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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"holly poop girlfriend whats your deal!" she hissed at the lion.

"and I suggest that you get your little butt in gear because there is 2 wolves out side!And if you want my help you better get your little lion-but off me!"

she said as she gave her a hard look.

Moolock said:
She nods and lowers onto her paws, ready to spring forward. "But pin her first... before... y'know." The wolf shivered slightly before narrowing her eyes and training them on the scene at the cave mouth.
Gabriel lowered onto his hunches, ready to pounce. When he heard the lynx speak, he gave the signal.


With that, Gabriel broke, and ran straight for the mountain lion, teeth bared. He lunged at her, ready to sink his canines into her flesh.

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Kira snarled and hurled herself at the lynx, jaws outstretched in an attempt to clamp its neck or otherwise pin it.
(epic music plays)

Grace dodges the attack by jumping on top of the wolf then jumping onto a near by rock.and she hissed.

"Holy poo poo this is no even fight but you know what the pope say you should die fighting!" she hissed as she jumped onto the back of the wolf and bit into its neck hard.

Kira grunted and thrashed about in an attempt to throw the cat off. She paused and smirked for a moment before rolling over, trying her best to squish the insufferable feline.

(brb dinner)
(haha, you just got dragged into this, Fluff!)

At the mention of wolves, Guinevere removed her paw off of the lynx. She knew that this creature had better hearing than she, not to mention that she hadn't been able to look out of the cave for a while.

This warning gifted the mountain lion only a few precious seconds of preparation, but they proved to be priceless when she was able to glimpse the male wolf pelting up the slope to her cave. She had enough time to turn towards her attacker in a defensive stance before they collided.

The wolf was strong, she gave him that, but as a feline she had the advantage of five retractable meat hooks on each paw and a body built for tackling down prey. She allowed the wolf's charge to flow into her as she rolled onto her back and pushed the wolf over her with her hind legs, resulting in him falling onto his back a couple paces away from her. Pain seared up her leg where her bite had been, causing her to hiss while she did this, but the stitches held it together.

She scrambled up and turned towards the wolf, circling around so that his back was to the steep slope and she could easily force him to fight uphill. Somewhere on the slope the lynx was also fighting, but the cougar could not help the little feline. Fortunately this terrain gave felines a huge advantage and Guin had faith that the little bugger could run away if she needed to.

@DaManofWar @Fluffykitty9000 @Moolock
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Gabriel snarled at the cougar as he got back up. "You're going to pay for attacking my pack," he told her, and began trying to circle her as well. He saw her leg was injured. He took in everything he could about her. Anything to give him an advantage.

He quickly sprinted forward, making a bite at her throat.

Silently Faolin looked at the Dante. He smiled then looked at him. Quickly he got the herbs Dante had dictated for the other wolf. Kira was gone. After the cat! He sighed then began to heal Dante and the other wolf.
"What can I do Faolin?" Luna put her hand on the younger wolfs forehead, making sure his injuries weren't causing fever

Marco groaned as he sat up, feeling the scratches on his cheek and neck sting from the sudden movement.

"what happened?, the last thing I remember was that big cat attacking then she swiped at me and I passed out"

He looked around the room confused as he was sitting in his human form.

He spotted Dante and whined like his wolf at the sight of him

@loyalwolf @Jasil
Luna gently pushed the wolf back down "Rest, you took a good hit." She smiled and she went back to his wounds
Marco laid back but kept his eyes on Dante, as if he did not want to lose sight of him again

"will he be ok?"

He asked the wolf helping him, his eyes never straying from Dante. He could feel the tension in the other wolves from the recent attack but made no reference to it.

He barely winced as his wounds were looked at and an IV was setup for him.

@Jasil @loyalwolf
Grace felt the breath get knocked out of her when the wolf rolled on her.she managed to drag herself out from under the wolf.

"Ok Missy you asked for it!" she growled as she on to the now exposed stomach and bit hard into the soft part of the stomach with all the force she had then she bit the right front paw.

"fight me now Baka!" she said jumping of the wolf.

Guinevere flattened her ears and unleashed a threatening yowl before lowering her head in a glower.

For most of her hunts she would remain silent, letting the quiet get into her prey's head... all up until the last blow. She would pin them down, belly up, and breathe in the scent of blood intermingling with their growing fear. She would ask them what was their name, about their pack, their brothers and sisters, and then she would end them.

She waited, knowing of the impatience of wolves. Her body was still, tensed up as the huntress waited for the black wolf's move. When he charged at her, teeth gnashing blindly for her throat, she remained still until his head was in just in range and then...

