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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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KaalysBR said:
Geralt woke up some time later feeling like he had been hit by a truck,but that was still a step up from the pain he had first felt.
Not that he wasn't used to pain by now.

He glanced around the cabin until his eyes were set upon Dante,who looked even more handsome when he was asleep. Geralt was still feeling confused by the idea of a wolf helping him,but he was doing his best to understand.

His will was to get up from that table and run back to his father,claim his old pack. But in the situation he was now,he would probably just kill himself,although that hurt to admit.

Not only that,but he also had a life-debt to Dante,something he was yet to fulfill. And tigers always paid their debts. So instead of running,he stayed on the table,looking at Dante's ceiling.

Dante stirred from his sleep, feeling better then he did just a while ago. He figured he should administer some more painkillers and change out the Tigers Iv. He stretched out his body and stretched his stomach. "Alright tiger, let see how your doing." He approached the bed and notice the guy was awake. "Well look what we have here. Mister tiger seems to be awake and bot letting his doctor know. Here take these pills there over the counter painkillers." He looked down at the guy not feeling ashamed to be shirtless. @KaalysBR
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Dianna snapped her eyes open as she looked around groggily she always slept deep so it took a lot to wake her. Seeing that her mate had left the bed and she heard noises was enough. She bolted up in bed and asked mentally to Dianna. "Love are you okay? What's going on? You should have woken me up." She swung her legs out of bed as she changed into her wolf form seamlessly.


Silently Faolin sat on the porch watching the scenery of the woods. Who had he chosen to be his mate? Kira. He should have taken her offer that first time but no he had decided that she must love him to. She had loved him but then he hadn't moved quickly enough to gain ground in her heart. Why did life have to be filled with so much injuries of wolves? He sighed loudly he had lost her probably forever but now he had to try to win her back but how? Well it's why they call it an adventure! He saw Kira come out of the woods and he smiled. The necklace was still in her chair and their it would remain forever most likely never to go around Kira's neck.

(NOOO! I'll never join you!)

The wolf's mighty jaws stopped again, inches from her throat.

"No." "I'm not like you."

The wolf shook his head violently for a moment before reverting back to shaw.

He wasn't in control, by no means.

But today he had managed to transform himself at will, everyone was safe for now.

"As for you?" He grabbed the lion by her scruff and scooped her up, looking at Luna.

"What do we do with her?"

@Juju @Jasil
Luna snarled, "She's been a threat for far too long. We kill her." Her eyes narrowed and she stepped forward
Shaw layed the lion down at Luna's feet and walked away, shaking his head.

"I'll fix the roof!" He called over his shoulder.

He felt like a monster, he had barely managed to control his wolf form, that was quite the difficult task.

For now, he had to make sure felicity was ok.

He followed her scent to a nearby cabin, knocking politely, turning the knob and noticing the door won't budge.

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx

Cybil nodded in agreement, baring her fangs. The cougar had given them no mercy and now it was time for her to pay the price. Needless blood had been spilled, it was time to end it.
Felicity scrunched her eyes shut. She could smell Shaw, and she wanted to let him in, but it could've been a trick. It could all be a trick. She watched as the door knob turned, and again, she winced lightly, backing away from the door. Quickly, she scooted as far back as she could.

It wasn't that Felicity was scared of him exactly, but that the cougar was developing one huge trick, trying to lure her into it by using her mate. She quickly shook her head of the thought and exhaled deeply, biting the edge of her nail. And, she didn't doubt herself either. Feral cats were sly like that.

For the past few years, she had learned not to trust anyone. No one at all.

xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace squealed when she heard her mother leave, and then continued to bawl her eyes out. She didn't like it, these people were strangers to her, and she wanted her mother. Why did everyone seem so scared? Was there something wrong? Inka continued to whimper, kicking her plump legs around.
@Nuuchi @MadameRedWolf


Felicity locked the cabin door very quickly, pushing various objects to it so that no one else could get in. It took a while, because she wasn't too strong, and there was a lot of furniture, but when she was done, she collapsed onto the floor.

Adrenaline had rushed through her body, and now she was in a subtle state of shock, and once again was trying to calm her breathing. All she could think about was the well-being of Shaw, and of course the others, but Shaw couldn't control himself.....That made the situation a whole lot worse.

