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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

"Who, me? I guess I could, probably the city or the state wanting to know how things are going." He said.

He pushed past her and ran down downstairs and picked up the phone.

"Yeah, Sunny Brooks. Who's calling?" He said in a dull tone.

(You need to relax, alright? @Sandra)
Ava bit her lip as he pushed past her and then sighed, going after him. She leaned against the wall, examining her fingernails, kind of curious to who was on the line.
Raja would smile at his voice.

"Hello Benjamin, it's me Raja, are you guys alright? I'm sorry I am not home.. I'm at the hospital." She said silently, looked sadly at Mick.

( Woah, i wasn't yelling at you are anything, so calm down buddy. )
"Uh....yeah, sure...why are you at the hospital?" He asked.

He played with the cord and waited for her to respond. Why was she calling from the hospital at this hour? She'd probably been gone for the entire night and they hadn't noticed.

(I am calm, I just mentioned the OOC thread and you got pissy with me @Sandra)
"Um.. We got in a car crash..." She would say softly and look at Mike. "Mick is critically injured..." She would look around as the nurse brought back food and orange juice.

( seriously dude, now you are pissing me off. All I was saying okay, all I was doing is putting that out there. So calm down. I was going to use OOC but you had to start this. >_> )
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"You got in a car wreck? How? When?" He asked. "And who the hell is Mike?"

He raised an eyebrow and looked around to see if Ava was around.

(What's your point? I'm not mad at all, you're the one getting angry. @Sandra)

"The new kid,.." She would mutter,

"Well when i was driving at a intersection some car slammed into the right of the car.."

( I said, I was sorry. Believe me I had a rough day so I'm kinda on the edge. Excuse my behavior. )
Ava was listening in on the conversation. Hospital? Car wreck? Mike!? She wondered what was happening, stepping closer to Ben. She just stood there, not speaking so she wouldn't interrupt the phone conversation.
"We've a new kid?" Ben asked.

He shook his head and sighed.

"What were you doing? When was this?"

( I know, I posted that before I read the message.)
Ava heard about the new kid. Are they talking about that little boy who was walking around in the orphanage? She thought, glad to think that the kid wasn't a ghost haunting the place. Was he in the hospital? She felt bad about the poor kid if so.
"Yesterday afternoon.. I am Watching over Mick right now.." She would sigh and smile. "Is everyone alright? Is Michael okay? Can you please make sure everyone is safe? I think ill leave you in charge for now; well and Michael.."
Alex watched Derek as he slept peacefully in her bed. She smiled kissing his cheek gently before tightening her grip. She may not have felt safe, but she felt safer with him.
Benjamin sighed irritated.

"It's the same s**t, different day thing. Everyone is fine, Raja. In charge? You kidding? Nobody is in charge here, everyone does their own thing. Don't worry about us, just worry about the kid. Whoever he is, and sorry about the wreck."

He looked at Ava and shrugged.
Ava just stared at him, peculiar to why he kind of blew up on the phone. She didn't ask questions though. She kind of put two and two together, anyway. Raja wasn't here since there was no breakfast being made and the kid was with her. She shrugged and walked over to the window, looking out of it.
Raja smiled, "Oh, well, okay.. It's fine, tell everyone I said hi. Bye Benjamin." She would then hang up and sip her orange juice, waiting for Mick to wake up.
"Goodbye, Raja." He said.

He hung up the phone and went over to Ava, and looked out the window.

"Something out there?" He asked. "Are you hungry?"
"Just cars," Ava said with a smile as she looked at him. When he asked her if she was hungry, her stomach grumbled. She was still hungry. "Starving, actually, but there isn't anything to eat in the kitchen, really..." She frowned as she rubbed the back of her neck.
Nick awoke with a start, jerking suddenly and his eyes snapping open. Immediately regretting this, his eyes stinging from a face full of linen and the air, he shut them again. He was still feeling startled from whatever had plagued his mind just then, but he was already forgetting whatever it had been. An image would occasionally flash in his mind, too quick for him to comprehend, then his mind would blank trying to remember. He lied in wait for his exhaustion to pull him back into the grips of slumber. The entire night had been one long struggle to attempt to catch some sleep, feeling even more restless than usual for no apparent reason. Now, however, he felt that he could finally fall right back into his dreams. Perhaps half an hour had passed when he had finally begun to rest, fleeting thoughts turning into vivid images before him...

