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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kira's eyes clouded and she looked down. "I was just called Kira in my last clan- that was a solid 10 years. I think I came up with "Sparrow" at some point because that's what I was best at hunting when I was small." She managed a bitter smirk, "Not that that matters anymore. I was off hunting and into battle pretty quick...You can tell me yours if you want to."
Looking at her Faolin nodded as he stated, "Kira Sparrow. It sounds right. I like it if it helps." He smiled gently then stated, "If it helps my past is not that great either my alpha female tried doing what Gabriel did to you without the whole hallucinating thing. I fought her then was chased for weeks. I eventually arrived here. My name is Faolin Hunter Star." He looked at her and asked, "Ever wanted to erase your memories then relized they make you up? And that you can't live without them unfortunately?"
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DaManofWar said:
Gabriel nodded in agreement. "Yeah..."
Luna put her dishes in the sink and quickly gave Gabriel a kiss "Gotta head to town, and please, don't go chasing after Crimson." She pointed her finger at him with a slightly scolding face before disappearing out the door to find Oliver
"Faolin Hunter Star... nice ring to it." Kira managed a chuckle. "I think if I got rid of my memories the first thing I'd ask myself is where the hell did I get all these scars from."
"Faolin Hunter Star... nice ring to it." Kira managed a chuckle. "I think if I got rid of my memories the first thing I'd ask myself is where the hell did I get all these scars from."
Faolin laughed quietly. He grinned as he stated, "Well yes that's true." He looked at Kira then grinned. Then he asked, "What do you like doing? Besides hunting and practicing it with others? I like singing, tracking, you, and flowers. Oh and the color green and blue." He grinned.
Kira's eyes lit with a smile. Maybe it was the herbs, maybe it was actually talking to an equal for the first time in ever. "Tea- but it has to be good tea. I'm not one for tea made in a coffee machine. Flowers are always nice and my favorites are those camellias, the ones that bloom bright red in the middle of the winter... and Chinese Takeout."
Kira's eyes lit with a smile. Maybe it was the herbs, maybe it was actually talking to an equal for the first time in ever. "Tea- but it has to be good tea. I'm not one for tea made in a coffee machine. Flowers are always nice and my favorites are those camellias, the ones that bloom bright red in the middle of the winter... and Chinese Takeout."
Chuckling Faolin stated, "Well who doesn't like Chinese take out?" He grinned then stated, "And Camellias are nice flowers especially the ones you described I always like Snowdrops and tulips. Mostly because snowdrops tell you winter is over and tulips are very colorful. Oh I like roses to. So Kira would you like a true cup of good tea? My mother taught me how to make it. What kind do you like. Thai, Green, or Oolong? Or other?" He smiled at her gently.
Kira smirked, a warm feeling kindling in her that she'd only heard of in stories. "Chamomile, if you have any." She shifted into her human form (thankfully clothed with lightweight pajamas and a long black sweater) and stretched, brushing off a slight wince of pain. "Need some good rest once in a while."
shadowz1995 said:
"Ah Kate! Good morning. I've gotten us some breakfast." Crimson calls out as he sets the doe down. On the way there he had collected a few herbs that grew around the area. They were both medicinal and edible. They heightened the taste of the food and complimented the veal wonderfully. He waits for Kate's reaction before he goes ahead and starts preparing the deer.
Kate laughed and her eyes widened as much as they could in her groggy state. "You do know there's only two of us right?" She asked teasingly, rubbing what tiredness she could from her eyes as she went to him
Kira smirked, a warm feeling kindling in her that she'd only heard of in stories. "Chamomile, if you have any." She shifted into her human form (thankfully clothed with lightweight pajamas and a long black sweater) and stretched, brushing off a slight wince of pain. "Need some good rest once in a while."
Looking at her Faolin smiled as he stated, "After the tea you can sleep in my bed I'll sleep on the floor and I won't take no for an answer. " He grabbed the Chamomile and began to make it the real way with boiling water and chamomile leaves with some honey. No sugar. Sugar ruined tea in his opinion nonetheless he asked, "Want any sugar in the tea?" He looked at her and smiled gently. He had an odd warm feeling the kind you described in fairy tails.
Kira rolled her eyes and sat down on the floor leaning up against his bed. "I generally sleep out side... but if no isn't an answer then I guess that's final.- uh, no sugar." She shifted her weight, unsure of what to make of this closeness she'd never felt before. She... liked it. It beat her old pack any day, but Kira did notice a small change in herself that irked her. The power she liked to think she had was slipping."
Kira rolled her eyes and sat down on the floor leaning up against his bed. "I generally sleep out side... but if no isn't an answer then I guess that's final.- uh, no sugar." She shifted her weight, unsure of what to make of this closeness she'd never felt before. She... liked it. It beat her old pack any day, but Kira did notice a small change in herself that irked her. The power she liked to think she had was slipping."
Silently Faolin smiled as he stated, "Good because I don't have any sugar around." He continued to make the tea then looked at her and asked, "Are you okay? You looked irked about something." He finished the tea and handed to her his hand brushing hers gently. Something like an electric shock ran up his arm into his skull creating a slight buzzing sound in Faolin's skull. Faolin handed the tea to Kira as he stated, "I hope you like it Kira." He smiled gently at her. He liked this close feeling. Granted he was losing some power but he didn't mind.
Kira accepted the tea and cupped the mug in her hands using it as a temporary source of warmth as she took a few hesitant sips. "Irked, maybe... another story for another time." She took a longer sip and smiled, already growing sleepy. "This is really good tea..."
Kira accepted the tea and cupped the mug in her hands using it as a temporary source of warmth as she took a few hesitant sips. "Irked, maybe... another story for another time." She took a longer sip and smiled, already growing sleepy. "This is really good tea..."
Silently Faolin nodded as he whispered, "Thank you Kira. You must be a tea expert. Now go rest I can see your tired. I can even sing you to sleep if you wish." He grinned doubting she would want him to sleep. She was so mysterious which was part of why she intrigued him. He grinned then whispered, "Now go rest Kira. Sleep well." He smiled.
"I'll pass on the singing," she says before finishing her tea. She falls back onto the bed and stares at the ceiling. "I can't remember the last time I've gone to sleep without the stars right above..." With that, Kira's eyes fluttered closed and she pulled her sweater close as she curled up into a position much like a wolf would don while sleeping.
tuocs13 said:
She nodded, expression falling to her resting face.

