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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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akumashioni said:
Shaw held onto the back of her thighs as she climbed up him, smiling when she kissed him.
"It is." He replied, as he dunked her underwater, pulling her back up and kissing her before she could vocalize her frustration.

He always liked teasing her, she was so cute when she was frustrated.


(Literally nothing lol felicity and shaw are in the lake, everyone else is either attempting to run away, or sleeping, or enthralled with eachother, the mountain lion is imprisoned.)@OverTheMoo
(Huzzah! Good has triumphed again. Thank you for filling me in!)
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Felicity squealed, gurgling water and then when pulled back up, and she felt the water pressing against her face with quite some force. She crossed her arms across her chest and covered his eyes with her hands. "That was rude!" She squealed, her eyes widening in bewilderment.
It was weird, she must of sniffed up some water, because now her nose was burning, causing her eyes to water. She tried to remove his hands away from her just to irritate him, as he has frustrated her. "Let gooooooo." She begged playfully, her feet gently kicking his chest.

"Hmmm." She smirked, leaning in front of him so that her eyes were in line with his laps. "I challenge you to a fight." Her eyes sparkled with intrigue, and she chuckled a little.

He laughed at her small tantrum, "a fight?"

Shaw was actually a little offput by her tenacity. normally when someone challenged an alpha it was a fight to the death.

"Alright, just.. Go easy on me huh?"

He wasn't really looking forward to it all that much, figuring he'd have to hold back immensely to avoid hurting her.

Cybil drew her attention over to the two werewolves. One had just challenged the other. She shut her sketchbook and laid it on her lap. Leaning back into the tree branch she was sitting on, she watched them.

This shall be an interesting turnout... she thought.

@xxbetaspiritxx @akumashioni
Felicity smiled, poking his cheek with her slender fingers. "I win!" She exclaimed childishly, as if that was her plan all along, and it was. It was never her intention to actually have a fight, because she knew she wouldn't win.

Another smile lit up on her face, and she crawled away from his shoulders, awkwardly swimming to the river bank and clambering up, her small legs slipping on the now wet mud.

Stretching, she sat down on the bank, her legs dangling above the water. A sudden noise caught her attention, and she turned around to attempt to see where it had come from. Her eyes tries to adjust to the light, and it must've seemed as though she were just staring.


Shaw laughed loudly, his foolish alpha mindset had actually kicked in a little bit, he imagined destroying his foe without actually thinking about it.

Shaking his head a little, he followed her up onto the shore, laying beside her. He was fully soaked wearing only boxers, he had never been shy about his body, remembering the way Dane had looked so panicked in the nude.

"What are you looking at?" He finally noticed the direction of her gaze.

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Cybil huffed, it was a trick. She shrugged, not irritated by her disappointment. She switched her attention back over to her sketchbook and reopened it, delicately handling each page. She took out her pencil and began to draw again.

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Felicity shrugged. "Heard something. Probably a badger or something." She smiled, looking down at him, blushing, and then quickly diverting her attention to the river. Her own top was desperately clinging to her, just like felicity had to Shaw when they first entered the water. She smiled at the thought.

"You know you said each of our forms have to bond?....How do we? Just getting used to the forms?" She curiously asked, pressing her knees up to her chest.

He rolled onto his back and put his hands behind his head, looking up at the sky.

"It's.. Not that simple." "There's a.. Ritual."

"I'm not too worried about bonding with your wolf, the only reason I'm hesitant to perform the ritual is because of me." Felicity could remember snippets of the ritual, her father had filled her in about mating with alphas.

To perform the ritual she would have to transform, shaw would begin a chanting ritual that causes severe burning anger, similar to alpha rabies. They would have to be truly in love, it's the only thing that quells the rage, and afterwards he would begin a separate ritual that actually forms connections in eachothers minds and souls. She would have to do the same to his wolf.

He knew he could defend himself from her wolf, and their human forms would be easily bonded... But his own wolf. It knew no love, it knew no emotion but rage. He was terrified of hurting her, no. Killing her.

