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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
shadowz1995 said:
"You aren't enough Gabriel. The sacrifice of one alpha isn't going to cause the shifter to become over confident. She's smart, cunning, and your pack is not her first wolf hunt most likely. If what you told me is true than this is like a game to her. A game that you are going to lose if you don't fight like a pack and KILL her. It won't be enough to capture her." The male's stance relaxes as he then takes a few steps closer to the other alpha wolf. If this kept on, he was going to get his whole pack slaughtered. "I asked you if you were willing to sacrifice people. Your answer tells me no. So that means your pack needs to become stronger as a unit. What I can do is train you. All of you. Get you prepared to fight against this cougar as a pack and end her. If I like what I see....then I will fight alongside you. If I don't. Then my favor to you is done. I will have you ready or at least as ready as can be. Or you can go it alone with your own strategy and sacrifice yourself to do whatever it is you wanted to do, leaving your pack leaderless and leaving your recently mated she-wolf broken. From the time I saw her it looked like it wouldn't be the first time. If you want to continue down that road I won't help you. Those are your options Gabriel Forest. Choose."
Gabriel sighed. "I'll check with the others," he told Crimson, and shifted, running off back to his pack. Along the way, he came across a road. He tried to cross it, sprinting.

He only ever got a glimpse of the pickup that hit him dead on.
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel sighed. "I'll check with the others," he told Crimson, and shifted, running off back to his pack. Along the way, he came across a road. He tried to cross it, sprinting.
He only ever got a glimpse of the pickup that hit him dead on.
(Bruh wtf hahahahahahaha!)
DaManofWar said:
(Nothing nothing oh man that was funny.)

A loud crash echoed throughout the forest and Crimson couldn't help but go towards the sound to find nothing but the corpse of the man he was just speaking with. Victor shook his head and picked up the body and ran back to Gabriel's pack to deliver him to them.
DaManofWar said:
(Hmm? Body?)
Unfortunately, the guys who had hit Gabriel took his body, and drove off before Crimson could arrive.
(Damn you just gonna void my post like that)

Luna felt a sharp pain in her neck that brought her to her knees. She felt suddenly empty and looks at Dante "Where is Gabriel?!"

Not waiting for an answer she ran out of the cabin into the open and howled as loud as she could
Jasil said:
Luna felt a sharp pain in her neck that brought her to her knees. She felt suddenly empty and looks at Dante "Where is Gabriel?!"

Not waiting for an answer she ran out of the cabin into the open and howled as loud as she could
(Gotchu girl)

As Victor heard the howl of a she-wolf he figured it out. His mate had felt his sudden death. Crimson stripped and shifted into his wolf form. He took a large intake of air and his great lungs pushed them out in an earsplitting howl. The howl of a true alpha that resonated throughout the forest. A reply to Luna's howl. A mournful howl. A howl only used when someone has been lost. A howl telling of Gabriel's sudden demise. He shifted back, put on his clothes, and sprinted all the way to the origin of Luna's howl. To tell her for sure.
Luna heard a reply but couldn't place its owner. The power of the howl could be felt in waves but Luna couldn't care less. She put the pieces of the puzzle together and once again fell to her knees. Looking at her hands she felt tears run down her face
Jasil said:
Luna heard a reply but couldn't place its owner. The power of the howl could be felt in waves but Luna couldn't care less. She put the pieces of the puzzle together and once again fell to her knees. Looking at her hands she felt tears run down her face
Crimson bursted out of the forest and Into the clearing of the cabins where he saw the she-wolf in tears on the earth. She would most likely recognize him but nonetheless he introduced himself once more. "My title is Crimson. I was the one who howled in response. I just came to tell you that your suspicions are correct. Gabriel is....no longer with us. I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you. "
Luna looked at Crimson with her eyes full of tears. "Where is he?" Her voice broke. She looked back to the ground and tangled her fingers together
(Jesus Christ this is what I wake up to lmao)

Kate heard howling and rolled her eyes, tossing ideas over in her head. She could leave, it had gotten over crowded since her father had died. But he was buried here..she could dig up his remains and move him, it wasn't unheard of. She snapped the gopher in frustration, it's small bones splintering, as she got closers To her den she smelt burning and broke into a sprint, swearing under her breath.

The doe Victor had left was smoldering and charred to a crisp. She shifted back into her human form and quickly threw clothes she left behind on, shoving her feet into a pair of boots and stomping out the meat before the grasses caught flame. "Fucking waste..god damn it..stupid fucking- shit..!" She grumbled.

The meat was ruined, she doubted even the birds would pick at it, there was nothing left uncrispy and black except the hide he had set aside for later.
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Jasil said:
Luna looked at Crimson with her eyes full of tears. "Where is he?" Her voice broke. She looked back to the ground and tangled her fingers together
"He was hit but some kind of vehicle. By the bootprints in his blood I'm guessing hunters. They probably thought they got lucky with a wolf that size and they took his body with them. The scent disappears a few meters down the interstate road...."
Reptilesandromance said:
(Jesus Christ this is what I wake up to lmao)
Kate heard howling and rolled her eyes, tossing ideas over in her head. She could leave, it had gotten over crowded since her father had died. But he was buried here..she could dig up his remains and move him, it wasn't unheard of. She snapped the gopher in frustration, it's small bones splintering, as she got closers To her den she smelt burning and broke into a sprint, swearing under her breath.

The doe Victor had left was smoldering and charred to a crisp. She shifted back into her human form and quickly threw clothes she left behind on, shoving her feet into a pair of boots and stomping out the meat before the grasses caught flame. "Fucking waste..god damn it..stupid fucking- shit..!" She grumbled.

