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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

He smiled to her. "Amu...thank you." He said to her as he got up and looked in the spellbook before smiling more. "We need to go, but you'll need some protection. I just found a spell that will work for fire users...are you okay with me doing it?" He asked.

Trey blushed intensely. "Well, true, but this one is a seriously strong one, it surprisingly takes so little energy to do though." He told her. "Just...promise you won't freak out on me?" He asked.

Trey nodded and took a deep breath, a fiery aura surrounding him. His hair had a light flame on it and his eyes glowed red. He leaned forward and kissed Amu's forehead, a symbol of fire appearing in the kiss's place and covering her from head to toe in a shield. His eyes went back to normal and his hair went back to normal as well, his aura disappearing.

Sheryl floated in the eternal darkness, paralyzed. She watched in awe and horror how Nyyr and the terror demon battled with each other. They seemed to be equal in strength and that their battle can last for a very long time... but Nyyr was different than from normal. Usually brave and protective she was now full of anger and hatred... just as she was until recently.

" Why... " whispered Sheryl with a faint voice. " Why are you doing this... "

" You left me no choice. " came the cold answer. " You have abandoned me, sealed me in a prison like a criminal - for the crime of trying to protect you. "

She heard sorrow through her anger and she could understand that. She never thought about how could Nyyr have felt when she sealed all her powers away in panic. She must have been so lonely, so sad her heart broke from even thinking about it.

" I am sorry... I am so sorry... "

" Your fake apologies will not fool me any more, Sheryl. " thundered the anguished void goddess in her mind " Not only you have sealed me away but you have also given your heart to some other creature! Your deceit is unforgivable and I shall correct the mistakes you have made! First with this demon and next comes your precious love interest... I will make sure that she will suffer greatly. "

" No... " whispered Sheryl as she could do nothing but observe the continuing battle.

While still focusing on the demon's attacks Nyyr's attention shifted to the girl who just appeared. She went into a berserking rage upon noticing her and quickly forgot about convincing the demon to join her unholy cause. All the years of pain and hatred... and now the one who stole Sheryl from her stood before them.

" YOU! " bellowed she with unchained wrath. " You are the one who stole Sheryl from me! You are that wretched creature who seduced the one who should be rightfully mine! I will now put you in your place once and for all. "

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"...Now where did you come from?" She said as she dissipated into mist. She reformed behind her. "Let Sheryl go." She said, wrapping her arms around her and locking her in place.
" Oh the noble hero comes to the rescue? " chuckled Nyyr then slipped through Mist's fingers, appearing in front of her once more, her slender fingers forming a blast of shadow slowly in between them. " Come and strike me down then! Sheryl is within me. Destroy me and you shall destroy your precious mortal as well! "

Then she struck.


"I don't care who you are. I'm getting Sheryl out." She said. Armored figures rose up and blocked her strike. "Sheryl! If you can hear me, fight this! Don't let it take over!" She shouted as the Mistforms pushed back.
In the darkness Sheryl shed some tears as the mist soldiers rose and fall before Nyyr's fury.

" Nyyr, stop! I beg you, don't do this! "

" Silence, traitor! " the demon yelled at her as she tried to push back the seemingly endless waves of enemies. " Your lamentation won't save you. In the dark there is no hope, there is no light. There is only ME. "

She then turned her attention to Mist and waved with her long fingers. Tendrils of darkness erupted from the ground, enveloping Mist tightly.

" Your words will be of no use, mist-child. " slithered the void creature as she ordered the tendrils to squeeze her even harder. " But don't worry, I will make the pain to be excruciating soon enough. You will beg for mercy and i will deny you: your anguished cries will be testament to my unbridled power... "

Sheryl watched helplessly as Mist got grabbed by the darkness. She closed her eyes and started to pray.