"Ava! Aaaavvvvaaaaaa!"

Nick roughly planted his face in his pillow, the stream of profane words that flowed out of his mouth and made no sense together being smothered by it. A mantra began to loop in his mind.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

Having officially given up on trying to sleep, he set his chin on the pillow to glare at the wall across from him, as though it were at fault. Nick glanced over to note that Isadore was still asleep from the looks of it. Lucky. Now what was he to do? He didn't want to disturb the other boy while their roommate sort of relationship was still so fresh, and he had already prepared everything for school the night before, even though he doubted he would need anything with how messed up his schedule was bound to be...

Nick immediately knew what he wanted to do. Looking over at the window, he knew precisely where that notebook was. The night before, Isadore had said something that he had meant to ask for him to elaborate, but the conversation had quickly switched to an evening of sarcastic banter, and he had eventually forgotten all about it. Thinking back now, he was almost certain that Isadore had permitted him to look at it, more or less. Did he really mean that, though? Maybe he could sneak a peek at it quick enough before the other boy woke up, in case he hadn't really meant it. Obviously Nick had been struggling with trying to know when Isadore was serious or not throughout their encounters as it was. Well, if he hadn't meant it, at least he had an excuse.

With no further delay, Nick peeled the covers off of him and, in the most stealthy fashion he could manage, slipped out of the bed. Instantly he had to cup his mouth, holding back a rather indignant noise that he would have otherwise made too loud. Tits, that hurts. Should have forgotten your pride and taken the ice pack, damn him. Nick was not sure how well he could hide his limp, but rolling forward onto the balls of his foot seemed to ease the pain. Yeah, but you'll look like a duck with the way you're walking all day. Maybe a duck wasn't the right choice for an analogy, he then reflected, but it was all he could think of for the moment.

Resisting the urge to huff in his irritation, he crossed over to the window, repeating what he had seen the other boy do yesterday as slowly and quietly as he could manage. After a frustratingly long time, Nick had managed to retrieve the Ziploc bag from the shutters and close the window. He had already begun to open the bag as he went back to the bed, simultaneously experimenting with the best stride, and had the notebook out by the time he had sat again.

He hesitated for a moment. Nick set the bag to the side and, in a semi-modest fashion, as he had not bothered to throw on any sort of pants or shirt, wrapped the blanket back around him, having to tuck it under his arms so as to keep holding Isadore's diary. He held back a snicker at the thought. Finally, his curiosity got the best of him, and Nick flipped open to the first page. He blinked in surprise. Isadore was right; he literally couldn't make any sense of it. Nick thumbed through the pages, finding unfamiliar words, statistics of some sort, drawings... This isn't even shorthand. After flipping through a sufficient number of pages, he turned back to the beginning. He held it open then between his finger and pinky, propping his other elbow up on a knee and cradling his cheek, staring intently at the page to see if he could decipher a word of it.
"Buulllll poopy." Ben said.

He walked into the kitchen and pulled a few eggs and other stuff out.

"Do you like eggs?" He asked.
Isadore breathed slowly, only opening his eye in time to watch the other boy waddle back to his own bed. He barely suppressed a laugh. Sucks, maybe you should have taken that ice pack. Feeling rather smug, Isadore burrowed under his blankets a bit more and peeked out from the dark recesses of his covers at Nick, who was cautiously removing Isadore's notebook from its plastic bag. Oh, so he actually took my offer? With increasing delight, he watched Nick flip to the first page, then the second, and the third, all with a stunned expression of utter bafflement.

