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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

"Sorry If I scared you, but I really am just passing through. I also have no idea where I am..." He scratched his left paw.
"Your a mile north of town. But if you go East 5 miles, you can run into a pack that isn't quite as friendly as I am." Luna pointed in both directions as she explained

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Gabriel got out of bed quickly when he smelled a new wolf. He did not like it. They might try and take Luna from him. He went outside, heading off to find the wolf.
Daisy sat in a tree, swinging her legs and feeling the breeze. She sang a song, quietly in the morning as the sun started to rise. Around her, the dew drops on leaves, spiders webs, everything seemed to glow as the sun rose. She continued to sing. This was her peaceful place. She had been out of work for days, but she didn't care. She lived in the woods anyway. The people of the world were cruel, and killed the earth. This was one place she could get away from them. Be in peace.

(The song she is singing is called "gone" from snow white and the huntsman. c:)
Gabriel finally arrived to see Luna, Pia and a male wolf. Part of him instinctively growled. "Who's he?" He asked Luna.
Daisy stopped singing when she heard voices not too far from where she was. She jumped off from the tree, and turned into her deer form. A beautiful white deer. She blinked, and tarted to walk in that direction. She hid behind a tree, when she found a group of wolves. Her heart started beating faster. Wovles killed her kind. She was afraid, but she watched. Curious of what they were doing this close.
Luna grabbed Pia and pulled her with her as she walked next to Gabriel. "He says his name is Sam, he is passing through" Luna looked back to Jasmine's house and prayed that she stayed inside for her saftey
Gabriel grunted in contempt. "He better be," he muttered, moving between Luna and Sam. He stared at him coldly. If he tried anything funny, he would tear him apart.
Lane heard their was some sort of werewolf pack in the area. he heard something to his left and changed in to wolf form and crept up on what he heard.
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Luna reached forward and put her hand on Gabriel's shoulder "He says he means no harm, he's just lost."
Gabriel turned to Luna. He sighed. "Alright," he explained. He backed down, and moved next to Luna. He still didn't trust him.
Luna leaned closer to Gabriel and whispered in his ear "So what do we do? Maybe if we help him he will leave faster, but we gotta be careful, his wolf is one of the largest I've ever seen."
"If he really wanted too he could've already taken Pia and I down easily. But he didn't, he was polite even when I was rude." Luna stole a glance at the new wolf and then looked back to Gabriel
"Agreed," Luna smiled, at least Gabriel listened to her
From his view point he saw a wolf and 3 humans. He knew that they were all werewolves just by the way the were talking to the wolf.
As Luna talked with Gabriel she had a weird feeling she was being watched. The strange wolf was just sitting there contently with no problems. And that made Luna even more nervous
Lane seeing that he was seen ran back into the forest then turned around circled back and start watching again.

Sam was getting tired of just simply sitting there. At one point, he got up and started walking away from the group. He was tired of these wolves. If they didn't say anything, he would simply make his way back into the forest.

((It's my birthday, sorry))
Luna watches the wolf walk away and let's out a breath of relief. She relaxed and let go of Pia before sitting down on the sand. @Nudge @DaManofWar

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"Well is a relative term. I'm just happy everyone's alive and nothing serious happened." Luna dug her feet into the sand and started tossing rocks into the water

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