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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Ava heard Ben scream out an obscenity outside while she was making sure she wasn't bleeding or anything. She let out a sigh, feeling a little bad and confused. What was he so angry about? She was the one who was hit on the head by his ball after all! She opened her eyes, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand and walked out of the kitchen and into the hall, walking to the back door.

Ava opened the door and stuck her head out to look at Ben, still holding ice to her head. "Ben, calm down..."
Benjamin sighed as he heard the door open behind him.

"Believe me, I'm trying my best." He said.
Ava stepped out and stood beside him. She wondered if she should ask what was wrong with him, but didn't want to anger him and have him yell at her or something. Her mouth kept opening whenever she thought to say something, but all the things she could have said, let alone want to say, seemed like they could all anger him so she kept quiet and just stood there for a moment.

"... So, are you going to school tomorrow?" She asked as she looked up at the dark sky. She probably wasn't going to go. She could just imagine all the talk there was going to be and she would no longer be invisible to those teens around her at school. That didn't seem pleasant at all.
He exhaled loudly and turned to look at her.

"I don't know if we'll be able to go back to the same school, the cops said something about making us transfer. They caught the thugs that jumped me, they're going to prison for a couple of charges, assault and battery, attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Ashley is in trouble too, she's an accomplice. They're going to make us go to a different high school, which means I'll have to start all over again." He said with a dry laugh.

He shrugged and and looked up at the bright yellow moon that hung in the cloudless sky.

"Nobody is going to know us, or what happened. In a way it's a big relief, you know? Won't have to worry about people saying stuff about what happened behind our backs, new friends, new teachers, only bad part is going to be finding our classes."
Mick would be laying in Raja's bed, where she said he could sleep. But sleep was not happening for him. He decides to see if he can find the couch and listen to the atav. Maybe there's a decent stand-up comedy show on. He stands and makes it to the door without crashing or knocking anything over.I need to make mental map... he thinks as he runs his hand along the wall. He finds the steps and descends them saftely, counting them as he went.now, if the kitchen was to my left from here, maybe... he follows the wall to the right.
Ava nodded as she listened to him explain, feeling bad for him. Ava was used to starting over, it wasn't anything terribly hard for her. "I really hope so about the part about everyone not knowing..." She said, then looked at him through the corner of her eye. "But at least we'll have each other to figure out the school so it won't be that bad..." She tried to bring the positive out, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards a little.
Benjamin nodded and smiled at her, he grabbed her hand and gave it a quick squeeze, and then let go.

"Yeah, you're right. I hope they have a wrestling team, because that would suck if they didn't." He said with a laugh. "You know, as long as we're together, it shouldn't be that terrible. I am a little worried about the girls there though, you know how they act over me. It's a curse sometimes, really."
Ava gulped as he grabbed her hand and she shook her head quickly to straighten out her mind. She frowned a little as he mentioned the girls. She didn't want to make enemies so early and so quick either. She smiled at the part when he mentioned it being a curse though, relating a little even if it was in a different context.

"Maybe I'll finally become somewhat in the in crowd now that I have a tatt-" She quickly caught herself for she wasn't thinking before she spoke. She didn't know how he would react to her new body art, hoping he wouldn't get mad for doing it. Though it would seem illogical since he was littered with tats himself.

"How long do you think we have to wait before we go to the new school or is it quick and we can start tomorrow?" She asked quickly. "I hope not. I'm not really feeling school tomorrow..." She let out a small groan, wanting to sleep in tomorrow like every teen out there.
Benjamin raised an eyebrow at her, did she meant to say tattoo? He smiled a knowing smile and looked at her.

"You got a tattoo, huh? You didn't get it thinking it'll help you fit in, get back at me, rebel, or because Jodie talked you into doing something you didn't want to, did you? Although, I did get mine because I wanted to rebel, then I enjoyed the feeling and got addicted as they say.

He shrugged and looked at her.

"The Lawyer they provided me with said they'd have to do some paperwork first, so he said it may be tomorrow, or a few days. He said he'd come to the orphanage to talk to me and you when he was finished. I told him about how Jodie and you were involved too, and that I didn't feel comfortable leaving you there without me. He agreed with me, and was going to do the same for you and Jodie. Since we're orphans and stuff, we won't have to worry about the fees and stuff. But he didn't want us to go to school in fear that we might be retaliated against or bullied for it."
"No. It was a spur of the moment really..." Ava waved the matter off, not really wanting to say why. She blushed a little at the thought that she had planned out what she wanted long before.

"That's great," she said, turning to him with a smile, "Us three can stick together and have lunch together if our schedules match up, of course. However... knowing you, everyone would want to be friends with you. You'll fit right in, don't worry."

She felt herself getting lost in his eyes, the eyes that were just as dark as the night sky, yet twinkled like he held the universe inside of them. She quickly looked away though, forgetting she was still holding ice to her head. "You owe me, Benjamin, for hitting me with that ball..."
"You got your tattoo as a spur of the moment thing? That's not a good thing, you might regret it later, I know I'm lecturing you. But tattoos aren't just something you can get rid of on a whim, the removal process is ten times more painful than getting it. They pretty much burn the ink out of your skin, and it leaves a big nasty scar." He said. "Though, I'm not angry at you for getting one. It would be hypocritical, because I've got tons of them."

