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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
shadowz1995 said:
He had to admit, curiosity killed the wolf, "Where are you off to with such a spring in your step Kate? Looks like your off to see a loving mate." The male laughed about though he secretely wished that wasn't the case. This was the first she-wolf he had taking a liking to after all.
Kate deliberately ignored him and picked up on the slight insecurity in the joke. Her tail swayed and she lowered her nose to the ground as she trotted farther off and then raised it to the air, her tail high and ears pricked in patient waiting for what she made seem like someone else, she then continued until she was out of sight of him, just to make him eat his heart out...and prove her creeping suspicions.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate deliberately ignored him and picked up on the slight insecurity in the joke. Her tail swayed and she lowered her nose to the ground as she trotted farther off and then raised it to the air, her tail high and ears pricked in patient waiting for what she made seem like someone else, she then continued until she was out of sight of him, just to make him eat his heart out...and prove her creeping suspicions.
Now he was just down right worried. Kate seemed to pick up on something he hadn't or couldn't. The male just kept on preparing the deer but now he was on full alert. Reaching out with his enhanced senses and trying to pick up on anything he might have missed
((Leaving this open so which ever pack can come and interact.))

Jericho ran in his wolf form kicking up dirt behind him. He loved the feeling of the lose dirt and earth between his paws. But most of all, he loved the feeling of freedom that come with his wolf form. In his human form, he was much more tightly coiled, yet in wolf form, all his worries and cares vanished with out a trace. He slowed down from his run to a quick trot to inspect his surroundings.
Kira awoke some time later feeling strangely rested. The tea must have helped because her usual nightmares hadn't plagued her evening hours. She smiled faintly and looked to Faolin, running a hand through her curly black hair to get out some of the tangles. With a sigh, she quickly gave up and accepted the mane hanging around her head.

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Kira awoke some time later feeling strangely rested. The tea must have helped because her usual nightmares hadn't plagued her evening hours. She smiled faintly and looked to Faolin, running a hand through her curly black hair to get out some of the tangles. With a sigh, she quickly gave up and accepted the mane hanging around her head.
Twitching his ear Faolin stretched out. He sighed then stood up. He turned and looked at Kira at her wild hair. He stated, "Don't worry about your hair it's normally like that anyways. How did you sleep?" He smiled at her then cracked his head . He asked, "Want breakfast?" He grinned.
"See, wolf hair is too short to tangle..." Kira sighs and swings her feet off the bed. "Um... well. I was gonna go out hunting." She shifts her weight nervously wondering what "breakfast" is for humans.
See, wolf hair is too short to tangle..." Kira sighs and swings her feet off the bed. "Um... well. I was gonna go out hunting." She shifts her weight nervously wondering what "breakfast" is for humans.
Smiling at her Faolin stated, "I meant do you mind If I come with you to hunt? I know you like breakfast that wolves have." He opened the door then changed into a wolf as he asked, "How did you sleep? And shall we hunt for a deer collaboratively or hare separately?" He smiled at her.
Kira shifted, her loose pajamas and sweater not tearing. She managed to get them off and make a somewhat neat pile on the floor beside his bed. "Together if you want. Deer, I'm not in the mood to run after a tiny thing."
Kira shifted, her loose pajamas and sweater not tearing. She managed to get them off and make a somewhat neat pile on the floor beside his bed. "Together if you want. Deer, I'm not in the mood to run after a tiny thing."
Smiling Faolin stated, "Okay Kira a deer it is." He walked out the door and looked back at her and asked, "How do you want to do this? A flick of the ear for wait and a two flicks for pounce?" His old pack had used that signal. He grinned at her gently then looked forward. He was no longer worried about her. Because she was right next to him.
Kira nods and followed him toward the forest. "That works." She pushed forward and caught the scent of a deer. It wasn't too far off and the wind was blowing in her favor. Casting a glance to Faolin, she lowered onto her haunches prowling forward, downwind of the animal.
Moonflight said:
((Leaving this open so which ever pack can come and interact.))
Jericho ran in his wolf form kicking up dirt behind him. He loved the feeling of the lose dirt and earth between his paws. But most of all, he loved the feeling of freedom that come with his wolf form. In his human form, he was much more tightly coiled, yet in wolf form, all his worries and cares vanished with out a trace. He slowed down from his run to a quick trot to inspect his surroundings.
It was then, in the opposite direction Kate had gone to, that he heard it. The sounds of a wolf running through the forests without a care in the world it seemed. It was a scent he was completely unfamiliar with so it was safe to assume he wasn't with the new pack he had come across the other day. With Kate preoccupied, Crimson set the prime parts of the veal to cook before standing and moving in on the wanderer. He hasn't had the time to clean the gore off his hands and arms from gutting the deer but right now he didn't care.

