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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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A one eyed shadow peered through the undergrowth and watched as and abnormally large man and some pup slowly ascend up the length of a tree. 'that branch is rotted and dry...' she thought, amused as the eager pup reached out a grimy hand to grasp onto the branch. The crouching mountain lion's ears perked up as she heard the branch crack beneath the child's weight. 'foolish child...'

Surprise sparked in her eye when the large man leapt off of his own branch and took the blunt of the blow to the ground. A soft crack heralded the snapping of a rib or two, but Guinevere stayed where she was even after a half-starved female made her appearance. The cougar could have easily taken on both, even in her injured state, but something was rooting her to her position.

When they left, she followed, stalking behind them as silently as a shadow. The female was the big one's long lost mate -how cute- but the young pup did not seem to belong to either. At one point the wolf pup broke off from the others and ran towards a cabin on he outskirts of the community. After no small amount of waiting and watching, Guinevere found that the wolf pup belonged to one of the wolves she had attacked a while ago.

Not only that, but he was a healer. This would be useful. The tawny shadow took a step towards the cabin, but was forced to retreat back into the bushes when she saw the healer-wolf returning to the cabin.

Instead, she decided to turn her attention to the sound of a wolf noisily chasing a small creature through the undergrowth...

'This will do...' She thought as she saw the unmistakable form of the towering human lumbering towards the sounds of the chase.
Kira's gaze hardened like ice as she withdrew her paws from his hands, moving to stand, body tense and tail flicking slowly. "Fate is a fool's fantasy." She watched him leave, then looked down at the necklace and pendant. Something's not right... All she got out of that was she had a wolf hopelessly infatuated with her. I have other priorities than falling in love and having a family. I can't think about that. She hopped down from the porch, taking a fleeting glance at the pendant before trotting off to the storage den. Morphing into her human form, there she found a large ax, and hoisted it over her shoulder. The firewood stock pile was getting low so Kira went to find a large, dry and dying tree, and swiftly cut it down. The rest of her day, she devoted to the edge of the camp grounds splitting logs with imperfect silence and all the ferocity she could muster.
Silently Faolin looked back at Kira as she got off the porch went to a shed got an ax then vanish into the underbrush of the forest and sighed. His pendant was still on the porch however he would leave it their. It was not his to pick up it wasn't his after all it was Kira's. He loved her it was not an infatuation it was a true love his world didn't completely revolve around Kira. It relovled around healing and Kira along with why she was acting like this because it wasn't her something was wrong he needed to talk to Dante and ask if she had hit her head or something or if he knew any explanation for why Kira was so....So....different. She wasn't herself that was for sure she was acting more cold then her normal battle self. Even when she was in fight she had been more understanding. Perhaps he needed to put something unbitter in her drink that would make her sleep deeply in a hypnotic sleep. Perhaps then he could figure out what was wrong but it felt wrong to do such a thing without her permission which he knew he would never get. He sighed.
His heart stopped and his blood froze when she mentioned his father attacking her.

He did remember, well.

His father was on top of her, she was frantically trying to escape his massive and powerful hold.

Shaw froze up, he couldn't let his dad kill his lover, but his father terrified him.

(The truth is, the disease is hereditary, but shaw didn't have it then. Shaw was frozen with fear, he couldn't move at all, only when his father turned on him, was he able to transform and fight. He killed his father, his wolf form being even larger, and even more powerful. He was sure that felicity was dead, and his shame drove him to run. Trauma repressed the memories and he's been wandering ever since. He contracted the disease when his father bit him around the neck.) he always hated himself since that day, feeling like an utter coward. It only got worse when his wolf form became uncontrollable.

"Felicity.. I... I'm so sorry.." He put his head down and tears began dropping softly on the ground below.

Felicity shook her head at his words, pushing her muzzle against his cheeks, and brushing away the tears softly with the tip of her nose. "No, no, it's fine, don't worry," however, seeing him cry made her feel racked with guilt, and she had brought up the memory and reminded him. She was the reason for his tears, she had told herself. "Shh, please don't cry. It's okay, Shaw, it's okay."

