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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Benjamin cooks the eggs for her and puts her egg sandwich together.

"Here, yours is finished."

He places the sandwich on a plate and pushes it to her.
Nick burst into laughter. "Did you just call me weird?" Out of all the kids here, he was the one being called weird? You don't fit in here, like I said before. What a twisted irony that was. It wasn't too unreasonable to get excited over this when there were people conversationally discussing murder, slinging food at the walls (or at least he hoped that was pudding that first night), and repeatedly banging their heads against the nearest object, was it? Then Isadore went on to outright say that he should be concerned. His laughter died down, leaving him shaking his head and smiling a little. "No, no, I tried to do something like this as a kid with my little sister, but-"

He cut himself off abruptly, the smile quickly dropping from his face. Did he just say that out loud? His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. Too trusting, too trusting. Much too open. This isn't Claude or Orion, stop running your mouth. Nick licked his lips, attempting to recover quickly from his slip up. "A-a-anyway, yeah, I figured. Just thought I should ask." It was unrealistic of him to expect Isadore to teach him whatever language that wasn't even totally a language that would allow him to decipher... whatever it was that he had made it up for in the first place.

After taking the notebook back, Nick stretched over to put it back in the bag, knowing his efforts were futile. Just as he was slipping it back into the Ziploc, Isadore made another comment, which initially puzzled him. However, after he looked over, and seeing the way the boy was looking at him, he gave a quiet, "Oh." He gave a wry smile. "Don't be jealous you can't look this good. It breaks my heart." Nick chortled, zipping the bag then, pushing the air back out of it. "Habits," he excused himself on a somewhat more serious note. He's gonna' have to get used to it, 'cause I'm not about to be able to sleep otherwise.

Nick slipped out of the bed once more, taking a moment to place the notebook back in it's rightful place, then squatted before his suitcase to pick out an outfit. Doesn't have to be impressive or anything, especially since none of these classes are going to be right. A pause. I'll unpack eventually. In an effort to make sure the conversation remained ongoing, he inquired, "Okay, who the hell is in the room next to us?" That was probably one of the many things he should be paying more attention to than he was.
Jodie sprung out of bed. She wanted to get to school today, without missing the bus. She heard a collective chatter emitting from the other rooms and downstairs. She recognized Ava and Ben's voices, but the rest were just murmurs. She walked over her wardrobe and swung the door open, pulling on her new outfit and her spiked boots. Usually, she would tie her hair in a pony tail, but today, she just brushed it and back combed it to give it some height. She walked downstairs, her backpack thrown over her left shoulder and walked into the kitchen. She smiled at Ava and Ben who were obviously getting on well now and got a piece of bred from the packet.

After cutting off the mould on the side, she pushed it into the toaster and pushed it down, turning around and leaning on the counter as she did.
Aaron woke up with good mood. It was Wednesday so there weren't that many classes. Also the classes today were nice and not boring. He grabbed a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt with the poster of 'Back to the future' on it and quickly dressed himself. Simple, but nice. Than he walked downstairs to eat some breakfast. When he arrived in the kitchen he saw that there were already people eating breakfast. ''Good morning everyone'' he said while not looking at anyone. He grabbed the cereal from one of the cupboard and walked to the fridge to get the milk. Aaron didn't notice that Raja wasn't there to make breakfast but cereal was fine. He grabbed the bowl and spoon, poured the milk and cereal in the bowl and stirred it with his spoon. Than he placed the cereal and milk back where they belonged and started to eat his breakfast.
Ava thanked Ben and was about to kiss him on the cheek when Jodie walked into the kitchen and then Aaron. She bit her lip and blushed before taking the plate.

"Good morning..." She said to Jodie before taking her plate into the dining room. Sitting down after placing the plate on the table, she started to eat, her elbows sitting on the table. Ava almost let out a pleased sound as she took the first bite. He's right. He can make anything taste great... She thought, clearly envious. What couldn't he do?
"Oh, don't stop on my account." She smiled, "I don't want to hold you back from kissing anyone. I know what that feels like." She jumped as her toast popped up. She pulled the two pieces out and realised there was no butter left, so he began eating the toast dry. 
"Shall we go to the bus stop, or should just leave you two to it?" She smiled and folded her arms, eating the last bite of her toast.
Ava put her napkin to her mouth before speaking. "Umm... I'm not going to school today..." She added quickly, "But have a great day, Jodie!" before going back to eating, savoring each bite.
"Have a great day?" Jodie laughed, thinking Ava was kidding. "Oh, sure." Jodie was going to kick off, but she honestly couldn't be bothered. She faked a smile and walked out of the door and to the bus stop.