Her steely, grey eyes warmly batted, looking up at the ceiling nervously. If anyone wanted to come in, they'd have to break a wall down because there was no way in hell that door was going to open. She refused to move any furniture to do that.
The cry of a pup strikes nuuchs head like a club. At first it made him drop but it cleared his thoughts for the time being knowing that luna might not like that grace was screaming in her absense. Nuuch quickly walks over to where she was sleeping and shifts into human form hoping that might help. "There, there shhh. Its alright grace, momma will be right back" He says smiling softly then picks her up ever so gently and looks down on her with his soft deep blue eyes and rocks her while humming a lullaby in hopes that it would calm her down
"Felicity?" He hung his head at her silence.

He couldn't help but feel like he had scared her off.

He shook his head and turned around, walking towards the lake.

He wanted to think about what had just happened, he was trying to remember exactly what his wolf had done.

Geralt's eyes were shamelessly set upon Dante's bare chest. His inner tiger was feeling animosity towards the wolf,but the man...

...the man was paying attention to more important things.

He took the pills with a nod,still having difficulty on receiving orders from someone from another pack. His alpha senses were wanting to snap,but he never really did. He felt calmer with Dante,maybe because the man was a healer.

"You know...the life debt. It also extends to my body. So you can use it for whatever you feel like."

The flirting was obviously rusty on him,but he tried anyway.


Diana sighed with relief once she felt her mate approaching her,turning and embrancing Violet tightly.

"I apologize my sun and stars...I'm was unsure of what is happening."

He turned to her Alpha,still giving hesitant looks to the mountain lion. The beast was vulnerable,and would die if they attacked. Diana felt fear.

But no hate.

"My alpha,maybe...we can spare it? It's...vulnerable now."

Felicity felt very, very guilty, and due to that she attempted to push back the heavy furniture. "I'm sorry Shaw." She whispered, still trying to move the objects out of the doorway, but without the adrenaline rush, it was hard for her to do so. But, there was a window.

Within a heartbeat, Felicity pushed the small window open, and leaped up onto the ledge. It would be a tight fit, but she figured she could make it. Exhaling deeply, she held her breath as her slim stomach scraped the plastic, and she was hanging halfway out of the window. With one more push, she fell to the floor, hitting her head on a nearby rock. It bled, much like every other head wound, but it wasn't serious.

She followed his scent, finding the river. Felicity hated water. The churning sounds always found a way to spook yet soothe her. In her dark blonde hair, a small patch of red grew. "Are you okay?" She softly asked.

Shaw turned at the sound of her voice, "I'm."

He saw her head bleeding, "are you ok?"

He stood up and rushed over to her, eyeing her bleeding wound.

"What happened?" He assumed he had hurt her in his transformation, not realizing that it was a fresh wound.

Quincy growled in frustration, "What about Inka? if you die... She wouldn't have her mother." but he just left her with that thought, and leaped up onto the roof, and landed down, near, but not next to Shaw, he was worried, did the Wolf till have the Alpha's Rabies? he was sure he could pull the man Shaw back, but at what cost? he didn't know if he would be able to stemm the violence without his own injury. But, he watched as Shaw changed easily, or so it seemed. he shifted, and walked towards Shaw, "Shaw, I just wanted to say, I may have been wrong about you." his single blue eye still glittered with dislike, "You... helped us, alot. that Lion has been tormenting this pack for a while, long before I got here." @Jasil @akumashioni

Valissa shifted and went into the baby's room, "Shhh, Shh, Little Inka-Grace, It's ok," She reached forward to Nuuch, and gently scooped her up, her long reddish hair would fall over the baby's face, gently brushing her forehead, other than her female appearance and the fact that her hair was longer, and eyes a different color, she looked just like Quincy. @Nuuchi @xxbetaspiritxx
Shaw was softened by quincy's words.

"It was dangerous and reckless, allowing my wolf to be led here, I could have really hurt someone." "Thank you Quincy."

He left the lion at Luna's disposal, he didn't want to shed any more blood.

