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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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  • Total voters
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa flinched feeling the anger and distress roll from her Alpha. she instantly stood, bowed, then she shifted and left through the open door. she waited in the shade of the trees for Nuuch. @Nuuchi
Quincy felt pain for Luna, but he didn't follow her this time, feeling she needed her space, after all she was the Alpha, she didn't need him tailing after her like a lost pup. he wandered, his single eye glazed in thought, he found himself loping down the stairs to where the Lion was caged. he was surprised to find that his paws lead him there. he sat with a huff, curling his thick off-white tail over his paws, and watched the Lion. the faint rise and fall of her heavily scarred flanks showed she lived. he waited for her to wake, watching her shallow breath. @Juju
(Crimson is there mate.)
Valissa began walking, "I don't know what happened, but I know Quincy is still alive, and Alpha is ok, so... lets just go back to the Hollow." @Nuuchi
Nuuch nods in agreement. "I wonder what happened...i dont know what came over me when we first got there..when i heard you get upset and take off towards camp a dark emotion filled me. I felt as if you were in danger and i couldn't control my rage. I was scared, angry, and just full of hate..theres no way i couldve stayed in her cabin had you not came to me" he says with his head down as they walk back to the hollow @MadameRedWolf
Diana sighed with happiness as Violet cuddled against her body,wishing they could be even closer than that. She run her fingers through her mate's white fur gently,lingering so this perfect moment would never end.
"Violet...what do you think that should be done with the mountain lion? Do you agree with our alpha's decision to keep it locked? Or should we have killed it instead."

Diana was afraid of Violet's answer,wondering if her lack of will to kill could endanger the pack.

"I never...killed anyone. But I feel like I could do it. For Luna."

Her voice trembled lightly.
Looking at her mate Violet smiled she flicked her tail happily as Diana ran her fingers through her fur. Violet treasured the perfect moment then it ended. Dianna asked a question. Looking at her mate Violet thought long and hard as Diana said she thought she could kill for Luna. Violet smiled as she nuzzled her mate's neck gently then whispered, "Love you would kill for me to I know you would but right now I don't want you to have to experience taking someone's life. Luna's decision to lock the lion up is a wise one If it was me I would kill the beast so it doesn't kill anymore wolves but it is a life and their all precious time to think about killing the lion is a good idea perhaps the lion may change who knows I like to keep my mind open." She smiled lovingly at her mate then winked.
"You can wear anything besides blue jeans.. And leather." "We will find you a swimsuit."

He grew slightly embarrassed when she complimented him.

He reached his hand to the back of her head, holding her against him. He didn't break their gaze, only reached up with his lips to meet hers. He felt electric when he kissed her, "I'll just wear something that dries quickly."

His heart was beating fast and his breath was heavy with excitement. @xxbetaspiritxx
Felicity was about to reply to him, and then he kissed her. She liked it. She loved it, but she was completely unsure as to how to kiss back. Was it just as simple as pushing her lips against his? Or was it something more?

Her heart was in her mouth, beating rapidly as a warmth flowed through her veins. When the kiss eventually ended, she put her small yet slender hand to his cheek. Her eyes left his gaze, and dropped to her clothing whilst she inspected it. Jeans and a mused green t-shirt. To solve the swimming costume problem, she simply pulled away the jeans.

"Like that?" She asked with a smile. "I think t-this is appropriate?" A blush rapidly repainted itself delicately on her cheek bones as she stood up, edging closer to the door and opening it. "Are we going now?" She asked, her eyes drifting up to the starry sky.

Diana nodded,leaning against her mate's body and licking her face.

"I would do anything for you,my love. I would give up my life to you without a second thought,and I know you would have done the same. You gave me a new reason to be alive after my clan was gone,and my very existence is thanks to you. I'm very happy that the Gods were kind enough to give me you."

Diana felt like the love inside her chest could burst out of her,but it stayed contained in her heart. She had lost her sense of one. She and Violet were one being,and she was happy for that.