Her attention suddenly snapped around the trees, and a foreign scent engulfed her nostrils. She stood on her paws, protectively covering Shaw, although it would be of much use. Felicity was barely up to his knees.

She stayed deathly still, growling softly under each exhale, pushing Shaw backwards a little. "Can you smell that?" She whispered, "Someone is here...Something is here..." She quickly corrected herself, stepping a little closer to the source of the putrid scent, or what she smelt as putrid.

Never had she ever come across the scent in her entire life, but it was strange, very strange. Although scared, she stood her ground, defending her mate who she deemed unfit to fight because of his previous injuries. Her fear was hidden by her teeth that were on show in a deep growl.

@akumashioni @Juju

(That was aimed at us, right? Haha.)
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Shaw did smell something, he collected himself quickly, pushing felicity off and behind him, he stood to his full height and faced the scent. "I recognize that scent.." He knew it was the mountain lion.

@xxbetaspiritxx @Juju
Felicity looked irritated when her mate had pushed her behind him. She wanted to help. How could she have possibly been able to help from behind him? Reluctantly, she placed her head between his knees, looking forwards for the sign of the creature who had gotten Shaw's attention. And, if he stood, recognising the scent, that probably meant the creature was dangerous, so she obediently stayed behind him. Not out of fear, but because she didn't want to cause further trouble and annoy Shaw.

She tried to calm him slightly, humming a soft tune. "Who's scent is it?" She whispered, pushing her muzzle forwards and inhaling deeply again. It smelt like feral cat. Yes, feral, dirty cat. Felicity cocked her head to the side, and then continued her threatening snarls. "Be careful. I'll help." She stayed, poking his foot with her muzzle.


A soft chuckle escaped the mountain lion's throat as she circled in the shadows. Once she was at another angle she let her voice be heard, though it was hard to tell just where it was coming from because of her constant movement.

"Two star-crossed lovers walking in the woods at dusk... Drawn apart and back together by their all-powerful gods..." The voice purred from the shadows, mokingly spitting out the word gods.

"How... Adorable... Though it appears as though this tale is a tragedy..." The voice continued to circle around the two as the shadows of the trees began to lengthen by the quickly setting sun.

@xxbetaspiritxx @akumashioni
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"Felicity? I need you to go get the others."

Of course she would try to object but he clenched his fists and shouted, "NOW!"

As felicity ran off he transformed, his wolf letting out a savage howl to be heard for miles.

His full stature was close to a horse, massive glowing red eyes, hot steam coming from his mouth as he snarled.

His wolf wasted no time, he could smell the scent of blood and he wanted it.

Dashing into the brush the scent came from, crashing through trees and knocking them over, he went for the kill.

@xxbetaspiritxx @Juju
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Felicity flinched when he shouted, but she obeyed anyway, her little legs scraping cautiously across the ground, until she heard that howl. The howl that made her ears ring, and made her whole body stop in its tracks. But she soon remembered what Shaw had said about his wolf.


She had to run her fastest, even though she was blindly following scents that she presumed were the other Wolves' scents. Winding in and out of trees was easy with her slim, wolf frame, and she quickly scurried across the dirt, hoping that out of sheer luck, she would find her new pack.

But for now, she just had to allow her muzzle to guide her to the camp. And then she remembered about the river....And she heard the river. She didn't like water, but she knew that following the river would lead her to the camp.

@Juju @akumashioni
Guinevere's eye sparked in triump as the werewolf transformed into a massive wolf. She was impressed with the shear size of the brute but those glowing red eyes were unearthly... Almost demonic.

As his powerful howl echoed through the trees, disturbing birds for miles, the cougar crouched down and prepared herself. Everything hung in a delicate balance.

She could hear the beast's ragged breaths as it charged through the bushes towards her, but she felt no fear despite the approaching monstrosity.

'Fear is for prey, fear is for slaves...' She thought as the twin red embers came closer to her... And closer

And closer...

At the last moment Guinevere danced to the side of the beast's charge, hoping to have him run into a tree. The air rustled the fur on her neck as the oversized wolf's teeth narrowly missed her hide.

However she did not think about this, and instead sprinted towards were the tiny female had run off to, trying to keep her in her sight.

