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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

DawnAntalios said:
Nyyr roared in pain as both of her foes struck at her once. She felt the demon's power sucking her darkness in, draining her power rapidly. She would have been able to fight it back, but not while Mist and Sheryl were defying her as well.
" Cowards... " she roared as she felt her power draining away. " No... NO! I will not be denied again! I will not return to the void in failure! I will not be torn from this pitiful world! "

" It is over. " whispered Sheryl to her with regret in her voice. " You have gone too far. Please let it end peacefully now... "

" NEVER!" roared Nyyr in despair. " NEVER, YOU HEAR ME? "

Velarian appeared above the girl both hands holding her in place on the ground. He looked into her eyes his infernal eyes seeming to gaze inti the soul" your soul will be mine nyyr i will enjoy your company!" It said before opening his large mouth his jaw seperated into two pieaces. Nyyr's energy began to flow into hims along with fragments of the soul.
Nyyr felt her very own being drained away, being siphoned in the jaws of darkness.

" Not... like this... " she whispered with her last words. " The Lord of Time did not promise me this... It can not end like this after all that suffering... "

She writhed in agony. From hunter she had become the hunted. Once again she felt vanishing from this world but this time it felt permanent.

Into... nothing...

He smiled and motioned for him to follow her out of the door where he used his fire sword to stab the ground. A giant hole was made in it's place that lead straight down. "You know how people say go to hell? Well now you can tell them you did and made it back." He said, pointing to the hole.

He nodded. "Yep, that's why you have the flame shield. We're not gonna jump though." He said as his hair fired up brightly and his eyes glowed red. He summoned a Phoenix from fire and it sat near Amu. "This is my Phoenix, it's gonna fly us down." He told her.

"I'm starting to think this is a very bad idea but.....considering where are going you could use some one who has the power of light."
Trey shook his head. "Nah, we'll be fine. At least I'm not taking you to meet Hades, then it would be a bad idea." He said with a laugh. "Seriously, he scares the hell out of me." Trey says as he gets on the Phoenix and offers a hand to help Amu up.

animegirl20 said:
She holds on to him. And slightly blushes. "Ok lets do this"
Trey nods. "Alright, let's go!" He said, patting the Phoenix. The Phoenix started to fly and soon dives into the hole, Trey smirking as they go down.
animegirl20 said:
"Whoa! We sure are going fast!" She said as she held on to him tighter.
He nodded. "Yep! If we went any slower...I don't know what would happen, but it's not as exciting!" He said to her.
animegirl20 said:
Sha laughed nervously. "If you say sooooo! Whoa!!"
He laughs with her as they fly a little longer and land in the underworld, lava everywhere as Hades' castle lies far away in the center. He helps her off and gets off himself. "Welcome to hell." He says to her, smiling.
As Nyyr weakened and weakened Sheryl felt the flow of darkness fading from her mind, releasing her from that dark haze that kept her captive. With her dark guardian gone she sat up on the ground to look around and see what has happened. Before her towered a large monster who seemed to be satisfied with something - most likely with the power of her former demon - and was not all that eager to attack her.

Not too far from her she saw Mist as well. In only a couple of days she had to save Sheryl on numerous occasions - that was becoming increasingly embarrassing and she felt ashamed. That is how it is - the moment she unleashed her true potential chaos and destruction followed her wake. Perhaps the others were right all along: she was a monster, a plague to be contained. She wondered how peaceful the world would be without her infecting it.

She tried to stand up to thank her two saviors but fell back to the ground. It seemed that the demon had also consumed the portion of her power so she decided to sit idle for now, silently observing both of them.

DawnAntalios said:
As Nyyr weakened and weakened Sheryl felt the flow of darkness fading from her mind, releasing her from that dark haze that kept her captive. With her dark guardian gone she sat up on the ground to look around and see what has happened. Before her towered a large monster who seemed to be satisfied with something - most likely with the power of her former demon - and was not all that eager to attack her.
Not too far from her she saw Mist as well. In only a couple of days she had to save Sheryl on numerous occasions - that was becoming increasingly embarrassing and she felt ashamed. That is how it is - the moment she unleashed her true potential chaos and destruction followed her wake. Perhaps the others were right all along: she was a monster, a plague to be contained. She wondered how peaceful the world would be without her infecting it.

She tried to stand up to thank her two saviors but fell back to the ground. It seemed that the demon had also consumed the portion of her power so she decided to sit idle for now, silently observing both of them.

Valerian stood up from the girl curling up all four arms, as he roared victorious. The earth shook with the immense power he had consumned. A blast of dark energy shot out in a swirl around him up into the air creating a large storm cloude with a eye. In a matter of moments the energy dissipated valerian receding into kains mind, and hus form returned to normal.

Kain stepped off of the girl kneeling next to her" seems i was not the only one harbering a demon." He said touching her head with one finger. A pulse shot though her body slivers of pure light energy flowed from kains funger swirling around the girl. Its restorative energy healed her, ans restored some of her natural magical energy.
Sheryl smiled at him weakly.

" We all have our demons. " she said. " Just some have more than others... " she stood up finally now that her strength returned a bit. Now everything was clear to her, now the secret has been revealed and she was sadder than ever.

" I have seen Nyyr's memories. " she whispered silently. " You are not the first to consume her entirely. She had been destroyed a dozen of times, recreating herself over and over again. And before she vanished this time she vowed that she will return, for she is bound to me somehow. "

She fell back to the ground, her face white with fear.

" Even now I hear her whispers... even now she haunts me... why... why must this happen to me... why must I endanger everyone? "

Elle slipped the item into her bag, she was curious by it. Her eyes were drawn to a board, there were club flyers posted. She was curious by them all. Her eyes overlooked them, perhaps she could join one.
DawnAntalios said:
Sheryl smiled at him weakly.
" We all have our demons. " she said. " Just some have more than others... " she stood up finally now that her strength returned a bit. Now everything was clear to her, now the secret has been revealed and she was sadder than ever.

" I have seen Nyyr's memories. " she whispered silently. " You are not the first to consume her entirely. She had been destroyed a dozen of times, recreating herself over and over again. And before she vanished this time she vowed that she will return, for she is bound to me somehow. "

She fell back to the ground, her face white with fear.

" Even now I hear her whispers... even now she haunts me... why... why must this happen to me... why must I endanger everyone? "

Kain smiled placing a hand on her shoulder" have no fear rest asured it will take a long time before she can attempt to escape her prison i asure you." He said then looked in her eyes" your demon is know my demon be grateful for the time of peace you will have know. The whispers should fade in time do not allow her to control your emotions." He said kneeling next to her.
Sheryl smiled at her as she realized how stupid must she look like now.

" Thank you. You are right: I must now falter or waver, I have been weak and helpless for far too long and it is time to finally take matters into my own hand. If anyone is able to defeat the darkness then it is myself. I have to get stronger and have more control over my abilities though which I know not how to do at the moment. "

She then stood up and looked at the devastation.

" Well it seems we made kind of a mess. Do you have any plans for today then? Like something which would not destroy the academy again? "

(@Metaphysics and pretty much anyone who is here :P )

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