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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Shaw approached carefully, grabbing the wolf by its jaws and prying them off of Dane.

"Felicity?" He knew she was there by her scent, "go get Dante or Diana." He knew they were probably getting some much needed rest, but Dane was in bad shape.

He grabbed the wolf by its muzzle, holding its jaws shut with one hand and slung it over his massive shoulders.

He then used one hand to lift the large frame of Dane and carried him as well, shaws arm wrapped under Danes armpits, his feet dragging along the ground.

Shaw was struggling to lift the two of them, but managed it regardless.

He dragged Dane and carried the wolf, one hand always on his muzzle firmly.

He began trudging back to camp.

@VahkiDane @xxbetaspiritxx
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Diana allowed her wolf to interact with Violet's,walking inside her mind. It felt like home,even though she had never been physically there. Violet's mind was a safe heaven for her,a place where she could feel loved instead of afraid.

She faced the mind of her mate,wondering if she could learn at all. But Violet was patient,and she trusted her mate completely.

"I'm ready to do this,my sun and stars."

KaalysBR said:
Geralt shook his head,finally understanding where Dante's fear of commitment came from. He couldn't imagine finding a woman that could take his mind off a man like Dante.
"Well,I've never been interested in women,so I can't speak for this Shaw friend of yours. He probably had a very strong call for someone else but...I can't imagine how anyone would be able to take their eyes off you for long enough to see another person."

He held Dante's hands on his,his enormous hands basically hiding the ones of the wolf.

"I don't want our time together to be so short either. I met you completely by chance,and yet I already see that you are an amazing,sensible person. Being close to you is the best perk of joining our packs in an alliance."

dante couldn't help but give a big smile at Geralt and his comments. "You are very cheeky you know that.

But im glad we both agree on are attraction to each other. I'm very happy that i trust my instinct and came to

your rescue when you needed it. Because now i have met a amazing guy." Dante noticed how big his hand were when they held his own.

he was a little lost for word but his wolf was itching to go for a run or walk. "how about you join me for a walk. my wolf is craving some

exercise plus it will be good for you to walk around a little." @KaalysBR
Shaw was carrying the enemy wolf over his shoulders and dragging Dane behind him, he showed up at dantes door, naked (events happened quickly..) "Dante!!" "Dane is hurt again!" The boy was still bleeding from his neck and shaw was now slightly struggling to keep the enemy wolf in control, who was now awake and thrashing about, not happy that his mouth was being held shut.

@loyalwolf @VahkiDane @KaalysBR
Geralt's inner tiger beamed with excitement at the idea of walking around a little. He nodded immediately,getting down from the table carefully. He never really let his hand go away from Dante's.

"Well,wolf. I'm really excited to see more about your pack."

He knew that he wouldn't be able to walk around for long,but at least he would be able to breath in some fresh air. And that was the only thing he asked for.

His head snapped up once someone hit Dante's door and he growled,standing in front of Dante in a protective position.

"Who is that? Is he friendly?"

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VahkiDane said:
Dane groaned.
Scar remained silent.
akumashioni said:
Shaw was carrying the enemy wolf over his shoulders and dragging Dane behind him, he showed up at dantes door, naked (events happened quickly..) "Dante!!" "Dane is hurt again!" The boy was still bleeding from his neck and shaw was now slightly struggling to keep the enemy wolf in control, who was now awake and thrashing about, not happy that his mouth was being held shut.
@loyalwolf @VahkiDane @KaalysBR
KaalysBR said:
Geralt's inner tiger beamed with excitement at the idea of walking around a little. He nodded immediately,getting down from the table carefully. He never really let his hand go away from Dante's.
"Well,wolf. I'm really excited to see more about your pack."

He knew that he wouldn't be able to walk around for long,but at least he would be able to breath in some fresh air. And that was the only thing he asked for.

His head snapped up once someone hit Dante's door and he growled,standing in front of Dante in a protective position.

"Who is that? Is he friendly?"

