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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Nick peered at him. He does realize that I just saw where he put it, right? Somehow, he knew that Isadore would say that, or at least wouldn't answer him directly. Nick snickered lightly, especially when the other boy pointed to himself. "Doubt it." The socks still in his fist, he leaned back against the wall, his arms positioned to hold help hold him up somewhat. Nick's smile turned nasty. "That's fine. I'll just sit here and wait until you fall asleep before doing anything." He wouldn't, opting to respect Isadore's privacy, but he didn't have to know that. The fact that he probably had some sort of diary was funny enough for him, anyway.
"You're in the hospital. But don't sorry.. You are going to be okay. And we were in a car crash..." She sobbed into her hands. "It's all my fault..." She muttered. "Don't panic Mike.." She would say softly.
Mick would still be a bit panicked, but he does relax in knowing Raja was right there next to him. "Why can't I move?" He asks weakly.
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"Your arm and legs are broken.... But they'll get better. I'm sure of it." She scooted a little closer and kissed his forehead, tears still dripping off her chin.
Isadore mustered as obnoxious of a pouting expression as possible. "I'm totally awesome. In fact, you should be worshiping my rays of sheer godliness." He folded his hands neatly in his lap and sniffed his nose daintily in feigned distaste. "Hoy thar, ye lily-livered bastard. Arrrrrr, ye be walkin' de plank if yer be keepin' that disrespectin' att'tude." Uh...no. That doesn't sound right. Isadore furrowed his brow. "What does a Victorian accent sound like? I think I got it wrong..." Shaking his head, he finally looked over at Nick and gestured towards the window. "I don't mind if you peek into my notebook. You wouldn't be able to read it, anyways."
She would shush him, wiping away his tears. "Just a busted ankle and a small stitch on my head." She said quietly..
Aaron was in the living room playing on his N64 when he suddenly heard the house phone ring. He turned off his N64 and walked to the phone and picked it up. ''Good evening Aaron speaking'' ''Good evening angel mouse'' he heard Natasha say.

''Something wrong?'' he asked with a concerned tone.

''No, why would there be something wrong?''

''Well it's kind of late so-''

''There's nothing wrong, angel mouse no need to worry. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be working at your school any more''

''Are you finally gonna open your mothers gym again?''

''Yeah, so the next couple weeks I won't be able to see you that much. Only on Saturdays so I thought maybe make a day out of it''


''You know the Sunday just hanging out and not thinking about school our work. Maybe see a film, go the the game store or something''

''Oh yeah why not sounds like fun'' he said with a smile. They normally hang out to but that was always directly after school. Now he didn't have to spend his Saturdays at him.. Like a loner.

''Okay well see you later and sweet dream''

''Sweet dreams'' Aaron hung up the phone, grabbed his N64 and walked to stairs. Taking more time than necessary to walk the stairs Aaron got finaly on the first floor. He brushed his teeth and strolled to his room. It wasn't that late but he didn't feel like doing anything. So he quickly changed his clothes and almost jumped into his bed. He placed his N64 on his nigh stand and before he knew it he was asleep.
Jodie walked home from her outing. After she parted way with Ava, she decided to buy herself a new outfit. It was a pair of ripped black jeans and Marvel top. She particularly liked the Wonder Woman on it.

"Honey, I'm home." She shouted as she stepped in, knowing no one would care. She jogged up to her room and sprawled out onto her bed and threw her new clothes in the wardrobe. She planned to wear it for school tomorrow.

Oh, school.

That will be fun.

Maybe I'll finish Ashley off this time.
Trignome said:
Isadore fell asleep.
( magnificent post. *claps* ) 
Raja fell asleep in her chair as well, going into deep slumber as one of the nurses carried her back to her bed. "Mmhrmmm..." He would say sleepily.
Ava woke up early the next morning, face down in her pillow. She picked her head up a little, stretching her arms and legs out with a sigh, wincing a little at the soreness of her tattoo. Soreness was surely to come the next day, she hoped that she would completely bypass that since the process of tattooing didn't hurt much. She rolled onto her back and sat up, looking out the window before she got out of bed. It was still dark out, the sun not yet risen.

Ava then got ready, though she didn't plan on going to school, not sure whether or not the transfer to her new school was complete. She took a shower, brushed her teeth, took care of her tattoo, and then got dressed. She wore a pair of black sweats and a grey tank top. Her hair was wet from showering and she tied it up in a messy bun. This was probably the first time she ever dressed so comfortably in Sunny Brook. Usually she'd wear a sweater and some jeans, her hair never up. Her long hair acted like a safety blanket, hence why she always wore it down.

