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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Nick exchanged looks briefly with his roommate, noticing the notebook in his hand. His gaze fell to the floor, one hand clamping around the side of the door frame. A nasty smirk turned up the corner of his lip. Don't tell me he keeps a diary. He was probably just catching up on school work, but the thought amused him, and he had to suppress the urge to laugh. He dug his foot into his heel, kicking off his shoes carelessly. Though they scattered in front of him in a rather unruly, he bent to pick them up and set them somewhat neater at the foot of his bed, as he was sharing a room now. He decided to wait until the other boy said anything, not wanting to interrupt whatever Isadore was doing, and instead sat down on his bed and leaned against the wall, cracking his knuckles aimlessly as he relished being off his leg finally.

Nick had been staring up at the ceiling when the other boy spoke up. Anything left from his smirk vanished, instead gave him a bewildered look. Isadore seemed to realize this, and the disturbed look he was giving probably didn't help much, because in the next moment, he was banging his head against the wall, making him flinch. Weirdo.

No, don't forget that
you're the weird one here. That display hardly reassured him about all the things he had spent the past few hours reflecting, but he pushed the thought out of his head, conjuring up a small grin of his own, trying to be amused like he would have been before. "Did that hurt?" Nick snorted lightly in forced laughter. "It's no big deal, really. I've had worse." He picked his other leg up onto the bed to begin to peel off his socks. "It'll be all good in the morning."
Raja nodded and went down with him and out the door.


Raja was still holding his hand and started to pick out some onions and tomatoes. "Mack, what would you like to eat later?" She would say.
"i'm not fussy. If it's edible, I eat it." Mick. The most helpful shopping buddy in existence... not. Often he would snap his head around to sudden and close noises, being more than a little paranoid.
"That's good." She jumped dumped a few onions and tomatoes in a bag and went forward, she can buddy of cilantro as well. "Hmm, anything you want? Candy?" She would say,
If happiness where visible light, Raja would now also be blind. "yes please!" He immediately gets to thinking about what he would like. There's chocolate, bubble gum, ice cream... but there is one thing at the top of his list of favorite candies. "gummy bears?"
"Sure anything! You don't want anything else? Some pop? Chips? Just gummy bears?" She would have went to a isle and pick up some gummy bears.
Mick would be beaming. "yeah. Just gummy bears. I don't wanna dip to far into the budget."
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"No it's okay." She would smile and out the gummy bears in her cart, then they went to the check out, she then would purchase and give the gummy bear to Mick after she opened it for him. "I opened it for you, just saying." She then would lead him out of the store.
Mick would hold the back in a way that keeps it closed. It's a little difficult to est candy from a bag using only one hand. He beams nonetheless. "thank you, Raja."
"No problem." She would smile, "I'll get you anything you like, any time. Under a reasonable price of course," she would chuckle and get in her car, putting Mike next to her, putting his seatbelt on for him.
This was new to Mick. Receiving stuff like this was so rare before he got to sunny brooks. He'd sit in the back seat, happily eating his "gummy bears.
"Mm." She would get out on on to the road, it was busy day. "So Mick, enjoying the gummy bears?" She would beam with happiness and look at him for a second.
Mick would have been opening his mouth to respond when they got T-boned at an intersection. The other car hitting Micks door, crumbling it like paper. his leg breaks in two places, his arm in one, along with two ribs. Once the cars settle, tears stream from Mick eyes. He doesn't make a sound, but he is visibly shaking.
Raja would get hurt as well, screaming as well. she felt cracks in her body. But then it became numb, the car was sideways and being was heard all around them, she felt sticky liquid going down from her head and she looked at Mick, glass sharps poked her hands and she would unbuckled her seat bell, shaking as well. She would unbuckle him and try to get him out of the car, she did, and fell on to the road with Mick against her chest as she made him cling to her. She then shakily stood up and looked around. It seemed like the whole world was moving in her eyes, but it was just playing tricks on her. She would cry out, "Help!" She didn't know where was her phone but three people ran up to them and called the 911. And she looked at Mick,crying. "Mick... " she would whimper.
Yeah. Okay, he thinks I have some weird habits, but he seems pretty accepting of it. Play it cool, Isadore. You've got this...unless you DON'T got this, in which case this friendship is screwed. Isadore watched Nick peel off his socks, and involuntarily hissed at the bruising that was beginning to show on the other boy's ankle. That definitely looks painful. He closed his notebook and put it back in its ziplock bag, then got up from his bed and walked over to the window.

"Hey, you need an ice pack for that ankle? We've got school tomorrow, so you'll be walking quite a bit." Isadore opened the window and swung the shutter out, slipping the plastic bag back into its hiding spot, before pressing the shutter against the house again and closing the window. Doesn't matter if he saw that. He can't read it, anyways. Isadore turned from the window sill to look at Nick, who was still sitting on his bed and taking off his socks.
Mick would be staring off Into space, as he always does. But he is breathing. "R-Raja..." he splutters, blood now running down his chin. His eyes filled with fear.
Nick paused in what he was doing, looking up at the sound of a bed creaking across from him, watching with vague interest when he caught sight of the notebook encased in the plastic wrapping of a Ziploc bag. There it was, though. Something that had definitely been examined in his time alone. He got supplies for me before I had even woken up, made breakfast before I was in the kitchen, and now this. Wait, did he just put that there? There's no way he's guarding his homework so much. He looked back down, bending over to take off his other sock. "Dude, seriously. You can stop babying me now." Did he just come across as rude? Nick decided he didn't care. Eager to swap topics, he straightened up, bundling the two socks together and cast the other boy an amused glance. "Okay, I give up. What is that?" he asked, giving the window a nod.
She would start sobbing. This is all your fault. This is all your fault. What would everyone think? What will happen to Mick? What if he can't come back to the orphanage for a long time! How will I cope with myself? Sirens would be heard in the distance, she wiped the blood off his chin and tried to smile. "I-it's al-alright.... M-Mike..you'll be f-fine..." She felt dizzier, the blood still dripped off her head and she felt like her ankle was out of place but that didn't matter. A ambulance and two police came to the scene, they took Mike away from her and motherly instinct kicked in. "NO! I AM GOING WITH HIM! LET ME GO!" They would calm her down and ask her some questions. A long day this will be.. A long day..
Mick would have been put on a spinal board and put in the back of the ambulance. "Raja..." he'd say, almost inaudibly. The shock sets in and he passes out.
About three hours later raja would be wrapped up and sitting next to Mick bed, worried face and red puffy eyes from crying so much. She hoped he woke up soon.her hair was a mess and she looked at him, her hand petting his hair gently.
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Me? Babying you? Oh no, I'm just preserving a subject of interest. Isadore chuckled to himself as Nick gestured at the window and asked him a question. Adopting a completely clueless smile, Isadore looked over in Nick's direction. "What, that? That's a window." He shrugged. Time to change the subject. "Feel free to ask me if anything else in this room needs clarification." Remembering Nick's accusation of babying, Isadore grinned wickedly and pointed at the desk. "Look, Nick. A desk! D-E-S-K. Desk." Then he pointed at himself. "Isadore. A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Isadore."
Mick would he a wreck. He would be covered in casts that are still slightly bloody. His eyes would flicker open and shut again. Hey then wines and tenses violently as the pain hit him, dispite being pumped full of painkillers.
Raja would be quiet and talk in a whisper. "Mick.. " that's all she could say. She didn't know what else to say. Just his name, his eyes fluttered open then shut and he would whine in pain, she would cringe and his whines and tears started to form in her eyes again.

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