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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Diana tried to concentrate in everything that happened in the pack in a single day. She wasn't too astonished. Her old pack received wounded every day,and it was pretty chaotic.

"I'm not sure what happened with Shaw,but he had a punctured liver. I fixed the internal bleeding,but there was also two new wolves,one of them with wounds that I patched up."

She yawned softly,covering her mouth with one hand.

"Luna helped them a lot with her healing of an Alpha,I just finished the job. But I don't want to leave Shaw in here,unprotected. I want to get him to a cabin,or the medical facility."

KaalysBR said:
Diana tried to concentrate in everything that happened in the pack in a single day. She wasn't too astonished. Her old pack received wounded every day,and it was pretty chaotic.
"I'm not sure what happened with Shaw,but he had a punctured liver. I fixed the internal bleeding,but there was also two new wolves,one of them with wounds that I patched up."

She yawned softly,covering her mouth with one hand.

"Luna helped them a lot with her healing of an Alpha,I just finished the job. But I don't want to leave Shaw in here,unprotected. I want to get him to a cabin,or the medical facility."

dante looked at her and nodded his head. he was both nice and worrying to have another healer in the pack.

"if Shaw is suffering from internal injuries then i wouldn't move him until sometimes tomorrow. as for the other wolves, what happened

to them?" he then noticed how tired she looked and sighed. " Look if you want you can go get some rest. I'm here now and can look after them. Plus i know how to treat physically injuries."
Diana blinked to push the exhaustion away,then shook her head.

"The female wolf is apparently Shaw's mate. She isn't wounded,just needs to rest. The stranger had slashes all over his body,bite marks I'm guessing. I didn't have time to ask for much more."

She had to lean against a tree to stand still now. She sighed,knowing she couldn't help anyone like that.

"Okay. Please call me if something happens,I have a light sleep. Thank you for this,Dante."

She touched his shoulder gently,smiling to him.

"If Tyr needs to talk to someone,maybe I can help him. But I hope he will be better soon."

Diana walked back to her cabin,wondering if Violet was there already.

"My sun and stars?"

@loyalwolf @Lighthouse8477
KaalysBR said:
Diana blinked to push the exhaustion away,then shook her head.
"The female wolf is apparently Shaw's mate. She isn't wounded,just needs to rest. The stranger had slashes all over his body,bite marks I'm guessing. I didn't have time to ask for much more."

She had to lean against a tree to stand still now. She sighed,knowing she couldn't help anyone like that.

"Okay. Please call me if something happens,I have a light sleep. Thank you for this,Dante."

She touched his shoulder gently,smiling to him.

"If Tyr needs to talk to someone,maybe I can help him. But I hope he will be better soon."

Diana walked back to her cabin,wondering if Violet was there already.

"My sun and stars?"

@loyalwolf @Lighthouse8477
dante frowned at the fact that shaw found a girl. he sighed looks like someone else found there mate.

it was diffcult being one of the only people in the pack to not have there mate. "ill make sure to keep an eye on both of them."

he knowns tyr will be fine but he thanked her for her concern. he sighed and began to unpack his medical bag.

@akumashioni @xxbetaspiritxx
akumashioni said:
He slept peacefully for a while, his eyes finally opening slowly.
He wiggled his fingers and toes checking to see if the tranquilizer had worn off, looking around to see where he was.

He prodded his side and winced in pain.

@loyalwolf @xxbetaspiritxx @KaalysBR
dante heard the groan of pain and figured it was time to check on them. he made

his way towards the hurt persona and saw Shaw was awake. " Well looks who is up and

causing more trouble. you know you more trouble then your worse. So tell me where it hurts?"

he said while humming a little.
"I'll be fine.." He felt a pang of guilt looking at Dante. "H-How's Tyr?"

He felt absolutely awful for putting the boy in danger, knowing full well he shouldn't have gone up there.

She grinned and gave a small nod, excited to go find her little cabin. As she stood up and brushed herself off she felt a warmth inside of her that started to grow as she became small. Really?? Right now, she shook as she shifted and was soon on her stomach as a fox; small and fluffy.

akumashioni said:
"I'll be fine.." He felt a pang of guilt looking at Dante. "H-How's Tyr?"
He felt absolutely awful for putting the boy in danger, knowing full well he shouldn't have gone up there.

Dante snickered "Tyr is fine he just a little shoke up. No worries though he'll be fine and be pouting once i give

him his punishment. OK i need you to put this Devil’s Claw under your tongue. it will help with the pain. Im also going to inject you with

corticosteroid to help with treatment." he sighed and then began his work on treating shaw. he began to hum a tone (Shine by year and years). "your not going to be doing much activity for a while, good thing you have your mate to keep you company." dante said that with a sad grin.
Shaws eyes welled up slightly, he hadn't admitted it, but he had feelings for Dante, though he was sworn to another.


He touched his wrist softly and stared into his eyes for a moment, then let go and placed the Devils claw under his tongue and turned his arm over for the injection.

akumashioni said:
Shaws eyes welled up slightly, he hadn't admitted it, but he had feelings for Dante, though he was sworn to another.

He touched his wrist softly and stared into his eyes for a moment, then let go and placed the Devils claw under his tongue and turned his arm over for the injection.

Dante saw Shaw's eyes well up and wonder if it was because of the pain. "Hey, don't cry, the devil's claw should help with the pain in no time. Isn't it strange that something with such a ominous name can help ease pain". That's when he reaches for Dante's wrist and seem to want to say something but then stopped. dante gave him a sad look and started to gather an ice pack to put on his ribs
The ice sent a shock through his torso and shaw tried to keep a straight face as best he could, letting the medicine takes it effect.

