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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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(Wolves shouldn't climb trees @akumashioni but alas, some people must learn things the hard way.

As for the plan... Well I would ruin the surprise if I told you, my dear @OverTheMoo)
Kira awoke some time later, not feeling very refreshed at all, however the pounding in her head was gone so something was accomplished. Her dreams had left her feeling wary and displaced, unsure if she were completely in-touch with anything. She stretched and morphed back into her wolf form, hopping off the couch and going outside to sit on the porch, eyes staring out at the greenery and the lake and forest beyond.
Felicity woke, sneaking away from the group. She couldn't stay on the floor, dwelling over her broken and once forgotten past. Shaking her head from the thoughts, she made sure no one could see her and then morphed into her wolf, passing into the woods silently. It wasn't far from the camp, just a little deeper of which she couldn't be seen so clearly.

Her wolf form was mostly white, but had a decorative face of ginger above her eyes, and down to her muzzle. Her back was trailed with sleek browny ginger stripes. The size of the form was much like her human one: small and overly skinny. She was about as tall as a medium sized fox, very petite, delicate even.

Her muzzle brushed against the ground as she sniffed the leaves curiously, following the scent of what seemed like a rabbit. Maybe, just maybe, she could hunt. Or try to at least. She was too curious for her own good, and didn't have the heart to kill something herself. Just like her mother.

The wind tasseled through her fur, and her pricked ears twitched every so often.
Diana blinked to push the exhaustion away,then shook her head.
"The female wolf is apparently Shaw's mate. She isn't wounded,just needs to rest. The stranger had slashes all over his body,bite marks I'm guessing. I didn't have time to ask for much more."

She had to lean against a tree to stand still now. She sighed,knowing she couldn't help anyone like that.

"Okay. Please call me if something happens,I have a light sleep. Thank you for this,Dante."

She touched his shoulder gently,smiling to him.

"If Tyr needs to talk to someone,maybe I can help him. But I hope he will be better soon."

Diana walked back to her cabin,wondering if Violet was there already.

"My sun and stars?"
Silently Violet stood making dinner. She spiced up the steaks as she thought of her cooking lessons. Flipping the steaks she looked at the door. She glanced at her watch and sighed worriedly. Silently she continued making dinner. She finished the steaks then finished the veggies. She placed the plates at the tables then looked at the door and sighed. Her gaze went down as she began to check quickly on Dianna. Her wolf sensed Dianna was fine but tired. Then the door opened and Dianna's voice came. "My sun and stars?"
Immediately Violet changed into her wolf and jumped over the table into Dianna's sight then changed human and her arms went around her mate's neck and smiled as she stated, "Your home."


Faolin walked after Kira and sat down next to her saying nothing he looked out at the world his eyes scanning everything from the plants to the trees to the brightly colored birds flitting through the trees. Softly he asked, "How are you feeling Kira?" He looked at her sensing her headache was gone but her tiredness still remained something was wrong but what he didn't know which was frustrating to a healer and protector like him. He closed his eyes holding a sigh back.

"I'm fine... I was fine in the first place," she muttered, not looking over at him, her ears flicking. Stop telling yourself that, stop telling anyone that... Kira's gaze lowered to rest on a sole dandelion at the foot of the stairs to the cabin porch. "You don't have to worry about me."

Shaw followed her scent, moving slowly but surely. "Doesn't even hurt anymore." The Devils claw had taken its full effect and shaw had all but forgotten about his wounds.

He remained a bit behind felicity, gasping at the beauty of her wolf.

"I'm fine... I was fine in the first place," she muttered, not looking over at him, her ears flicking. Stop telling yourself that, stop telling anyone that... Kira's gaze lowered to rest on a sole dandelion at the foot of the stairs to the cabin porch. "You don't have to worry about me."
Sighing Faolin looked up at the sky's thinking. Gods give me the strength. Silently he looked back at Kira and placed his hand on hers then stated, "I have to worry about you Kira and you know full well why I must. Your not fine and you know it so stop telling me and yourself that Kira." He spoke gently and softly. Sighing he stated, "I love you Kira and this is why I worry about you and I won't stop worrying about you until I die so stop telling me I don't have to worry because I do because something is wrong and I don't know what and it's scarring me." He then removed his hands and returned to his seat and sighed loudly. "Sorry. I'm sorry Kira that I haven't tried to be with you more often their is much I regreat." He closed his eyes placing his head in his hands silently.
Felicity continued to silently stalk the rabbit, her ears now pinning against her head. She was concentrating too hardly to have even noticed Shaw following behind her.

