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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kira returned from chopping logs, a large wood pile beside her and the ax swung over her shoulder. Hair falling out of her face as she looked up at the moon, the she-wolf muttered to herself, "Later than I thought..." The blade falls from her shoulder and she embeds it a good three inches or so into the stump she was using as a base for cleaving. Falling forward to land in her wolf form, she begins to trot back toward the cabins.
Juju said:
(Guinevere threatened to kill Shaw's mate along with him, causing him to go beast mode and chase her through the forest as a huge-ass wolf. Guin then lured him directly into the cabin area in hopes of having him lash out at other wolves... They are now fighting on the roof of one of the cabins)
OK who is Shaw's mate??
"This tiger is a traitor,not my son. You will attack him,or you will die. The hunt is declared."

The voice of his alpha still resonated through his head as he ran through the woods,blood dripping on the falling leaves.


They were still close on his heel,even after he killed two of them. They were too afraid of his alpha to back down now. The wind rushed as the hunt continued.


He turned to fight,flying in the neck of one of his old pack members. They barely saw him coming. He was faster and stronger than they all were. A born leader. And he wouldn't go down without a fight.


Why did they betray him? He had always been true to his pack. He was a good man. And now he was tearing the throat of one of his tiger brothers. Why?

"Traitor. I'm not a fucking traitor. I'm Geralt,and the pack is mine."

He saw the fear in the faces of the two other tigers,and they backed down. Geralt was dying,but he would still have taken both of them if he had he chance.

The tiger leaned against the tree,leaving marks of bloody paws into the woods. He was pissed beyond his mind,and dying like that would be so ridiculous. He allowed his body to drop,breathing in a unstable way.

Fine. I'm going to die with my dignity. But I swear to God,I'm going to hunt that man even in the depths of hell."

@loyalwolf there we go :D )
Quincy sat with Luna in her cabin, he was itching to join the fight, his wolf, his alpha blood roared to kill what hurt his pack. But he couldn't leave Luna and Inka alone. Then, an idea dawned on him, he shifted and went to the door, and howled for his sister. @Jasil

Valissa looked up, she had shifted put off stress a while ago, knowing something was going on, but now her brother's voice rang out, loud and needy, "Nuuch! That's quincy, come on!" With put thinking she ran to Luna's cabin. @Nuuchi

Quincy ruined his bandage off knowing it would just get in the way during the fight if he didn't, underneath the wound had healed week thanks to his werewolf healing. The smart was thin and pink ruining through his eye that had healed shut with disuse. When Valissa appeared he greeted her shortly then began taking, "Valissa you stay here and care for Luna and Inka, and no matter what, stay in the cabin. Nuuch, prove yourself a worthy make for my sister, stay here and protect her." He nodded and as he walked past, he stopped by Nuuch, "when I return, we have much to talk about, your scent is familiar, as is your face." With that he ran off towards the lion. @Juju
Luna's eyes opened groggily for a moment, just to see Valissa step in and Quincy run out. She let out a small whimper of confusion "Valissa?" She whispered with her eyes closed "what is happening?"
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy sat with Luna in her cabin, he was itching to join the fight, his wolf, his alpha blood roared to kill what hurt his pack. But he couldn't leave Luna and Inka alone. Then, an idea dawned on him, he shifted and went to the door, and howled for his sister. @Jasil
Valissa looked up, she had shifted put off stress a while ago, knowing something was going on, but now her brother's voice rang out, loud and needy, "Nuuch! That's quincy, come on!" With put thinking she ran to Luna's cabin. @Nuuchi

Quincy ruined his bandage off knowing it would just get in the way during the fight if he didn't, underneath the wound had healed week thanks to his werewolf healing. The smart was thin and pink ruining through his eye that had healed shut with disuse. When Valissa appeared he greeted her shortly then began taking, "Valissa you stay here and care for Luna and Inka, and no matter what, stay in the cabin. Nuuch, prove yourself a worthy make for my sister, stay here and protect her." He nodded and as he walked past, he stopped by Nuuch, "when I return, we have much to talk about, your scent is familiar, as is your face." With that he ran off towards the lion. @Juju
Nuuch hearing valissas emotion as she she yelled and took off gained tunnel vission at the thought of her getting hurt and before he knew what was going on he had shifted to wolf form and caught up with her, running rapidly dodging and jumping almost like something had takin control of his body. He followed her straight to lunas cabin when quincy was waiting to tell us to keep guard. Hearing quinns words had made nuuchs heart sink a little but he didnt have time to dwell on what he said "ill break every bone in my body if thats what it takes to make sure she is safe" nuuch said. Then he hurries in the house behind valissa and stands right next to the entrance, teeth showing, ready if anything dare try and barge theough that door unwelcome.
Jasil said:
Luna's eyes opened groggily for a moment, just to see Valissa step in and Quincy run out. She let out a small whimper of confusion "Valissa?" She whispered with her eyes closed "what is happening?"
Valissa looked terrified, " I don't know, Quincy just told us to stay here and guard you and Inka, and none of us to leave. " she took a hardened look, "I'll protect you, my alpha." She said, Boeing her head, and looking back to Nuuch, love evident in her eyes for her fellow white wolf. @Jasil @Nuuchi

