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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Leaning against the wall "We need to go ahead and mark the area. There is another pack a few miles away and they don't know this land is ours yet. Gotta claim it properly."
"Nope and considering the size of our pack now, we can't afford trouble." Luna had already finished her food and went to the sink to wash her bowl.
Gabriel was enjoying eating. He nodded in agreement. "We can't have that," he explained. Truth be told, he had joined this pack to be close to Luna. So, other packs didn't matter much. But he didn't want anyone else hurting her.
Luna dryed her hands with a towel and put the bowl away. "When your done just put your dishes in the sink, I'll wash them later." She leaned back against the wall and just fidgeted. She had a habit of doing that, she rubbed her hands and tangled and untangled her fingers. This was a bad habit but hey, she only did it when nervous.
Jasil said:
Luna dryed her hands with a towel and put the bowl away. "When your done just put your dishes in the sink, I'll wash them later." She leaned back against the wall and just fidgeted. She had a habit of doing that, she rubbed her hands and tangled and untangled her fingers. This was a bad habit but hey, she only did it when nervous.
Gabriel did as he was told, before walking up to Luna. He placed a hand on her cheek affectionately, to tease her. "What are you doing?" He asked with a smirk.
Luna's face blushed and she felt her heart beat faster. Gabriel was VERY close to her. She moved her hands to her sides and placed them on the wall.

"W-what do you mean?" She looked over Gabriel's shoulder to Jasmine and Pia for help.
Jasil said:
Luna's face blushed and she felt her heart beat faster. Gabriel was VERY close to her. She moved her hands to her sides and placed them on the wall.
"W-what do you mean?" She looked over Gabriel's shoulder to Jasmine and Pia for help.
"You're fidgeting," he told her, both laying against the wall next to her. "Are you nervous?" He asked her.
"Uh just thinking about all this stuff that's happening right now. It's been a while since I've gotten to take care of other wolves, and I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what jobs to get before my money runs out.
Jasil said:
"Uh just thinking about all this stuff that's happening right now. It's been a while since I've gotten to take care of other wolves, and I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what jobs to get before my money runs out.
Gabriel chuckled. He put an arm around Luna. "You want some help with that?" He asked her, starting to rub her shoulder. He didn't care if Jasmine and Pia could see him. He just wanted to make Luna his mate.

Marco was jogging through the woods. He had heard about a new pack being formed.
Luna didn't even bother moving Gabriel from her shoulder, he was relentless anyway. She looked at him and smiled sweetly. "Actually I do know what you can help with.."
Luna quickly slipped out from under his arm and scooped his bowl out of the sink. She displayed it in front of his face with a grin "Dishes."
Gabriel frowned. "Hey. Jasmine. Help me out?" He asked her. He did take the dishes, while also thinking that he had made good progress with Luna.

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Luna laughed at Gabriel's face when she asked him to do the dishes. She was just playing around but he took it anyway. She smiled and went to clean up the living room. Just remembering she called out "Hey, do y'all have enough blankets in your cabins? I didn't know who was sleeping where so I only put one in each."
Jasil said:
Luna laughed at Gabriel's face when she asked him to do the dishes. She was just playing around but he took it anyway. She smiled and went to clean up the living room. Just remembering she called out "Hey, do y'all have enough blankets in your cabins? I didn't know who was sleeping where so I only put one in each."
Gabriel thought about before answering. "I actually don't have one," he lied, "perhaps I could sleep here?" He smiled hopefully.
Luna looked over her shoulder at Gabriel with her eyebrow raised. "I could just give you a few. There are a lot in the guest room closet." She pointed her thumb at the back of the cabin and went back to cleaning. She knew what he was doing, and she wanted to see how far he would take it.
Jasil said:
Luna looked over her shoulder at Gabriel with her eyebrow raised. "I could just give you a few. There are a lot in the guest room closet." She pointed her thumb at the back of the cabin and went back to cleaning. She knew what he was doing, and she wanted to see how far he would take it.
Gabriel shook his head. "No need to trouble yourself. I will stay here for the night. Pia, you wanna help me out?" He asked her pleadingly.

Luna shook her head and gave in "Fine, but only tonight. But don't expect to sleep in. I'll be up and ready to go by the lake at 7"

Luna noticed Gabriel struggling with the dishes. Obviously not his strong suit. She gave up on cleaning the living room and went over to the sink. She bumped Gabriel out of the way with her hip and finished the rest of the dishes.
Gabriel chuckled. "Thanks. And it will only be for the night." He went over to the living room, taking a seat. He hoped Pia or Jasmine would come talk to him.
After finishing eating, Pia said a quiet thanks and rinsed out her own bowl so Luna wouldn't have to bother. Wandering into the living room, she sat down, across from Gabriel. Speaking in a low tone, she said, "You don't seem to be having much luck, huh, lover boy?" she wiggled her eyebrows, a small grin on her face. @DaManofWar
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Nudge said:
After finishing eating, Pia said a quiet thanks and rinsed out her own bowl so Luna wouldn't have to bother. Wandering into the living room, she sat down, across from Gabriel. Speaking in a low tone, she said, "You don't seem to be having much luck, huh, lover boy?" she wiggled her eyebrows, a small grin on her face. @DaManofWar
Gabriel chuckled. "Nope," he told Pia, "but I might."
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel chuckled. "Nope," he told Pia, "but I might."
Pia let out a small snicker. "She seems to like you, but could you tone it down? I don't wanna see you two making out right in front of me.... It seemed as if that was what was about to happen in the kitchen..." Her face turned pink at the thought, and she shuddered. She didn't want to see her potential leaders doing that.
Nudge said:
Pia let out a small snicker. "She seems to like you, but could you tone it down? I don't wanna see you two making out right in front of me.... It seemed as if that was what was about to happen in the kitchen..." Her face turned pink at the thought, and she shuddered. She didn't want to see her potential leaders doing that.
Gabriel laughed. "I'll try to keep it in the bedroom if I can." He said it reassuringly.
Luna finished up the dishes and went to the living room. She plopped down on the couch next to Gabriel. "So, what did I miss?"
Jasil said:
Luna finished up the dishes and went to the living room. She plopped down on the couch next to Gabriel. "So, what did I miss?"
"Oh nothing much... Just chatting. So when are we heading out?" Pia said nervously, eager to change the subject. She fiddled with a piece of her hair, staring off into the window. She didn't want Luna getting angry at her for talking about her and Gabriel's... relationship.
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