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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Shaw thought about quincy's words, he can't help me, he thought to himself.

It isn't just rage, it's a disease, a curse of his bloodline. He needed a cure.

"Felicity you look terrified, what's wrong?"

He approached her and took her hands in his, gazing deeply into her eyes, "these are good people here." He lightly squeezed her hands and looked at Diana, "she alright?"

@xxbetaspiritxx @MadameRedWolf @KaalysBR
Luna stared at the cougar, trying to decide how to kill the cat. Hearing Quincy at her side she grunted a hello
Diana blushed lightly at Shaw's words,approaching Felicity respectfully. She nodded towards Quincy with a smile as he greeted her.

"I wouldn't say I'm perfect,but I do my best."

She touched Felicity's face gently,examining the wound. She could tell she had fallen and beaten her head.

She cleaned the wound softly,applying the medicine that would keep it from infecting. She placed green herbs on top of it,them put a bandage in the place of the wound.

"The wound isn't very deep,but I still want you to keep that bandage in there until I tell you to remove it." She frowned lightly once she noticed how thin Felicity look. She touched the woman's body nonchalantly,examining her. "I think you might be having a case of lack of nutrition as well. You need to eat more often,Felicity. Have these vitamins for now."

She gave her a small box with vitamin pills.

@xxbetaspiritxx @akumashioni @MadameRedWolf
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((I have to go out, so won't be able to reply for a few hours:(( ))

Felicity flinched, having not expected Shaw to just come up to her and grip her hands. With a soft nod, she squeezed his large hands within her own, and allows the wolf to clean her wound, wincing ever so slightly at the thought of her wound. Blood made her feel terribly woozy.

After, she listened to what Diana had to say, frowning at the box of pills. What were 'pills'? She asked herself, opening the box and examining the small, opaque objects. She flinched again when she felt her body had been touched, and defensively swatted the woman's hand away.

"I'm rarely hungry," Felicity mumbled sharply, her eyes darting to her body. Yes, she was thin, she knew that. But was it that bad? She backed up closer to Shaw, rubbing her fingers against the bandage on her head. "Do you eat these things?" She questioned, clearly bewildered.


Cybil sat in a stable branch of a tree. After encountering the cougar, she no longer felt safe on the ground. She took out her sketchbook, 8 1/2 inches in width and 11 inches in length. Like a normal piece of paper.

She quietly took out her pencil, it's tip sharp to the point. She sketched out what would be the head, and then did the crosshatch of it. She was going to make it a wolf. Since she was part of a pack now, it would give her an opportunity to enhance her skills in drawing wolves.
Quincy growled down at the Mountain Lion. he hadn't been here for much, but he could smell the death of fellow wolves on the lion. he itched to rip it's throat out, but waited for Luna. @Jasil @Juju

Valissa smiled at the baby and brought her into the living room. it felt... strange to be shifted in a strange home- she didn't know where any clothing was. but she couldn't shift and leave the child helpless, and she didn't know how Luna would feel about her influencing Inka to shift. so she sat against a wall cradling Inka happily. @xxbetaspiritxx @Nuuchi
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy growled down at the Mountain Lion. he hadn't been here for much, but he could smell the death of fellow wolves on the lion. he itched to rip it's throat out, but waited for Luna. @Jasil @Juju
Valissa smiled at the baby and brought her into the living room. it felt... strange to be shifted in a strange home- she didn't know where any clothing was. but she couldn't shift and leave the child helpless, and she didn't know how Luna would feel about her influencing Inka to shift. so she sat against a wall cradling Inka happily. @xxbetaspiritxx @Nuuchi
Nuuch follows valissa and sits by her, watching her care for grace. "Youre.. pretty good at this sweetheart" he said cracking a small smile. "Sounding so humble when i mentioned this at the hollow, but here you are doing wonderful" he lets out a small laugh then watches her with love gleaming in his blue eyes for her
Valissa laughed nervously, "I never envisioned myself having pups of my own, because omegas generally dont have pups- atleast in the wolfswood pack." she said sadly, "But... im not in that pack now." She blushed and turned her attention back to Inka. @Nuuchi
Nuuch taken shock by her response just gave out a small laugh "youre right valissa, youre not in that pack anymore, and if our theory is right then nietther am i. From what im seeing you would make a wonderful mother" he says while watching grace and running his fingers softly through valissas hair @MadameRedWolf
Inka-Grace's wide, purple eyes were focused on the two, looking at one wolf for a few seconds, and then the next. She released her grasp on Vallisa's hair to chew on her own fist, gurgling happily to herself.