Dante smiled at how happy Geralt seems to get from the idea of taking a walk around the camp ground. Dante was excited too, he couldn't really remember the last time he was in wolf form and knew he needs to let his wolf out soon. "I'm glad your excitement is there because it's not going to be easy for you to walk around without feeling some discomfort."

That's when shaw came through the door with what seem to be an injured Dane and someone else. Dante couldn't help but notice Shaw lack of clothes but that really wasn't his concern at the moment. "They are fine just sitting in a chair and stretch out. I have work to do." Dante ran to grab a needle full of wolf's bane and slowly injected it into the enemy wolf. He might of got slightly injured in the processes.

He then motions to shaw to place them down on a medical bed. "Shaw put Dane on the bed there and the wolf can go in the bed with the straps." he quickly went to work cleaning and stopping the bleed. He put pressure on the wound so it wouldn't bleed so much and help it there. he let out a breath knowing he going to have to keep pressure on the wound for a while.
Shaw did as he asked, gently lying Dane on his side and slightly less gently flopping the wolf onto the table. He tied the straps and thanked Dante, walking towards the other man, "I don't believe we've had the pleasure." He extended his hand to shake.

@loyalwolf @KaalysBR @VahkiDane
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"As do you with me," she responded in a hushed voice, completely aware of his arms wrapped around her exposed body. Her eyes closed as she leaned against him and let him hold her. She could hardly wait for them to be together completely and have Melanie as a daughter. Her body and mind wanted him and it took everything in her not to let him ravish her on the spot. They would need to be completely alone for at least a night to get all of their adult feelings out.

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy realized there was another wolf there, "what are you doing here, wolf." He growled. But while his voice was challenging, he stayed sitting. He looked down at the lion, "your name is Guinevere, correct?" His voice was guarded, bit not hostile, he sounded genuinely interested, his single blue eye meeting hers. @shadowz1995 @Juju
Juju said:
(heh, fashionably late as always... sorry about that! School OP)
Dark. Everything was dark, and utterly cold. Guinevere had always loved it when the air had a slight bite to it, but something was different this time; as if the chill had grown bold enough to attempt in claiming her body now that she was too weak to fight back. No sooner did the thought arise in her mind than the pain began. Slow and lingering at first, before igniting into a constant agonizing throb that caused tremors of pain with every breath. Yet all pain paled before the bite on her upper back where the unnaturally enormous wolf had grasped her before throwing her against the cabin wall. It wasn't the worst bite she had received, but it was burning with unusual intensity and smelt horrible.

"Guin... wake up."

Something prodded her side, but she was too weary to have the courtesy of flinching... she couldn't even muster up a threatening growl. Slowly her mind finished processing what her ears had heard. That voice was familiar, but to whom did it belong? A memory of a crimson eye presented itself in her mind and she remembered.

'Victor?' she thought, confused.

When her own solitary grey eye eventually opened, the world around her was blurred and shifting beneath her. It took a few blinks for it to focus enough to confirm that the warrior was in fact there. She didn't have to wonder whether or not it was just another dream; she was still a mountain lion. Beasts don't dream.

Guinevere weakly raised her head and coughed hoarsely. "Crimson... what the hell are you doing here?" she managed to say before lowering her head back down onto her filthy paws, mud and dried blood still caked into her fur. She hadn't noticed the other wolf yet, too preoccupied with fighting with her pain.

@shadowz1995 @KaalysBR
"Jesus shifter you look like hell. I'm here because I feared you were killed before you could fulfill your promise with me. You left me in a pretty bad state but if you were able to leave in the state I left you in and then continue fighting more wolves then I think I have to hand you the victory on this one. "Victor chuckled but he was being serious. The cougar had been through much more than he had and she had to do it alone. Crimson already held great respect for the cougar and that fact only made it grow exponentially. The wolf warrior valued Guin greatly and seeing her in such a sorry state set a fire to his blood that rivaled if someone had injured his mate. "Im going to get you out of here Guin. We got to get you patched up and fed. Your showing signs of malnutrition and your wounds are getting infected. If this pack doesn't kill you than your injuries will.....though I am partially to blame for that."