He rolled onto his side and took her hand in his, cupping it with his other hand. "I want us to be bonded felicity, but it's just not safe..." He looked dissapointed in himself, and reassumed his position on his back, hands behind his head, sighing deeply.

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It was only then that the memories of watching others commit to the mating ritual....Many had actually died doing so, she remembered. The majority of the dead being female. It was easily done, so easy to hurt the mate being bonded with, especially with how large the male wolves used to be in the pack, but the alphas were always much, much more larger. Like Shaw.

Felicity nodded understandingly, seeing that he seemed a little hurt in himself. She crawled over to him and lay beside him, her head calmly placed on his lower chest as she looked up at the stars, her eyes trying to count the mystical beings.

"It's okay. I know how hard to bond it is....I know I probably wouldn't be able to, but I wouldn't want to hurt you. At all." Then, she mimicked his sigh and rubbed her eyes. "Will we have to wait a while then?" She asked, sniffling a little.

Felicity knew it wasn't fair to put Shaw in such an uncomfortable position, and felt bad almost immediately.

He wrapped his arm around her as she cuddled up to him, "yea.. We will have to wait." He would never risk it while he couldn't control himself, the chanting would almost gaurantee him attacking her.

He felt a pang of guilt in his heart, knowing felicity was eager to bond. "Don't worry, I'll find a cure for my disease soon enough.." He tried to sound reassuring but failed terribly.

Honestly he didn't think he would find a cure, he figured he would go out the same way as his father, killing those closest to him. He wouldn't let that happen however, he would leave long before his symptoms over took him.

He rubbed her side and shoulder in a comforting way, also looking up at the stars.

Felicity nodded, stretching out her legs and climbing closer to him to comfort him. "Disease or not, I'll still be here for you, and I'll still be your mate!" She reassured him, beginning to shiver a little. With near enough no fat, and having being in the cold water, she had gotten very, very cold.

"C-can we go inside? It's getting a little chilly." She softly grumbled, laying her head on his chest. It was so warm. Was it even normal to be that hot? "You're so warm!" She smiled, climbing on top of him and cuddling him tightly, her lips nuzzling between his shoulder and neck.

It was very comfortable like this, and she did have to admit that she didn't want to move.

(heh, fashionably late as always... sorry about that! School OP)

Dark. Everything was dark, and utterly cold. Guinevere had always loved it when the air had a slight bite to it, but something was different this time; as if the chill had grown bold enough to attempt in claiming her body now that she was too weak to fight back. No sooner did the thought arise in her mind than the pain began. Slow and lingering at first, before igniting into a constant agonizing throb that caused tremors of pain with every breath. Yet all pain paled before the bite on her upper back where the unnaturally enormous wolf had grasped her before throwing her against the cabin wall. It wasn't the worst bite she had received, but it was burning with unusual intensity and smelt horrible.

"Guin... wake up."

Something prodded her side, but she was too weary to have the courtesy of flinching... she couldn't even muster up a threatening growl. Slowly her mind finished processing what her ears had heard. That voice was familiar, but to whom did it belong? A memory of a crimson eye presented itself in her mind and she remembered.

'Victor?' she thought, confused.

When her own solitary grey eye eventually opened, the world around her was blurred and shifting beneath her. It took a few blinks for it to focus enough to confirm that the warrior was in fact there. She didn't have to wonder whether or not it was just another dream; she was still a mountain lion. Beasts don't dream.

Guinevere weakly raised her head and coughed hoarsely. "Crimson... what the hell are you doing here?" she managed to say before lowering her head back down onto her filthy paws, mud and dried blood still caked into her fur. She hadn't noticed the other wolf yet, too preoccupied with fighting with her pain.

@shadowz1995 @KaalysBR
His body quivered as she kissed his neck, "I've always run hot.." Little did he know that this was one of the side effects of his alpha rabies, constant fever. It's what made his eyes slightly red and his skin pale in human form. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed in this position with her. He slid his hands up her legs to her hips, staring intently into her eyes. He felt strongly for the woman, was it love? He was scared to admit that he loved her, what if something happened to her? He had become slightly introverted from his tragic past, scared to become attached to anyone.