"you stupid grotesque!" Guin shouted back as she ran "you can't protect your pack... Or your mate."

@xxbetaspiritxx @akumashioni
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The tree collapsed under his strength as he smashed into it, unfazed, he chased his prey quickly gaining on her despite her speed.

He didn't care that she was after felicity, he didn't care about anything but tearing that cats throat open.

He was bearing down on her quickly, mouth snapping at her haunches.

Felicity continued to run at her full capacity, but when she saw the cougar behind her, and behind her a very large wolf, she began to whimper, leading them away from the camp. It was what she had seen her father and Shaw's mother do from time to time to control Alfred, and attempt to stop him hurting the rest of the pack.

Why did she suddenly remember that? It was so random, yet so relevant. She sighed, scurrying deep into the forest and howling loudly for the help of the rest of the pack. She assumed they were all tucked away in bed. Oh how she hoped they would wake.

Shaw's wolf was huge, and he was scary. So very fearful, so much so she couldn't contain her whimpers. As her sprinting sped, she weaved through the trees and shrubs with ease, trying to lead the two away.

@Juju @akumashioni
The monstrous wolf noticed the new prey, a tiny wolf, puny even. She looked... (Flash of memory)

The wolf hated those memories, good feelings were sickening to him, he focused back on the lion, she didn't make him remember.

He continued closing in on her, inching closer and closer.

@xxbetaspiritxx @Juju
Diana continued to eat quickly,her hunger quite obvious. But she never really took her eyes off Violet for long,feeling warmth in her heart each time their eyes met. She had fallen so fully and so completely for her mate that she couldn't imagine a stronger feeling. And yet,her love raised at each time they looked at each other.

When they finished eating,Diana smiled and ran off to get something inside her bag. She came back with a crown of beautiful purple flowers,a very delicate trinket.


"This gift isn't enough to represent how much I love you but...I made it with all my heart."

She placed the crown in Violet's head,kissing her lips gently.

Diana continued to eat quickly, her hunger quite obvious. But she never really took her eyes off Violet for long,feeling warmth in her heart each time their eyes met. She had fallen so fully and so completely for her mate that she couldn't imagine a stronger feeling. And yet, her love raised at each time they looked at each other.
When they finished eating, Diana smiled and ran off to get something inside her bag. She came back with a crown of beautiful purple flowers, a very delicate trinket.

"This gift isn't enough to represent how much I love you but...I made it with all my heart."

She placed the crown in Violet's head, kissing her lips gently.
Looking at Dianna Violet snapped her eyes down blushing slightly. Her wolf was being groomed by Dianna's wolf now and it was making Violet's heart accelerate quickly. She closed her eyes as she continued to eat quickly. Then Dianna's wolf stopped grooming her wolf and Violet felt her wolf whimper for more internally always this back and forth between their wolves in their minds but outside both were just sitting eating. Her mate stood up and ran away and quickly returned with a crown of beautiful flowers. Violet gasped at it's beauty. She watched Dianna and heard her say, "This gift isn't enough to represent how much I love you but...I made it with all my heart." Violet felt the crown slip onto her head and she felt heat flush to her face she was about to reply when Dianna kissed her gently. Silently Violet kissed her mate back then pulled away her eyes twinkling as her wolf tackled Dianna's then began to groom Dianna's wolf lovingly and deeply. Violet let her eyes twinkled with love as she whispered, "Thank you Dianna. I appreciate the gift I wish I had something for you but all I can offer is my entire heart which is yours." She kissed her mate knowing Dianna would be happy with her heart.
Guinevere could feel the wolf's steaming breath cling to her fur as she pelted through the gathering shadows. Her grey eye held only determination as she forced herself to quicken her pace. The beast was gaining on her but she was also closing in on her destination, a twinkling cluster of lights propped beside a lake.

The smaller wolf's tail was lost amid the shrubs as she veered off course. 'Well, it appears as though she is not completely stupid.' Guin reflected, her ears flattened in annoyance.