How could Ava leave her? She knew full well that Ashley would be looking for her.

When Jodie hopped off the bus, the inevitable happened. Ashley stood at the gates with her crew, waiting.

"Hi Ginge-I mean Jodie." Ashley walked over to Jodie. "I'm sorry for any misunderstanding we had, I hope you can forgive me. And I want you to know, the attack on Ava was carried out by people who aren't even involved with me. I am truly sorry. I mean, remember when we used to be friends? We had some great times!" Jodie stood speechless, taking in what Ashley was saying. "I was thinking, maybe to apologise, you could come to the Hut with us tonight?" Ashley smiled. Jodie was completely bewildered. Jodie had punched Ashley first, both times. I mean, sure, she may have been rude to Ava, but she didn't directly hurt her. Besides, the Hut was where everyone went. Anyone who was anyone was found at the Hut every night after school.

"Sure, why not. Apology accepted." Jodie looked at the stitches on Ashleys eyebrow. "And I'm sorry about that too." She nodded towards the wound.

"It's cool, meet us at the Hut at 5?" She giggled and jogged away from Jodie.

Jodie smiled secretly to herself and wandered off to first period.
Jealous? Isadore rolled his eyes as he opened the bedroom door. "Oh, please. All that doesn't matter if it's just for show." As he slipped his watch around his wrist, Isadore checked the time. "Hey, we missed the bus. I'm going out to call a cab." He paused when Nick asked his question. "...Ben has the room next to ours. His ball makes a ton of noise, but you'll get used to it." That sounded wrong somehow.

Shrugging his knapsack on, Isadore stepped out into the hall and glanced back at Nick, who was still rooting around in his suitcase. "It's school, okay? Your outfit doesn't have to be perfect. We're seriously late, so come on!" Why's everybody so slooooooooooow in the morning?
Ava dropped the rest of her sandwich in her plate, a sigh leaving her lips as she pressed her palms into her hands after Jodie left. She could feel the abandonment Jodie probably felt, but she couldn't always be by her side all of the time, right? She got up after removing her hands from her eyes, picking up her plate and headed to the kitchen. She cleaned off her plate and washed her plate in the sink.

"Don't forget to clean up your mess..." She said to Ben, lightly teasing him before heading off to the living room. Once there, she laid on the couch, stretching her body across it and relaxing a bit.
Realizing that he's gonna be late Aaron gulped his cereal down and quickly putted it away in the sink. He called Natasha to ask her to pick him up and she said that she would be there as soon as possible. So he ran upstairs to brush his teeth and grab his backpack. It took him 5 minutes. Which was really fast considering the fact that he always brushes his teeth for 5 minutes. But Aaron didn't want to be late so a minute less of giving your teeth a shower seemed fine for one day. He ran downstairs and waited in front of the house for Natasha.
Benjamin laughed at her joke and finished putting his egg sandwich together.

"I thought I'd leave it here for you to clean." He said.

He scarfed down his sandwich, not realizing how hungry he was. After he was finished, he cleaned up and joined Ava in the living room. Once there, he sat in front of her and acted like she wasn't there.

"Where's Ava at?" He asked himself.
Ava looked at Ben, shaking her head and chuckling. "Umm... right here?" She rose an eyebrow and the corner of her lips curved upwards in amusement.
Benjamin jumped and looked over both shoulders and around the room.

"Where the hell did that come from?!" He said. "Oh well, I guess I'll take a small nap."

He raised his arms above his head and stretched before laying down on the couch, and pushing Ava up against the back of the seat.
After spending period one alone and bored, Jodie decided to fake being ill. Of course they let her go home, they knew all orphans weren't going to learn anything anyway.

When she got home, she looked in her wardrobe to find and outfit for the hut. She found an indigo dress that came just above her knee and hugged in her slender figure. She pulled on her only pair of heels; they were plain black suede and about six inched high. Jodie had practised in them far too many times.
"H-hey! I'm right here!" She let out a small squeal as he pushed her up against the back seat.