"Quite the day..." He was a bit overwhelmed, physically at his limit, and emotionally flooded.

He smiled regardless, he was thankful for everything that had happened, and felt like he could begin building from there.

akumashioni said:
The ice sent a shock through his torso and shaw tried to keep a straight face as best he could, letting the medicine takes it effect.
"Quite the day..." He was a bit overwhelmed, physically at his limit, and emotionally flooded.

He smiled regardless, he was thankful for everything that had happened, and felt like he could begin building from there.

"those aren't the word i would use to describe this day. But on the bright side you

got Tyr to like you a lot. trust me im really happy he found someone else in the pack

he can look up to. His been through a lot and i just want him happy but i know im not the warmest person

so im happy he has someone he can go to for fun and excitement. just make sure to not let

something like this happen again."once he felt the ice pack was on long enough he put it back in a mini cooler he keeps in the

pack. he get out a water bottle and put a straw into and bring it to shaw's mouth. "once you and your mate get comfortable enough

you'll have your own pup running around and getting into trouble because of tyr." he said this with a small laugh.

he really wish tyr had more kid in the pack to play with.
Shaw smiled at him, he greatly respected his will as a father and his skills as a doctor.

He was glad Tyr was ok and that Dante forgave him for nearly getting him hurt.

He stiffened a bit at the thought of children.

"Her names felicity."

His eyes were somewhat prideful but sad as he said her name.

"She survived the slaughter of my old pack.. What are the odds huh?" @loyalwolf
akumashioni said:
Shaw smiled at him, he greatly respected his will as a father and his skills as a doctor.
He was glad Tyr was ok and that Dante forgave him for nearly getting him hurt.

He stiffened a bit at the thought of children.

"Her names felicity."

His eyes were somewhat prideful but sad as he said her name.

"She survived the slaughter of my old pack.. What are the odds huh?" @loyalwolf
dante could help but admire shaw smile but had to shake the thoughts from his head. He

tested the name in his mouth "Felicity....such a pretty name. I believe that can mean ' A state of

being happy and in bliss.' Looks like you luck is looking up since your mate's name literally means happiness." dante saw the pride in his eyes but he also saw something else there but couldn't make it out. "Yeh looks like you guys are fated to be together. the moon goddess must of really wanted you to be together." he then added on in a very small whispered "and wanted to play a joke on me." he laid down next to shaw and looked up to the sky and the trees. dante was happy for both of them and couldn't wait to meet the new pack member. "I was think about talking to

Luna about making an alliance with one of the old packs i was apart of. But the thing is in order for it to happen we would have

to offer something and i'm not sure if i want to offer that."
Shaw leaned his head slightly on dantes shoulder as he lie down beside him.

"Offer? Yea right." He felt his blood boil a bit, just crush them. His alpha pride made his anger flare at the thought.

"It could be useful to form an alliance, what kind of offering?"

He admired dantes features while waiting for his answer.

akumashioni said:
Shaw leaned his head slightly on dantes shoulder as he lie down beside him.
"Offer? Yea right." He felt his blood boil a bit, just crush them. His alpha pride made his anger flare at the thought.

"It could be useful to form an alliance, what kind of offering?"

He admired dantes features while waiting for his answer.

"Well the reason I left was because the alpha wanted me to marry his sick daughter and become her mate. i tried to explain to him that i wasn't attracted to women and he just snickered at me. so now ill take him up on his offer. It will be a pure political thing. Plus, I figure a healer as a mate would help her and maybe even provide comfort to her." He kept think maybe using his matelessness would be better and it would give Tyr a new mom. Even if Dante doesn't feel attracted to females, he could still make do with the situation. "It will help the pack and tyr so why not. Everyone needs to make sacrifices for the good of the pack." @akumashioni
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Felicity was curled up on her side, completely exhausted. Her fist was pushing up her cheek, and she continued to frown, more memories hitting her, but in the form of nightmares, causing her breathing to become uneven once more. She couldn't understand why they were coming back to her, in pieces, and so harshly.

Felicity looked around, distraught. She had just woken up, yet couldn't see anyone. Not anyone at all. Spinning around slightly, she suddenly screamed when she found herself pushed on the floor by a very large wolf, of which was growling and snarling in her face. The alpha. Felicity squealed, trying to push him away from her slender frame, but he just continued to growl, snapping his jaws open and shut, pratically scraping her flesh.

In the distance, she saw Shaw, clearly just as spooked and hurt as she was, but continued to just stand there. His father's paws were pushing down roughly and heaving onto her chest, and it was beginning to become difficult to breathe. And then, her own father leaped across, pushing away the alpha with ease, proceeding to tumble around the grass.

Without a second thought, her father rushed to her quickly, checked for injuries, and then grabbed her hand softly in his jaw and whisked her away from Shaw and his father. Again.

Felicity pouted in her sleep, covering her face with her arms. She didn't want to see that memory ever again. Ever. She didn't even want her memories back. After all those years of trying to gain them again, she finally had them. But, she didn't want them.


(Lol everybody is doing the flop! Heheh, such a prime opportunity to make an attack.. If only I had the time :C)
Shaw didn't like the idea of Dante swearing himself to someone for political reasons, but didn't say anything.

He worried about felicity as well, "Dante I'm gonna go be with felicity." He sat up, grimacing slightly.

"Thank you for *ngh* everything."

@loyalwolf @xxbetaspiritxx

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