Quincy blinked his eye, and held his hand out, "As long as you don't hurt my family, we're on good terms." he tipped his head, "Do you still have that... blackness in you? I...I can try to help you." He said softly. @akumashioni
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy growled in frustration, "What about Inka? if you die... She wouldn't have her mother." but he just left her with that thought, and leaped up onto the roof, and landed down, near, but not next to Shaw, he was worried, did the Wolf till have the Alpha's Rabies? he was sure he could pull the man Shaw back, but at what cost? he didn't know if he would be able to stemm the violence without his own injury. But, he watched as Shaw changed easily, or so it seemed. he shifted, and walked towards Shaw, "Shaw, I just wanted to say, I may have been wrong about you." his single blue eye still glittered with dislike, "You... helped us, alot. that Lion has been tormenting this pack for a while, long before I got here." @Jasil @akumashioni
Valissa shifted and went into the baby's room, "Shhh, Shh, Little Inka-Grace, It's ok," She reached forward to Nuuch, and gently scooped her up, her long reddish hair would fall over the baby's face, gently brushing her forehead, other than her female appearance and the fact that her hair was longer, and eyes a different color, she looked just like Quincy. @Nuuchi @xxbetaspiritxx
Nuuch feeling a little relieved that valissa had came in and grabbed her just watched as valissas maternal instincts seem to have taken over. He felt a sense of peace rush over him as he watched her care for the pup. He reaches out and rubs valissas back when the thought of how it would be when they started a family seemed to rush through real quick, but he said nothing about it. Just smiled
Inka-Grace first squealed at the touch of the strange man, but at his words and lullaby, she gently began to pull on the woman's hair, enjoying the vibrant and new colour. She then yawned, still kicking her plump limbs around, but more softly.

When she took a closer look at the woman's face, she realised that she looked like Quincy, and so smiled happily, playing with the lovely red hair.




Felicity looked at Shaw. "What, yes, of course I'm okay." It was only then that she realised a faint pain at the back of her head. "I fell, earlier, it's okay." A smile tugged at her lips, and she let her eyes meet his.

That was, until another, strange wolf arrived. Felicity quickly darted behind Shaw, hiding quietly. She was still very alert and on edge, like usual. It didn't matter about the person, it was just her instinct to hide and be quiet. Her eyes scanned the stranger, and she clung onto the back of Shaw's shirt. "Who is he?" She whispered quietly.


Diana felt the smell of blood and walked towards it,still holding into Violet's hand life it was a safe rope. She noticed the wound in Felicity head,then approached the woman slowly.

"Felicity...do you mind if a take a look at that?"

Diana pointed towards her forehead. She stood in front of Shaw,but showed no fear.

Shaw looked over his shoulder at felicity, "that's Quincy, he's harml- he won't hurt you."

Shaw gently pushed her back beside him.

"Quincy, this is felicity. My mate."

He held his head up proudly as he introduced her.

Quincy smiled strangely, "I was born into the Wolfswood pack, like Dianna's old pack, we have a special... thing about us. or, pure Wolfswood do. I can... manipulate your wolf, your subconscious. I can only do this with other wolves. I cant, control your wolf, but, if after we regain some energy, I can get you to shift, and... uh excuse the words, paralyze you again, I can draw the good part of your wolf back, and help you defeat the darkness..." He explains he then looked the felicity, and smiled at her, "Hello, felicity. Quincy Hau." he introduced himself, "I need to return to Luna, now. goodbye Shaw, felicity, Dianna." he bid farewell to his fellow wolves, and shifted, trotting back to Luna's side. @akumashioni @Jasil

Luna smiled at Inka-Grace, "You are very pretty, little Inka, just like your mother, right? She'll be back soon." she said softly. @xxbetaspiritxx
Felicity bit her lip slightly, nodding at Quincy, but before she could say anything else, it had seemed as though another wolf had joined them. These people were very quick to pop up out of nowhere.

With large amounts of reluctance, felicity stepped forwards, allowing Diana to examine the small wound. How deep it was, she didn't know, and she didn't really care. Usually, she would just leave the wound to heal on its own terms, not helping it in the process. Nature did its thing and helped, whether or not others agreed.

Staying deathly silent, she awaited the medical wolf to tend to her wound. Felicity bit her cheek, allowing several drops of blood to trickle from her wounds, and fall down her chiselled jawline. She braced herself for any pain.

She didn't exactly trust these people, but Shaw did, so she had to accept it.



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