He smiles at her compliment and turns to look at her.

"I'm sure you'll make tons of friends, you're a great person when you open up. That's part of the reason why I'm chasing you so hard. I've never met a girl like you, they've all been empty headed idiots, and they weren't good for much."

He looked back at the moon and chuckled.

"I'm sorry about that, I was throwing it against the wall and threw it a bit too hard and it ricocheted around the room and bounced out the window. I had no idea you where down there. Would you like me to kiss it?"
"I'm sure I won't regret it..." She said quietly, though feeling quite feeble and naive from his lecture.

"You think so highly of me," she said, feeling herself reddening. Ava hoped he was right about what he said, that she will make friends, that people will like her. That would be such a change of pace for her, though she liked the friends she had now and wouldn't want anyone else more to come into her small circle.

She blushed hard and shook her head, laughing and letting her hand that held the ice bag drop to her side. "No, it's alright. I'm not a child to need that..."
Ben nodded and smiled.

"Of course, I'm not just saying it. I don't compliment people much, and when I do I mean it. I mean everything I say, really. Otherwise I would say it." He smiled and sighed. "That's unfortunate, really. I was hoping I'd get to kiss you."

He looked over at her and smiled again.

"So are you going to show me it?"
Ava stared at him with slight wide eyes, her mouth gone dry when he told her he was hoping to kiss her. It would be a lie to say she didn't want to kiss him for she did, but she contained herself.

She suddenly felt self-conscious as he asked her if she was going to show her new tattoo, thinking he'd probably think it was stupid. "Um, it's covered with gauze and tape and it's probably all bloody and red since it's brand new... Not attractive at all..." She said, looking down, her face being covered by her hair. Just like my face: Unattractive...
Benjamin smiled at her and chuckled.

"You're usually supposed to take it off when you get home so you can wash it. Your artist did give you soap, salve and lotion, right? You'll need to wash it everyday, so it doesn't get infected." He said. "Besides, it won't look attractive until it heals, which will be a while."

He smiled, and waited patiently for her to show him.
Ava looked up at him, narrowing her eyes a little at him. "Yeah, I know, Jodie put my things in my room." She turned her back to him, she was wearing a tank top, her tattoo sitting on the top of her back and not covered by clothing.

"Can you take it off? I can't really see what I'm doing so..."

Her heart pounded heavily in her chest as she held her long hair away from covering her back. She hoped he wouldn't make fun of the open cage that sat in the top middle of her back, the sparrow silhouette that rested on her shoulder blade, the words Set Me Free in cursive connecting the bird to the cage tattoo that she had. I'll just wear sweaters for the rest of my life. I don't expose my back anyway so... She thought and gnawed at her lower lip.
Raja would come up and see Mick wandering around, "Tsk, mick, what are you trying to do??" She would grab his hand and look at him with a raised brow. "I don't want your i trip and hurt yourself, alright??"


( I deeply apologize, I am so sorry. I really am. )
"Okay, good. If you have any questions, I can answer." He said.

Benjamin turned and placed his hand on her shoulder and used the other one to slowly peel the bandage off. He tried to peel it as slowly as he could so didn't rip any forming scabs off.

"Oh wow........." He said, with an impressed tone.

He let those words hang in the air for a bit while he studied it, making sure to take everything in.

"It fits you perfectly, it's beautiful.....really."
Ava fidgeted with her hands as she waited, wincing a little as he slowly peeled the bandage. Taking off the bandage was the worst in any case.

Her breath caught in her throat as she heard the expression in his voice, her heart melting a bit. "Y-you really think so...?" She looked over her shoulder, looking at him through her peripheral. "Umm... Do you think you can help me take care of it? Since it's on my back and all and you know more about taking care of tattoos more than I..."

She blushed as she trailed and looked straight ahead. What am I doing!? Can I get anymore awkward and weird!? This isn't how you bond with someone...!
"Yeah, I really think so! It's amazing, did you come up with it, or was it a template?"

He studied it closely and smiled.

"You're not bleeding at all, but you'll still need to clean it. It's pretty much an open wound. I would be glad to help you clean it, actually, we'll need to do it now."
"I came up with the idea..." Ava said sheepishly and then turned to the door. "Well, let's go then." She walked through the open door and into the hall, going to the stairs and then up them. She headed off to her room, trying to keep the blush from tingeing her cheeks.
"Points for being original, it's great." He said.

He followed her up to her room and looked around.

"Uh, we have to go to the bathroom. I need to wash it with soap and water, I don't think you wanna do it in here." He said with a smile. "Grab your soap and the salve."
"I-I knew that..." She smiled at him, quickly grabbing her tattoo care stuff. Then she grabbed his hand and walked down the hall to the bathroom, trying to calm her beating heart. And to think my heart would have gotten over this...
They reached the bathroom and Ben instructed Ava to sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"Move your hair, and if you want to remove your tank top so I can get the whole thing."

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