In the center of the path was fallen tree leaning heavily against another, but Guin managed to leap deftly onto it and balanced on it with feline grace before hopping onto a ridge of boulders. This would hopefully buy her some time, but the boulders soon ended and she was forced to leap back down onto the forest floor.

'Almost there..." Guinevere thought as the trees began to thin.

The last river blocked the path, but luckily a log had been used to make a bridge, it's bark worn from the claws that had used it. The mountain lion scrambled across to the center and turned her head to see how close the wolf was.

"Come on.." She muttered.
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He was directly behind her, not thinking about what she was doing at all, seeing her waiting on the center of the log, he jumped and tackled the lion, both of them getting sent flying off the log.

Diana was fully happy with having Violet's heart. Her wolf was running playfully around,warmly reacting to the wolf of her mate. They were the black and the white,the healer and the warrior. They completed each other fully.

"Your heart is the only thing I need,my sun and stars."

Diana rose with the intention to give Violet another kiss,but her exhaustion caught her again. She ended up trumping and falling on Violet's arms,barely managing to keep her eyes open.

The wind was knocked out Guin's lungs as the large wolf tackled her off of the log. For a brief moment they both were suspended in the air as the mass of teeth and claws soared down to the earth on the other side of the river.

As always the ground rose up to meet them, but caught them both equally on their sides. Everything became blurred and red for a moment as Guinevere forced herself to her feet, lest she be killed. The canine's head was rising from the earth, it's flaming eye turning to her.. She was too close to start running without being caught, and too small to tackle him to the ground.

Thinking quickly, Guinevere leapt onto the rising wolf's back and drove her sharp claws into his hide. Instead of mauling his back she took a more defensive approach and took great effort to linger out of the range of his gnashing teeth... This was only a temporary fix, and she prepared herself to evacuate should she need to.

(Ha-ha this is great! *boss battle music* I am actually curious to see what would happen if Guin did get bitten... Would she becomes infected or would she be immune? Stay tuned!)
Diana was fully happy with having Violet's heart. Her wolf was running playfully around,warmly reacting to the wolf of her mate. They were the black and the white,the healer and the warrior. They completed each other fully.
"Your heart is the only thing I need,my sun and stars."

Diana rose with the intention to give Violet another kiss,but her exhaustion caught her again. She ended up trumping and falling on Violet's arms,barely managing to keep her eyes open.
Looking at Dianna Violet smiled happily. Her wolf mentally wagged it's tail furiously and yapped happily. Violet blushed at Dianna's words then closed her eyes as Dianna rose to kiss her but she was exhausted and fell into Violet's arms. Violet looked down at Dianna her mate worriedly. Softly she kissed Dianna's lips gently as her wolf began to snuggle close to Dianna's humming trying to send her to sleep. Violet hummed out loud as well with her wolf as she picked her mate up then walked to their bed and placed her mate down as she whispered, "Sleep love sleep."
The wolf tried to trash her off of his back, stopping to howl, and then sprinting at the cliff side and throwing himself sideways, lion first, at the rocks. His hide is thick and the lions 2-3 inch fangs and claws draw blood, but only slightly due to her lack of full offense.


(If you get alpha rabies and don't have alpha blood, you will likely just go insane for a day or two and then your organs will shut down. It took his dad 3 years to go insane cause of the bloodline. It's been a while since shaw caught it and he's slipping but ok for now.)
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Diana allowed herself to drift into a much needed sleep,although her sleeping was always very light. If someone in her pack needed help,she would be there in a minute. But Violet's soft voice was being hard to resist. Both the wolf and the woman were half unconscious by the time Violet placed her in the bed,but Diana held Violet's hand gently.

"Please stay with me..."

Felicity didn't pause until she knew for sure that they had both ran somewhere else. Thank God for that. She whimpered a little, completely worn out. Immediately, she lay on the ground, trying to calm and compose her breathing, although she couldn't say the same for her nerves, they were shaken up, and making her shake up.

The look in Shaw's eyes.....

She wasn't so scared of that cougar, because she had Shaw to protect her. But Shaw looked just like his father in her eyes....And that had scared her. The short snippets of memories she had received had reminded her so.

Slowly, she got to her feet and attempted to find the pack once again, being very cautious as she did so.

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