The two seemed to enjoy eachother's company....But she was almost positive that this woman and this man were not her parents. But maybe parents were swapped every now and again? Yes, that must've been it.

With, to her, what seemed like tremendous force, her nose crinkled as it began to tickle, and she gently sneezed a few times, and then her lip began to quiver a little.


KaalysBR said:
Geralt's eyes were shamelessly set upon Dante's bare chest. His inner tiger was feeling animosity towards the wolf,but the man...
...the man was paying attention to more important things.

He took the pills with a nod,still having difficulty on receiving orders from someone from another pack. His alpha senses were wanting to snap,but he never really did. He felt calmer with Dante,maybe because the man was a healer.

"You know...the life debt. It also extends to my body. So you can use it for whatever you feel like."

The flirting was obviously rusty on him,but he tried anyway.


Diana sighed with relief once she felt her mate approaching her,turning and embrancing Violet tightly.

"I apologize my sun and stars...I'm was unsure of what is happening."

He turned to her Alpha,still giving hesitant looks to the mountain lion. The beast was vulnerable,and would die if they attacked. Diana felt fear.

But no hate.

"My alpha,maybe...we can spare it? It's...vulnerable now."

Dante smirked to himself as the tiger seem to be fixated on his body. Dante found it flattering that some

appreciated his form but right now he had more pressing matters. Dante knows most shifters dont like being told what to do

by anyone but there alpha. still Dante learned that you had to be stern when it came to treating the injured.

"Is that kinda of you but what makes you think your body is useful to me at all." he retorted back with a smirk." in the state your in something tells me your body is pretty useless to me. then of course from your action i can tell your mind is that useful either." he laughs at his joke. "But seriously don't worry about this life debt thing. you dont owe me anything,as long as you follow my instructions and heal up. So tell me tiger, whats your name." he had to admit the tiger was incredibly fit and good-looking. Making Dante almost considered

his offer of using his body. (sorry had clas today but im done for the day. Yay!)
Kira headed to her cabin, not taking so much as a moment to even glance at Faolin as she stepped over the locket and trotted inside, her grey-white fur damp from taking a few moments to rest on wet grass. She went over to the fireplace and clawed down a log from the top of the wood pile beside it. Claws stretching, she sat down with the soft wood exposed to her and began making deep, rhythmic gouges in the wood to calm down. In the firelight, anger flared in her eyes- at herself, at her past- and her body remained tense.

xxbetaspiritxx said:
((I have to go out, so won't be able to reply for a few hours:(( ))
Felicity flinched, having not expected Shaw to just come up to her and grip her hands. With a soft nod, she squeezed his large hands within her own, and allows the wolf to clean her wound, wincing ever so slightly at the thought of her wound. Blood made her feel terribly woozy.

After, she listened to what Diana had to say, frowning at the box of pills. What were 'pills'? She asked herself, opening the box and examining the small, opaque objects. She flinched again when she felt her body had been touched, and defensively swatted the woman's hand away.

"I'm rarely hungry," Felicity mumbled sharply, her eyes darting to her body. Yes, she was thin, she knew that. But was it that bad? She backed up closer to Shaw, rubbing her fingers against the bandage on her head. "Do you eat these things?" She questioned, clearly bewildered.


"Yea it's medicine, don't chew it, just swallow it with water."

He gently pet the spot where Diana had bandaged her up and smiled. "I'm sorry." his eyes looked sad but content.

He blamed himself for her getting hurt, she wouldn't have been in there all boarded up if he could control himself better.

He led her to the cabin he had picked for himself and showed her inside.

"Id prefer if you stayed here, with me." He said as they entered.

If they were mates, it only made sense for them to live together.

Felicity followed him to the cabin, her hands never leaving the bandage. She found the material very intriguing, and also very soft. When he showed her in, she smiled, slowly drifting in and looking around in awe. "Mrs Luna seems very nice, providing you all with housing."

At his words, she grinned, shaking her head. "No, Shaw, I was thinking of sleeping outside in the shrubs." She joked, gently poking him on the chest. Then, she had realised-when she had been daydreaming as they walked to the cabin- that he had apologised. Her facial expression grew a little wild as she frowned. "You didn't need to apologise." She softly grumbled, and then stretched.

Felicity was hoping that Shaw didn't mind if she fell asleep in her wolf form. It was what they had been taught when they were younger, and mostly everyone followed those rules. Even with her memory loss, she knew to stay sleeping in her wolf form. It meant they were alert and aware of their surroundings; they were able to make a quick escape.

"How many of these do I eat?" She asked, shaking the box in confusion, then her eyes darted to Shaw.