Felicity smirked a little. She liked how warm he was, but then soon moved away from him with a yawn. "I'm going to go back to the cabin. You can stay out here if you want, I'm just very cold and tired." She admitted, standing up. Very quickly, she stretched up, her arms very high up, as if stretching up to capture the stars.

Waiting for him to see if he'd move, she sharply scurried back to the cabin, and standing there in her wet clothes, shivering. Wrapping the blanket around herself, she groaned, lying down on the dining table.

He watched her go, staying on the shore for a long while. He took one last swim around the perimeter of the lake before walking to their cabin. He entered quietly, surprisingly so for such a massive person. He undressed and dried himself off, before laying on the blanketless bed, hands behind his head.

He noticed felicity on the table, laughing silently at her strange choice of a bed.

Felicity was smiling, feeling much warmer. The table was neighbouring a radiator, and so it was very warm to just lie down. The warmth soothed her so much that she had already began to fall asleep, having not noticed Shaw's entrance.

Cocooning herself in the duvet, she lay like a little roll in he middle of the table, grunting contently at the warmth.

He decided against moving her, she looked quite comfortable. He lie there, listening to the sounds of the night, closing his eyes.

He never seemed to dream, only darkness.

Maybe he just couldn't remember them.

@xxbetaspiritxx @Juju (you're right, beasts don't dream, guin and shaw have something in common. xD )
Felicity woke, and although being wrapped thoroughly in the duvet, and sat next to a radiator, she was shivering. Her eyes darted around and she saw that Shaw was asleep. Hmph. With a deep sigh, she silently scampered across the floor to the door, opening it and closing it quietly behind her. She didn't want to wake Shaw and have him worry.

Felicity just wanted to go for a walk, although it was very dark. She want to make herself aware and familiar to her surroundings. However, she didn't know where exactly Luna's packs territory ended of finished.

Her feet gently scraped the leaves and dirt as her nose crinkled at the scent of various new animals and plants. Felicity happily weaved between trees, smiling as she hummed a near quiet tune.

Shaw stirred slightly at the sound of the door, moving one hand from behind his head to on top of his chest.

He appeared to be sleeping peacefully and was.

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Dane stopped as soon as he was in a wide enough area. He sighed, and sat down, waiting for his demise.

Scar had caught the scent. He was close, very very close.

He shifted into human form, his smile grew, showing his sharp teeth.

He found him.

Dane could hear something.

He readied himself. He was going to get rid of this guy.

Scar charged out of the shadows, throwing a punch, and knocking over the larger man.

Dazed, Dane tried to trip over the hooded man.

Scar fell over, onto Dane.

The two wrestled for a while, Dane having the advantage for his bigger size.

Suddenly, James morphed, and bit into Dane's neck, causing him to yell, and punch the wolf in the gut.

James didn't let go of his neck, causing the ground below him to turn into a red tint.

Dane grappled with Scar's neck, crushing it so that the two were in a standoff.

Eventually, the two both passed out, both of them still crushing each other.
Shaw jolted awake at the sound of a yell, he got up and ran toward the sound of it, smelling blood. He was totally nude, having taken no time to dress and arrived just as the two wolves passed out.

"What the?" @VahkiDane
Felicity eventually made her way through the trees, and towards a fight that seemed to break out. She was shyly hiding behind a tree, and then she saw Shaw run over. Her heart skipped a beat for a second, and she remained hiding, clearly distraught at the sigh in front of her.
Quincy realized there was another wolf there, "what are you doing here, wolf." He growled. But while his voice was challenging, he stayed sitting. He looked down at the lion, "your name is Guinevere, correct?" His voice was guarded, bit not hostile, he sounded genuinely interested, his single blue eye meeting hers. @shadowz1995 @Juju
Luna held Inka on the sand, a distance from the water. Allowing her child to play she sat, not hearing or feeling, only watching the pup who looked so much like her father

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