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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kira took the other side of the deer, ears flicking, baffled by his small action. She followed silently, wondering what was that flare in her chest burning so. As soon as they entered the cabin space, she made for the refrigerator cabin
Faolin smiled. Pulling the carcass he headed toward the refrigerator cabin. When they reached the door he changed human opened the door changed back and hauled the carcass into the cabin. He looked around the room and saw an empty spot. Moving towards it he helped Kira put the carcass in the spot. He smiled at Kira as he stated, "Their I think that's good." He smiled at Kira and asks, "Do I have any blood on my face?"
Kira considered morphing to human state but instead stayed in her wolf form and simply shook her head. "No, you're all good."
Silently Faolin smiled. He looked at her then stated, "Oh I missed a spot." He licked her face to clear a bit of blood. He then smiled and stated, "Their perfect." He smiled then asked, "Want to take a walk with me or do you prefer training with me?" He chuckled.
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{@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska }


"Oh, uh... Alright. See you around then..." She said, smiling a bit.

It was genuine.

For some reason, she was growing fond of the three.

She might just join this pack...

But wait... She needed to focus on her curse...
"Walk," she muttered, allowing herself to dip down in a moment to stretch, also flexing her claws. She was pretty sure she pulled something earlier and her paw still hurt a fair bit. "Walk would be nicer."

Marco smiled as Tyr was transferred once again between them, it seemed to happened with ease that the pup never stirred

Its ok, in my old pack I was like a nanny so I cared for the pups. It seemed a natural fit, I'm just glad I could help

He became aware of how close they were standing to each other and a soft blush filled his cheeks

Luna got back from her jog in the woods and caught sent of someone in her camp

She sniffed it out and it lead near Dantes cabin "Dante? You home?"
"Walk," she muttered, allowing herself to dip down in a moment to stretch, also flexing her claws. She was pretty sure she pulled something earlier and her paw still hurt a fair bit. "Walk would be nicer."
Silently Faolin nodded he looked at her. For a second he thought then stated, "Okay Kira. Then let's go for a walk. I think we still need to know some more about each other." He smiled at her gently. Softly he whispered, "Besides I have nothing better to do right now. I am off guard duty for a bit because of my injuries. I have to go back two days from now and I wish to make the best of the time." He smiled at her gently.
She nods, accepting his smile and reflecting it with a slightly subtler level of warmth. Setting off toward nowhere in particular, Kira breathes in the earthy scent folding around as the forest draws nearer. "What do you want to know?"

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Guinevere considered the woman's proposition with arms crossed. She could not deny the fact that this pack had an unusual advantage; it would be better to have an alliance, even if it were shaky.

Still, it was not how Guin worked. Mountain lions were solitary creatures and she had always hunted alone. Allies only meant weakness and betrayal, as she knew all too well.

...unless this one could be useful for the time being. If not, well people would need to sleep sometime.

"You seem to know an awful lot about this pack." She said suspiciously. "It would be unwise to put that to ill-use... Perhaps it would be for the best to join forces in the meantime."

Though she may have accepted the offer for now, Guin did not trust this woman.

@Haus Of Alaska
She nods, accepting his smile and reflecting it with a slightly subtler level of warmth. Setting off toward nowhere in particular, Kira breathes in the earthy scent folding around as the forest draws nearer. "What do you want to know?"
Looking at her Faolin thought for a second then looked at her scar. He blushed then stated, "Sorry for being rude...But how did you get that scar?" He quickly stated, "No need to tell me if it's painful." He didn't want to upset her.
"Which one?" She asked jokingly, but there was an undercurrent of wary bitterness in her voice. "My years have been too long with battles."

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"Which one?" She asked jokingly, but there was an undercurrent of wary bitterness in her voice. "My years have been too long with battles."
Silently Faolin looked at Kira softly. He whispered, "Sorry I was talking about the large one on your neck but never mind Kira. I guess I want to know...I don't know. Anything you think is important to your personality." He smiled softly.
She flicks her ear to indicate he doesn't have to be sorry and continues on walking. "I got the one from my left shoulder across my flank from the beta of my old pack. The bite marks on my hind legs and the one around my neck were courtesy of my alpha." That sounds bad, Kira thinks before adding perhaps a little too lightly, "He got off worse though... much, much worse." She couldn't help but give her tail a prideful flick at the thought of that battle.


(I gtg to sleep xD super late for me rn,)
She flicks her ear to indicate he doesn't have to be sorry and continues on walking. "I got the one from my left shoulder across my flank from the beta of my old pack. The bite marks on my hind legs and the one around my neck were courtesy of my alpha." That sounds bad, Kira thinks before adding perhaps a little too lightly, "He got off worse though... much, much worse." She couldn't help but give her tail a prideful flick at the thought of that battle.
Smiling at her Faolin listened. He thought. My she has gotten into many battles. When he heard about the alpha one he smiled gently. He stated, "Yes I bet he did Kira. I hope I never anger you." He chuckled slightly then stated, "I assume he did something to anger you like mind did. I understand." He smiled at her then flicked his tail. She was unique.
Dante couldn't help but smile at the blush that appeared on Marco face. He gave a laugh at how the guy seemed to get all flustered. He never really thought a guy was cute before but for some reason Marco was an exception. Before he could say anything he heard Luna enter his cabin. He yell back "yeh I'm here Luna. Marco and I are just putting Tyr down for a nap. What can I do for you?" @Jasil @Haus Of Alaska
She slowly walked in. "I caught a new scent around camp, female, I believe." She looked around the room to see if anything was new
Jasil said:
She slowly walked in. "I caught a new scent around camp, female, I believe." She looked around the room to see if anything was new
Dante look at her and nodded his head. "Yes I found a girl in the woods. Well she kinda found us there so I brought her to camp. I questioned her and she also didn't attack us even though we had Tyr. I figure the least I could do was being her here and let Gabriel decided about her."

Marco held Tyr again while Dante discussed the new comer with Luna.

It seemed that every time they came close to discussing whatever feelings were sitting between them they would be interrupted.

Marco didn't mind anyway since it was important enough with another stranger in the area.

He was happy enough to take care of the pup while they talked.


Amora rolled her eyes, cats were always so dramatic.

We need to disable as much of the pack as possible, the best way to do that is to hurt them, by trapping them in their human forms.

She explained to Guin. She had various concoctions that would allow her to do this.

I can put something together that will trap the wolves but I will have to be the one to do it, the minute they see you they will change and go on the attack

Luna gave a slight nod but then it dawned on her "Where is Gabriel? I haven't seen him since before I left."
DaManofWar said:
"You aren't enough Gabriel. The sacrifice of one alpha isn't going to cause the shifter to become over confident. She's smart, cunning, and your pack is not her first wolf hunt most likely. If what you told me is true than this is like a game to her. A game that you are going to lose if you don't fight like a pack and KILL her. It won't be enough to capture her." The male's stance relaxes as he then takes a few steps closer to the other alpha wolf. If this kept on, he was going to get his whole pack slaughtered. "I asked you if you were willing to sacrifice people. Your answer tells me no. So that means your pack needs to become stronger as a unit. What I can do is train you. All of you. Get you prepared to fight against this cougar as a pack and end her. If I like what I see....then I will fight alongside you. If I don't. Then my favor to you is done. I will have you ready or at least as ready as can be. Or you can go it alone with your own strategy and sacrifice yourself to do whatever it is you wanted to do, leaving your pack leaderless and leaving your recently mated she-wolf broken. From the time I saw her it looked like it wouldn't be the first time. If you want to continue down that road I won't help you. Those are your options Gabriel Forest. Choose."

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