When Crimson smelled the wolf behind him, he barely turned to see him. A one eyed wolf much like himself or Guin. Victor couldn't help but scoff at the irony that there were three one-eyed shifters in the same room. "I'm visiting a rival of mine. You are free to tell your alpha I'm here. I plan on getting her out of here. You can tell your alpha that as well. She's mine to kill and I want her at full strength. Your treatment of her is not exactly helping." He said with his back turned but Crimson kept all of his senses tuned into the wolf behind him, in case he needed to dodge a sudden attack.
"Just leave me, thi-" He coughed. "This was my fault." Dane tried to get up, but the pain flared up, causing him lie back down.

Scar continued to struggle against the bonds of his bed, but to no avail.
VahkiDane said:
"Just leave me, thi-" He coughed. "This was my fault." Dane tried to get up, but the pain flared up, causing him lie back down.
Scar continued to struggle against the bonds of his bed, but to no avail.
Dante shook his head and snapped at Dane "Shut up i dont care if this is your fault. It's my

job to save your life so your either going to help me or your going to shut up and let me do my job."

He got out a needle and thread and began stitching the wound back together. he sighed and grabbed an iv

and hooked dane up to it and administered painkiller through it.
Felicity noticed that she was being too slow to actually get to Dante or Diana, and soon realised that shaw had taken matters into his own hands. At least he didn't scold her for being out on her own, like her father did to her mother....

Her foot stopped dead in its tracks. So, that was another memory: the protectiveness of her rough father, who would go to extreme lengths to see that they were both safe.

That, in fact, brought a smile to her face. She continued her walk through the woods, now unsure of her location, but she didn't really pay much attention to that.


Inka-Grace giggled to herself, picking up sand in her fist, and then dropping it. She repeated the process, clearly amused. Her back leaned against her mother's leg as she blissfully squealed.

"B-but....why? I haven't even met you before, why..." He was cut off by another blood ridden cough.

He was beginning to pass out due to blood loss.
"Don't think about it." He replied to Dane.

"If everything's settled I'm going back to sleep." He began leaving and turned over his shoulder, "Seeya."

He quickly made it back to his cabin, seeing felicity was still missing. He lays down and reassumes his sleeping position, hands behind the head, sprawled out comfortably.

@loyalwolf @VahkiDane @xxbetaspiritxx
Quincy contemplated calling for Luna, but thought better of it, "I don't wish to fight. I've become somewhat Jaded to fighting." he shrugged, "I would defend my pack to the last breath, but..." he trailed off, bitterness evident in his eye, "You cant open that door. it's meant to hold wayward shifters." he glanced at Guinevere, "What would you say, if I said I would nurse her to health for you? if you left my home peacefully... I am the one who advised Luna not to kill her- although I'm not sure if Luna even was listening to me." his voice again took on a harsh, bitter tone when he spoke of Luna. it was obvious that he care for his pack, but something happened that caused him a deal of bitterness. @shadowz1995 @Juju
Geralt didn't feel comfortable around the strange wolves,so he moved to the back of the room and allowed Dante to work. His inner tiger wanted to run away from this strange pack that didn't belong to him,but seeing Dante heal another just like he did with him...

That made him stay.

He nodded to Shaw when the wolf spoke to him,but both of them had the dominating personalities of an Alpha. Not only that,but Shaw had rejected Dante. He was starting to wonder where they would eventually clash.

Diana's body was unattended as she allowed her wolf mind to drift to Violet,so she blinked with confusion once she found herself near the cage where the mountain lion surely would be. She hadn't commanded herself to be there,and yet...and yet her healer heart had dragged her towards the wounded. That same heart would be the death of her someday,but not today.

Soft sounds of voices were inside,and she stepped in to find a wolf that she was familiar with,and another that was a stranger. Diana was in her human form now,looking small next to the two other man.

"Quincy...is everything okay?"

Diana allowed her wolf to interact with Violet's,walking inside her mind. It felt like home,even though she had never been physically there. Violet's mind was a safe heaven for her,a place where she could feel loved instead of afraid.
She faced the mind of her mate,wondering if she could learn at all. But Violet was patient,and she trusted her mate completely.

