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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)

Trey was muttering fast, his eyes still glowing red. His hair glowed brighter and brighter. "Stop it..stop yelling at me! I didn't want to kill you, b-but you made me!! Why did you make me kill you?!?!?!" He yelled out. "Deus ignem vocat Ares Deus ignem vocat Ares Deus ignem vocat Ares Deus ignem vocat Ares Deus ignem vocat Ares Deus ignem vocat Ares Deus ignem vocat Ares.." He repeated over and over again. Suddenly, a giant ball of flames stood in front of Trey, turned to the women, manifesting itself in a fiery suit of armor.
Sheryl grabbed Mist's hand and looked deeply in her eyes, worried.

" Mist please, stand back, let me handle this. It was my fault that you have got injured while you defended me. " she now turned to the fiery monster. " Now let me defend you, my dear. "

Once again she tapped into her power. She now knew that it would be harmless since the darkness was defeated. Harnessing more power than before she readied her sword and from the Void she made a shield around herself. " Come then monster! Leave Trey alone! I will be your opponent! "
The so called monster looked to Sheryl. "I do not wish to fight you, girl." It spoke. "I am Ares, the fire god that dwells withing Trey. I have given him my power willingly and am his guardian. He has summoned me...what has happen to him and which one of you hath done this?" He said sternly to them.


animegirl20 said:
(I missed everything..........again)
(basically, Sheryl and Mist fell in love and Trey had a flashback of when he murdered someone due to hearing that word. He got afraid, trembled in a corner, and summoned his fire god guardian. You might want to join in to help him, otherwise a lot are gonna be hurt :P )
Sheryl lowered her weapon as she looked at the fire god. She then bowed her head in respect as she talked to him.

" My greetings, your benevolence, it is an honor to meet you. " she said while still not lowering her guard. She have only heard legends of the God of War: powerful and protective as he was he was still a volatile and impulsive person and was completely unpredictable. She only hoped that her words would sway the mighty defender not to harm them. " It is unknown to us what ails Trey, although it is not impossible that I am partly responsible for that. My energies were unleashed just recently and have ravaged the room. " she pointed at the smoldering craters. " If that is what summoned you then it is my apologies, I meant no harm. "

As she said it she glanced back at her love, and her heart shivered. She still could not believe that she had done this to Mist...
Streams of dark energy the collective essence of fear flowed from trey into kain. His powers slightly growing. A legion like voice spoke from kain his voided eyes looking towerds the girl sheryl" you will dare attack me, then proceed to ignore me." It said in a voice devoid of any human emotion. The room began to grow colder dark tendrils flowed out from kain. Darkness flowed into his hand forming small condensed dark matter balls. Black lightning dormned around it.
DawnAntalios said:
Sheryl lowered her weapon as she looked at the fire god. She then bowed her head in respect as she talked to him.
" My greetings, your benevolence, it is an honor to meet you. " she said while still not lowering her guard. She have only heard legends of the God of War: powerful and protective as he was he was still a volatile and impulsive person and was completely unpredictable. She only hoped that her words would sway the mighty defender not to harm them. " It is unknown to us what ails Trey, although it is not impossible that I am partly responsible for that. My energies were unleashed just recently and have ravaged the room. " she pointed at the smoldering craters. " If that is what summoned you then it is my apologies, I meant no harm. "

As she said it she glanced back at her love, and her heart shivered. She still could not believe that she had done this to Mist...
The god of fire looked to her with a nod and looked back to Trey. "From his current state, I believe I know what ails him. This young man has had a very hard life, some memories that are triggered send him into certain states." He explained to the girl. "Thank you for being so kind as to greet yourself, but your power did not summon me. If Trey has not told you his memories yet, or specifically what memory sent him into this, then I can be of no assistance in helping him back to normal. I can tell you this. Trey is scared, no one's voice can reach him right now. As soon as I give him power back, he will try to flee in fear. You must not allow him, as he could very well be a danger. Be warned, he will try to fight back if you choose to stop him." He warned her.
Amu had just come into the training room and her mouth dropped when she saw all the chaos. "What in the world? What are you guys doing?!" She quickly transformed then ran over to them. She heard the fire god speak to Sheryl. ".....You have got to be kidding me......"
animegirl20 said:
Amu had just come into the training room and her mouth dropped when she saw all the chaos. "What in the world? What are you guys doing?!" She quickly transformed then ran over to them. She heard the fire god speak to Sheryl. ".....You have got to be kidding me......"
The fire god looked over to Amu and walked over to her, leaning down to her in order to speak clearer. "You are Amu, yes?" He asked the girl. "Even though Trey has just met you, you seem to be in his mind more than a few other thoughts." He spoke to her.
Amu took a step back as he leaned down to her. "Y-yeah...................I-I am?" There was slight blush on her face.
Sheryl looked troubled when she listened to the god's words. As much as she wanted to help Trey she did not know how would it be possible to aid him without causing him severe injuries. It was obviously not the goal to subdue him and weaken him but to rather calm him down. Then suddenly an idea popped in her head as she turned to Amu.