The meat was ruined, she doubted even the birds would pick at it, there was nothing left I crispy except the hide he had set aside for later.
(Oh I actually left quite a bit saved. That was just the ribs I put on the fire. All the organs and every other edible part of the deer was still there in some kind of storage. Sorry if that wasn't clear.)
Luna let out a ferocious growl, and then another sob. She stood and began marching towards the direction Crimson has come from, hoping to stumble on where the accident happened. She would track down the monsters.
Jasil said:
Luna let out a ferocious growl, and then another sob. She stood and began marching towards the direction Crimson has come from, hoping to stumble on where the accident happened. She would track down the monsters.
"Again. I'm sorry I was the one who had to tell you. I'll leave you and your pack alone. You know where to find me if anything happens." The male said as he sprinted back to Kate's den and saw the charred remains of the doe he had put up. "Oh goddammit. I forgot about the stupid.....sorry Kate. So many things were happening at once I forgot about breakfast. Well luckily I have more of it stored so let's just throw it there. Just gonna have to wait a little longer." Crimson ran his fingers through his hair out of stress and it clearly showed on his features. To much had happened, too quickly.
Kate looked below her feet and noted the whole carcass wasn't present, just the ribs. It lessened her frustration but rib racks were still precious and rib bones were a personal favorite, there was loss here. She sighed and picked through the mess with her shoes, flicking aside hot bones until they cooled and she could use them for something, anything. She sighed and backed off as her neighbors showed up, her territory was shared with ravens and she never minded it, they proved to be helpful. The largest fluttered down from it's perch in a cypress and poked at the remains, gobbling down a morsel and croaking at her sharply. "I know," she muttered, shaking her head.

She turned her attention to Victor and her expression was far from forgiving, almost a polar opposite. "It's not me you should apologize to. Whatever happened that you had to prance off and let this happen better have been important, your mate died maybe? If not I'd let this think in and at least gain a lesson from it. You killed a doe that could have brought more bucks and instead you burned her to a crisp. I've never seen such disrespect." She spat bitterly and turned from him. As she turned the rest of the ravens came down to gain their spoils, seeing Kate's leave as their cue. The largest hopped toward the gopher Kate had dropped and nudged it, it was intended as a gift for Victor
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Kira shrugged after some time. She could trust him, right? Giving a small sigh, she glanced sideways at him, amber eyes glittering nervously. "My beta was plotting to overthrow the alpha of my odd pack and I agreed to be her comrade. We had everything planned and in the shadows the clan formed a rift between us and him. We decided we had to negotiate, otherwise too many of the clan would die." She broke off, allowing a small chuckle to rumble in her throat. "The Beta had things to do, other places to be and it was up to be to ambush the alpha... and slay him. I did, then I went and did the same to her." After an uncertain silence, she realized not for the first time, no matter how much she mulled over the events, that she regretted nothing. Perhaps happier than Kira should have said, she added, "I'm proud of what I did."
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate looked below her feet and noted the whole carcass wasn't present, just the ribs. It lessened her frustration but rib racks were still precious and rib bones were a personal favorite, there was loss here. She sighed and picked through the mess with her shoes, flicking aside hot bones until they cooled and she could use them for something, anything. She sighed and backed off as her neighbors showed up, her territory was shared with ravens and she never minded it, they proved to be helpful. The largest fluttered down from it's perch in a cypress and poked at the remains, gobbling down a morsel and croaking at her sharply. "I know," she muttered, shaking her head.
(Crimson is there and he apologized BTW. My previous post.)

He set the other half of the ribs to cook along with the liver, thigh meat, and pieces of the breast. He seasoned with the herbs he gathered and sat down in front of it without budging this time. Not only to think but to make sure it didn't burn again. Kate and the ravens didn't seem to appreciate burnt ribs and neither did he.
Kira shrugged after some time. She could trust him, right? Giving a small sigh, she glanced sideways at him, amber eyes glittering nervously. "My beta was plotting to overthrow the alpha of my odd pack and I agreed to be her comrade. We had everything planned and in the shadows the clan formed a rift between us and him. We decided we had to negotiate, otherwise too many of the clan would die." She broke off, allowing a small chuckle to rumble in her throat. "The Beta had things to do, other places to be and it was up to be to ambush the alpha... and slay him. I did, then I went and did the same to her." After an uncertain silence, she realized not for the first time, no matter how much she mulled over the events, that she regretted nothing. Perhaps happier than Kira should have said, she added, "I'm proud of what I did."
Silently Faolin listened to Kira. He heard her story then stopped. Looking at her he blinked in disbelief. He soaked the story in then slowly nodded. He stated, "You've changed Kira. Since then I mean...I don't know if pride should be a good thing in that situation...However I understand. I think I probably would have done the same in your position. " He closed his eyes and looked at her then stated, "Just please don't do that with this pack they may be disorderly and a little odd but they mean well. It's the first place I have felt at home in." He looked at her then stated, "Yes I see why you are how you are Kira. Life changes you. It has me and you. We both have violent paths." He touched his chest as he stated, "I have a long scar running down my chest from my previous Alpha. I think we both need to accept that our pasts our unchangeable that they are part of the other person. I accept your past as part of you Kira and I still love you. Do you except my past of resisting a female wolf being attacked by my own pack and then other things including attacking other females when I was running. I was so angry then I attacked everyone in my path fortunately I don't think I majorly injured anyone I couldn't stay to rip them apart and for that I am glad." He shuddered not quite sure if he should have told her that.

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