"I am not a pillow, Benjamin!" She said as she started to hit him on the back, gently though.
Benjamin groaned and rolled over, throwing an arm over her.

"Great thing somebody left this warm body pillow....it's a bit feisty though."
Ava tried to push against his body, but he wouldn't budge. "Geez, your heavy..."

She let out a sigh. "Seriously, Ben, there's the whole couch you can have to yourself."
Crisis averted. Still, could at least laugh a little. I'm pretty hilarious. He tossed his head around a little, feigning panic. "Wait, you can't go now. I think you left your sense of humor behind somewhere." Nick went back to digging through his clothes, snorting lightly at the innuendo, but silently made a mental note to hate this Ben character. Strike one for all the drama yesterday. Strike two for disturbing his sleep. How annoying. No, I won't get used to it.

Nick had just gathered everything when Isadore reminded him again about how they were late. "Shut up," he said automatically, throwing on a t-shirt of a pig with wings and, rolling onto his back, kicked his legs into his jeans. He chose mid-calf socks as a precaution for hiding his ankle, then slipped his shoe on, as the material was worn and stretched enough for him to not have to bother tying it. Patting his head, his hair checked off as okay, as it was still standing from his shower last night.

Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, the like of which had maybe two spirals in it and some pens, he passed Isadore to head to the bathroom, doing a decent job of walking in his normal, quick fashion and resisting the urge to limp. Nick's mouth foamed up, brushing his teeth more furiously than he ever had before. "Do you think there's any way to get a job around here?" he attempted to ask around a mouth full of toothbrush. There was a large number of things he could list off that he wanted to save up for. In particular, a bike would be nice for situations like this. He spit into the sink finally, twisting the water on to rinse everything before finally deeming himself ready. What sort of bus came so stupid early in the morning, anyway?
Isadore sighed at Nick's apparent ignorance of his warning. The bus is already gone. I told you that already. Leaning against the bathroom door, he raised an eyebrow at the other boy's furious brushing. "Hey, easy on the friction there. You don't want to brush your teeth away too." As Nick stopped his brushing and asked about work, Isadore furrowed his brow and thought for a moment. "Well, yes...there are jobs..." really sh*tty jobs "some of which have very good pay" only the illegal ones.

Isadore cleared his throat and waited for Nick to spit out his toothpaste before asking, "Are you interested in any jobs in particular?" so long as it's not mine, I think I can find something for you.
Jodie sneaked downstairs in her dress. She looked at the time. It was hours away. She knew she had gotten ready far too early, and she didn't care. She sat on the sofa in the living room and turned on the tv. Uncle Grandpa was on, and oh boy was she disturbed. She like cartoons, but this was taking it to the next level. She decided to turn off the tv and read The Mortal Instruments, City of Heavenly Fire. It weighed a ton as it was 752 pages long. She was already half way through and the book was almost folding in on itself. She cracked the spine and curled up, trying not to rip her dress.
Nick shrugged. "Wherever I can get a job, really. I mean, something that works around school would be nice." He passed the other boy to start heading down the stairs. "I worked at a feed store for a little while, which was alright, I guess." It was mostly having to load hay into vehicles. Not a lot of people to interact with, which was somewhat of a perk, and there was a fluctuation of animals that would suddenly show up for a day. The only problem he really had was being polite to the owner of the store, who was honestly the ugliest woman he had ever met in his life.
Something around the school? Isadore followed Nick downstairs, thinking of all the places that the boy could work at. "Hm...there's a mall a half-mile or so away from the school, I'd bet there are plenty of stores you could pick from there." Legal, keep it legal. What else... "There's also a burger joint that's closer to the school, maybe few blocks away, across the street. But I'd imagine the salary is rather low."

He reached the bottom of the stairs and passed the living room, raising an eyebrow at Jodie's risque outfit. Why do I have the feeling Redlock's is going to do something stupid tonight? "Back from school already? Must be nice, skipping out on your education." Not planning ahead, as usual. Isadore walked over to the front door, opening it with a flourish. "After you, sire." He mock-bowed to Nick.
"Actually, I felt ill." She shook her head at him. "And how come you aren't at school? Don't be a hypocrite." She smiled sarcastically at him and went back to her book.

Only 2 more hours.

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