When the rabbit suddenly noticed her and began to sprint, so did she, growling under her breath, ignoring the twigs that snapped beneath her weight, and dodging as many branches as she could. And soon enough, she had caught up with the speedy rabbit, catching it by the neck with a prideful growl. Once it began whimpering, however, she was flushed with guilt and dropped it, nudging it with her muzzle, and then watching as it sped away again.

Felicity's tail drooped down, dragging across the floor without hesitation, and she began to explore the forest. Her movements were more like a large cats than a wolfs.

Diana returned her mate's embrace tightly,feeling the warmth of the woman she loved. Having Violet in her arms again felt like seeing the sun for the first time after a long time of darkness.

"I'm always going to return to you,my love."

She buried her face in Violet's hair,feeling her wolf scent. But her stomach grumbled lightly when she felt the smell of food,and Diana looked down with embarrassment.

"Your food has an amazing smell..."

Shaw seriously considered transforming and tromping through the forest with her, but from the looks of it, if he attacked her, she wouldn't even be able to defend herself until the others arrived.

He settled for watching her, bemused.

A smile spread across his face, as she sprinted off after the rabbit, no way he would be able to keep up.

He set off walking slowly, deeper into the woods, whistling a tune. (Peter born and John- young folks.)

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Diana returned her mate's embrace tightly,feeling the warmth of the woman she loved. Having Violet in her arms again felt like seeing the sun for the first time after a long time of darkness.
"I'm always going to return to you,my love."

She buried her face in Violet's hair,feeling her wolf scent. But her stomach grumbled lightly when she felt the smell of food,and Diana looked down with embarrassment.

"Your food has an amazing smell..."
Smiling Violet kissed her mate's neck gently then pulled away as she stated, "Well then my love let's go eat you need it and I spent hours preparing it so let's eat the scrumptious meal and talk afterwards or we can talk in our minds if you wish." She smiled at Dianna then closed her eyes as she smiled feeling her wolf playing with Dianna's. She grinned as her wolf tackled Dianna's then licked her face. Violet smiled at Dianna as she stated, "Seems my wolf is very playful tonight." She grinned then nuzzled her mate's neck then stated, "Now come on let's eat before we get distracted by each other's beauty.
Dante watched as shaw left to go find his mate. He wanted to protest but held back. He knew he did his job and now he wasn't need anymore. With a sigh, he collected his things. He decide it was time to go back to his cabin. He knew Tyr was sleep so maybe some time alone would be nice.
Felicity weakly began to walk deeper into the forest, until a familiar scent filled her nostrils, and she padded towards it, her nose pressed against the leaves lightly until she heard a small humming tune. Shaw.

Padding up to his leg, she frowned a little, cocking her head to the side as she nudged his thigh with her muzzle momentarily to alert him of her presence. Her paws barely brushed the shrubs below her as she looked straight up at him. It wasn't until now that she had realised how tall he had gotten.

"You're tall. Very tall." She mumbled in wolf tongue, shifting her gaze ahead of her. "You've grown quite a bit."

"You don't have to regret anything, you don't have to worry about me. Faolin... I know how you feel about me and... I don't- I can't feel like that for anyone else." She bowed her head, looking away from him. Not anymore... Kira shook her head, ears flattening against her head. "I'm sorry, Faolin."

Diana chuckled loudly at Violet's playfulness,licking her back with a big smile. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were shining. She was happier than she had ever been,and it was quite obvious by the bright light in her face.

"Violet...it's really going to be hard to keep my eyes off you,but I will try to do so for a while."



Alec chuckled when Claire transformed,knowing their connection was the one awakening her wolf. Damn,her fox form was so beautiful.

"Well...we will get to your house faster now."

He smiled brightly to the fox and nudged her,curious about her past life. Melanie was holding onto his back,chuckling gently.