She exited the bathroom and went to put her things back in her room before she quietly went downstairs, her sock covered feet softly padding down the stairs. The kitchen is where she headed, feeling absolutely starving for she didn't really eat anything the day before. There really wasn't much to eat, it seemed like no one went shopping, which caused her to raise an eyebrow. Didn't someone volunteer to help take care of us...? She thought and then shook her head. She grabbed a banana from the bowl of fruit on the counter and went to the living room.

Ava grabbed the remote from the coffee table before she sat on the couch on the far right, curling up in the corner with a throw pillow. She flicked through the channels, settling on a random channel. Putting down the remote, she started to peel her banana as she thought about what she was going to do for the day.
All of a sudden a loud ringtone had gone off, which started Benjamin from his sleep causing him to fall out of his bed and onto the floor, causing a loud bang. Ben cried out in pain from landing on his ribs and reached up to answer his phone.

"Yeah, hello?" He groaned.

It was the lawyer on the opposite lines letting them know that their paperwork had been started and he wanted to come speak to Ava and him. He told them he would be coming in a few hours to speak with them at the orphanage.

"Uh huh......yeah.....okay, see you then." He said.

Ben hung the phone up and set it back on the table and sighed. He was wrapped up in his comforter and didn't feel like getting up, and wanted to go back to sleep.
Ava was nibbling on her banana when the news came back on the screen after the commercials. Images of a car wreck showed on the television and all the newscaster said that their was three people injured from the crash: the drunk driver, who wasn't seriously injured; a woman and a young boy, both sent to the hospital in not critical condition. Ava changed the channel to some random cartoon with a sigh, thinking that there are a lot of idiots out there in the world.
xSparrow said:
Ava was nibbling on her banana when the news came back on the screen after the commercials. Images of a car wreck showed on the television and all the newscaster said that their was three people injured from the crash: the drunk driver, who wasn't seriously injured; a woman and a young boy, both sent to the hospital in not critical condition. Ava changed the channel to some random cartoon with a sigh, thinking that there are a lot of idiots out there in the world.
( seriously. xD )
"Ava!" Ben called. "Aaaavvvvaaaaaa!"

He really didn't feel like getting up, probably out of laziness. But he was determined to enjoy his days before they had to go to the new school.
Ava almost choked on a piece of banana as she heard Ben call her name. What did he want so early? She thought he was still asleep. Finishing her banana, she got up and went back to the kitchen to throw out the peel. She then left the kitchen, going to the stairs and up them. She walked to Ben's door, knocking softly before opening it a bit, sticking her head in.

"You shouldn't be yelling. The others are still asleep..."
Benjamin was laying on the ground beside his bed, wrapped up like a cocoon in his bed cover, he raised his head out from under his covers and looked up at her.

"The Lawyer called me, he wanted to let me know that they started our paperwork. He's also coming to the orphanage to get your side of the story."!

(@Sandra there's an OOC thread for your OOC stuff, bruh)
Ava tried to stifle a laugh as she noticed he was on the floor, wrapped up in a blanket. She was about to ask him what he was doing on the floor, but he mentioned the lawyer and stuff.

"Do I have to...?" She sounded a bit whiny, but she didn't really like speaking to people she didn't know. It was very uncomfortable for her and for her to be doing the talking, even if it was a few sentences, started to wrack her nerves a little.
"Yeah, you're my only witness. They can't put those guys behind bars without your testimony, I'm gonna be there too. It'll be fine, he said he was bringing lunch. He just need to know what you saw, we're not testifying in court." He said.

He uncovered himself and stood up, adjusting his sleeping short. He stretched and scratched his stomach.
( dude I know, I'm not gonna spam it. alright? I was just saying. )

Raja would wake up and the nurse after a few minutes would check in with her offering breakfast. "Move aside." She would say and get out of her bed, and limo to Micks room. The nurse helped her go to his room and sit down quietly. "All I want is orange juice. And bring the kid everything you got." She would say quietly. "May I use the phone?" The nurse would node and giver her the phone. Then she called sunny brooks.

It ringed.. And the home phone ringed more..

"Pick up!!" She would whisper-yell.

@xSparrow @Wiggle
Ava nodded, but found herself wringing her hands a little. "So what are you-?" She was cut off by the telephone ringing from downstairs. "Are you going to get that?" She didn't really like answering the phone for the phone here in Sunny Brook didn't have caller ID. She felt uncomfortable answering a phone when she didn't know who was on the other side.

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