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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa barked worriedly, "Luna!" She cried, she began pacing, "ohh quincy is going to be mad!" She walked in front of Nuuch, and nudged him backwards, then she reared up on her hind legs and grabbed the Handel in her teeth and pulled back, shuffling on her back paws till it closed, the with a flick of her tongue it locked as well. She then slammed at the couch till she moved it in front of the door, panting. She licked Nuuch's ear, "calm my love." @Nuuchi
Quincy watched she, waiting for a chance to jump in, his eye watching, but with the massive wolf, he was sure to get bitten as collateral damage. Then Luna showed up, "Luna! What are you doing here? You should be with Valissa and Inka!" He had only felt comfortable leaving his sister with Luna because Luna was an alpha, and Valissa had a level head. @Jasil ((I gotta go to bed DX school))
Nuuch was caught in a trance of flooding vissions of his forgotten past. He was watching for no one to come in but hadnt expected luna to leap out the door. It happened so fast but he was paralyzed with emotion to even react. His whole body shaking now more visable when valissa nudged him to close the door it made him flinch bad that he nearly charged out the window, but with her gentle lick and hearing her sweet voice echoing through her head brought some sanity back to nuuch calming him down to where the tunnel vission had widened and he was able to control himself again. Then he licks valissas muzzle and ear affectionately "im sorry, im so sorry! I dont know what came over me! Please dont be frightened!" Nuuch says frantically for he had wished he couldve had more control to think about what to do next
Shaws wolf charged at the lion to ram her through the wall but hesitated.

He saw a flashing image of his father attacking felicity, only it was him and the lion. "This is different!" "She's attacking my family!" His lip recurled and he went in to deliver the killing blow.

KaalysBR said:
"This tiger is a traitor,not my son. You will attack him,or you will die. The hunt is declared."

The voice of his alpha still resonated through his head as he ran through the woods,blood dripping on the falling leaves.


They were still close on his heel,even after he killed two of them. They were too afraid of his alpha to back down now. The wind rushed as the hunt continued.


He turned to fight,flying in the neck of one of his old pack members. They barely saw him coming. He was faster and stronger than they all were. A born leader. And he wouldn't go down without a fight.


Why did they betray him? He had always been true to his pack. He was a good man. And now he was tearing the throat of one of his tiger brothers. Why?

"Traitor. I'm not a fucking traitor. I'm Geralt,and the pack is mine."

He saw the fear in the faces of the two other tigers,and they backed down. Geralt was dying,but he would still have taken both of them if he had he chance.

The tiger leaned against the tree,leaving marks of bloody paws into the woods. He was pissed beyond his mind,and dying like that would be so ridiculous. He allowed his body to drop,breathing in a unstable way.

Fine. I'm going to die with my dignity. But I swear to God,I'm going to hunt that man even in the depths of hell."

@loyalwolf there we go :D )
Dante was walk by himself through the forest. Enjoying his time alone. When all the sudden he caught the scent of blood. Not only did he catch a sent of blood but he also caught the scent of betrayal and anger. He was able to tell that it was just outside the packs territory. But figured he should check it out anyway because who knows what it could be. He adjusted his medical pack and started running towards the scent. When he was not far off he was able to see a guy leaning up against the tree. He could tell that he was hurt. He knew he had to help him. He ran up to to guy and looked him. "Hey names Dante and I'm a pack healer. I'm going to carry you into our territory then start patching you up. So don't attack me or I'll leave you to do" he then pick up the guy and struggled to carry him into the Territory.
(@loyalwolf ,Geralt is in tiger form,which is quite heavy. Poor Dante.)

Geralt had lost too much blood to listen to the man's words,let alone understand them well. He only heard the part about being carried somewhere,but couldn't defend himself. He growled lightly,but that was about it.

"He smells like a wolf. He is gonna torture me. Why? I'm dead already."

Geralt was too proud to beg,at least in a normal day. But now he was barely alive anymore,having lost the account of punctured organs and broken bones. He couldn't be proud now. Maybe the wolf would give him a quick death.


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KaalysBR said:
(@loyalwolf ,Geralt is in tiger form,which is quite heavy. Poor Dante.)

Geralt had lost too much blood to listen to the man's words,let alone understand them well. He only heard the part about being carried somewhere,but couldn't defend himself. He growled lightly,but that was about it.

"He smells like a wolf. He is gonna torture me. Why? I'm dead already."

Geralt was too proud to beg,at least in a normal day. But now he was barely alive anymore,having lost the account of punctured organs and broken bones. He couldn't be proud now. Maybe the wolf would give him a quick death.

