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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kira nodded and bared her teeth, bolting forward. The doe's head snapped up and in a flash the chase began.
tuocs13 said:
"U-uh... yeah..." she blurted out without hestitation.

Really..? Oh my god, what was she going to say now?

"I mean... no..."

Why was she so flustered around him?

{ @loyalwolf }


Amora gave a smile.

Well we both have a common goal, why else would I be here

Amora looked at the two cat shifters and shook her head

How did you plan to get rid of the pack of wolves might i ask?

Dante could really tell what was wrong with the girl. She was stuttering and seemed nervous. "Are you alright you seem to be acting strange. If your feeling sick then i can check you out?" He looked trowards Marco and smiled. The guy really was growing on him.

"I'm fine." she replied simply. She had to stay quiet for a bit.

{@loyalwolf }
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Kira nodded and bared her teeth, bolting forward. The doe's head snapped up and in a flash the chase began.
Quickly Faolin bolted forward quickly. He headed in a different direction. He jumped over a log and then looked to his right he jumped knocking the deer of it's feet as it thudded to the ground. He hoped Kira was behind because he couldn't get back to the deer before it got back up.
Luna drove into town and took her time shopping. It felt good to be away from all her wolves, even just for a bit. Once she was finished she began loading her Things into the van and drove home slowly
Kira bounded over him and closed her jaws around the deer's neck, claws sinking into its side. As soon as she heard the telltale crack, she loosened her grip and took a few paces away, panting heavily. Ears back and amber eyes wild, she wipes the blood off her paws in some grass nearby.

DaManofWar said:
Gabriel chuckled. "Actually," he told Crimson, "I survived because I have learned how to partially shift." As an example, his hand become wolf-like. "Did hell to my mind, though." As he continued, he remained on the look out in case she was around. "I plan to find her. I won't kill her though. Rather, I intend to subdue her. And make her subservient to me." He shrugged. "It's for the best."
"Gabriel that isn't going to work. You natural authority as an alpha has no sway over her. She is of another species entirely. Shifter like us yes, but a whole 'nother animal." The warrior's eyebrows raised slightly as he watched the alpha's hand morph into a semi-wolf like form.

"Hm. Interesting. Kind of like what I do." Crimson concentrates on both of his hands and the bones within them start to crack, break, and reshape themselves. They grew bigger and the fingers grew longer with the human nails becoming razor sharp claws. Fur had begun to sprout where there once was skin and far more muscular than his regular hand. The transformation brought a clear wince to his face but no sound escaped him.

With a grunt, he forces his hands back into human form and stretches them a few times, as if to test if they still worked. "Best of both worlds kind of deal but risky to do. Gabriel, as someone who has fought and killed other shifters in the past I will warn you now. If she truly intends to kill you all, capturing her wont be an option. Not if you don't intend to sacrifice lives for it. You need to be clear with me right here and now, without your pack around. Are you prepared to take losses? Are you prepared to have people you love die for this? That includes your mate Gabriel.....how much are you willing to sacrifice?" The crimson-eyed alpha's tone became incredibly grave and dark within a matter of seconds. His answer would decide whether or not Crimson would lend a hand in the battle or merely offer advice.
Moonflight said:
Jericho's wolf senses went on high alert once he heard the male shouting for him to go find the she-wolf in the area. He let out a low howl to let the voice know he was leaving and sniffed the air for the scent of a she-wolf. He smelt the presence of another wolf pack enter the area but ignored it to go find Kate.
Kate was preoccupied, she'd found what she had been after. Gopher holes. The rodents were tasty but hard to extract from the earth, however, Kate had learned well.

The tip of her black tail sat near the largest of the holes and wriggled as if she were attempting to fish for them
shadowz1995 said:
"Gabriel that isn't going to work. You natural authority as an alpha has no sway over her. She is of another species entirely. Shifter like us yes, but a whole 'nother animal." The warrior's eyebrows raised slightly as he watched the alpha's hand morph into a semi-wolf like form.
"Hm. Interesting. Kind of like what I do." Crimson concentrates on both of his hands and the bones within them start to crack, break, and reshape themselves. They grew bigger and the fingers grew longer with the human nails becoming razor sharp claws. Fur had begun to sprout where there once was skin and far more muscular than his regular hand. The transformation brought a clear wince to his face but no sound escaped him.

With a grunt, he forces his hands back into human form and stretches them a few times, as if to test if they still worked. "Best of both worlds kind of deal but risky to do. Gabriel, as someone who has fought and killed other shifters in the past I will warn you now. If she truly intends to kill you all, capturing her wont be an option. Not if you don't intend to sacrifice lives for it. You need to be clear with me right here and now, without your pack around. Are you prepared to take losses? Are you prepared to have people you love die for this? That includes your mate Gabriel.....how much are you willing to sacrifice?" The crimson-eyed alpha's tone became incredibly grave and dark within a matter of seconds. His answer would decide whether or not Crimson would lend a hand in the battle or merely offer advice.
Gabriel thought about his answer carefully. "No....but I am willing to sacrifice myself. For my pack and my mate." He sighed as he stretched.

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Valkyrie resurfaced from the water gasping and took a moment, looking around before swimming farther away from the previous land. Just.... Just calm down.
Kira bounded over him and closed her jaws around the deer's neck, claws sinking into its side. As soon as she heard the telltale crack, she loosened her grip and took a few paces away, panting heavily. Ears back and amber eyes wild, she wipes the blood off her paws in some grass nearby.
Standing up Faolin stated, "Good job Kira." He smiled at her then at the deer. He stated, "Since you killed it you get first choice of meat." He looked at her and waited watching her closely. When she hunted she became a little more wild then she already was. He could see it in her amber eyes.

