been in good terms with those guys." She looked around the car at all the other kids. Brain seemed to barely fit in the limo. She couldn't imagine how uncomfortable it would be for him. Yet he seemed to be taking it just fine. Joy and Laura both looked a bit uncomfortable, most likely because Lacey was in the car with them. Their parents were not friends, that was for sure. 

It didn't mean they couldn't be, though.

Lacey didn't know Damien very well, but she had learned quite a bit about Deadpool to know that this kid was acting almost exactly like him. Yet, he seemed to be trying too hard. He looked out of his element, just as Lacey was out of hers. He was a vigilante and she was... the daughter of a major super villain. It's not like she was in good terms with the heros or their offspring, no matter how hard she tried.

Titania stood in the middle of the street, a car having crashed into her. Though, she was barely harmed. In her arms she held the child that she had ran into the middle of the street to save. They had ran into it after chasing after their ball, which bounced into the street. "Are you alright?" She asked with a soft smile at the young girl. She nodded in shock, "A-Are you alright lady?"

Titania laughed, patting her head. "I'm fine. Run along now." The little child ran off, and she stood up. "Hey lady!" Screamed the driver, running to her, "Jeez I'm sorry! Are you ok?" She nodded slightly, "Fine of course. Thank you." Without another word she walked off, walking down the street as a limo drove past.


It was like time slowing down, as she took a glance inside. She saw her cousin, she hadn't seen her cousin in years. With a quick flick of her wrist, her hammer came to her side, and she flew into the air after the Limo.
"Lacey, I think this is up your street. You can teleport and... can't you make yourself look like other people? Either way I....." Joy noticed an incoming person flying behind the car towards them. "We have company. There's a hammer in front. Is that... Thor??"




Titania lowered her body from the sky, slowly making her decent as she landed by the limo. She jumped forward, flying once again but slower. She flew right next to it, looking inside. "Yep . . . That's definitely her." she muttered as she saw her cousin through the dark limo window. She hadn't seen her in what seemed like forever, did Lacey even remember her? She blinked, seeing the other heroes as she groaned silently, "God is that Deadpool?"


Damien T. Wilson


"Hey look it's Goldilocks!" Deadpool yelled as he opened the limo window, waving as they rode. "Hey! Hey Goldi! Hey! Hey it's me! Remember me? I'm the guy who shot your pet dog a few years back~!"
Brian slammed his hand into his face at pools comment "Dont you have somewhere to be or someone to kill maybe." he said as he rubbed his brow. With his calm joking demeanor clearly gone as he waved at the god out the window. "Nice to see at least some of you care to grace us with your presence." he smiled at the flying god.



Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: hmmm

outfit: click

Laura arched an eyebrow at Damien as he suddenly turned cold, now pulling out food.

Tempted to steal his honey bun, her thoughts were interuppted by the conversation between Brian, Lacey, and Joy. 

Since no one had filled her in, she decided to listen for herself, catching up.

Jumping at the sound of a smack, she shifted her green orbs over to Brian, who had facepalmed. She decided not to comment on it, instead looking over to the female floating beside them.

"Hi Titania!" Lauren said excitedly, mood only dropping when Damien stated that he shot the blondies dog.

She glared at him with a pout before smacking his arm pretty hard.

Frowning, she had lifted herself onto the roof of the limo through the sunroof.

She hated to hear animal abuse, especially dog death.

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Deadpool, or Damien, glanced at him with a smile. "Watch your words Bri." he said with a grin, opening his eyes to reveal the strange glow of his silver eyes, as one of his other personalities shortly took over, "Be careful with your words man, or one of these days you're gonna get yourself killed." Damien laughed as he came back, "I'm joking, I'm joking. Speaking of death . . ." He brought out a grenade, pulling the trigger and throwing it, but he opened his dimension in a split second, letting it fall in and explode. "Just kidding~" He winced as Laura smacked him, and was about to punch her back, but stopped as she left. "Come on-Laura, don't be like that." He sighed, leaning back as he took his mask off, "Dammit . . ." he muttered, "I made her mad . . ."



Titania glared at Deapool. "I would have killed you, but I forgot about your Healing factor." She looked at the large uncomfortable looking man, green skin covered his body. She remembered a story her father told her about a large green beast with incredible strength. Was this he? She nodded at him as she kept flying.
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Titania glared at Deapool. "I would have killed you, but I forgot about your Healing factor." She looked at Brian, "Sup Bri." she nodded, glancing at her cousin once more, before flying over to the top of the limo and sitting on it.

(OOC in my post I had it set up so me and her dont know each other how does she know my characters name? I dought Thors kid would have 4th wall powers.)
Lacey fidgeted at all the sudden commotion, craning her neck to see out the window. "Who the hell..." she started, before recognizing the face. "TATIANA?" she yelled, almost crawling out the window to meet her cousin. She looked around wildly. The other kids seemed to recognize her. Lacey realized her mistake. Of course they recognized her. She was Thor'a daughter for god's sake (no pun intended). Lacey screamed at the limo driver to pull over, insisting she be able to see if it really was her cousin, there in the flesh.

Titania blinked, flying out of the way as the limo moved slightly. "What the . . ." she muttered, it was like the driver was being attacked. She smiled, seeing who it was. "Lacey . . ." She muttered, it was definitely her cousin. The one she missed, the one she hadn't seen in years. Memories of their childhood adventures ran through her head, "Lacey! Lacey it's me!"
The car stopped, pulled off into some ditch on the side of the road. Lacey didn't bother with the door, and instead teleported herself in front of Tatiana. She put her hands on the god's arms, running them up and down. "Is it really you?" she whispered, tears starting to form in her eyes.

Titania dropped Mjolnir, hugging her cousin tightly as she teared up slightly. She laughed, "Y-Yeah . . . Yeah it's me."

The car stopped, pulled off into some ditch on the side of the road. Lacey didn't bother with the door, and instead teleported herself in front of Tatiana. She put her hands on the god's arms, running them up and down. "Is it really you?" she whispered, tears starting to form in her eyes.



Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: huff! Ò 3 Ó

outfit: click

Laura brooding and grumbling under her breath on the limo, she noticed the presence of now Titania and Lacey.

Uncrossing her arms, she smiled as she watched the two reconcile before returning to the limo, wanting to leave them in peace.

Slipping into the limo, she glared at Damien and pushed past him to go to the very back to pout some more.

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"Hey-Come on." Damien slipped through the limo, slipping into the seat next to her. "Laura . . . Laura come on look at me." He lowered his body, looking her in the eyes. "Laura . . . Come on, you know me. It's me, Damien. We've been friends for like . . . Ever, you know I'd never do anything like that on purpose. Or to hurt you . . ."
Lacey rubbed her nose, pulling away from Tatiana. She brushed off her armor, avoiding eye contact. "As happy as I am to see you..." she started in a wobbly voice, "we need to get somewhere safe and catch up. I can't keep these 2.0's waiting." She gestured towards the kids, watching Laura and Damien in a small conflict.



Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: huff! Ò 3 Ó

outfit: click

Laura folded her arms over her chest as he came her way, turning away when he finally got to her.

Ignoring his attempt of an apology for a few moments, her emerald gaze finally locked with his silver.

"You- You killed a dog." Her lip quivered, covering her eyes.

"Asshole!" She blurted out before bringing her knees to her chest, burying her face in her knees.

Yeah, it seemed pretty extra for her to almost break down because of dogs, but animals were her passion. Ever since her dad had passed, she had tried to befriend every dog possible and even went as far as trying to adopt them all. (Joy was suprised to see more than 30 dogs at HQ-)


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