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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

"I guess I'll just look later." Today was going to be awful anyway, might as well make it worse. Schools were always difficult to negotiate with, and he wasn't looking forward to having to do that. Just one day, and maybe things would be a little less miserable. He continued on silently, fumbling for what precisely he wanted to say when he Isadore made some comment. Nick glanced behind him, confused as to who he could possibly be speaking to... oh. The boy's eyebrows lifted in surprise and he was quick to turn his head away from Jodie, still a little wide-eyed. He couldn't even really have a passing laugh at his roommate's comment, only connecting the irony of it in the back of his mind. She said she felt sick? There was no way that she had gone to school wearing that, had she? It was such a sharp contrast from the casual outfit he had seen yesterday that he was completely thrown off by it. Trying to recover, he smiled to Isadore. "Yeah, I like wearing heels and a dress when I'm sick, too, don't you?" Keeping his eyes down, and giving a somewhat belated snort of amusement at the other boy's display at the door, he stepped out.
Aaron looked up when he saw the door open. Okay Natasha is a little bit late.. But no need to panic right? He just missed first period.. Maybe he should go to bed earlier? Wait.. he already went to bed early. O well.. I really need my own car.
Jodie looked gob smacked. Why would the new kid talk to her like that? She stood up and went after them. "If you must know, I'm going to the Hut, although, you probably have no idea what that is seeing as you're new here." She snorted and leant on the door frame. "Isadore, explain."
Snickering, Isadore gave Nick a once-over. "I didn't know you were into that. Must be exhilerating, being a stunningly beautiful Queen." Still laughing, Isadore looked back at Jodie, who had followed them from behind. Redlock's is being a condescending knob-wracker. Those cheerleaders must be rubbing off on her. He shook his head in exasperation, then turned to the other boy.

"Ah, that's right, Nick. I should warn you about the Hut." Giving Nick a feigned conspiratorial look, he leaned in and 'whispered' to him. "It's a sleazy place where all the future druggies, strippers, and burger flippers hang out." Putting a finger to his lips, Isadore winked. "But don't tell anyone I said that, okay? All the 'cool kids' would get mad..." Like I'd even give a sh*t if those spoiled little rich kids come after me. I'd kill them.

Turning from Nick, Isadore patted Aaron on the head. "Hey, Ronnie, want a ride to school? I was about to call a cab."
''Oh no thank you I'm waiting for Natasha'' Who still isn't here. ''But thanks for the offer'' he said with a smile. It wasn't like the cab would be here faster than Natasha right? Right?
Ava had got out from behind Ben and snuck out of the living room when she heard people coming. She quickly went into the hall, crossed it, and hid in the library.
Nick stiffened when he heard Jodie's voice following after him. For the love of God- Here she was, explaining things he really didn't care about again, but even more so now for a different reason. Still, 'The Hut' sounded suspiciously like, well, some place she shouldn't be. Not that he had never been to a party before, but the thought of that surfaced unpleasant memories that he was quick to try to take his mind off of.

Nick leaned a little, playing along with Isadore's whispering, and nodding throughout, eyebrows furrowing in feigned concentration. Well, sounded like some club or something. Was she even old enough for them to allow her in? Giving a final nod, he whispered back, "Understood." Nick, in an effort to quickly wrap up his conversation with the girl, finally looked back at her. He was somewhat surprised, seeing what he thought may be the beginning of a tattoo. Did she have that yesterday, or would he have been able to see that with her less revealing choice of clothing that he had yesterday? Wait, it looks like you're staring at her chest, you idiot! Nick, his ears beginning to burn and already rosy cheeks starting to heat up, flicked his gaze to the orphanage behind her. "Fascinating. Well, have fun with that," he said, almost managing a polite dismissal. With that said, he spun around, finally slipping his arm into the other strap of his backpack so as to fold his arms across his chest.
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Benjamin opened his eyes when he felt his phone go off, he fished into his pocket and answered.

"Hello?" He asked.

It was the lawyer and he was on his way. Benjamin nodded and told him they'd be meeting in the library to discover what happened.
Ava lightly slapped a hand over her face, rubbing downwards when she thought about how she acted. Why did she act like such an idiot at times? She slipped out from the room she hid in, closing the door behind her. She leaned against the wall in the hall, examining her fingernails. You're so silly sometimes, Ava...
Ava followed the sound of Ben's voice. She stuck her head in the room he was in. "Yeah?" She said with a half smile.
"That lawyer is about to be here, Ava." He said. "I need you to tell her what you saw, okay?"
Ava nodded, wringing her hands behind her back. "Yeah, okay..." She then disappeared into the hall, nibbling on her lip.
Ava walked back into the living room and over to the couch. She sat down on couch, tucking her feet underneath her, and watched TV as well. Her sight would wander to the corner of her eye to look at him before going back to the screen.
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A smiled crept up on Ben's face, while he watched the TV. He knew Ava was sneaking peaks at him, because he was too. He decided to break the silence with a question.

"So how is your tattoo?"
"A little sore, but that's to be expected, huh?" She looked over at him through the corner of her eye and saw him smiling. She smiled a little and then looked back at the TV. "Nothing's ever good on..."
"It's kinda like a bad sunburn, it should start scabbing over soon." He said.

He smiled at her and turned to the TV, and nodded.

"Yeah, that's true."

He sighed and looked down, and noticed an old N64.

"Hey, you wanna play a game?"
Her eyes looked over to the N64 and she shrugged.

"I've never played that before..." She said quietly, blushing a little. "But it's better than watching boring television. So, sure."
"Actually, I have a better idea." He said. "Wait here."

He jumped off the couch and ran up the stairs and came back a few minutes later with a lime green box. He carefully pushed the N64 aside and placed the box next to it. He flipped the lip open and pulled out a black console, and 'ah-ha!' at it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the Xbox One!" He cried.
What the-? Ava began to think as she watched Ben jump off the couch. Where's the fire? She turned slightly as she heard him run down the stairs. She rose an eyebrow as she looked at the box in his hands.

"Yay, another console I've never played before!" She said with sarcasm, shaking her head with a chuckle after.
"We'll that's a first me for me too, I've never played an Xbox one before." He said. "It's better than watching that TV."

He set the console on the ground and began hooking it up.

"This is exciting."
"Then why do you have it?" She asked as she watched him hook it up to the television. She refrained herself from shaking her head, moving her feet from underneath her for they started to have the pins and needles sensation in them.
"Because I wanted one honestly. I wanted to be like the other kids and have the popular games and stuff. I'm sure you understand, right?"

He stopped for a moment and turned to look at her.

"I don't have to set it up if you don't feel like playing with me. I wanna be fair, it's not right for me to play while you watch."
Ava nodded with a smile. "Yeah."

She shook her head, smiling more. "No, it'd still be fair if I didn't play," she said, adding teasingly, "and watch you make a fool out of yourself..."

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