A growl erupted from her throat as she smashed her paw onto the side of the wolf's head. She could feel the bone-jarring force as her paw collided with his skull, and felt a surge of satisfaction as clumps of black fur fluttered into the air and clung onto her claws. When he staggered, the cougar put all of her weight behind her shoulder and body checked him towards the cliff slope, hoping that he would stumble off of it or lose balance.

Juju said:
Guinevere flattened her ears and unleashed a threatening yowl before lowering her head in a glower.
For most of her hunts she would remain silent, letting the quiet get into her prey's head... all up until the last blow. She would pin them down, belly up, and breathe in the scent of blood intermingling with their growing fear. She would ask them what was their name, about their pack, their brothers and sisters, and then she would end them.

She waited, knowing of the impatience of wolves. Her body was still, tensed up as the huntress waited for the black wolf's move. When he charged at her, teeth gnashing blindly for her throat, she remained still until his head was in just in range and then...

A growl erupted from her throat as she smashed her paw onto the side of the wolf's head. She could feel the bone-jarring force as her paw collided with his skull, and felt a surge of satisfaction as clumps of black fur fluttered into the air and clung onto her claws. When he staggered, the cougar put all of her weight behind her shoulder and body checked him towards the cliff slope, hoping that he would stumble off of it or lose balance.

Gabriel winced from the blow. He should have seen it coming. He should have. Now, his pack would be without an-


Planting a foot down, Gabriel pushed back, latching his teeth into the cougar's shoulder. He raised his paw, and smashed it into her face, drawing his claws down to her eyes. He wouldn't die here. She would die here. He was the alpha!
Kira hissed and coiled her body to move her white underbelly from the target zone. In a flash, she was back on her feet and growling. With her fur roughed, the scars of her past were clear as day and the blood oozing from her neck felt to be no more than nettles. "You felines think you're all clever. Well I've got news for you, cat," she spat with a smirk, "Cleverness can only get you so far!" Amber eyes blazing, Kira widened her maw and lunged again, claws outstretched to land a heavy blow with all her weight on the cat.
Silently Faolin looked at Dante and stated, "With time he will be fine. He just needs rest and relaxation. Now please let me concentrate." He silently he closed his eyes then began to work on Dante's injuries one by one. He grinned then looked at the new wolf and asked, "What's your name? Mine's Faolin."
Grace dodged the blow barely.the claws made a deep cut on her shoulder but she managed to dodge.

"cleverness only gets you so far...HA! If I can out smart you I can beat you!" she growled. before her paw hit the girl hard across the face. before she ran around in circles and as she ran the wolf fallowed her with her eyes as Grace tried to make her dizzy . as she ran she felt the pain of her shoulder making her run slower but still quiet fast.

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(This terrain is not the best for wolves, though I admire your bravery.)

Guinevere admired the stubbornness of the wolf, though she could not comprehend why he would be so proud to risk his life by fighting up here. Then she thought of something. 'Perhaps we have an alpha over here..." she thought with a sudden fire of determination. "Nothing would tear a pack apart more than the death of an alpha."

When his jaws clamped upon her shoulder she weathered the blow through clenched teeth and turned her head away from his flailing claws. Claws! Unfortunately for him, evolution was not on his side and his claws did little but cause a few scrapes, though his fangs were drawing blood. If anything it sparked the mountain lion to use more energy...this was desperation... he knew that his death was closing in with every heartbeat of his struggle.

Guinevere gave a final yowl of rage before pushing her head past his claws and sinking her own fangs into the wolf's neck. He wasn't letting go, but she used one of her own paws and began mauling his head and neck with her free paw. Once/if he did let do she dragged the beast off of her and flung him to the ground.


"You will die this day, wolf."
she spat as blood trickled down her shoulder. Her grey eyes glared daggers as she plunged her fangs into his throat, aiming to choke the life out of him. She used her greater weight and upper-body muscle to hold him down while she watched his life slowly drain from his eyes.

(I can't kill your character without your permission but you are in a pickle right now. if you don't want to die, be creative or we can wait for your partner to save you.)

Juju said:
(This terrain is not the best for wolves, though I admire your bravery.)
Guinevere admired the stubbornness of the wolf, though she could not comprehend why he would be so proud to risk his life by fighting up here. Then she thought of something. 'Perhaps we have an alpha over here..." she thought with a sudden fire of determination. "Nothing would tear a pack apart more than the death of an alpha."

When his jaws clamped upon her shoulder she weathered the blow through clenched teeth and turned her head away from his flailing claws. Claws! Unfortunately for him, evolution was not on his side and his claws did little but cause a few scrapes, though his fangs were drawing blood. If anything it sparked the mountain lion to use more energy...this was desperation... he knew that his death was closing in with every heartbeat of his struggle.

