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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"I thought we would all get a few hours sleep and then meet in the morning by the lake." Luna pulled her legs under her on the couch "I know I'm going to be awake at 6:30, and then down on the beach at 7. If you want to sleep in that's fine, but I don't recommend past 8."
Jasil said:
"I thought we would all get a few hours sleep and then meet in the morning by the lake." Luna pulled her legs under her on the couch "I know I'm going to be awake at 6:30, and then down on the beach at 7. If you want to sleep in that's fine, but I don't recommend past 8."
"That sounds good. I could really use a long run. It's been forever since I actually let myself go wolf, ya know?" Slumping down in her seat, she let a small smile appear on her face. It was nice to be able to talk like this again. Her father was the only were she had around and he had died not long ago. Pia has never ran with a pack before, either. She liked the sense of familiarity and companionship this small pack had, and she wondered how she survived as a loner with only her father for so long.
Luna unfolded her legs and stood, "Well that settles it then, anyone else have an opinion on the time we get up?" Luna looked to Jasmine and Gabriel. @DaManofWar @Mariam
"Alrighty then, everyone go home and get some sleep, I'll see you bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. Don't wear anything complicated, as soon as everyone is there we strip and run. Night." Luna stood and stretched her arms
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Luna waved goodbye to the girls and went to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and changed into new pajamas. She threw on a tee shirt and some old running shorts before going to her room. As she was closing her door she yelled "Goodnight Gabriel!"

Luna turned off her lights and crawled into bed. Her body instantly was heavy from the days labor. Luna quickly fell asleep
Pia stood, yawning as she said a quick goodbye, and trotted out of the house. It was quite creepy, actually, how dark it was out. The crickets were unusually quiet, but the stars and moon shone brightly in a comforting way. Jogging to the last cabin, went in and changed into sleep wear as she wondered just how much trouble Gabriel was going to get himself into.
Gabriel waited an hour. Then he got out of bed, and sneakily crept down the hall. His wolf wanted him to make Luna his mate. He would find a way to woe her.

He opened the door to her room to see her sleeping. He walked over, and got in bed with her, cuddling next to her.
Luna woke up from her dream shuddering. She hated that dream, it was always the same, but still affected her. As she calmed herself, Luna felt a warmth on her side and across her stomach. She looked over to the warmth and saw Gabriel laying next to her and holding her with his arm. Her heart beat quickened as she tried to figure out what to do. Originally she thought he was harmlessly flirting but this was a whole new level. Half of her felt comfort that he was with her, the other half confused and frightened. She had just met him that day, there was no way these deep feelings she had were real. Luna calmed herself once again and decided to try and let it not bother her. Without realizing it she turned on her side and faced Gabriel and snuggled closer. Luna fell back asleep before she knew what she'd done
Jasil said:
Luna woke up from her dream shuddering. She hated that dream, it was always the same, but still affected her. As she calmed herself, Luna felt a warmth on her side and across her stomach. She looked over to the warmth and saw Gabriel laying next to her and holding her with his arm. Her heart beat quickened as she tried to figure out what to do. Originally she thought he was harmlessly flirting but this was a whole new level. Half of her felt comfort that he was with her, the other half confused and frightened. She had just met him that day, there was no way these deep feelings she had were real. Luna calmed herself once again and decided to try and let it not bother her. Without realizing it she turned on her side and faced Gabriel and snuggled closer. Luna fell back asleep before she knew what she'd done
Gabriel snuggled against Luna tighter. He was asleep as well. It was on instinct really. He nuzzled his face against hers.
(Skipping through the rest of the night)

Luna's alarm blared at 6:30 sharp. She opened her eyes and groggily silenced the alarm. She tried to use her other arm to sit up but she couldn't. She noticed she was being held captive by Gabriel's arms. Still half asleep and in shock she sat there and stared at the situation in front of her.
Jasil said:
(Skipping through the rest of the night)
Luna's alarm blared at 6:30 sharp. She opened her eyes and groggily silenced the alarm. She tried to use her other arm to sit up but she couldn't. She noticed she was being held captive by Gabriel's arms. Still half asleep and in shock she sat there and stared at the situation in front of her.
Gabriel woke up to see Luna. "Hey." He told her. "Nice sleep?"
Still in shock Luna replied "U-um yea I think so." She moved to face him, laying on her side. "It's 6:30"
"Great," he told Luna. He moved a hand to the back of her neck, and began making small circles. His wolf howled, calling to Luna's. He scooted closer to her.
Luna shuddered when he touched her neck. Her heart beat faster from her nervousness. As he got closer her breathing quickened. "We have to meet the uh others, in thirty minutes." She cleared her throat and scooted her legs back, they seemed to be the only things she could move.
Gabriel smirked. "Plenty of time for us," he told her, moving a hand to her rear and pulling her back to him. He pressed himself against her. He stared into her beautiful purple eyes. What had caught his attention. Those purple eyes......
Pia woke with a start, her phone alarm blaring. Half asleep and very, very tired, she growled as she tried to enter in the passcode to shut it off. After a couple failed tries, she finally opened it up and won against the stupid thing. Shutting off the alarm, she sighed in satisfaction. Her ears were about to bleed, she could feel it. Hopping out of bed, she dressed in her loose shirt and some shorts and decided to forgo the shoes. After doing... bathroom things, she ate a quick breakfast before heading to the lake. The trip there was beautiful, the weak morning light not too hot, the sky blue, birds chirping and dew still on the grass. Wiggling her toes a bit as she got nearer to the sand, the cool air helped clear her mind from the fog of sleep. She hoped Luna and Gabriel sorted out... whatever they had going on. As she paced along the lake, just enjoying the soft sand and the nice morning sounds, she waited.
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Luna gasped and started to panic. She ran out of room and felt like she was running out of air. He was holding her very close, his hands a little too free to roam. He wouldn't break her gaze and she couldn't help but stare back. "We need to get ready."
Jasil said:
Luna gasped and started to panic. She ran out of room and felt like she was running out of air. He was holding her very close, his hands a little too free to roam. He wouldn't break her gaze and she couldn't help but stare back. "We need to get ready."
"After this," Gabriel said, before leaning in close and placing his lips on hers. He pressed against her now. His wolf howled aloud.
DaManofWar said:
"After this," Gabriel said, before leaning in close and placing his lips on hers. He pressed against her now. His wolf howled aloud.
Luna was in shock. Her wolf stirred and was alert. She kissed Gabriel back on instinct and after a minute suddenly stopped. She sat up and climbed over Gabriel "I-I'm sorry but we are going to be late."
Jasil said:
Luna was in shock. Her wolf stirred and was alert. She kissed Gabriel back on instinct and after a minute suddenly stopped. She sat up and climbed over Gabriel "I-I'm sorry but we are going to be late."
Gabriel nodded. "I know," he said, before kissing Luna again. He pulled down to him, running his hands up and down her body.
She stopped kissing Gabriel and pulled away. Luna climbed off the bed and went to her dresser. Grabbing an old tee shirt and shorts she went to the bathroom to change. After changing she grabbed a granola bar for herself and left one on the counter for Gabriel. She ran outside and met up with Pia "um hey, morning."
"Morning! How was your night?" Pia grinned at Luna, leaning back on her heels, feeling more energetic now that she was fully awake and ready to start the day. She wanted to bring up Gabriel, but was unsure how to breach the topic so she just let it go.

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