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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"My um night was fine I suppose. Morning was a bit rocky. How'd you sleep?" Luna tangled her hands together and wrung them over and over

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Good ol' Sam.

Got himself in trouble again.

After a fight with one of his ex-rogue friends, he ran off.


Now he was royally screwed.


He smelled something...

something interesting...

He decided to proceed.
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Okay so we can continue and just say that Gabriel is still inside so that @tuocs13 at least gets a few messages in. We won't leave the lake but we can be introduced to the new wolf. If you want, Sam can track us to the cabins and lake and meet Pia and Luna
Jasil said:
"My um night was fine I suppose. Morning was a bit rocky. How'd you sleep?" Luna tangled her hands together and wrung them over and over
"I slept like a rock! Man that bed was better than the one in my apartment! And they didn't smell like cheetos, too!" Pia laughed, remembering all the febreeze bottles she's been through. "Hey, what's on your mind? Your messing with your hands. I used to do that. Was it your morning? Yous said it was 'rocky'" She frowned a little, not wanting her new friend to be worried or sad or whatever she was feeling.
Luna laughed at Pia's description of her night. Then when she asked her a question about her hands, Luna knew the jig was up. "Um last night I woke up and uh, Gabriel was laying in my bed. Holding me. And then this morning he was still there and he... He kissed me, twice. I panicked and ran out to meet you." Luna shifted from foot to foot.

Please don't judge me, she thought
Pia's eyebrows rose. "He was in bed with you? Holding you? Man... I knew he was into you but it's only been a day.." Pia scratched the back of her head, shifting slightly in discomfort. "You okay with that? Cause, I mean, he's stronger and all and he can be kinda... forceful?" She gave Luna a worried look.
Nudge said:
Pia's eyebrows rose. "He was in bed with you? Holding you? Man... I knew he was into you but it's only been a day.." Pia scratched the back of her head, shifting slightly in discomfort. "You okay with that? Cause, I mean, he's stronger and all and he can be kinda... forceful?" She gave Luna a worried look.
Luna's face turned pink "I know, I thought it was harmless at first but after today I'm very unsure. And it doesn't seem like he would use his strength against me like that but I hardly know him so he is very unpredictable. Really he didn't force me, well except the second time he kissed me. I was trying to get up and he forced me down. And I suppose the other time when he grabbed me and pulled me to him."

The more Luna thought about the morning the more unsure she was. Would Gabriel really use his strength against her?
Luna was thinking and waiting for Pia's answer when she thought she smelled something on the wind. Probably one of the deer or rabbits.
"He's quite...Handsy, ain't he? Well, punch him in the nose if he gets too rough. That should deter him." A small frown appeared on Pia's face. She didn't like the idea of Gaby Baby getting too violent with Luna. Them together alone could be a problem, since he seemed willing to use force to get what he wanted.
"I suppose I may have to discuss it with him." Luna paused when she heard something "Pia, listen." Luna held her breath so Pia could hear better.

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Jasil said:
"I suppose I may have to discuss it with him." Luna paused when she heard something "Pia, listen." Luna held her breath so Pia could hear better.
Pia gave Luna a confused look, but complied. Focusing on her surroundings, she listened intently for anything off. The faint sound of footsteps, the scent of someone different... "Someone is here!" She exclaimed loudly, gasping, she clapped her hands over her mouth. Speaking in a low voice, "Is it another werewolf? A friendly one?"
Luna took a step in front a Pia "I can't tell if they're friendly, but I definitely smell a wolf. Pia, at this moment I will be Alpha, this is temporary but we just need them to think this pack has one. You must act brave and strong, you pretend to be my Beta, do you understand?" Luna looked at Pia with as much power as she could muster. @Nudge
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"Yes, Alpha." Pia whispered. She wasn't for fighting, and the prospect of having a stand off with a stranger wolf was making her a bit scared. But she had to reign it in, as temporary Beta. Squaring her shoulders, she tried to look as intimidating as possible, which wasn't much, and stood at the right side of Luna.
Luna nodded her approval to Pia then prepared her stance. "HEY! I KNOW YOURE HERE. COME OUT!" Luna's voice rang through the woods as she waited for the trespasser to step forward. @tuocs13
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Sam was a huge wolf, I mean HUGE. He gently walked around the corner.

He let out a tender bark as he approached the two.
Luna growled at the sight of the large male and gently nudged Pia back a step. "Who are you and what are you doing on my territory?!" She snarled and walked a few feet forward.
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He linked to her, an available advantage with his wolf.

"Sam Wren. Nice to meet you, I mean no harm."

He barked.
Pia let out a slight whimper at how big the wolf was. No way in hell were any of them able to take him. Well, maybe if Gabriel were here. She tried to calm down as Luna was yelling at the male and looked at the stranger. Big, white, and probably a rogue. Didn't seem very aggressive though.
Luna didn't relax, she wasn't going to make the same mistake as she did when she first met Gabriel. "Well, Sam, I'll ask again. What are you doing here?"

He huffed, a sort of laugh.

"Straight to the point, are we?"

He swings his tail.

"I'm just passing though. Do you need something?"
Luna scoffed "Well yes, your presence is quite threatening to my family, so I will be straight to the point. And I need nothing from you. I'm surprised you're not trying to ask for things from me." The only thing she could think of that this wolf 'needs' was a female. Considering she had 3 unmated females in one area, she began to worry. Backing up and putting a protective arm in front of Pia, Luna waited.
"And as for passing through," Luna continued, "Sneaking around isn't just passing through."

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