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Realistic or Modern Magic Space Dragon Teens: OOC

I know what you're trying to say but if the other two do get accepted, then the element is taken.
And it would be a waste of effort for the third person who made a profile with that element, so I think that's something that needed to be said anyway...

I was just encouraging people to try something else. It would be cruel to give them a option that could not really exist, you know? ^^'

Makes sense yea

In the mean time I shall binge friendship is dragons.
Front page updated! Thank you Nessy! And sorry to everyone else for the delay, I got sidetracked trying to get as much work-work done as possible before the holidays. Now I'm on vacation, so I can focus on RP-work!
Front page updated! Thank you Nessy! And sorry to everyone else for the delay, I got sidetracked trying to get as much work-work done as possible before the holidays. Now I'm on vacation, so I can focus on RP-work!
Woot! Not right now though. It's like 8:16. Unless your in another country.
Oi, welian welian , remember me? 'Course you do!

I heard through the grapevine, named Noble Scion, that this roleplay may still have a spot left. Is it true?
Last edited:
Oi, welian welian , remember me? 'Course you do!

I heard through the grapevine, named Nobel Scion, that this roleplay may still have a spot left. Is it true?
We have nine spots left, not including characters that are not magical teens. (Doing so would increase the number of roles left to infinty.) Their is a table on the first post and a quiz you can take to reserve your spot.
We have nine spots left, not including characters that are not magical teens. (Doing so would increase the number of roles left to infinty.) Their is a table on the first post and a quiz you can take to reserve your spot.
Thank you for the information. I'll be sure to fill out the quiz posthaste!
Thank you for the information. I'll be sure to fill out the quiz posthaste!
You are welcome. By the way you can only take one scale but as many of the other options as you wish (your choices being; demon, minor dragon or regular human).
Frank Frank Long shot, but would it be possible to be a demon with a scale?

Really hope someone didn't already ask this question.
Frank Frank Long shot, but would it be possible to be a demon with a scale?

Really hope someone didn't already ask this question.
I'll awnser that with a quote from the Grim Mistress
And if you think I'm hinting at bad hombres stealing dragon scales to use their power for personal gain, you're wrong.

I'm not hinting, I'm hanging up a neon flashing sign that says "MAJOR FUCKING PLOT POINT".

So I don't think you could at the start of the roleplay but later on it's a possiblity.

Make sure to ask Natealie Natealie for the discord link.
Well I figure now's a good time to start this thing. Here, have most definitely not a Tomoko clone.
Do want! Approved.

Solid character, good job! Approved!

What do you guys think?
Such a normal guy! I like him. Approved, but make sure you tidy up some of the capitalization when you post him in the profile thread.

Guns. Fire. Robot girl. You may have reached perfection. Approved. (but do add a little extra detail to her ultimate if you happen to think of anything else)

Approved! Don't worry about the bbcode, either me or Nessy will take care of that for you.

Christy totally bullies Mr. West. Calling it now. Approved, and also don't worry about the bbcode.

Instant approval, just add Voltron! Jk, jk.... the Voltron part, I mean. Approved!

And another one.
Tetris and Homestuck, you fukkin weeb shit. Approved.

Who else am I missing?

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