"My love,will you...teach me how to fight?"

Shaw got up slowly and steadily, "I don't see why not." He simply slipped off his blue jeans and would go swimming in his boxers.

He looked outside up at the sky and smiled, he had been waiting for this all day.

"Cmon!" He rushed her, pulling her along to the lake. When they arrived he wasted no time, diving in headfirst and swimming to the middle.

Remembering he had promised to teach her, he swam back to shore and held his hand out to her. "Don't worry, you'll be swimming in no time." He smiled up at her waiting for her to take his hand.

Diana nodded,leaning against her mate's body and licking her face.
"I would do anything for you,my love. I would give up my life to you without a second thought,and I know you would have done the same. You gave me a new reason to be alive after my clan was gone,and my very existence is thanks to you. I'm very happy that the Gods were kind enough to give me you."

Diana felt like the love inside her chest could burst out of her,but it stayed contained in her heart. She had lost her sense of one. She and Violet were one being,and she was happy for that.

"My love,will you...teach me how to fight?"
Shivering Violet allowed herself to focus on Diana's touch. She wagged her tail happily then her mate began to spea. Violet refoucused on her mate's words so she could awnser. She felt the love building up in her mate and since they were both practically each other Violet shivered with the bursting love allowing hers to blend in with Dianna's the only way their bodies could handle such deep emotions without actually overloading was because they were mates. She shivered with content then she heard Dianna's request and she snapped out of it. Quickly she looked at Dianna to check if she was serious. She saw that her mate was serious. Looking at her mate Violet closed her eyes sighed then licked her mate's face as she whispered, "Yes my precious Light. I will teach you how to fight if it is truly what you wish." She smiled gently then stated, "It's going to be hard because the fighting style I teach you is a martial art that uses the size of your openet against themselves using their momentum to help you beat them up at your size brute force martial arts would do no good and I know both kinds of martial arts in wolf and human form just in case." She smiled again then allowed her wolf to reach out to Dianna's. Her wolf came alongside Dianna's and wolfed softly in love and in a clear follow me. Violet's wolf walked towards Violet's realm. Most of the time Violet's wolf was inside Dianna now it was time for Dianna's wolf to be inside Violet for training.
Felicity smirked, obediently following him down to the lake. When he dived in, and a few drops of water hit her stomach, she squealed in protest, crawling closer to the river bank. Her smile never faltered, despite her shaking nerves. And so, she quickly grasped onto Shaw's hand.

Assuming the water was shallow, felicity slipped in, her body becoming fully emerged. When her feet hit the bottom of the river, she had already pushed off, sending herself straight back up, and scrambling to the edge. Unable to travel to the bank by herself, she simply pulled Shaw's hand, causing her to become closer to him.

When close enough, she leaped onto his chest, one arm hooked around his neck, and the other combing through her wet hair. Her smile had soon turned into a pout.

Shaw held her up by the rear, noticing her pout.

"You can't learn to swim if you cling to me the whole time." He unwrapped her arm from his neck and had her lay on her back, staying afloat.

"Floating is most important, you gotta realize that you're less dense than water."

With that he also layed on his back and floated beside her, his massive frame surprisingly staying on the surface.

"See? You don't even have to move."

He wanted her to be able to keep herself above the surface before trying to get her to move around. @xxbetaspiritxx
Felicity struggled a little when he lay her on her back, on top of the waters surface. At first, she kept trying to cling to him, not believing that she would float....But then she did.

Rather abruptly, she filled her cheeks with air, causing her small nose to crinkle, and scrunched her eyes tightly shut. The river water lapped at her face and body, and the shirt she was wearing was filling with water, bubbling up as if she were obese. Releasing the air from her cheeks, she stayed deadly still, not wanting to move incase she sank again.

"Shaw?" She asked, her eyes darting to him, and she saw that even she could float. "This isn't swimming." She chuckled, quickly pausing when it made her move a little across the waters edge. Luckily for them, the current wasn't very strong, if there even was a current at all.

