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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Diana was highly empathetic,and she felt Shaw's pain as it started. With a loud whimper,she run towards the place where she detected him.

Without losing a second,she did a quick evaluation of the wolve's wounds. Internal bleeding,but his airways were still open. She quickly used a scalpel to open the wound,letting the excessive blood out. She closed it again with herbs and picked some pills from her bag.

"These are coagulation pills. They will make your blood thicker."

Without waiting for a response,Diana shoved them in Shaw's mouth. She could be rather wild when it came to her job as a healer.

Shaw gulped the pills and attempted to ease Diana's worry, "I'm.. Ok." He was still very pale and his fever was quite serious.

"Please.. Take care of the new guy."

Shaw figured if he risked himself for someone else they'd better at least make it.

He attempted to stand and coughed up more blood, falling back down.

Kira nodded, already feeling groggy, and moved to lie down on the couch, slipping off her shoes on the way. "Thanls, I guess... but there's nothing wrong with me." As her eyelids fought to stay open, she thought, Haven't I slept enough already? ...Does blacking out count as... The thought didn't finish, Kira was asleep.
Howling. That was the first thing she noticed in her dream. She was a wolf and she was howling. The moon above was gone,, a new moon with only starlight giving them grace. Her howl brought the wolves of herself and the Beta forward from the trees. Before her, her alpha stood, stone still and glaring her down. He wasn't surprised, he wasn't angry. He was disappointed in her, knowing that here she stood at the crossroads and she could either turn and run or stay and lead the coup within the pack. Kira snarled and bounded forward, claws extended and jaws open to-

"Huh... Nothing different... It always ends just before I follow through." The dream vanished like smoke in the wind, leaving Kira's consciousness to drift, to think about what she did those years ago. "In my dreams, I never win... but I did, I did win... is that winning? That never felt like winning but... time can't reverse. What's done is done."
Silently Faolin looked at Kira as she slept. He watched her knowing she wasn't fine their was something wrong with her exactly what he didn't know. Post traumatic stress perhaps but that didn't make sense for Kira. She was asleep on the couch as he watched her silently. He sat down in a chair nearby thinking as he whispered, "I love her but what Have I gotten myself into?" She was next to impossible. She was very pretty but broken by her past he doubted she could put it behind her. He sighed and waited.
Felicity groaned, grew tired, and fell straight asleep, her head hitting the dirt with a small thump. Every now and again, her body would twitch against the dead leaves, and her skinny frame was tucked up, her legs against her stomach.

All she could think about were those memories.....fire...hatred...death.All over again. And again, and again. It caused her face to scrunch up in irritation, her small nose pushed against the dry dirt, causing it to push up, out of place like a child pulling a face.

It was beginning to get cold, and so she shivered a few times, hoping Shaw was okay. In the hands of his other pack members, she had to assume so.
Shaw continued trying to stand, he couldn't leave his mate in the dirt.

He shakily stood and gritted his teeth, not to pick her up, but to lay down beside her.

"I won't leave you, you won't ever be alone again.. I promise." He whispered softly to her, not caring if she could hear him.

Luna finally feeling drained of her healing ability, fell to her knees by the injured wolves. Without knowing it, she stroked their coats with her eyes shut, feeling dizzy and tired. "Gods help us."

She kept Inka in her lap, making sure she was safe
"Don't move,Shaw. They won't make an effect immediately. Don't make me strap you to the table." Diana's voice was gentle,even when she was giving an scold. "You're not okay. I have to stabilize you before I move on to the other wolf. He isn't as wounded as you are."

She moved to her bag and applied a mixture to a wet cloth,placing them in Shaw's forehead. The mixture would enter his skin,diminishing the fever.

"Don't move. You lost too much blood. Your wolf regeneration will correct that along with the herbs,but you are still wounded."

She moved on to the next wolf and used a

stethoscope to check on his vital signs. He had good regeneration,she simply had to make sure that those wounds wouldn't open again. She applied herbs to the points were slashes could still be seen,and bandaged them.

"You saved his life,Shaw. Now if you will excuse me..."

She hit a needle to Shaw's arm,a tranquilizer.

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Inka-Grace whimpered when she saw her mother seem helpless, her muzzle nuzzled her hand, and she yawned, her whole body shaking.


Felicity opened an eye with a soft smile, turning to face him. "You really promise?" She quietly mumbled, placing a hand on the top of his chest, before quickly reeling away when she remember he was injured.

Tiredly sitting up, she frowned a little. "You aren't supposed to move." She pouted, and nodded in agreement with Diana, smirking at her mate. "You need to be careful, or you will end up seriously hurting yourself. And then what would you do?" She shook her head jokingly, but also very seriously, her eyes shooting up to his.

She cocked an eyebrow, now scowling at Diana. What was that metal object she had stabbed him with? Couldn't he react? Felicity growled slightly. She hadn't ever come across a needle before. "What the hell was that?" She mumbled, checking his arm over.

@akumashioni @KaalysBR
Diana didn't seem offended at the scowling. She hardly ever was offended by anything. She showed the needle to the stranger,pointing to it.

"This is a needle. It's supposed to insert medicine into his blood,so he will he have less of a will to trash around instead of staying quiet like I told him to. I don't want the bleeding to restart."

Diana looked tired. She had hardly slept last night,and she was already preparing to spend another night awake observing the symptoms of the wolf.

She approached Shaw with thr stethoscope,checking his signs. The bleeding was starting to stabilize.

He smiled up at felicity when she looked into his eyes, laughing inside as she worked herself up over him. No need to worry, he thought, I'll be fine.

The tranquilizer kicked in and he couldn't even move if he wanted to.