She then followed the three, appreciating the nature around the cabins.

@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska }
Adjusting Tyr in his arm he made it back to the camp ground after what felt like an eternity. "So i dont think i every got your name, Miss? As i said earlier my name is Dante and this little guy right here is my Pup, Tyr. he then looked over at Marco and that little guy over there is marco. Sorry about the rude encounter, if you ask around people will tell you im not the nicest person to meet but recently we been having some trouble in the territory so im on extra edge." he sighed and lead the way back to his cabin. he put tyr down for a nap and figure he should introduce the girl to the alpha. even if he was feeling exhausted he need to complete his duty.
"I'll pass on the singing," she says before finishing her tea. She falls back onto the bed and stares at the ceiling. "I can't remember the last time I've gone to sleep without the stars right above..." With that, Kira's eyes fluttered closed and she pulled her sweater close as she curled up into a position much like a wolf would don while sleeping.
Looking at the ceiling Faolin thought. Note to self put in a skylight that can be opened and closed with a cord. Second Kira looks even more cute when she's sleeping. He speaks nothing he lets her fall asleep before he lies down at the foot of the bed a sign of protection and falls asleep slightly.

"Ava. Ava Dayvere. I'm a painter." She felt the need to explain the paint splattered shirt she was wearing, though she didn't think he'd care.

Though that might bring back memories. She was painting when he bit her... Why did he bite her, anyways? She needed to find that out.

@loyalwolf }
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tuocs13 said:
"Ava. Ava Dayvere. I'm a painter." She felt the need to explain the paint splattered shirt she was wearing, though she didn't think he'd care.

Though that might bring back memories. She was painting when he bit her... Why did he bite her, anyways? She needed to find that out.

@loyalwolf }
"Ava thats a very nice name, plus your a painter. Your very lucky to know you have a talent." He still couldn't place where he knows her from. He sighed and figured he ask her. " hey do I know you from somewhere?" (Kk lucky tomorrow no school or work so I'll be on almost all day)
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate laughed and her eyes widened as much as they could in her groggy state. "You do know there's only two of us right?" She asked teasingly, rubbing what tiredness she could from her eyes as she went to him
"You realize you saw me eat almost all of an elk yesterday right? This is a snack for me and a genuine breakfast for you. The beast in me is rather strong. Food helps keep it pacified." The warrior grabbed the hunting knife from his belt and began to carve at future meal. Gutting it and skinning it completely, getting his hands and arms full of blood and gore. It was such a normal thing for him that he started to set the edible organs aside and was setting up the skin to be cured and dried for use later on. It was out of habit from when he lived in the Tundras. Animal skins were life savers.
shadowz1995 said:
"You realize you saw me eat almost all of an elk yesterday right? This is a snack for me and a genuine breakfast for you. The beast in me is rather strong. Food helps keep it pacified." The warrior grabbed the hunting knife from his belt and began to carve at future meal. Gutting it and skinning it completely, getting his hands and arms full of blood and gore. It was such a normal thing for him that he started to set the edible organs aside and was setting up the skin to be cured and dried for use later on. It was out of habit from when he lived in the Tundras. Animal skins were life savers.
Kate watched him intently for a while before turning and slipping back inside the den, she stripped and folded her clothes on the bed before shifting and reemerging with a pep in her step, seeming to be happily approaching him though as she can close she went around and completely past him.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate watched him intently for a while before turning and slipping back inside the den, she stripped and folded her clothes on the bed before shifting and reemerging with a pep in her step, seeming to be happily approaching him though as she can close she went around and completely past him.
He had to admit, curiosity killed the wolf, "Where are you off to with such a spring in your step Kate? Looks like your off to see a loving mate." The male laughed about though he secretely wished that wasn't the case. This was the first she-wolf he had taking a liking to after all.

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