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Kate's efforts finally paid off, wether the rodent believed she was food of simply was irritated by the presence of her tail in it burrow she didn't care. It clamped down harshly on her tail and she sharply flicked it upward, the gopher sent into the air with a spray of dirt. It landed with a thud in the dust, stunned from it's fall. She snapped it up happily, feeling bones break and the animal go limp. Gophers weren't large, but she valued a varied and balanced diet, and they made an excellent treat for those that could get them. She knew Victor had gone off after something or another and she decided to follow, smelling other wolves so close to her den put her on edge. She didn't demand anything, didn't take up much for her territory either so she wasn't quick to accept intruders. Rodent in jaws she trotted on, on Victor's scent alone. She wasn't in the mood for a confrontation, should one happen it would make her even more short tempered.
Kira shook her head, amber eyes dimming to clear the moment of disconnection. "I'll take the hind leg, if you don't mind." Walking back to the deer, she readies a claw to slice the meat away.
Kira shook her head, amber eyes dimming to clear the moment of disconnection. "I'll take the hind leg, if you don't mind." Walking back to the deer, she readies a claw to slice the meat away.
Looking at her Faolin nodded. He opened the deer and took the heart and liver then took a bit of the meat around the front shoulder and ate that. Their he was full he watched Kira work with the back leg. He thought. So this is what Hunters do. A little gruesome for some wolves tastes. Not his. Nothing could make him see Kira as weird. Well...No he would always love her. He grinned then looked at the rest of the deer they would have to hide it somewhere for later.
tuocs13 said:
"I'm fine." she replied simply. She had to stay quiet for a bit.

{@loyalwolf }
"Of course either way I'm going to check you out. Even if you aren't joining, I can't have a wolf out there not healthy." He gave her a small smile. He then looked at Marco " you mind coming with us? Keeping Tyr company. He seems to really like you and I can't help but want him to be happy." Plus he wanted the guy to stay. @Haus Of Alaska @tuocs13
(I am so sorry @Haus Of Alaska, I didn't realize that you responded! This is awkward :o )

Guinevere narrowed her eyes. "I plan on killing them off one by one, It seemed to work for me in the past." she growled.

She stalked up towards the newcomer and gave a sinister glare. "And who the hell are you? You are not a shiftier as far as I can tell... yet you found my 'ally' and I. So what is this 'common goal'you speak of?"

@Haus Of Alaska
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Luna arrived back at camp and started unloading her bags into the main hall fro the others to pick up later. She brushed off her own hands and went towards the woods for a run. She couldn't tell where anyone else was, she was slightly worried. She began jogging off on her own
Jericho continued to sniff the ground and air in wolf form looking for the female wolf. He smelt her change directions and sat on his haunches for a moment deciding whether or not to follow her scent. After a few moments of thinking, he carefully followed her scent, not knowing what kind of person/wolf she was.
Moonflight said:
Jericho continued to sniff the ground and air in wolf form looking for the female wolf. He smelt her change directions and sat on his haunches for a moment deciding whether or not to follow her scent. After a few moments of thinking, he carefully followed her scent, not knowing what kind of person/wolf she was.
Kate kept her nose near the ground, gopher hanging loosely out of either side of her jaws, blood trickling out of it's nose. She stopped suddenly, catching herself following after some hot to trot male, she grumbled and thought about it. She decided it was ridiculous and back tracked, heading home.

Marco nodded as he held the now sleeping pup in his arms

Sure, the little guy has grown on me anyway

With a smile, Marco found himself drifted closer to Dante, his mind now ignoring the strangers presence, his wolf however was still on high alert.



Amora looked un-impressed, the cougar was cocky. She may have killed plenty of wolves in the past but something was different this time.

You know as well as I do that this pack is different, something that makes them more dangerous than any other pack either of us have encountered.

I suggest a pairing, we both want the pack wiped out, why not work together

She watched the cougar and her companion, it was a sound idea plus they had the surprise effect of working together if she agreed to it

Kira finished eating and quickly dug a hole to deposit the remains in. "We can bring the rest to camp. I'm sure someone will want it, even if the kill wasn't the cleanest." She made a mental note to work on patience and being proper about hunting. Bringing a paw up to her mouth, she licked off the blood staining her claws and fur. "Whenever you're ready."

Dante sighed "hey Ava if you want you can just hang out and say Dante let you in. I'll take you to see the alpha after I put my pup down for a nap." He motioned for Marco to fallow him into the cabin. He grabs Tyr from Marco and put him down. "Thank you again Marco for helping me find my pup. I really appreciate it." Giving him a small smile. @Haus Of Alaska @tuocs13
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Kira finished eating and quickly dug a hole to deposit the remains in. "We can bring the rest to camp. I'm sure someone will want it, even if the kill wasn't the cleanest." She made a mental note to work on patience and being proper about hunting. Bringing a paw up to her mouth, she licked off the blood staining her claws and fur. "Whenever you're ready."
Smiling at her Faolin smiled. He whispered, "I am ready now. You get that end Kira I'll get this one." He licked the blood off her face then whispered, "Their your good. Now let's go." He smiled then moved to the carcass and got his end of the carcass as he began to drag it back towards the camp.

Kira took the other side of the deer, ears flicking, baffled by his small action. She followed silently, wondering what was that flare in her chest burning so. As soon as they entered the cabin space, she made for the refrigerator cabin.


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