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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Benjamin smiled at her and laughed.

"Oh really? I bet you that I won't." He said. "You'll have to give me a kiss if I don't."

He finished hooking the system up and turned it on. It booted up and the logo came on screen.
"Now you're just talking," she said. She picked up a throw pillow that sat in the corner of the couch and wrapped her arms around it, resting her chin on the top of it, relaxing on the couch. "This is going to be interesting..."
"Do you accept the terms of the deal?" Ben said in an authoritative tone.

He laughed and turned his attention to the television. He selected a screen that read Dead Rising 3, and it flashed onscreen.

"I heard this one was pretty great."
Ava chuckled as he asked her in that voice and she raised an eyebrow. "Um, sure?"

"Is this a scary game?" She asked in a small voice, her eyes widening a little at the screen.

He pressed the A button and the menu opened up.

"Not really, it's a zombie game. You make custom weapons and just kill zombies. There's a story line too, of course."
"Oh, great. My dreams are going to be so awesome tonight..." Ava mumbled sarcastically. She played with a lock of her hair, sinking into the couch as much as she could.
"I don't have to play it if it's going to scare you?" He asked.

He cast a look back towards her.
"No, no, I'll be fine," she said, waving it off, "We have a bet on anyway, remember?" She looked back to him with a small smile before looking back to the screen. "Let the games begin, yeah...?"
Benjamin smiled at her and selected then"New Game" and the cinematic started playing. The main character was in a underground area, and he comes upon a cage that seems to keeping something back. The character walks up and looks at the cage and a zombie slams onto the chain link fence, making Ben jump.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed.

The cinematic continues to play until the actual games starts and Ben begins to play.

"Here goes."
Ava let out a small yelp as the jump scare came up. She had been hiding half her face into the pillow as she watched the cinematic. No wonder I don't play video games...
"Well, so far I haven't made a fool of myself." Benjamin said with a teasing smile.

The quiet clicks from the controller are heard as Ben plays, killing swarming zombies left and right.
Isadore walked past Aaron and stood at the curb of the street, waiting for a cab to come. As a yellow one slid in along the side of the street, he turned and waved at Nick. "Hey. Time for school." We are seriously late...no, more than that. Isadore looked down at his watch. "Ronnie, you missed first period already! Are you sure you don't want a ride?"
Jodie raised an eyebrow at Nick. "I hope you're looking at my tattoo." She smiled a little. "Well, you guys have fun at school. I'm going to set off early to the Hut, perhaps they'll let me in if they know I'm with Ash-" Jodie stopped, konwing she'd sound two faced. One day she's saying she bet up the head cheerleader, the next she's friends with her. "
''Like I said thanks but-'' Aaron was interrupted by a car driving towards him. The car stopped in front of him. ''Sorry that I'm so late angel mouse. I got stuck in traffic'' Natasha looked at him with an apologetic expression. ''It's okay'' He looked back at Isadore and smiled. ''Well looks like my ride is here, see you at school'' he walked towards the passenger side and quickly stepped into the car.

Nick was more than happy to oblige when he caught sight of the cab rolling down the street, already taking quick steps in it's direction before Isadore had said anything. His shoulders stiffened further when Jodie spoke up. "I was," he insisted, clearly flustered. At least she wasn't entirely assuming about it all. He looked over when he saw the school nurse arriving in a car that was, well, way too nice fore someone of her pay roll. A two-seater. What a douche.
"I'm going to go now. Oh wait, theres something I need to do. Bye guys." She hopped back in the house. 
"I'm going to go now. Oh wait, theres something I need to do. Bye guys." She hopped back in the house.
Quirking an eyebrow at Aaron's ride, Isadore slipped into the back seat of the cab and waited for Nick to get in. Once they were both situated, Isadore gave the cabbie the school address, then sat back and looked over at Nick. "So...we missed the first class, do you know what you have for English? There should be a map somewhere on the school bulletin in the office, if you need to find your room."
Ava glared at Ben. "I think you're lying to me about not knowing how to play this thing..."

She chucked the pillow she had held against her chest at his head without thinking. A laugh left her before she could cover her mouth. Her eyes widened, thinking about what she had just done, while trying to stifle her laughter.
She sneaked up to her room and took out the half empty whiskey bottle from her birthday. She had hid it there jsut before she went to sleep and she thought that people might appreciate her bringing her own alcohol. She looked over her face in the mirror one more time and realised she had forgotten to put on make up. She sighed and sat at her desk, smudging eyeliner on her waterline and dabbing a small amount of lilac shadow onto her lids. She couldn't find her lipstick and her lip gloss came from a magazine when she was around 12. Skip the lips, she thought. Her skin was naturally pale and she embraced the fact that putting on foundation made her look like she had stuck her head in a cake. She twisted the front bits of her hair into a retro style and stood up. Ready.
Natasha quickly drove towards the school and in no time they arrived. Just in time for second/third period. ''Well.. do you want me to walk with you? To explain why you're late?'' Aaron smiled at that and nodded quickly before running out of the car. Natasha followed soon and they both went to the principals office. Miracles apparently exist because she believed the lie Natasha told her about why Aaron was late. Natasha walked Aaron quickly to his history class. ''Thanks for the ride and everything'' said Aaron before walking into the classroom. ''It's okay angel mouse'' and with that Natasha left and Aaron stepped into the classroom. Maybe I should buy a alarm clock.
Nick slid into the back of the cab after Isadore with a long sigh, the color finally starting to drain from his face. That was so awkward. He stared forward at the car seat in front of him, the black material lined with short fur. Cabs were weird. He didn't really want to talk much where the driver could so easily hear him. Looking back at the other boy finally, he replied, "I'll have to go to the office to get my schedule anyway. I'm sure it's all kinds of screwed up." That was what happened the first time he had moved abruptly, anyway. He licked his lips, staring forward at the seat again. Something was bothering him, but he didn't quite know how to put it into words, even for himself. Instead, he just bit the inside of his cheek and muttered a quiet, "Um," with nothing to follow after it.
Isadore tilted his head at Nick, a bit surprised that the boy didn't know his schedule. Maybe we'll have classes together? He doesn't seem stupid, so perhaps we will. As Isadore looked out the window, he heard a noise from the other boy. "Um," An awkward silence filled the cab. What, that's it? What kind of question is that? Turning back around at Nick, Isadore gave him a look and retaliated with "Um?".
Nick rubbed the back of his palm against his chin, staring out the window, just remembering that he should memorize the route to school so he didn't end up being lost again on the way back home that evening, like he had a feeling he would. Finally beginning to piece together what precisely was nagging him, he spoke up again without looking back at Isadore, "What exactly is the Hut? Sounds like a club or something."
Isadore sighed. "It's not like you're considering working there or anything, right?" You'd end up getting killed or something. Very bad idea. Scratching the back of his neck a bit, he tried to find the best words to describe the establishment in question. "It's...kind of like a club, yes. Except, the set up is much cheaper, not like the ritzy stuff you'd see in upscale, wealthy cities. And since there are so many underage people, alcohol, drugs, and sex aren't allowed on the property." Isadore snorted derisively. "But interestingly enough, there's a very strong market for those things at the 'Hut'. For the right price, you can pretty much get it all in the bathroom or in the alley behind the building."

Looking over at Nick, Isadore nodded his head in indication that he'd finished. "So, watch your back if you do go there." Then he shook his head. I can't imagine why you'd want to go there, of all places.

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