Dane thought for a moment. He had made up the fact that he had not felt welcome here, so he didn't have to explain the real reason as to why he had to leave. Yet he felt as he should stay, too.

But it was only a matter of time before the rogue alpha found him.

And once he had his prey, who's to say he wouldn't attack the rest of the wolves.

He decided to leave.

Out he walked, into the forest.

James smiled. He could sniff Dane's scent. It was only a matter of time before he found him.
He laughed at her comment, "no, it isn't huh?"

He rolled over onto his stomach and began swimming like an Olympic.

He was incredibly fast and made a quick lap around felicity before Leveling out head up feet down, and kicking with his arms and legs., "see what I did there?" "You move your arms and legs in a pattern."

He showed her again, once more circling her.

"Ready?" He put his hand on her back and rolled her over, moving his hand to her stomach. "Kick your legs and hold your head up."

He began pushing her along, kicking with her to propel them both. "When you're ready, start moving your arms over your head like I did." He was having a great time teaching her to swim, he felt lucky to be the one to teach her something useful.

Felicity kicked her legs very softly, and rapidly began moving her arms without a moments hesitation. The speed at which Shaw swam was so fast that she wanted to beat him somehow. She held her neck above the water, her legs slanting down as they kicked.

Suddenly feeling confident, she scrambled away from her mate's grasp and dived deeper into the water. When holding the air in her cheeks, she realised that it was much easier to just wiggle her body around near the bottom of the river; she stayed there, opening her eyes and looking around.

It was all blurry, but the various, mused colours caught her attention, and she liked them. Her chest began to feel compressed, but she thought nothing of it, and allowed her fingers to trace the sandy river bottom.

She continued to swim upstream, and to anyone watching, it would've probably seemed like she had disappeared completely. Felicity had been exploring under the water for so long.

Shaw was laughing at first as she explored the bottom, his laughter turning to worry when she didn't come up.

"Felicity?" He dove underwater after her, his powerful lungs holding at least 90 seconds of air. Where'd she go? He thought as he swam after her. Seeing her further upstream he picked up his pace and touched her on the back, pointing up to the surface, before swimming up.

Felicity flinched when suddenly touched on the shoulder, and she then looked over, watching Shaw through her blurred vision. Following him up, she clung to his shoulder, taking a deep breath and then beginning to cough.

After a few moments, she smiled, having calmed down completely. "I like swimming! It's very fun." Her eyes were lit up with excitement and admiration as her eyes fell to the river, watching the very faint current swish the water around.

Her hand gently Gripped onto Shaw's shoulders, and she climbed up onto them, comfortably sitting down and allowing her legs to hang over his shoulders. Now quite high up, she leaned over him and planted a kiss on his forehead. "I'm the taller one now." She smirked. "That's new, isn't it?" She chuckled.

Shaw held onto the back of her thighs as she climbed up him, smiling when she kissed him.

"It is." He replied, as he dunked her underwater, pulling her back up and kissing her before she could vocalize her frustration.

He always liked teasing her, she was so cute when she was frustrated.


(Literally nothing lol felicity and shaw are in the lake, everyone else is either attempting to run away, or sleeping, or enthralled with eachother, the mountain lion is imprisoned.)@OverTheMoo
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Felicity squealed, gurgling water and then when pulled back up, and she felt the water pressing against her face with quite some force. She crossed her arms across her chest and covered his eyes with her hands. "That was rude!" She squealed, her eyes widening in bewilderment.

It was weird, she must of sniffed up some water, because now her nose was burning, causing her eyes to water. She tried to remove his hands away from her just to irritate him, as he has frustrated her. "Let gooooooo." She begged playfully, her feet gently kicking his chest.

"Hmmm." She smirked, leaning in front of him so that her eyes were in line with his laps. "I challenge you to a fight." Her eyes sparkled with intrigue, and she chuckled a little.


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