" Amu, you have trained with Trey together right? " she asked. " Do you happen to know any move which worked well against him, a manouver we can make him stop and listen to us? "
The god nodded. "Yes, a bit surprising considering he usually focuses on his powers or himself." He explains to her. "I believe you can help him out of this as well."

The god thought for a moment. "He is a bit afraid, and I'm not sure how to reach him..maybe try talking to him. It might work, but it's highly unlikely." He walks over to Trey and looks at the boy who's eyes were still red and who's hair was still flaming. He still trembled in fear and muttered to himself. Anyone in the room could hear him saying. "I didn't mean it, I swear..stop yelling at me..."
" Would it help I transport all of us into a secluded dimension? Now that my restraints are gone I am capable of doing it. " offered Sheryl as she looked at Trey with worried eyes. " There Amu might be able to convince him to calm down. "
The god looked to Sheryl and nodded. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan. And if he tries to escape, he can't do to the dimension. Would you be so kind as to take us there now?" He asked her.

(@DawnAntalios @animegirl20 tagging y'all just in case :P )
" As you wish " said Sheryl and put her hands close to each other as a swirling ball of null energy formed between them. Her eyes now popped wide open, as empty as the dark void as she levitated few inches above the ground. It surprised her how easy it was to unleash a spell of such magnitude now as she released the collected power the room vanished. The next moment she, Mist, Amu, Trey and the god were now in a new dimension between time and space: their feet still found ground on the celestial plane and were standing as they normally would, with the exception that they were seemingly in space.

As Sheryl finished she floated back to the ground.

" It is done. " she said with a calm voice. " This reality has no tears, no portals within. Only I can bring us back to our dimension now but that should provide a good protection as well. He will not be able to escape now and this realm - my realm - should dampen his powers a bit, thus he would be less dangerous... although how much I can not tell. "
Xetherian the ancient demon within kain turned, as the mortals along with a old god fled into a divided dimention. His eyes flared with black flames a long sword made entirely of primordial darkness formned in his hands. Kains body began to shift his mouth partially became translucent rows of sharp teeth could be seen inside. He spoke louder the legion like voice becomeing a more dominant single voice" how dare they flee from me" he said bringing his blade up dark energy mixed with twilight swirled around it" you can not hide from me!" He shouted bring his sword down a wave of dark/twilight energy flowed in a arc slamming into a temporal rift that indicated the separate dimensions pathway withing the multiverse. From the other side nothing was heard, but a subtle knocking sound. To those who knew its meaning was that the dimensional barrier consealing it was being forcfully riped open slowly.

Feeling the dimension being assaulted by a dark force Sheryl doubled her efforts to keep the demon at bay. She was almost certain that it was that malevolent demon who she confronted while being controlled by the lord of the void. But now with the lord subdued she could concentrate her powers to raise and even stronger shield around them. She knew however that they were on borrowed time: it was unsure how long would she be able to hold back the archdemon from entering. But that was something the others needed not to know about for now.

She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the fiend trying to enter their reality. Once she found it she vanished from the others and brought her and the demon in a separate dimension. Once there she drew her sword and opposed her mighty foe.

" It is me who you seek, demon. You leave the others be! What do you want from me? "

@Lord Anubis
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DawnAntalios said:
As Sheryl finished she floated back to the ground.
" It is done. " she said with a calm voice. " This reality has no tears, no portals within. Only I can bring us back to our dimension now but that should provide a good protection as well. He will not be able to escape now and this realm - my realm - should dampen his powers a bit, thus he would be less dangerous... although how much I can not tell. "
The god nods and watches Trey.

animegirl20 said:
Amu looked over at Trey after they got transported and she slowly walked over to him. "Trey?"
Trey trembles, slowly looking up to her.
Trey looks to her, his eyes flashing to normal only for a moment before going back to red. "A-A..Am-mu?" He says weakly and in an afraid tone.

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