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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

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  • Total voters
Kira narrowed her eyes, continuing to pick up the pace until she was flat out running through the woods towards the cabin. "That was Luna's howl and she's not sounding happy." She folded her ears back, a small part of her wondering if perchance Gabriel was gone but a wave of loyalty uprooted the thought and carried it away by the time she burst onto the cabin green.
Silently Faolin followed Kira he had a bad feeling about this something like foreboding set in. Silently he listened to Luna's howl then stopped. He closed his eyes and halted. The howl he recognized the pain the loss...He bolted forward then caught up with Kira as he changed into a human and opened the door he changed back looking at Dante he looked at Luna. One glance told him all. Gabriel was dead.
@Moolock @Jasil @loyalwolf
Kira bounded up to the door and halted outside, remaining in wolf form. She peered in at the scene and forced down a smirk but her cheeks still twitched ever so slightly. Has what I hope for finally happened? -no, Kira, he was your alpha. His spirit deserves your loyalty. "Is our alpha..." She would play the shocked, grief-stricken pack member for now and her voice caught in a very convincing choke at the end of the sentence.

@Lighthouse8477 @Jasil
Luna looked at the wolves around her and gave a slight glare to Kira. She was like Luna, poor Liar. "Gabriel is dead. Now our pack is without one of its Alphas." She wiped the tears off her face "I may not be able to do my Alpha duties for a few days, but I promise that in his honor we will all loyal and strong."

Her words felt hollow to her but she meant them all.
Kira would let her grieve but the allure of becoming alpha once again was going to prove hard to resist. You win for now, Luna. I didn't get these scars because I was bad at fighting, mind you. "Who will take your place while you mourn and will you continue solo after you resume your post?" She allowed fear and concern to fill her voice, as if she was worried with a weakened leader and a dead leader they'd become prey to others in the area.

The room was dry and dank. The air, bitter. It was wet. It was dark.

It was hellish, really.

It was what Gabriel woke up to. He gasped. He was still in wolf form.

And in horrific pain.

Kira bounded up to the door and halted outside, remaining in wolf form. She peered in at the scene and forced down a smirk but her cheeks still twitched ever so slightly. Has what I hope for finally happened? -no, Kira, he was your alpha. His spirit deserves your loyalty. "Is our alpha..." She would play the shocked, grief-stricken pack member for now and her voice caught in a very convincing choke at the end of the sentence.
Silently Faolin looked at Kira. He nodded silently. He had no need for Luna to tell him. Her posture and her eyes said it all in one loud word. DEAD! A tear slipped down his wolf face. He let it slide. Gabriel had been a good leader a good alpha. He looked at Kira for a second. She always had the hope to be alpha ever since that attack on her after that cat. She wasn't shocked or grieving then again she had no reason to be. He sighed and wiped another tear from his face. He looked at Luna and nodded as he stated, "I understand Luna. Who do you want to be in charge while you are grieving?" He looked at her waiting
@Jasil @Moolock
DaManofWar said:
The room was dry and dank. The air, bitter. It was wet. It was dark.
It was hellish, really.

It was what Gabriel woke up to. He gasped. He was still in wolf form.

And in horrific pain.

I hate you so much right now
(R.I.P Gabriel... rest in spaghetti, never forghetti)

"I don't care if you magically turn them into frogs, as long as you get the job done right." she said gruffly. "...As for this 'stealth' plan... well I can't deny that it would be amusing to see the shock on their faces when they suddenly can't shift, right before I rip out their throats." A wicked grin made its appearance on Guinevere's face at the thought of it.

"Fine, but leave the alpha to m-" she was cut off when a long wavering howl sounded above the trees and reverberated off of the looming peaks surrounding the valley. Guinevere turned her head to the sound. It was thick with sorrow, but it had the dominance that could only come from another alpha... Or soon to be. Many times in her life had the mountain lioness heard such a call, though this time was one of the sweetest.

"Hmm... It would seem that the mighty alpha has succumbed to his wounds... He must have been more of a weakling than I thought."

Her eyes quickly flashed towards her new ally. "Without an alpha, the pack will be in anarchy and striken with grief. We must strike soon!" She said with a wild look in her eye.

@Haus Of Alaska
Luna gave it much thought. They had never selected a beta. Luna wanted to choose Dante for he had been a part of the pack longer, but Faolin was strong and had more life experience. She glanced at Kira but dismissed it, the female seemed to eager about the entire situation. "Faolin." She whispered, her voice losing its strength
(@DaManofWar noo this ruins Kira's plans xD )

Faolin?! Kira was stunned and that quickly turned to anger. With a flick of her ear, though, the emotion was masked. She flicked her tail and backed out of the room. If Luna was clever, she'd figure out what Kira aspired for, and she was clever, so Kira would have to play her best performance. Her facade must be flawless, humble, and lulling. Out of earshot of the cabin, a chuckle rumbled in her throat and amber eyes flashing, she turned out to the lake as it surface vibrated in winds from an incoming storm, the water growing dark to reflect the quickly-clouding sky. Faolin... Damnit, Luna.

@Lighthouse8477 @Jasil
(Gabriel is like batman in The Dark Knight Rises haha)

Ava heard crying echo into her ears from a nearby cabin.

She shifted, howling, to pay her respects.