" Mother earth, hear my call... your child - my love - is in danger! Please aid her! "

animegirl20 said:
Amu watched as a fiery aura surrounded him. She blushed when he kissed her forehead. She could feel the fire symbol appearing over her head. Trey went back to normal and Amu touched her forehead. "S-so that was the protection spell?"
Trey nodded. "It's called Fireheart, a protection spell for fire users that grows stronger with emotion. I had to put a pretty strong one on you so..I kissed your forehead." He said to her. "I could've made it stronger but...well, you know what would happen." He said simply to her.

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"...unbridled power..." Mist said. Fog started rolling in in waves. "You have 10 seconds to let her and me go or else." She said. "If I count down I will make you regret having laid your hands against Sheryl." She said. As she looked at her with glowing white eyes. She started counting down.
A maniac cackle left Nyyr's mouth as she tightened her grip even more.

" I fear nothing! Least of all YOU! " she then prepared herself to make her final blow. " I am tired of this charade! Now sink into oblivion, mist-child! "

"Zero." She said. "Perceive Blank!" She shouted as she started to dissipate into mist. The mist slowly spread out, causing sensory deprivation to anyone touching it and paralyzing her.
Nyyr's movement stiffened than stopped entirely. She tried to move her arms but they refused her command. Raging, she yelled into the dense mist.

" You hide well, worm! But it will avail you nothing. " she then got an idea and a sadistic grin appeared on her face. " I may not be able to harm you, mist-child, but I can still hurt her! "

The next moment Sheryl screamed in agony as Nyyrs dark tendrils wrapped around her, threatening to tearing her apart. Her agony was excruciating and while she was unable to move she still tried to beg her once former guardian.

" Stop... please stop... "

" How does this taste, traitor? " yelled Nyyr with a triumphant laughter. " I may be unable to hurt your beloved creature but I still have you to toy with! "

"No!" Mist shouted as she reformed, the mist receded quickly. "Don't hurt her!" She pleaded as all Mistforms faded away.
Nyyr grinned, satisfied as the tendrils receded from Sheryl and she reached out to impale Mist to finally end the battle.

" Now meet your doom, vermin! " she yelled as she transformed her fingers into spear like weapons to impale her and finally struck.

Or she would have, but she froze mid air, unable to move.

" What is this? " she exclaimed. " One of your tricks again? "

" No Nyyr, it is me. " Sheryl finally said " You can punish me for my sins. You can torment me if you want to. But DO NOT dare to lay a finger on Mist! "

She then tried to pierce the darkness with all her might to reach out for her beloved.

" Mist! Strike now! You must destroy her that is our only chance! Do not worry about me, I will be fine... " she then added only for her to hear "... hopefully. "
DawnAntalios said:
Nyyr's movement stiffened than stopped entirely. She tried to move her arms but they refused her command. Raging, she yelled into the dense mist.
" You hide well, worm! But it will avail you nothing. " she then got an idea and a sadistic grin appeared on her face. " I may not be able to harm you, mist-child, but I can still hurt her! "

The next moment Sheryl screamed in agony as Nyyrs dark tendrils wrapped around her, threatening to tearing her apart. Her agony was excruciating and while she was unable to move she still tried to beg her once former guardian.

" Stop... please stop... "

" How does this taste, traitor? " yelled Nyyr with a triumphant laughter. " I may be unable to hurt your beloved creature but I still have you to toy with! "

Velarian appeared behined Nyyr his long tail piercing her abdomen his tail cirled around her waist his claws on her arms. He brought his mouth to her ears" you forget you you face creature." He said before throwing her body with tremendous force hus tail not so gently being pulled out from her abdomen.
Nyyr roared in pain as both of her foes struck at her once. She felt the demon's power sucking her darkness in, draining her power rapidly. She would have been able to fight it back, but not while Mist and Sheryl were defying her as well.

" Cowards... " she roared as she felt her power draining away. " No... NO! I will not be denied again! I will not return to the void in failure! I will not be torn from this pitiful world! "

" It is over. " whispered Sheryl to her with regret in her voice. " You have gone too far. Please let it end peacefully now... "

" NEVER!" roared Nyyr in despair. " NEVER, YOU HEAR ME? "


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