"I'm ready to do this,my sun and stars."
Silently Violet focused as she smiled lovingly. She stated, "Yes you are my love now watch me carefully." Then Violet's wolf looked around as a forest came up in Violet's mind a memory of a battle with wolves coming from most sides. Violet moved in and out among the wolves twisting and turning she took down wolves in a methodical manner. Then Violet ended the memory then looked at her mate and stated, "Let's begin with the basics defense being able to defend yourself when a wolf attacks you we will learn about offense later. Now let's say I charge you right now and I lung towards your neck with my teeth. Judging my trajectory you move so I overshoot and trip over your body you lunge towards me and duck. I'll trip on you and slam into the ground now you recovering quickly must jump on top of me understand?" Violet didn't realize Dianna's body had wandered off she was to focused training Dianna's wolf.
Quincy perked his ears and turned to Dianna, his muzzle pulled into a wolf-ish smile, "Yes, Dianna. this is... Crimson I believe, he is here because the Lion, Guinevere is his... friend. I am just here to keep them company. I also was offering to help Guinevere back to health... if she would allow me to." he explained to the soft-hearted healer. he hid all traces of anger and bitterness that were swept up in his gaze, all the was there was an innocent wish to help. @KaalysBR
Luna saw many wolves head to the main hall and growled. Carrying Inka she barged into the basement

"What the hell is going on in here? Get away from that monster." She snarled at the wolves, her grip tight on her daughter
Diana hadn't realized her unique ability of separating her human form from the wolf inside of her,keeping them both away from each other. She felt weirdly hollow now,but that was the only indication that something was missing. She run one hand through her long hair,pulling it softly away from her eyes as she rose her head and smiled back at Quincy and Crimson.

"Crimson. It's a pleasure. I did not expect for Guinevere to have a...friend."

There was no anger in Diana's expression,simply curiosity as she looked down at the mountain lion. Diana's voice was gentle when she spoke to Quincy. She was fond of him,and would accept his decision if he wanted to help the lion.

"Do you wish for my help,Quincy?"

The black wolf paid all of it's attention to Violet,concentrating on the swift moves as she took down enemy wolves. It was more willing to fight than the human would have been. Her voice was confident and leveled.

"Yes,my mate. I understand. We may begin our training."

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Nuuch sits by the lake near the hollow trying to figure out what happened to him, and try to make sense of his thoughts. He kept seeing blurred images of his possible former pack, and then terrible images of when he was captive in the lab. He didn't know what to do but he couldn't shake the feeling. Nuuch lets out a deep howl to the sky then just falls over, looking blankly at the water.
Quincy looked at Luna, his eyes held a guarded dark look in them, rather than the admiration he once held in his eyes, "I am simply here to guard her, Alpha. and what pleasure would you get from a shiftier dieing in a painful way of slowly dieing of hunger and infection. its one thing to kill your enemies with your teeth, but to let them die in a hole like this would truly turn you into a monster, worse than the Lion." he said, his voice held no emotion, he had stood up, his tail was down to show he was not trying to overrule Luna's dominance. "Crimson has a right to be here, as he... cares? for the Lion." he glanced at the wolf, his eye somewhat questioning. @Jasil @shadowz1995

Valissa approached Nuuch, and crouched next to him whining, "My love, what is the matter?" valissa had been pacing, her hackles raised and tail down in nerves. she could feel the unrest caused by the lion, she could smell her brother was near the lion, and his emotions... were so convulated and mixed she couldn't make heads or tails of it. @Nuuchi
The black wolf paid all of it's attention to Violet,concentrating on the swift moves as she took down enemy wolves. It was more willing to fight than the human would have been. Her voice was confident and leveled.
"Yes,my mate. I understand. We may begin our training."
Looking at the black wolf Violet's wolf cocked her head sideways then smiled. Violet felt like something was off about Dianna's wolf voice but Violet dismissed it as she smiled then stated, "Well then let's begin Dianna. I'll start by attacking you slowly we will practice everything before trying sparring." She nuzzled Dianna quickly then smiled as she began training her mate.

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