There's a certain feeling when someone dies, that everyone can feel...
Luna gave it much thought. They had never selected a beta. Luna wanted to choose Dante for he had been a part of the pack longer, but Faolin was strong and had more life experience. She glanced at Kira but dismissed it, the female seemed to eager about the entire situation. "Faolin." She whispered, her voice losing its strength
Faolin gapped. He shut his mouth. He had expected her to chose Dante. Immediately he noticed Kira retreating. Oh no. Sighing he looked at Luna then stated, "Very well as you wish Luna I expected you to chose Dante. I am honored that you chose me I will do my best to protect the pack." He looked at her in the eyes to show that he was speaking the truth. Silently he closed his eyes then glanced back he looked at Luna and stated, "This may destroy the work I have been putting into Kira...however I must do this for you. Now go I will take care of the pack while you are grieving." He walked out of the cabin and looked at Kira for a long time saying nothing.
@Jasil @Moolock
Kira's skin felt hot and too small for what she was felling. Someone was behind her, barely out the corner of her eye and the scent carried on the wind identified him as Faolin. "Congratulations," she said coolly. "Beta, huh? If it's any solace, I won't hold you at fault for blocking my way. Luna is..." her sentence dissolved in a low growl, as deep and powerful as thunder. "There never is an easy way to the top, is there?" She wasn't talking to him necessarily but she wasn't talking to herself. The water, maybe? Kira dug her claws into the soft earth and made deep ruts, her mind's eye imagining the grass to be the fur of another wolf. "It's never nice and simple, there's always something that has to stand in the way." She raised her head, dignity causing her to stand straight and puff out her chest. "I can play the acting game, Luna, and I will for as long as it takes..."

Gabriel tried to stand up, but found it impossible. He was in so much pain. Every part of his body hurt.

He tried to stand up, but then collapsed. He looked down, and saw he was chained to a wall. He growled.

And started shifting. Into a form he thought he would never take again.
Luna watched Faolin leave. She gently placed a hand on her stomach and fought back fresh tears. "I'm all right Dante, I think I need time alone."

She walked to her own bedroom and opened a drawer. Luna glanced at the piece of plastic and her hand went back to her stomach.

She gave a small and ragged breath as she layed on her bed
(Time to gloat ^.^)

Various other howls began echoing the first howl, springing up from the valley below to join the chorus. Such pain, such loss- it was music to the cougar's ears.

She found herself laughing at it all, a grin appeared that somehow turned her face into something malicious.

Suddenly the grinning woman was replaced by a hulking cougar which stalked past the green-garbed woman standing in the doorway. Proudly, the beast padded onto the rocky overlook, a regal flair to her movements, and gazed over the endless trees with grey eyes.

Her jaws parted into a triumphant yowl that echoed down the mountain to break the silence after the pack's howls. The very stones beneath the cat's paws seemed to yield to her will, carrying her call off of the stones in a way that made it hard to tell where she was located on the mountain. Instead, it sent out a clear message that she was still out there, waiting.

'Steel your hearts, dear wolves, you will have to howl for more than one of your mangey comrades.' She thought with savage delight.
Kira's skin felt hot and too small for what she was felling. Someone was behind her, barely out the corner of her eye and the scent carried on the wind identified him as Faolin. "Congratulations," she said coolly. "Beta, huh? If it's any solace, I won't hold you at fault for blocking my way. Luna is..." her sentence dissolved in a low growl, as deep and powerful as thunder. "There never is an easy way to the top, is there?" She wasn't talking to him necessarily but she wasn't talking to herself. The water, maybe? Kira dug her claws into the soft earth and made deep ruts, her mind's eye imagining the grass to be the fur of another wolf. "It's never nice and simple, there's always something that has to stand in the way." She raised her head, dignity causing her to stand straight and puff out her chest. "I can play the acting game, Luna, and I will for as long as it takes..."
Silently Faolin watched Kira carefully. She had this ambition to be alpha. Albeit maybe a bit unhealthy ambition. He listened to her words silently. Shaking his head slightly he listened. Acting really? Well her mate had tried to...He could understand her frustration and her want to but it troubled him slightly. A little more then slightly actually. Silently he nuzzled Kira's nose a sign of deep affection. He stated, "Just be careful Kira. Now is not the time for this. If that cat is still alive it will strike now while we are in chaos and confusion. I need you on my side Kira." He looked at her and stated, "I love you Kira." He stopped then asked, "Will you please promise me that you'll fight with me and not against me while I am in charge?" He heard the yowl and stated, "Oh no."
Juju said:
(Time to gloat ^.^)
Various other howls began echoing the first howl, springing up from the valley below to join the chorus. Such pain, such loss- it was music to the cougar's ears.

She found herself laughing at it all, a grin appeared that somehow turned her face into something malicious.

Suddenly the grinning woman was replaced by a hulking cougar which stalked past the green-garbed woman standing in the doorway. Proudly, the beast padded onto the rocky overlook, a regal flair to her movements, and gazed over the endless trees with grey eyes.

Her jaws parted into a triumphant yowl that echoed down the mountain to break the silence after the pack's howls. The very stones beneath the cat's paws seemed to yield to her will, carrying her call off of the stones in a way that made it hard to tell where she was located on the mountain. Instead, it sent out a clear message that she was still out there, waiting.

'Steel your hearts, dear wolves, you will have to howl for more than one of your mangey comrades.' She thought with savage delight.
(Kinda glad your targetting the main pack.)
(Oh stop it, you're making me blush :3

*laughs evilily while stroking a fluffy white cat* )
(Yup its just a pair of wolves and I highly doubt that will catch her attention. No matter how strong he is. Hahaha)

Juju said:
(Oh stop it, you're making me blush :3
*laughs evilily while stroking a fluffy white cat* )

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