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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"What's wrong?" Luna took the eggs off and wiped her hands. "Gabriel, who is it?" She was confused, who else could it be besides the girls
Gabriel opened the door to find a wolf sitting there. He sniffed the air. "Luna! Hurry!" He cried, befors turning to yhe wolf. "Who are you?" He asked.
Luna dropped the cup she was holding and jumped over the glass, she ran to the door as fast as she could and ended up running into Gabriel's back. She looked over his shoulder and saw another wolf. "Are you freaking kidding me." She looked at Gabriel, "Man of you would've just let me go this morning we could've marked the land and this wouldn't happen twice in an hour!" She peered at the wolf
(WW means Wwerewolf @Jasil )

Daisy was getting tired. It was nothing to be concerned about. She snorted and soon became hungry. Not worrying about the wolves, she walked out into the open and started munching on the green grass, ignoring them.
Jasil said:
I thought it was day, and what's WW?
(Abbreviation for Werewolf. Also, I need to know one more thing, what is the current season?)

Starsky started up to his family's abandoned summer cabin. It has been a total of a year since he had last seen anything related to his family, and upon seeing it in the distance, made his eyes water. A small mound of dirt and twigs rested on his wool coat, and he soon reached the cabins entrance, he dusted it off before reaching for the key.

He took the key out of its holster and opened up the door (it opened with a slight creak) the find the house exactly how they had left it, minus the collection of dust and dirt.
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Logan barked to luna and Gabriel " I-I am logan are you the one starting the pack."
Luna jumped up and couldn't see well over Gabriel's shoulder, so of course she did the logical thing. She jumped on Gabriel's back and held herself over his shoulders to see. Looking down at the wolf she replied "That would be me, us."
Luna looked at Gabriel with an eyebrow up. She couldn't just let in whoever she wanted. She needed others to approve.

(stomach growls) " May I have something to eat please" he says "and maybe some cloths before I turn human."
Luna smiled and tapped the top and Gabriel's head "Can he borrow a pair of your clothes?" She jumped down and pulled Gabriel out of the doorway so Logan could come in. "It's your lucky day, I just finished breakfast."
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Pia suddenly raced towards the cabin. "Hey sorry, sorry, just got distracted by some tadpoles in the lake. Who's this?" She looked at the new were in curiosity, not knowing a different person had come.
"I am Logan Savage pleased to meet you."
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"Mhm, Logan, there is a room down the hall and to the left. Gabriel will get you something to wear." She went back into the kitchen and let the guys do their thing. She started making plates when the radio changed songs. Hey, Soul Sister came on and Luna grinned. She loved this song. She started humming along
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She saw Pia come in and smiled wider "Hey! I'm making plates, want one?"
"I'm Pia, Logan." Giving him a quick smile, she stepped in the house and grinned at Luna. "Yeah, breakfast would be great. A bar doesn't really fill you up.."
Luna laughed. She finished up all the plates and handed one to Pia. "Two wolves in one day, what are the odds? Well at least now we have another male, if everyone agrees he can stay." She looked to Pia.

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Jasil said:
Luna laughed. She finished up all the plates and handed one to Pia. "Two wolves in one day, what are the odds? Well at least now we have another male, if everyone agrees he can stay." She looked to Pia.
"I don't see anything wrong with him staying here. The more the merrier." After getting handed her plate she sat on the counter, her legs dangling back and forth as she devoured her food, acting as if she hadn't eaten in years.
thanks goes to the cabin that and turns human and changes. After the he runs back to get some breakfast
Luna smiled as everyone piled in her kitchen once again. She handed out all the plates and took her own. She leaned against the wall in the same spot as last night, she enjoyed the way she could see the entire kitchen from that spot.

@Nudge @DaManofWar @fma fan

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