"Just..finish me..."
Dante snickered at the tigers growl and couldnt help shush him. He was having a hard enoguh time carrying this tiger without

its growling at him. tiger shifter was something he new about but he never actually ever got to see on up close.

"Its funny even near death, you seem to have fight in you. you growled a me, even though you dont have the energy to talk. I admire a person who has fight in them so dont ask me to kill."

once he got him in the pack land he went to work on the damage. he started with applying Goldenrod to his cuts to help lessen inflammation and fight infection. he then began to stitch him back together by hand. once he was done with that he took out a bottle of water and mixed in some turneric. he forced it done the tigers mouth to help with dehydration and to dull the pain he was feeling. "alright that should take care of those."
Geralt had no idea what was being done to him,and he kept moving around during treatment. It was obvious that he was going into shock due to the wounds,but he still wanted to run away from the medical table and go after his alpha. He would keep fighting until his last breath was drawn.

But after the stranger wolf forced the medication into him,he finally managed to understand that he was being helped.


He didn't understand why a man from another pack would help him. Not only that,but he was also from another

He tried to see the face of the man who would be so selfless,but his sight was getting blurry.

"I'm not gonna die. I can't. I don't accept this. I will drag myself out of death if I have to."

KaalysBR said:
Geralt had no idea what was being done to him,and he kept moving around during treatment. It was obvious that he was going into shock due to the wounds,but he still wanted to run away from the medical table and go after his alpha. He would keep fighting until his last breath was drawn.
But after the stranger wolf forced the medication into him,he finally managed to understand that he was being helped.


He didn't understand why a man from another pack would help him. Not only that,but he was also from another

He tried to see the face of the man who would be so selfless,but his sight was getting blurry.

"I'm not gonna die. I can't. I don't accept this. I will drag myself out of death if I have to."

Dante was feeling exhausted from giving treatment. Yet he knew that he was far from done. The external injuries were fixed, but internally still need to be done. He pours water on his hand to wash off the blood from it.

That's when the tiger asks why. "Does it really matter why I'm helping you. All that matters right now is that I'm fixing you up. If you live through this then we can discuss my motivations. But right now I need your help because I need you to fight this."

He ended up grabbing a few needles and started to draw the internal blood. Alright, just need to carry him back to the cabin. He injects him with Nepeta cataria to force him back into human form.
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Geralt growled as his human form was pulled out of him,making him feel extremely vulnerable. Before he was a beast,a wild animal. Now he was just a man.

He had tattoos covering both his arms,and many scars telling tales of old battles. His beard was dark,matching the tone of his hair. But his eyes were astonishingly blue.

"Fight...I can...fight."

Fight was all his life,and he grabbed onto the notion and Dante's encouraging voice,knowing it would mean life or death to him.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt growled as his human form was pulled out of him,making him feel extremely vulnerable. Before he was a beast,a wild animal. Now he was just a man.
He had tattoos covering both his arms,and many scars telling tales of old battles. His beard was dark,matching the tone of his hair. But his eyes were astonishingly blue.

"Fight...I can...fight."

Fight was all his life,and he grabbed onto the notion and Dante's encouraging voice,knowing it would mean life or death to him.

Dante was stunned at how gorgeous the man was but quickly rid himself of his thoughts. He need to focus on saving the guy's life.

"Yeah buddy will fight this together. You'll fight on the inside and ill fight on the outside." he pulls the guy to his back and pushed his way though the forest. The guy weighed a lot in human form as well.

After was struggling to get him across the forest. It took a lot to get him into his cabin. Luckily no one noticed him. He put him onto a medical bed and was struggling to catch his breathe.

He got out an iv and hooked him up to it. "Alright, now I can work on fixing the rest of you up. So tell how are you feeling? What happened? Where it hurts? Mainly because i need you to stay awake through this." he grabbed a bunch if medical tools and was about to start.
Her fox was happy to be out and was delighted to be with him. She nuzzled him gently and licked one of his ears, wanting to show him her affections. Her fox was basically ready to mate with him right now, but Claire was too shy and held her fox back from doing anything crazy, especially since Melanie was there.

Geralt felt ashamed as he was dragged by the smaller man,his pride squashed to the ground. He tried to help in any way he could,but it wasn't much. He could have been a warrior,but the only fight now was saving his own life.


He looked around the cabin with confusion,not understanding what all those tools were for. As he was set upon the table,he caught the first glance of the man helping him.

His father had taught him to be disgusted of other races,but the handsome man in front of him was nothing like the description he had. He looked tough and decided. His mind drifted back to the moment as he was asked how he was feeling.