Quincy can't upon the bloody fight scene, his single blue eye flooding with malice, he glaces at Shaw, "well Shaw, when I imagined us fighting, it was against one another, not beside one another!" And Quincy joined the fray. @Juju @akumashioni
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa looked terrified, " I don't know, Quincy just told us to stay here and guard you and Inka, and none of us to leave. " she took a hardened look, "I'll protect you, my alpha." She said, Boeing her head, and looking back to Nuuch, love evident in her eyes for her fellow white wolf. @Jasil @Nuuchi
Quincy can't upon the bloody fight scene, his single blue eye flooding with malice, he glaces at Shaw, "well Shaw, when I imagined us fighting, it was against one another, not beside one another!" And Quincy joined the fray. @Juju @akumashioni
Nuuch feeling such rage come over him as small flashbacks trickle into his mind of being beat and drugged and worked like crazy back at the lab. "Begging your pardon on the intrusion luna" he manages you growl out "i dont know what's happening but the look Quincy gave me as he left i can only imagine. Ill not leave this door until everything is calm. Nothing will get passed me" he says sounding extremely angry, to the point where he was scaring himself internally but he couldn't calm down no matter how hard he tried. His body was shaking slightly with all the adrenaline flowing through.
Luna was now more awake. She crossed the room and with shaking fingers touched Inka, then kissed her forehead

"Any harm comes to my daughter and I will see to it that every wolf is punished." Luna growled out before she sprinted through the room and jumped clear over Nuuch. Running out the house she shifted and skidded to a halt beside her other wolves. Letting out a threatening growl she stared at their opponent
The wolf roared when his leg was bitten, but his frame crashing down caused the roof to cave in.

The wolf was ready for it, landing deftly on his feet and bit the lion on the back, lifting her and throwing her against the wall, attempting to ram her afterwards.


(Sorry it took so long, internet went down.)
Seeing the cougar Luna growled in rage. "She's terrorized us too long, tonight, we skin a cat." She growled and began closing in on where Shaw and the lion were tangled together
Valissa barked worriedly, "Luna!" She cried, she began pacing, "ohh quincy is going to be mad!" She walked in front of Nuuch, and nudged him backwards, then she reared up on her hind legs and grabbed the Handel in her teeth and pulled back, shuffling on her back paws till it closed, the with a flick of her tongue it locked as well. She then slammed at the couch till she moved it in front of the door, panting. She licked Nuuch's ear, "calm my love." @Nuuchi

Quincy watched she, waiting for a chance to jump in, his eye watching, but with the massive wolf, he was sure to get bitten as collateral damage. Then Luna showed up, "Luna! What are you doing here? You should be with Valissa and Inka!" He had only felt comfortable leaving his sister with Luna because Luna was an alpha, and Valissa had a level head. @Jasil ((I gotta go to bed DX school))
Diana woke suddenly,the noises in the ceiling of her cabin making her eyes shoot open. She pulled herself out of bed and ran to the outside,trying to understand what was happening and push the exhaustion away. All her feelings screamed for caution. Her pack was in danger.
"Stop making so much noise!" Dane yelled grumpily, before rolling over again, desperately trying to sleep. If this wasn't going to go his way, he was going to make it go his way.
KaalysBR said:
Diana woke suddenly,the noises in the ceiling of her cabin making her eyes shoot open. She pulled herself out of bed and ran to the outside,trying to understand what was happening and push the exhaustion away. All her feelings screamed for caution. Her pack was in danger.
(Your cabins roof caved in... :( )
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa barked worriedly, "Luna!" She cried, she began pacing, "ohh quincy is going to be mad!" She walked in front of Nuuch, and nudged him backwards, then she reared up on her hind legs and grabbed the Handel in her teeth and pulled back, shuffling on her back paws till it closed, the with a flick of her tongue it locked as well. She then slammed at the couch till she moved it in front of the door, panting. She licked Nuuch's ear, "calm my love." @Nuuchi
Quincy watched she, waiting for a chance to jump in, his eye watching, but with the massive wolf, he was sure to get bitten as collateral damage. Then Luna showed up, "Luna! What are you doing here? You should be with Valissa and Inka!" He had only felt comfortable leaving his sister with Luna because Luna was an alpha, and Valissa had a level head. @Jasil ((I gotta go to bed DX school))
She growled "I will defend my pack till my last breath, I will not sit helplessly on the sidelines." She inched closer and closer, eyeing the mountain lions throat.

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