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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

She had heard a familiar voice calling her name. Her head was still hazy but she remembered... it was someone she liked...

" No, it isn't friendship... " she told herself. " It is more than that... "

She was uncertain about what to feel. This bothered her since she only got used to being lonely in the void, nothing more. Suddenly jealousy surged within her as she unleashed a blast of hateful energy.

" You only need ME! " she roared. " We complement each other! We ARE destined to be together! "

Frothing in rage her eyes gleamed in crimson flame and harnessed darkness around her hands. She will find the one who wanted to take Sheryl from her... she would not be forsaken any more...

Her rage was uncontrollable. Years of anguish, years of loneliness for nothing. Not only was she denied from her former vessel her heart was also stolen by someone else. No, she would net it slide, not this time. Long had she waited for revenge, for the glorious reunion, this moment will not be stolen from her.

" If I have to burn this place into nothingness then so be it! " she yelled as she left the building in rush. Outside she started to float mid air preparing some warning shots. It was true that she wanted revenge but not at the cost of innocent lives: she would give the chance for the mortals to flee but only if they do it quickly. With that she barraged the outskirts of the academy with dark blasts, reveling in the carnage. No more shackles, no more restraints: she was free and was hungry for destruction.
DawnAntalios said:

Her rage was uncontrollable. Years of anguish, years of loneliness for nothing. Not only was she denied from her former vessel her heart was also stolen by someone else. No, she would net it slide, not this time. Long had she waited for revenge, for the glorious reunion, this moment will not be stolen from her.

" If I have to burn this place into nothingness then so be it! " she yelled as she left the building in rush. Outside she started to float mid air preparing some warning shots. It was true that she wanted revenge but not at the cost of innocent lives: she would give the chance for the mortals to flee but only if they do it quickly. With that she barraged the outskirts of the academy with dark blasts, reveling in the carnage. No more shackles, no more restraints: she was free and was hungry for destruction.
Kain looked to elle sensing the massive waves of dark energy comeing fom the front. He looked in her eyes" im sorry elle, but it would seem a bad person has come head home for a bit please." He said to Elle.

Kain then vanished in a cloud of black mist teleported away to the top of the schools entrance. He appeared the same way his eyes glowing a bright red. He looled down at the girl from before the one who caused his inner demom to come out. He could feel it attempting to crawl out of kaims prison for which he locked it away, but this dark energy made it harder. The demon wanted to feed, and it needed it. Kain looked towerds the girl shouting" i will warn you only once stand down or i will be forced to take action against you, and trust me you will not want it." He said rather calmly.
She turned her attention towards him and let a little chuckle out.

" Oh, a noble hero comes to fight me... how valiant, yet futile. " she raised her hand, but then changed her mind. " I have no quarrel with you, mortal. My vengeance is reserved for someone else. "

However as she inspected him closer she became intrigued with him more and more. His powers were dark... dark as the abyss just like her and he was quite powerful as well. Crossing her arms she nodded then asked him.

" You seem to understand the power of darkness as much as I do. Say, would you mind to join in the fun? I gladly share carnage with those who are worthy. "
DawnAntalios said:
She turned her attention towards him and let a little chuckle out.
" Oh, a noble hero comes to fight me... how valiant, yet futile. " she raised her hand, but then changed her mind. " I have no quarrel with you, mortal. My vengeance is reserved for someone else. "

However as she inspected him closer she became intrigued with him more and more. His powers were dark... dark as the abyss just like her and he was quite powerful as well. Crossing her arms she nodded then asked him.

" You seem to understand the power of darkness as much as I do. Say, would you mind to join in the fun? I gladly share carnage with those who are worthy. "
Kain narrowed his eyes" tell why i should aid one who has attacked me before?" He said in more of a retorical sence. The shadows of thw area began to stir, as if swirling no as if something was moving within. He held out his hand the dark matyer blade from before formned from his arm tendeils of darkness flowed like water to from the blade. Small blackish flames rolled across the blade.
She was a bit confused until she tapped within the memories of Sheryl and realized who she faced.

" You... " she started hissing " You were the one who interfered with Sheryl's training, the one who threatened to rip her dimension apart and the one who holds a powerful darkness within... " for a moment it seemed that she wanted to concentrate her powers against him but then burst out in a laughter and clapped her hands, as if applauding.

