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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Marco was up and over to Dante once he heard the groan, all thoughts of the alpha pair now gone from his mind.

Kneeling by the bed he whispered

"Take it easy you were banged up pretty bad"

He explained as he helped you sit up, he knew Dante was still in a bit of pain and wanted to help

Where does it hurt?, what can I do?"

Maria nodded "Thank you..." She turned towards the ones she was supposed to be helping. She had a bit of healing knowledge from her mother and hoped she would be of some use. She looked at them all "Hi...I'm Ma-maria" She was nervous, but kept her head high. She looked at Dante "So what happened?"

@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska @Jasil
Silently Faolin walked around. He had left the infirmary. Smiling he heard Kira's voice. Wait what? He raised his head then gasped. He was hearing her. Gods what was happening. He felt himself running forward. Suddenly he was on top of Gabriel stating, "Snap out of it Gabriel. It's not Luna!" Where had those words come from. He blinked then knew what to do for some reason. He half shifted with his hands he applied a mixture to Gabriel's neck then whispered some words that made no sense then he came to himself changing full wolf he looked at Kira and asked, "What just happened? I don't remember anything." He looked down at Gabriel and refused to let him go until the potion set in.
Luna heard yelling up ahead and started walking that direction. "Kira?! Gabriel?!"

She could have sworn she heard Faolin too.
Moolock said:
Kira raised her hands to his chest and pushed him off with all her might, panting from the ferocity of Gabriel's actions.
Gabriel got back up, ready to pull Kira back to him when Faolin arrived. He growled, then froze when the potion was injected. He blinked a few times, then fainted.

@Lighthouse8477 @Moolock
"o it's not too far just at the end of this river actually!" grace ran too the end of the river then at the end stood a waterfall.Grace ran through the water to the other side where there was a little island.


she then runs behind a tree where her pack is and turns into a human and quickly puts on a lose sweater and jeans then pulls out a lose t-shirt and jeans and hands it to the lion.

"once you are changed we can tend to your wounds." she said as she moved away from the lion so she could change and sat on one of the beds that were right under the tree that was slanted.she then took out a bandage roll, disinfectant, needle and thread, eye patch and some aspirin. she then sipped up her bag and asked.

"what is your name by the way?"

Luna crawled her way up and stumbled to the three wolves in front of her. "What the hell? What happened, where are the cats?" She got on her knees by Gabriel
Kira looked between Faolin, Gabriel, and Luna before shifting back into her wolf form and dropping onto all fours. Matter-of-fact-ly she folded her ears back and said, "He thought I was you... you can guess where that ended up- and no, he didn't get that far." Narrowing her eyes slightly she muttered, "Get his injuries check and for god's sake- keep your mate under control... at least somewhat."
Silently Faolin looked up and sighed. He looked at Kira then stated, "What happened to Gabriel? Awnser quickly Luna's on her way and it doesn't look good. Looking at Luna Faolin got off Gabriel as he stated, "His injuries were so extensive that I needed to sedate him. He thought Kira was you. At least from what I heard him say he thought Kira was you..." He sighed and stated, "We need to get him back quickly."
Luna looked at Kira and Faolin with her mouth open. Her breathing faltered for a second before she shifted and threw Gabriel on her back. She left without a word.
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Luna walked into camp and went straight to the main hall. Calling back to Kira behind her "Move all the injured to the hall, it will be our new infirmary. I've already placed plenty of beds."

She went inside and set Gabriel on one of the beds, shifting human
Gabriel lay there, whispering Luna's name over and over. He shifted about in his sleep. He was so confused. Blood was still on his neck, and pouring down slowly.
Silently Faolin looked at them both and followed at the rear slowly. He said nothing not needing to. He looked at Kira then began to attend her wounds silently. He sighed then stated, "Their that should do it. Rest now you need it." He then went to attend Gabriel. He looked at Luna and asked softly, "What are you going to do with Kira?" He doubted she blamed Kira. He was just making sure as he began to care for Gabriel quickly his old lessons coming back to him.
She crossed her arms and turned away from Gabriel, taking a few steps. "I don't know." She mumbled. Her throat felt dry and her chest hurt.
The world blurred around Guinevere as she followed the smaller cat towards her home. A pained hiss escaped her jaws as the rushing water crashed into her wounded shoulder and neck but she dug her claws into the wet earth and powered through the pain. She felt faint.

She shifted out of her form and limped over to pick up the clothes. In this form the wounds were much more noticeable and her pale skin was reduced to a gruesome sight around her neck, eye, and shoulder where the water had caused new lines on red to run down across her skin. On the back of her leg there was also a hastily stitched up wolf bite. The clothes fit nicely, though the jeans were a tad tight, but Guin was grateful for such generosity... yet almost suspicious.

"Guinevere." she grunted as she lowered herself against the cave wall, grimacing.

Spots of red had already begun soaking into her borrowed shirt and her right eye was a mess. Her breathing had become labored now that she had allowed herself to rest.

She then closed her eyes, unable to fight the pull of unconciousness any longer.

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Marco got up, ready to help how he could.

He was waiting for instructions from anyone, he did not care who.

Standing by Maria he said softly

"I'm Marco"

His accented voice softening his voice, to make her seem more relaxed if possible.

He did not move too far from Dante either just in case he needed him

@Jasil @loyalwolf @trix
Silently Faolin looked at Luna and almost growled. He looked at her and whispered, "You'd better do nothing. You relize that she is weaker then Gabrial and she tried to get him to snap out of it. He is delusional I wall try my best to heal him in the meantime Alpha I would suggest that you rest. It's been a long day and you need to think clearly it's a long road to recovery for him." He stopped then looked at Luna in a way that stated, "Please don't hurt Kira I love her." He looked away then returned to his work hoping Kira hadn't seen that. Almost hoping Luna hadn't either.
Luna looked at him "I have been in Kira's shoes before, so don't go assuming my character without even knowing me mutt!" She turned and practically ran out of the hall. Heading for the woods she went to the furthest corner of the territory and started viciously attacking a tree to let out her anger
Maria nodded giving a nervous smile "Nice to meet you Marco" her voice was soft and cautious. She was new and didn't know how everyone was going to take to a newcomer. She asked Marco softly as she looked over Dante her touch soft "What happened to him?" She watched Marco waiting for him to answer. @loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska
Looking at Luna Faolin shrugged. Sounded like an angry Female to him who had been hurt to many times. If he was her mate he would of gone after her. Since he wasn't he continued staunching Gabriel's wounds and applying poultices. He sighed, "Sorry." He was talking to Luna even though she wasn't anywhere close. He continued running around getting herbs and bandages.
Placing his hand on his Alpha Faolin stated, "Your not going anywhere. She's safe ranting and venting her anger somewhere no doubt now lie still." He applied a mixture again to that nasty cut on his throat muttering, "Lucky you didn't lose your vocal chords." He continued to minister to Gabriel his thoughts of anyone else vanishing.
Luna shifted back and forth between wolf and human. Biting, hitting, and clawing the same tree till all its bark was stripped, then she moved to the next one

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