"My guess? One a day." He flopped heavily into the bed after throwing his shirt off.

He put his hands behind his head and spoke as he stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm so grateful that you found me felicity."

He held his hand out to her wolf form, lightly grazing her muzzle.

He was in awe of her wolfs graceful markings and coat, and always would be.

He retracted his arm back behind his head and lie there, thinking.

Felicity flicked her tail, and when he touched her muzzle, she approvingly pushed her nose against his hand, until he moved it away. "I'm also glad that I found you, and this pack." Her eyes were suddenly frowned with sadness. "I thought you were dead Shaw, I really did." Her native wolf tongue died to a soft whisper, her voice cracking ever so slightly. It was a little silent for a few moments, and then Felicity tried to move on the varnished and very smooth wooden floor.

Her limbs sprawled out defensively as she continuously skidded across the very slippery wood, her class clattering ominously. Without thinking, felicity leaped up onto a nearby counter top, and then took a run up before jumping onto the medium sized bed, sat at the end instead of with her mate.

Felicity felt a little shy with him being shirtless and all, and most definitely would've been blushing. Instead, she allowed her head to be bowed submissively to hide her shyness. She stretched out, yawned a little, then lay down on the soft blanket. She curled up into a small and compressed donut shape.

(sorry about that... school aggro.

Im also loving the Star Wars references, Akuma xD )

Guinevere's eye watched with unwavering intensity as the enormous wolf's jaws snapped just inches from her neck. Again, she was filled with confusion; she had openly threatened to kill off his mate, which usually was an awful slight to a mated werewolf. However, her confusion was soon dismissed when he handed her over to be judged by the alpha.

'the alpha... all things run to the alpha.' she thought, her head spinning.

When the now shifted man hoisted her into the air by her scruff, the mountain lion struggled feebly with a growl. Fortunately she did not have to suffer this breach on her pride for any longer than a couple of moments before she was deposited before the Alpha female and some other members of the pack. She recognized from the river standoff.

Guinevere attempted to land on her paws, but ended up half-collapsing onto the ground when the giant's hand released her. Every muscle cried out in anguish from the mad chase through the woods and her entire back seemed to be on fire with some unseen flame, sending daggers of pain into her flesh with every movement. A couple of old wounds had reopened, but none were bleeding half so bad as the bite wound on her back.

Forcing herself up, Guinevere glared steadily at Luna with her only functioning eye. She sniffed the air slightly. "Ah, you must be Gabriel's mate." she said, coughing slightly near the end. "I vaguely remember your scent clinging onto his hide as I choked the life out of him."

A phantom pain tingled in her lifeless eye as she also recalled Gabriel's thumb as it drove itself deep into her eye socket.

She fully expected the female to lash out at her, but the grizzled cat had one last wild card up her sleeve. The cougar's tail twitched slightly.

@Jasil @KaalysBR @i honestly forget whoever else was there -_-

Juju said:
(sorry about that... school aggro.
Im also loving the Star Wars references, Akuma xD )

Guinevere's eye watched with unwavering intensity as the enormous wolf's jaws snapped just inches from her neck. Again, she was filled with confusion; she had openly threatened to kill off his mate, which usually was an awful slight to a mated werewolf. However, her confusion was soon dismissed when he handed her over to be judged by the alpha.

'the alpha... all things run to the alpha.' she thought, her head spinning.

When the now shifted man hoisted her into the air by her scruff, the mountain lion struggled feebly with a growl. Fortunately she did not have to suffer this breach on her pride for any longer than a couple of moments before she was deposited before the Alpha female and some other members of the pack. She recognized from the river standoff.

Guinevere attempted to land on her paws, but ended up half-collapsing onto the ground when the giant's hand released her. Every muscle cried out in anguish from the mad chase through the woods and her entire back seemed to be on fire with some unseen flame, sending daggers of pain into her flesh with every movement. A couple of old wounds had reopened, but none were bleeding half so bad as the bite wound on her back.

Forcing herself up, Guinevere glared steadily at Luna with her only functioning eye. She sniffed the air slightly. "Ah, you must be Gabriel's mate." she said, coughing slightly near the end. "I vaguely remember your scent clinging onto his hide as I choked the life out of him."

A phantom pain tingled in her lifeless eye as she also recalled Gabriel's thumb as it drove itself deep into her eye socket.

She fully expected the female to lash out at her, but the grizzled cat had one last wild card up her sleeve. The cougar's tail twitched slightly.