" Impressive... Sheryl's powers are indeed formidable even without my aid... but you were able to break through it with such ease. You almost shook her fortifications as well, collapsing their shelter around them... "

She then vanished and a moment later she floated near the boy, staring in his eyes only from mere inches from his face. Her burning crimson eyes scouted the expression of the boy as she gently pat his cheeks with her hands, smiling nefariously.

" You are darkness incarnate, boy. Alone you may not have the power to control it, but together... we could the the scourge of infinite worlds! All would bow before us! "
DawnAntalios said:
She was a bit confused until she tapped within the memories of Sheryl and realized who she faced.
" You... " she started hissing " You were the one who interfered with Sheryl's training, the one who threatened to rip her dimension apart and the one who holds a powerful darkness within... " for a moment it seemed that she wanted to concentrate her powers against him but then burst out in a laughter and clapped her hands, as if applauding.

" Impressive... Sheryl's powers are indeed formidable even without my aid... but you were able to break through it with such ease. You almost shook her fortifications as well, collapsing their shelter around them... "

She then vanished and a moment later she floated near the boy, staring in his eyes only from mere inches from his face. Her burning crimson eyes scouted the expression of the boy as she gently pat his cheeks with her hands, smiling nefariously.

" You are darkness incarnate, boy. Alone you may not have the power to control it, but together... we could the the scourge of infinite worlds! All would bow before us! "
Kain looked in her eyes before his turned comoletly black small conentraided red balls of fire acted as his pupils. In a instant he reached out his hands grabbing her shoulders before claws stuck out into the flesh. His form began to change transparent horns formned on his head a tail on his back blade like wings sprouted as well. He brough he closer before he opened his mouth the canins extended along with the reat od the teeth being pointed. He bit into her shoulder the blood flowing in his mouth, but that was not the objective. The dark energy within it flowed from the blood into kain or velarian the true demonic form of kain. The emotions of loneliness, anger, fear, dread, sarrow filled him the emotions satisfying the hunger.
" A pity... " she said calmly as she created a repulsion field which was enough to knock back the demon and gave her enough time to teleport away, although not too far. The demon truly intrigued her and as such she wanted to inspect it closely. She snapped with her fingers and the maimed flesh regenerated in an instant, showing no sign of the previous assault.

" If you have not come to join me, then I shall teach you a lesson. " she said as she prepared a massive dark force and hurled it towards him. " Feast on this, darkspawn! "
Velarian did not move he stared into the eyes of the girl before the massive ball of dark energy hit him. For a few moments their appeared to be nothing there. Then from the bright crimson flames rows a from not human in nature.


He stood tall extending hus arms out unleashing a roar that vibrated the very fabric of space creating the illusion of distortions. His glowing red eyes locked on to the girls before he vanished in a puff of black smoke. He appered bext to her his clawed hand smaking her across the facewith tremendous force in the opposite direction.

DawnAntalios said:
" A pity... " she said calmly as she created a repulsion field which was enough to knock back the demon and gave her enough time to teleport away, although not too far. The demon truly intrigued her and as such she wanted to inspect it closely. She snapped with her fingers and the maimed flesh regenerated in an instant, showing no sign of the previous assault.
" If you have not come to join me, then I shall teach you a lesson. " she said as she prepared a massive dark force and hurled it towards him. " Feast on this, darkspawn! "
Velarian did not move he stared into the eyes of the girl before the massive ball of dark energy hit him. For a few moments their appeared to be nothing there. Then from the bright crimson flames rows a from not human in nature.
She grunted as the massive strike hit her and flew into a tree which collapsed upon her. For few moments nothing happened but then she slowly, steadily emerged from the rubble, wiping the blood from her lips, eyes burning in exhilaration.

" So the long knives have come out. " she said. " Fine then, let me show you my true form myself! "

She then roared and the energy of the void surrounded her body, transforming her shape into a faceless, bodyless horror, who radiated darkness and nothingness around itself. Few moments later she rose and readied herself for the struggle once again.