He closed his eyes and slept peacefully. @KaalysBR @xxbetaspiritxx

(Thank you) ^-^
Felicity cocked her head to the side, looking at the needle closely. "So you're able to stab people, and they think you're helping?" She asked curiously, completely oblivious to Shaw having fallen asleep.

"Thank you for your help." She mumbled gratefully, suddenly looking down at Shaw. Childishly, she began to throw questions at the healer. "When will he wake up? Are you sure it's safe? How will we move him? Surely we can't leave him outside in the cold?"

Taking a deep breath, she smiled, caressing Shaw's cheek for a few moments. She still couldn't believe her luck, nor could she believe he was alive. Although, she couldn't remember her past until today, and was only gifted with a few snippets of memories.
Luna held her daughter close to her face with both hands. Mumbling she spoke up, her voice cracked "Dianna, what all is necessary for BOTH wolves to be restored? I gave them most of my strength so that should help and slow major injuries." She kissed her daughters fur gently
"They don't have much of a choice. If I don't stab them,they die."

Diana shrugged nonchalantly,listening to the questions.

"You're welcome,I did nothing but my obligation. He will wake up in a few hours. Maybe less,since he is a big wolf. It's definitively safe,I would never use medicine that I haven't tested on myself. I'm not sure how we will move him,my wolf form is a bit small. But we will find a way."

She approached Luna,touching her Alpha's face lightly.

"My Alpha,you did an incredible job. Thank you for your help,but you should probably get a few hours of rest now."

She closed her eyes and sent a mental message to Violet.

"My sun and stars...sorry for leaving so suddenly. I miss your warmth already."

@Lighthouse8477 @xxbetaspiritxx @Jasil
"They don't have much of a choice. If I don't stab them,they die."
Diana shrugged nonchalantly,listening to the questions.

"You're welcome,I did nothing but my obligation. He will wake up in a few hours. Maybe less,since he is a big wolf. It's definitively safe,I would never use medicine that I haven't tested on myself. I'm not sure how we will move him,my wolf form is a bit small. But we will find a way."

She approached Luna,touching her Alpha's face lightly.

"My Alpha,you did an incredible job. Thank you for your help,but you should probably get a few hours of rest now."

She closed her eyes and sent a mental message to Violet.

"My sun and stars...sorry for leaving so suddenly. I miss your warmth already."
Silently Violet jumped downing a large deer as she smiled happily. Dianna would eat well tonight. Where was Dianna? She had left suddenly at breakfast and Violet was worried. Silently she waited as she began to drag the carcass back towards the cabins as a soft message silted through her mind. "My sun and stars...sorry for leaving so suddenly. I miss your warmth already."
Violet smiled then closed her eyes and sent Dianna a menal image of them kissing as she whispered mentally, "Dianna it's okay this is always in my heart and you are always near to me. I feel your warmth always however yes I miss you to. I caught us a deer for dinner I'll make dinner and tonight we will eat by candelight. How does that sound?" She smiled then conintued to drag her carcass.

Luna smiled at Dianna "And thank you for all you've done." Luna wearily carried Inka Grace back to the cabin and shifted her in the crib. "It's time for you and mother to sleep little one." She purred to her child.
Inka-Grace yawned, happily chewing on her fist when she was placed on her own in the crib. She wanted to be with her mother at all times, but didn't have the energy to scream for attention.

Diana felt a warmth in her face at Violet's memory. She sent a message back to her,the memory being the sensation Diana felt when she kissed Violet for the first time.

You are incredible to me,my love. I will try to be home soon,but I have a few wounded wolves to watch over. If the situation gets calmer,I will be there for dinner. Love you,Violet. You are the best thing that ever happened to


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Diana felt a warmth in her face at Violet's memory. She sent a message back to her,the memory being the sensation Diana felt when she kissed Violet for the first time.
You are incredible to me,my love. I will try to be home soon,but I have a few wounded wolves to watch over. If the situation gets calmer,I will be there for dinner. Love you,Violet. You are the best thing that ever happened to

Violet shivered at the memory and smiled allowing the memory to incapacitate her for a second. Dianna's words echoed through her mind. Smiling she replied, "Thank you Dianna. Your the best thing that ever happened to me I'll bring dinner to you if it doesn't calm down. I'll love you." Sending an image of the first time they had met Violet smiled. It was like a constant remaking of love. She loved it.
Luna collapsed onto her bed with exhaustion. Dressed in a fresh tank top and shorts, Luna quickly fell asleep, the blanket on the floor.

The Alphas lean body was spread across her bed, she gripped the pillow so tight her knuckles were white
Dante had to deal with a stressed and traumatized pup all day. he wasn't sure what happened

to make Tyr so worked up. he was crying and dante couldn't understand what he was saying.

dante was able to get that something happened with a tree and falling. plus something that had to

do with shaw. once tyr was calm down and sleeping, dante went to go see what happen. he figured

the person to ask would be shaw.
Diana had dozed off in the minutes after talking to Violet,her exhaustion getting the better of her.

When she heard the approach of steps,she opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. But she soon recognized the scent of Dante.

"Dante...it's really good to see you. I've been hoping to move Shaw but I can't do it by myself. He is a bit heavy for me,and I had to give him a tranquilizer."

KaalysBR said:
Diana had dozed off in the minutes after talking to Violet,her exhaustion getting the better of her.
When she heard the approach of steps,she opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. But she soon recognized the scent of Dante.

"Dante...it's really good to see you. I've been hoping to move Shaw but I can't do it by myself. He is a bit heavy for me,and I had to give him a tranquilizer."

Dante looked at her puzzled. "what exactly has been going on? I had to deal with a traumatized Pup all day.

so im a bit out of loop. did something happen?" luckily dante always cared a medical bag with it. he has come to learn

that in this pack injuries come at a blink of an eye.

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