Finally, Isadore just couldn't contain his gleeful snickering any longer. He sat up quickly, throwing off his blanket and waving at the boy. "Hey, Nick! How's the deciphering session coming along?" You'll never get it in a million years. "It's tough at first, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!" ...Bwa ha ha ha! It's not just tough, you literally have to be crazy to read it. Isadore paused, wondering what the revelation of his code meant about his own state of mind, if he was the one who developed it. "I'm not crazy." He nodded somberly at Nick, trying as hard as he could not to do anything strange. An awkward silence settled in the air between them.

Isadore cleared his throat. "So, uh...we have school today."
Ava snorted at what Ben said when she said that there wasn't any food, and immediately blushed hard, covering her mouth with her hand. She followed him into the kitchen.

"Yeah, love eggs..." She said as she leaned against the counter.
Nick practically jumped out of his skin when Isadore suddenly threw off his blanket and started yelling at him. Shit! He visibly flinched upon the revelation that the other boy had been awake for however long, snapping to attention with a jerk of his head, and his hand moving fast to slap the notebook shut. He blinked, however, the bewildered look still on his face as the other boy spoke. Wait... he isn't mad? No, of course not. He'd be amused by my efforts more than anything. Nick had somehow gotten it in his mind that Isadore would have to be furious seeing him try to sneak a peak, but he should have known better. He allowed a silence fall between them, opening the book up again, his eyes going back to normal after they had flown open so wide. He resumed his attempt to decipher the first line, because he almost thought he might have the answer on the tip of his tongue...

Nope, not even close. Long past Isadore's off-handed comment about school, Nick finally gave up on both figuring the notebook out and ignoring his roommate. He looked up suddenly, his eyes alight with boyish glee. "Dude, this is amazing!" he praised, his voice laced in genuine excitement. "I mean, this isn't 100 percent gibberish, is it? Like you can actually read it?" It was like the boy had come up with his own language. It was something he had always wanted to do, and he had started on one with his little sister, but obviously their progress had been stunted by him moving away. His lacking creativity was another problem. That's why he says those weird things. It's like all of this coming up in his actual speech.

Nick looked back down at it, browsing through the pages and being way too excited about this discovery in general. "I mean, look at this," he said about no one in thing in particular. The boy looked as excited as a kid did on Christmas morning, shaking boxes to try to figure out what they got while waiting for their parents to wake up. Looking up again, a broad grin plastered on his face, he insisted, "You gotta' teach me." That would be one thing to do around this place, and the thought of it practically made him giddy.
"Faaaaaantastic!" Ben said.

He grabbed a small bowl, a frying pan, the toaster and a spatula. He switched the stove on and sprayed the pan with a no stick spray, prepared everything and began to cook.

"You're in luck, beautiful. I make the best......well, anything."
Isadore blinked. What? He blinked again...What? Nick was completely undeterred by the illegible gibberish that was recorded in the notebook. In fact, he seemed almost excited, jabbering on and on about how amazing it was. Again....WHAT?! Rubbing his eyes, Isadore got up from his bed and walked over to where Nick stood. "You're really weird, you know." He tapped the plain notebook that the other boy was fanatically clenching in his hands. "Aren't you concerned? You know, even a little bit?" Turning to the first page, Isadore pointed at the first few lines of words. "Aren't you worried that I'm some sort of crazy guy? You said it yourself, it's gibberish. Sane people don't do stuff like this."

He sighed and patted Nick on the shoulder. "Seriously, I don't think you can learn this language." Trying not to offend his roommate, Isadore took the notebook from Nick's hands. "Look, it's not that you can't learn it. I just don't want to teach you." No, stupid. Saying something like that is going to piss him off more. Isadore promptly handed the notebook back to Nick. "If you want to try and figure it out yourself, that's fine. But right now..." He walked over to his desk, picking up his knapsack. "...we have school." Glancing back at the other boy, he belatedly realized that Nick was in his boxers. Oh, for the love of- "What are you, a lingerie model? Get dressed." What a strange guy. Isadore smiled to himself.
Ava watched him cook. "I hope so..." She said with a small laugh, rubbing her stomach a little. Stop your growling, you sound like a bear... She thought, biting her lip so she wouldn't laugh at her weird mind.

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