Guinevere gave a final yowl of rage before pushing her head past his claws and sinking her own fangs into the wolf's neck. He wasn't letting go, but she used one of her own paws and began mauling his head and neck with her free paw. Once/if he did let do she dragged the beast off of her and flung him to the ground.


"You will die this day, wolf."
she spat as blood trickled down her shoulder. Her grey eyes glared daggers as she plunged her fangs into his throat, aiming to choke the life out of him. She used her greater weight and upper-body muscle to hold him down while she watched his life slowly drain from his eyes.

(I can't kill your character without your permission but you are in a pickle right now. if you don't want to die, be creative or we can wait for your partner to save you.)

Gabriel yowled in pain. He then did something unexpected: focused his shift on a single part of his body. His front paws became clawed hands. He then smashed the clawed hands into her face, driving his thumbs into one of her eyes while also bringing the other to slash at her throat repeatedly. "My name....is Gabriel Forest!"
(well that was creative. I assume this is an actual thing)

Guinevere was forced to retreat backwards, making a bloody mess out of Gabriel's throat as her fangs ripped through the soft flesh and muscle. The mountain lion emitted an earsplitting yowl as she stumbled backwards, half of her vision reduced into a blurred and red realm and her own throat dripping blood from where he had slashed it.

'What on earth?!' she thought as she retreated backwards from his feverish slashes. 'his form... this is not right.' She backed up the slope and swished her tail in rage. Though much of her depth perception had been thrown off by the blow to her right eye, she was prepared to end this if she must.

(Fluffykitty9000 and I both have to go now :( )

Juju said:
(well that was creative. I assume this is an actual thing)
Guinevere was forced to retreat backwards, making a bloody mess out of Gabriel's throat as her fangs ripped through the soft flesh and muscle. The mountain lion emitted an earsplitting yowl as she stumbled backwards, half of her vision reduced into a blurred and red realm and her own throat dripping blood from where he had slashed it.

'What on earth?!' she thought as she retreated backwards from his feverish slashes. 'his form... this is not right.' She backed up the slope and swished her tail in rage. Though much of her depth perception had been thrown off by the blow to her right eye, she was prepared to end this if she must.

(Fluffykitty9000 and I both have to go now :( )

(When Luna and Gabriel became mates, they partially shifted their fangs)

Gabriel got up, bloody trickling down his throat. His paws changed back to wolf form. He stared coldly at the cougar. He then began to advance, snarling. "You have two options. Die, or leave this place," he snarled, his vocal cords hurting. He breathed hoarsely, his throat a mess. But he wasn't done with this fight at all. He was emitting menace now, and was also staring at his paw. He raised it up, and licked some of her blood off it. He began growling fiercely. "Well?"
Kira growled louder and lashed out, catching the cat with her paw. Following with another attack with her paw, followed by clamping her jaws around what part of the cat's tail she could get. Through a mouthful of the putrid hair, Kira shouted, "You know nothing of true battle!" Kira yanked the tail backward, hard, and sent a pummeling attack to her flank.
Silently Faolin looked at the male who hadn't replied. He still attended to Dante as he closed his eyes. He hoped she was okay if she died. The gods really didn't want him to mate anyone. He sighed.
(oh day-um! This is my last post so that you guys can progress without waiting for me :3 )

"You can go to hell, wolf!" The cougar spat. Her claws dug into the loose rocks of the slope as she glared at the alpha. Both sides had suffered great blows, covering the rocks in dark crimson and making them slick with blood. As much as she would have liked to continue this fight, she had a debt to pay.

There was a moment when the contempt in Guin's eyes shifted for a second, and for the first time in a while there was a different emotion shimmering in those grey depths; respect. It lasted for no more than a moment for as soon as her claws dug into the loose stones she brought her paw up in a sudden arc, sending rocks and dust into the alpha's eyes. She used this opportunity to turn her attention to where the female wolf was savaging the lynx.

With a furious yowl the mountain lion chraged at the silvery wolf and slashed a blow at her face. It was clumsy from the feline's wounded shoulder but if the wolf didn't back away she would end up with a nasty wound.

Guinevere was not looking for another fight, surprisingly, and only did this to free the lynx from her doom.

She grabbed the lynx by the scruff of her neck and dangled the smaller feline from her jaws as if she weighed nothing more than a kitten and turned towards the ascending slope. It took everything she had to not fall, but the cougar managed to acend up the remaining rocks and leap over the wide gap between this section of mountain to the next. It was a leap that was hard for even a mountain lion and impossible for a wolf, and Guin nearly fell down. But in a scrabbling of claws the enormous feline made it to the other side.

Once it was done she turned back one last time to growl at her attackers before limping off up the mountain.

@DaManofWar @Moolock

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