He was about to answer that he was fine by pure habit. But lies weren't going to help the healer.

"My chest it's...really...heavy. I can't breath...well." His voice sounded ashamed by having to admit weaknesses. "My pack...declared me traitor. I will...get revenge."

The idea to drift into unconsciousness was attractive,but Geralt was never one to take the easier path.

Alec laughed as he was nuzzled by the small fox,licking her back once she approached him. He had been ready to mate since the moment he set his eye upon Claire,although that was hard to admit both to himself and to her. But the ideas circling his mind about them both in the cabin...he was glad she couldn't read his mind. He just wanted to roll around with Claire for the entire day...

His mind drifted as a butterfly passed through them and Alec tried to grab it,making Melanien giggle uncontrollably.

She got up on her feet and chased after it, trying to get a sent towards where the house. She could smell him and so she followed that sent and didn't stop until she found her own. Then she began to follow the smells, trotting away happily.

(I'm so high right now so like it's a really bad responds lol) @KaalysBR
(looooool baby I think you should sleep xD )

Alec trotted behind Claire,who seemed to have a better idea of where they were going than him. He had a lousy sense of direction himself,and would definitely be lost if he were trying to follow this path by himself.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt felt ashamed as he was dragged by the smaller man,his pride squashed to the ground. He tried to help in any way he could,but it wasn't much. He could have been a warrior,but the only fight now was saving his own life.

He looked around the cabin with confusion,not understanding what all those tools were for. As he was set upon the table,he caught the first glance of the man helping him.

His father had taught him to be disgusted of other races,but the handsome man in front of him was nothing like the description he had. He looked tough and decided. His mind drifted back to the moment as he was asked how he was feeling.

He was about to answer that he was fine by pure habit. But lies weren't going to help the healer.

"My chest it's...really...heavy. I can't breath...well." His voice sounded ashamed by having to admit weaknesses. "My pack...declared me traitor. I will...get revenge."

The idea to drift into unconsciousness was attractive,but Geralt was never one to take the easier path.

Dante was feeling exhausted and was covered in blood and dirt. Ok, so this guy seems to be feeling better, but I still need to deal with that chest problem.

"Sounds to me you have Pneumothorax or a collapsed lung. Your shifter healing should have that fixed in no time, but we need to fix the oxygen problem. He grabbed an oxygen tank and hooked it up to his nose. That should help with your breathing. Next I'm going to set you bones back in place so you can self heal yourself."

He began to set his bone back in place, knowing it was a painful ordeal. He then grabbed a bunch of ice pack and placed them on his body. He then began to speak to him. "Alright, I stitched up his wounds, reset his broken bones, using his information, and gave him medicine for his internal injuries. Now all that's left is to sit and wait. He took out some Birch Leaf and gave it to the tiger. " That act likes cortisone. So it should get rid of all the other pain. im going to mix in some healing herb to help increase your healing factor."

With that Dante sat in a chair feeling wiped out. He played some music to help relax both of them and let out a tired sigh. a soft melody play in the background of the cabin.
The pain was huge as the healer set his bones back in place,but Geralt let out no indication of pain or complaint. He simply allowed the man to fix him,not understanding half of the things he said. He was still unsure about the wolf,but if Dante wanted to kill him he could have done so in the forest.

He breathed with gratitude once the air started to enter his lungs. The doctor was right. His own regeneration was starting to take care of the other wounds,and he heard a crack as his ribcage was fixed by it.

Geralt was still feeling some pain before the cortisone fully acted,but he still pulled himself up from the medical table and dropped to one knee in front of Dante.

"You saved my life,and I have a debt with you. My life is yours to use. Do you want me to fight a battle for you? Do some task?"

Geralt had never been helped out of simple gentleness,which is why he automatically assumed that the healer would want something of him in return. And he was happy to comply.

KaalysBR said:
The pain was huge as the healer set his bones back in place,but Geralt let out no indication of pain or complaint. He simply allowed the man to fix him,not understanding half of the things he said. He was still unsure about the wolf,but if Dante wanted to kill him he could have done so in the forest.
He breathed with gratitude once the air started to enter his lungs. The doctor was right. His own regeneration was starting to take care of the other wounds,and he heard a crack as his ribcage was fixed by it.

Geralt was still feeling some pain before the cortisone fully acted,but he still pulled himself up from the medical table and dropped to one knee in front of Dante.

"You saved my life,and I have a debt with you. My life is yours to use. Do you want me to fight a battle for you? Do some task?"

Geralt had never been helped out of simple gentleness,which is why he automatically assumed that the healer would want something of him in return. And he was happy to comply.