" I am Nyyr, Goddess of the Void and Harbinger of Darkness. If battle you want, demon then battle is what you get. Come now, don't hold back, let's make this fun. "

DawnAntalios said:
She grunted as the massive strike hit her and flew into a tree which collapsed upon her. For few moments nothing happened but then she slowly, steadily emerged from the rubble, wiping the blood from her lips, eyes burning in exhilaration.
" So the long knives have come out. " she said. " Fine then, let me show you my true form myself! "

She then roared and the energy of the void surrounded her body, transforming her shape into a faceless, bodyless horror, who radiated darkness and nothingness around itself. Few moments later she rose and readied herself for the struggle once again.

" I am Nyyr, Goddess of the Void and Harbinger of Darkness. If battle you want, demon then battle is what you get. Come now, don't hold back, let's make this fun. "

Velarian roared again a small orbe of pure dark energy formned infront of gus mouth. It spontaniously grew inti a mssive ball before a pulse waa emitted like a shock wave hitting everything within a few meters. Then came the beam. The dark energy shot out in beam soaring across the field in a second directly towerds the void goddess.
Nyyr raised her long slender arms ready for counter attack. While she was powerful on her own she did not underestimate her foe so she gathered her strength and formed a pure beam of darkness, which she sent to clash with the one of the demon. They met midway and now the two titanic monsters were locked in a stalemate.

" It is still not late to join me, demon. " Nyyr whispered in the heat of battle. " Just imagine the countless souls you can feast on, the limitless darkness you could devour! You would become infinitely stronger! "
DawnAntalios said:
Nyyr raised her long slender arms ready for counter attack. While she was powerful on her own she did not underestimate her foe so she gathered her strength and formed a pure beam of darkness, which she sent to clash with the one of the demon. They met midway and now the two titanic monsters were locked in a stalemate.
" It is still not late to join me, demon. " Nyyr whispered in the heat of battle. " Just imagine the countless souls you can feast on, the limitless darkness you could devour! You would become infinitely stronger! "
Velarian looked to the female thw beam still continuing to fire. Hus voice boomed, as if from several bull horns" and if i consume you the same would happen. Your essence calls to me i yurn for it!" He said spreading all four arms outwerds. Small orbs formned in his hands before firing concentrated beams of dark energy small in form, but still packed a punch. He spole again while the add four beams a total of five converged together" what more could you offer me besides the petry souls of these mortals?"it asked.
"Greek gods huh?" She started looking throw her books. "Greek gods greek gods......" She kept looking until she finally found something. "Found it!" She grabbed the book and brought it to him. "So why do you need that?"

@Son of Crota
Her eyes flared and after a second she froze time for a little bit, everything except she and the terror demon stood still in the infinite darkness where slowly little shining lights appeared all around them, slowly illuminating the void.

" You knew only hunger... endless, infinite, gnawing at you constantly. Souls of mortals? Essence of the weak? Nay, I offer you much more! I offer you souls of gods. "

She touched a little light as it flared in her dark hand before it was snuffed out forcefully.

" This wretched light held dominion over us for far too long. I have kept my end of the bargain and all I have gotten was pain and anguish. " she now looked at her opponent, fury in her empty eyes. " But no longer will I be a fool like I used to be. I will slaughter all those who stood against me. We can try and feud here for all eternity - or we can come to an agreement. "

She snapped with her fingers and a globe of darkness manifested in her palm. Within the veils of the damned and the tormented echoed louder and louder. She offered this to the terror demon, continuing her monologue.

" I can sate your hunger. I can help you in your quest... if you help me as well. This is my last offer, demon. "
animegirl20 said:
"Greek gods huh?" She started looking throw her books. "Greek gods greek gods......" She kept looking until she finally found something. "Found it!" She grabbed the book and brought it to him. "So why do you need that?"
@Son of Crota
He smiled when she found the book. "I just wanna check to see something.." He said as he looked through the book. "Execution blade of Hades, Trident of Poseidon...ah! Here we go, Fire of Ares." He said as he began reading. "Ares...we don't have the crystal...dang." He said in anger as he closed the book and sighed.

animegirl20 said:
"Whats wrong?" she sat on her bed.
@Son of Crota
He sighed. "It's Ares...I can't summon him in battle without his crystal. See, Ares is my guardian, I summon him in need and he fights for me. However, I can't control his power without the crystal...you don't even know the devastation I could cause if...nevermind. I have to get that crystal." He said to her as he looked in his bag for something.


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