Shaw blushed slightly, "Yea I uh.. I guess I have." He had never really thought about how abnormally large he really was, it was quite apparent standing beside felicity, her wolf was barely as tall as his knee.

"You're.. Beautiful.." He was still entranced by her gorgeous markings.

He knelt down and put his hand on her head in between her ears, scratching gently.

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"You don't have to regret anything, you don't have to worry about me. Faolin... I know how you feel about me and... I don't- I can't feel like that for anyone else." She bowed her head, looking away from him. Not anymore... Kira shook her head, ears flattening against her head. "I'm sorry, Faolin."
Looking at her Faolin stated, "Their is nothing you can't do Kira. You told me not so long ago you love me. Now somewhere deep inside your shell you do. I will continue to love you and worry no matter what you say or where you go. I will follow you wherever you go and I will protect you. Their is nothing you can do about that Kira. If you die I will probably lay down next to you and die of grief. Their is nothing I repeat nothing you can say to change how I feel about you Kira. I love you for who you are. Past, Present, and Future." He placed his hands on hers gently and stated, "Once you let your guard down towards me and it was then I saw the true you not the one your choosing to be right now. You are who you are Kira and I accept that but the real question is do you accept the fact that you are not who you are choosing to be right now. You can love you just chose not to their is a difference between I don't want to and I can't and you can because I have seen it for myself more then once and those moments when I saw your love for me will carry me on until the day I die." He then pulled off his necklace and placed it in her lap his most prized possession it was in the shape of a heart he stated, "Have this it's been your since the first day anyways." He then smiled gently and walked away towards the pond.

Diana chuckled loudly at Violet's playfulness, licking her back with a big smile. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were shining. She was happier than she had ever been, and it was quite obvious by the bright light in her face.
"Violet...it's really going to be hard to keep my eyes off you, but I will try to do so for a while"
Silently Violet smiled at her mate and whispered, "Same here love." She walked away to the table before Dianna's lick sent her mind spinning. She had seen the happiness in her mate's face and nothing in the world would force her to forget that moment. She had seen Dianna's bright face and she would remember that forever. Silently she sat down to eat her eyes following Dianna's movement she snapped her eyes away but her wolf was continuing to play with Dianna's which wasn't helping Violet concentrate.
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Felicity listened to him carefully, and if she were in human form, she would've blushed, a wide smile on her face. But, she was in wolf form, so all she could do was widen her eyes and nudge the top of her head against his hand. And when he began scratching, she gently closed her eyes, sitting down in front of him. "Thank you," she mumbled gratefully, looking back up at him.

Felicity felt it may've been rude to ask, but she desperately wanted to see his wolf form, even if he protested. "What's your wolf like?" She stood up, stretching her back, and then sitting back down in her original place.

Kira's gaze hardened like ice as she withdrew her paws from his hands, moving to stand, body tense and tail flicking slowly. "Fate is a fool's fantasy." She watched him leave, then looked down at the necklace and pendant. Something's not right... All she got out of that was she had a wolf hopelessly infatuated with her. I have other priorities than falling in love and having a family. I can't think about that. She hopped down from the porch, taking a fleeting glance at the pendant before trotting off to the storage den. Morphing into her human form, there she found a large ax, and hoisted it over her shoulder. The firewood stock pile was getting low so Kira went to find a large, dry and dying tree, and swiftly cut it down. The rest of her day, she devoted to the edge of the camp grounds splitting logs with imperfect silence and all the ferocity she could muster.
He looked down a bit, sitting back more comfortably.

"Nothing like me.." "I have almost no control over him, every time I transform I'm smothered in darkness, too heavy to control."

He was scared of himself.

"I have to avoid letting him loose until I know it will be safe.."

He felt bad not being able to do as she asked, but killing her would feel worse.

VahkiDane said:
(I kind of feel as if it is my fault this all happened lol)
Dane continued to snore, loudly.
(It's only your fault his organ ruptured, you're heavy ;) he was already beat to hell from the tree fall.)

Felicity nodded understandingly, and then realised that was probably the reading Shaw hadn't defended her in her past memory. It would've been too dangerous. "Do you remember when your father attacked me?" She asked, placing her muzzle on the floor as she lay on her front. The illness was probably hereditary, which would explain his lack of control over his wolf form. "And I understand. If it's not safe for you."


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