Dante look at the guy with a look of disbelief and astonishment in his eyes. he then put on a scowl on his face and look

rather unhappy. "You can start by getting back in bed. i just finished you up and used a lot of energy to do. so if you

hurt yourself again because you to stubborn to stat in bed. i will strap you to it until i feel you learn your lesson."

He swear this guy was going to test his patience. after all the work he put into him and now he is trying to compromised his work.

"i dont anything from you. i saved you because its my jobs to heal shiftiers. plus i felt the need to help you. the names dante and as you can tell im the healer of this wolf's pack."
Geralt simply looked confused by the man's words. It was the first he had been helped out of simple obligation to his life. And Dante definitely looked like he could strap him to the table.

So he nodded and went back to the medical table,staying quiet now. He was good at following orders,but was still thinking of ways to make it up to Dante.

Laying down made him notice how tired he was,and Geralt closed his eyes.

(Gtg to bed @loyalwolf,see you tomorrow!)
KaalysBR said:
Geralt simply looked confused by the man's words. It was the first he had been helped out of simple obligation to his life. And Dante definitely looked like he could strap him to the table.
So he nodded and went back to the medical table,staying quiet now. He was good at following orders,but was still thinking of ways to make it up to Dante.

Laying down made him notice how tired he was,and Geralt closed his eyes.

(Gtg to bed @loyalwolf,see you tomorrow!)


Dante smiled at the man and pulled the blanket over him. he hooked him up to machines that measured his heart rate, blood pressure and other vitals. "glad to see you follow orders, tiger."

he goes to take off his clothes and take a shower. he cleans off all the blood of him and put on sweat pants. he checks tyr and sees he is still asleep. he then goes to sit down in a chair and follows asleep with a book on his face.

(photo to accompany the scene.)
Inka-Grace squealed when she heard her mother leave, and then continued to bawl her eyes out. She didn't like it, these people were strangers to her, and she wanted her mother. Why did everyone seem so scared? Was there something wrong? Inka continued to whimper, kicking her plump legs around.

@Nuuchi @MadameRedWolf


Felicity locked the cabin door very quickly, pushing various objects to it so that no one else could get in. It took a while, because she wasn't too strong, and there was a lot of furniture, but when she was done, she collapsed onto the floor.

Adrenaline had rushed through her body, and now she was in a subtle state of shock, and once again was trying to calm her breathing. All she could think about was the well-being of Shaw, and of course the others, but Shaw couldn't control himself.....That made the situation a whole lot worse.

Her steely, grey eyes warmly batted, looking up at the ceiling nervously. If anyone wanted to come in, they'd have to break a wall down because there was no way in hell that door was going to open. She refused to move any furniture to do that.
Geralt woke up some time later feeling like he had been hit by a truck,but that was still a step up from the pain he had first felt.

Not that he wasn't used to pain by now.

He glanced around the cabin until his eyes were set upon Dante,who looked even more handsome when he was asleep. Geralt was still feeling confused by the idea of a wolf helping him,but he was doing his best to understand.

His will was to get up from that table and run back to his father,claim his old pack. But in the situation he was now,he would probably just kill himself,although that hurt to admit.

Not only that,but he also had a life-debt to Dante,something he was yet to fulfill. And tigers always paid their debts. So instead of running,he stayed on the table,looking at Dante's ceiling.

The cougar hissed out in pain as the wolf's teeth drove into her back like rows of daggers and sent her flying. Many times had Guinevere's blood been drawn by the ravenous fangs of wolves, but none of the bites had stung as much as this one. It was as if the wound had been set on fire.

New pain soon accompanied the bite wound as the mountain lion collided with the wall and fell to the ground. Her sides heaved, disturbing the tendrils of blood that coursed down her side to pool beneath the downed beast.

“Kill me, and then kill your own allies…” She growled, though she knew that the beast would probably not hear her “Bloodlust cannot be contained with just one kill…let me tell you this as one madman to another. Let them see the monster you are; just like me. You have already opened up the door… it's only a matter of time before you snap out at a friend, a mate… your child.” Her grey eye looked up at the approaching wolf.

In the edges of her vision she could see the flickering shapes of the other members of the wolf pack. Just as she had thought they would, they had come to defend themselves... and to die as she would.

“Kill me and unleash your rage on those who love you…” She said with a cough, spitting up blood. “Who else will the beast consume after my death?”

(Lol, strike me down and your journey to the darkside will be complete! Use your anger.

...But ask me first if you plan on killing off my baby O.o I just got a good story going with her.)

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