Once he was within (wolf) earshot range, Victor called out in a deep, commanding voice, "Who are you wolf? What exactly are you doing in this territory?"
Kira nods and followed him toward the forest. "That works." She pushed forward and caught the scent of a deer. It wasn't too far off and the wind was blowing in her favor. Casting a glance to Faolin, she lowered onto her haunches prowling forward, downwind of the animal.
Smiling Faolin lowered himself. He kept the wind in mind always good to keep downwind. He padded silently forward along with Kira he let her call the shops she was the hunter however he was a good hunter. He sniffed the air. The deer was a doe a younger one two. Perfect. He smiled and followed Kira silently making sure not to step on sticks or leaves.
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel heard arrived in his territory. He sighed, and leaned his head back, howling go announce his presence.
The male's head whipped around when he heard Gabriel's howl pierce the air. Great. Just what he needed now. "Speak to the she-wolf in the area! Kate. This is her territory. She will tell you what to do." Crimson called to the random wanderer. With that, he broke into a agile run towards the origin of the howl. His scarlet scarf flowing behind him like a bloody paintbrush coloring the forest in a blur. It wasn't long until he came to a halt about 10 feet away from Gabriel. Its respectful for two alphas to keep their distance when meeting each other and if they aren't on friendly terms.

"Gabriel Forest. What business do you have summoning anyone in this part of the forest?" The large alpha crossed his arms and narrowed his ruby colored irises at the visitor. In the short time since he last saw him it had looked like he had been through some trouble. Gabriel was a new alpha but an alpha nonetheless. They learn quickly from their mistakes or die just as quickly if they don't. Looked like there was some hope for the young blood yet.
shadowz1995 said:
The male's head whipped around when he heard Gabriel's howl pierce the air. Great. Just what he needed now. "Speak to the she-wolf in the area! Kate. This is her territory. She will tell you what to do." Crimson called to the random wanderer. With that, he broke into a agile run towards the origin of the howl. His scarlet scarf flowing behind him like a bloody paintbrush coloring the forest in a blur. It wasn't long until he came to a halt about 10 feet away from Gabriel. Its respectful for two alphas to keep their distance when meeting each other and if they aren't on friendly terms.
"Gabriel Forest. What business do you have summoning anyone in this part of the forest?" The large alpha crossed his arms and narrowed his ruby colored irises at the visitor. In the short time since he last saw him it had looked like he had been through some trouble. Gabriel was a new alpha but an alpha nonetheless. They learn quickly from their mistakes or die just as quickly if they don't. Looked like there was some hope for the young blood yet.
Gabriel sighed as he shifted. "My pack was attacked recently. A werecougar. She injuries one of our own badly. I and another of my pack chased her down. We found her with a werelynx ally." He rubbed the back of his head. "I nearly died in the battle. I just want to talk about you helping me find her before she does anymore damage."
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel sighed as he shifted. "My pack was attacked recently. A werecougar. She injuries one of our own badly. I and another of my pack chased her down. We found her with a werelynx ally." He rubbed the back of his head. "I nearly died in the battle. I just want to talk about you helping me find her before she does anymore damage."
"A cougar shifter....you tried to fight her in your wolf forms didn't you?" Crimson shook his head slightly but didn't dwell on it. "Cougars are the better predators Gabriel. You fight her with everyone in your pack capable of fighting. Or you fight her as a human. You'll stand more of a chance armed and on two legs then with just two wolves." Crimson thought for some time before talking once more. "What do you plan on doing?"

Jericho's wolf senses went on high alert once he heard the male shouting for him to go find the she-wolf in the area. He let out a low howl to let the voice know he was leaving and sniffed the air for the scent of a she-wolf. He smelt the presence of another wolf pack enter the area but ignored it to go find Kate.
shadowz1995 said:
"A cougar shifter....you tried to fight her in your wolf forms didn't you?" Crimson shook his head slightly but didn't dwell on it. "Cougars are the better predators Gabriel. You fight her with everyone in your pack capable of fighting. Or you fight her as a human. You'll stand more of a chance armed and on two legs then with just two wolves." Crimson thought for some time before talking once more. "What do you plan on doing?"
Gabriel chuckled. "Actually," he told Crimson, "I survived because I have learned how to partially shift." As an example, his hand become wolf-like. "Did hell to my mind, though." As he continued, he remained on the look out in case she was around. "I plan to find her. I won't kill her though. Rather, I intend to subdue her. And make her subservient to me." He shrugged. "It's for the best."
Luna shrugged and figured Oliver was busy. She jogged over behind the main hall and pulled the cover off of an old van. Luna rarely used it unless there was too much for her to carry. Starting up the van she began heading to town to shop.

"U-uh... yeah..." she blurted out without hestitation.

Really..? Oh my god, what was she going to say now?

"I mean... no..."

Why was she so flustered around him?

{ @loyalwolf }
Kira smiles as the deer comes into view and flicks her ear once, checking to make sure the creature is still oblivious to them.
Silently Faolin stays still checking that the deer didn't sense them either. He waited with Kira. He sensed that the Deer hadn't seen them. The doe was grazing contentedly her head down oblivious to the world it seemed. Faolin flicked his ears twice questioningly. He was asking if they should jump now. He hoped Kira knew that. He wasn't even coiled to spring so she would know he wasn't ready.

Marco walked along quietly, entertaining Tyr as they walked.

He wanted to approach Dante about his feelings and he would, once they get back to the cabins and get a moment alone

Speaking softly to a sleeping Tyr he smiled

What do you think pup,how will he react to my confession about my feelings



Amora gave a smile.

Well we both have a common goal, why else would I be here

Amora looked at the two cat shifters and shook her head

How did you plan to get rid of the pack of wolves might i ask?

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Guin deepened her frown at the woman's hesitation. "I have little time to waste in this conversation..." She growled. "As for this "HQ", I was just about to leave."

@Haus Of Alaska

(Not sure if you got my other post or not)

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