@Jasil @KaalysBR @i honestly forget whoever else was there -_-

(Ppl are stealing my glory lmao)
Shaw made room for the small wolf on the end of his bed, moving his leg slightly.

He knew it wasn't late, but it seemed like a perfect time for a nap.

He was asleep quickly, his huge chest rising and falling in a soft pattern.

He slept peacefully, dreaming of nothing.

(He doesn't snore. xD )

Juju said:
(sorry about that... school aggro.
Im also loving the Star Wars references, Akuma xD )

Guinevere's eye watched with unwavering intensity as the enormous wolf's jaws snapped just inches from her neck. Again, she was filled with confusion; she had openly threatened to kill off his mate, which usually was an awful slight to a mated werewolf. However, her confusion was soon dismissed when he handed her over to be judged by the alpha.

'the alpha... all things run to the alpha.' she thought, her head spinning.

When the now shifted man hoisted her into the air by her scruff, the mountain lion struggled feebly with a growl. Fortunately she did not have to suffer this breach on her pride for any longer than a couple of moments before she was deposited before the Alpha female and some other members of the pack. She recognized from the river standoff.

Guinevere attempted to land on her paws, but ended up half-collapsing onto the ground when the giant's hand released her. Every muscle cried out in anguish from the mad chase through the woods and her entire back seemed to be on fire with some unseen flame, sending daggers of pain into her flesh with every movement. A couple of old wounds had reopened, but none were bleeding half so bad as the bite wound on her back.

Forcing herself up, Guinevere glared steadily at Luna with her only functioning eye. She sniffed the air slightly. "Ah, you must be Gabriel's mate." she said, coughing slightly near the end. "I vaguely remember your scent clinging onto his hide as I choked the life out of him."

A phantom pain tingled in her lifeless eye as she also recalled Gabriel's thumb as it drove itself deep into her eye socket.

She fully expected the female to lash out at her, but the grizzled cat had one last wild card up her sleeve. The cougar's tail twitched slightly.

@Jasil @KaalysBR @i honestly forget whoever else was there -_-

Luna snarled and scratched the Cougars face. "A life for a life, correct?" Her eyes have away a wicked gleam, with a small hint of sadness at the name of her fallen love. Luna took one of her paws and set in on the lions throat, pushing down slowly
shadowz1995 said:
(Ppl are stealing my glory lmao)
(Yeah the shit hit the fan real quick

but...she ain't gonna die just yet!

Nobody is allowed to kill her yet! AHhh!! (unless she pushes too many of Luna's buttons... *clicks on 'show unread button'* okay too late...umm... naw what D:)

Bad deadpool!)

oh dear...)
Juju said:
(Yeah the shit hit the fan real quick
but...she ain't gonna die just yet!

Nobody is allowed to kill her yet! AHhh!! (unless she pushes too many of Luna's buttons... *clicks on 'show unread button'* okay too late...umm... naw what D:)

Bad deadpool!)

oh dear...)
(Well you see. I would come help the cougar but I'm fkin stuck -_-
Felicity softly lifted her eyelids, curiously watching Shaw as he slept (not creepy at all lmao). She quickly stretched out, crawling over to his side on her stomach. Her muzzle gently poked the side of his cheek, and she rolled onto her side, continuing her original position beside him with ease.

It would seem as though such a sweet, slow wolf would be quiet as she slept, but Felicity couldn't actually get comfortable, and so continued to move around, the bed being too soft for her wolf.

Quicker then a wink, she did the unthinkable and shifted to her human form, snoring lightly. She pressed herself against the wall to give Shaw as much room as he possibly needed. Yes, this form and this bed were very comfortable. They matched quite well.

(benefits of being single, mon! @shadowz1995 )

Guin growled in pain as her face was scratched by the alpha's claws, adorning her face with streaks of crimson. 'getting more and more gorgeous by the day...' she thought glumly.

Fortunately her good eye was relatively untouched, a small mercy, but Guin was more focused on her executioner's eyes than her own. She could see the pain flickering there like a thorn.

'hmph... suffer well wolf...' she thought as the paw pressed down onto her throat. 'none of your false gods can bring him back from whatever hell he has landed himself in. Nurse your pain until your death.'

Her own grey eye held its own pain as well, easier to see in her weariness. But there was something else in there. Regret?

'pitiful...' she thought. She wondered if the one eyed warrior would laugh when he heard of her pathetic death, strangled under the paw of a wolf. Victor.. yes that was his name. She had to remember

Perhaps his words had been false anyway. Wolves were infernal creatures, spewing venomous lies. Unmerciful. Monsters.

But she had killed them... so what was she?

'my little creature' a familiar voice would say
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