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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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  • Total voters
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Felicity didn't pause until she knew for sure that they had both ran somewhere else. Thank God for that. She whimpered a little, completely worn out. Immediately, she lay on the ground, trying to calm and compose her breathing, although she couldn't say the same for her nerves, they were shaken up, and making her shake up.
The look in Shaw's eyes.....

She wasn't so scared of that cougar, because she had Shaw to protect her. But Shaw looked just like his father in her eyes....And that had scared her. The short snippets of memories she had received had reminded her so.

Slowly, she got to her feet and attempted to find the pack once again, being very cautious as she did so.
(Not surprising, he's literally a spitting image of his father, his wolf form at least, only much bigger and more scars.) @xxbetaspiritxx
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xxbetaspiritxx said:
(Yeahhh, aw:((( how is the illness cured, or the curse lifted? Or are you going to leave that a mystery? :ooo)
(With medicine :/ xD I'm gonna have Dante find out the cure.)
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Diana allowed herself to drift into a much needed sleep,although her sleeping was always very light. If someone in her pack needed help,she would be there in a minute. But Violet's soft voice was being hard to resist. Both the wolf and the woman were half unconscious by the time Violet placed her in the bed,but Diana held Violet's hand gently.
"Please stay with me..."
Looking at her mate Violet continued to hum gently. She laid down next to her mate and whispered, "I will be right here now sleep." She allowed her humming of her wolf and human to join in one voice as she moved close to her mate. Her body heat washed over Dianna no doubt making her more tired. Cuddling close Violet placed her head near Dianna's making her connection to Dianna's wolf more strong. Her wolf hummed louder with her human as she became one with Dianna. Violet shivered at the feeling then closed her eyes with Violet and fell asleep.
(Oh dayum... Okay so insanity and then organ failure... Sounds nice :C)

When the wolf began sprinting towards a cliff face, Guin was pleased to see that her anticipated outcome unfurled. She had seen this before...and for a moment the mountainous cliff became a wall, and the wolf scent was replaced with that of a bear.

A mental hiss quickly snapped herself back to the present as she clung onto the charging wolf's back.

With feline grace, Guinevere pushed off of the black beast and landed on her paws amid the upturned dirt beside the impact point. The mountain lion yowled loudly to get the wolf's attention again before using her remaining strength to lure the wolf towards the werewolf settlement... so close now that she could make out the cabins.

'Just a little bit more and your friends will see your true colors...' She thought.
The black beast crashed into the mountain side, knocking plenty of stones loose.

Unfazed, he continued chasing, all he could think about was the warm blood within that cat. As they approached the cabins he began having flashes of memory.

(Dante and Diana helping him)

(Tyr and felicity)

The wolf snarled angrily and picked up his pace further, closing in on the back of her neck.

Cybil was in her human form, sitting against an immense oak tree. He wounds were healing up nicely. She had taken out her sketchbook and started drawing. Her drawing experience excelled many, however she still needed some spots to improve in.
(Ha-ha aww shite! Run kitty!!! Run!!! Well I gotta eat now, I'll be back in a bit)
Felicity had just made her way into the camp when she had seen Shaw suddenly rush past her, and the cougar. Being completely and utterly startled, the small girl fell straight down onto the floor, smacking her head against the floor with a thump. But, it didn't hurt much, so she quickly recovered, and sprinted towards a nearby cabin, hiding into it as it was seemingly empty.
Guin felt the breath of the unatural wolf on the back of her neck and could see it's massive paws tearing the earth beside her. It was undoubtedly going for the kill.

She couldn't help but wonder what sort of hell would await for her if those fangs were to sever her life. It was a queer thought...one that she rarely took the time to consider.

Yet even as she thought of this, the image of the one eyed wolf sprung into her mind. Would he be disappointed that she had died from another wolf?

Suddenly her head jerked away from the wolf's fangs, surprising her enough that she flinched away and veered sharply to the side. If the fangs were to decend, it would be on her shoulder and side, rather than her neck.

Hadn't she wanted to die? To give the wolf pack something to smirk at... Perhaps they would prop her head onto a spike like she had for that wolf.

No, if her oath was the last thing she would do, then so be it. But first she had to get rid of this infernal mongrel.

Bitten or otherwise, Guinevere crashed into the clearing between cabins and attempted to jump onto the roof of one of them. If she was unsuccessful then she would have to go to plan b...
The Wolf's eyes opened for a second, just to look at Guin crashing. He then yawned, and stretched a little, before sleeping again.
Shaw was closing in on the cat, his teeth were almost within reach of her neck when she veered off.

He was being flooded with the few short memories he had of this place, shaw was trying to ease his way back into control.

The wolf followed her immediately, no hesitation.

As she jumped onto the roof, shaw easily leaped up as well, wasting no time.

He dashed forward, rising up on his hind legs, standing 12 feet tall, and brought his massive paws down, attempting to pin the cat.

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(Lol everybody is gone xD maybe we should wait?)

Guinevere's eye glanced back in surprise as the huge beast leapt up after her. 'The bloody bastard just doesn't give up...' She thought, backing away and considering her options.

It became clear when the wolf reared up on his hind legs. Seeing her opportunity, Guin dashed under the towering beast's legs and turned sharply. Once she was behind the lumbering creature she targeted the tendon on the back of his leg and snapped her large canine's down onto the weak flesh. She could taste the blood as it seeped from the wound, but knew that she could not linger. Quickly, she attempted to witdraw from the leg with a final slash of her paw.

(I'm sorry if I'm making her seem god-mod, but honestly if any of your attacks land it's like GG M8. Heheh)
Dane could hear noises from the back of his mind. They were starting to annoy him. He tried to ignore them, and shifted onto his front to try and block out the sound.
VahkiDane said:
Dane could hear noises from the back of his mind. They were starting to annoy him. He tried to ignore them, and shifted onto his front to try and block out the sound.
(Someone give this man a medal)
(Guinevere threatened to kill Shaw's mate along with him, causing him to go beast mode and chase her through the forest as a huge-ass wolf. Guin then lured him directly into the cabin area in hopes of having him lash out at other wolves... They are now fighting on the roof of one of the cabins)
Luna is passed out cold on her bed... I have a great story line going on here

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