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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
dante had labored breathing due to the injury and the energy just used. he looked around and let out a whimper " dont worry about me. i'll patch myself up later. get this guy to my cabin and give him Mistletoe mix with a some of the healing root. then get him on an iv to get him hydrated. ill be right behind..." dante then passed out from exhuastion.
Faolin nodded as he stated, "I got Dante." He made a litter then placed Dante on the other side changing into a human. His human form always had clothes on. He wore a white shirt and jeans. Silently he asked, "Can someone else help me with this Dante really shouldn't move." He looked around then saw Kira and stated, "You can help me."
Kira flicked her tail passively and watched the scene with narrowed eyes. She'd fought alley cats before but nothing with the savagery of a full-grown cougar. She nodded and went over him to help but remained in wolf form. "Put him across my back and keep by so he doesn't fall off."
Faolin looked at her then nodded. He placed Dante on her back draping him perfectly. He changed back into a wolf and helped her silently. She knew the way back home. He just wanted to help her he memorized what he was supposed to give the other male just in case.
Kira cast them all a reassuring stare before disappearing into the brush back toward camp, careful not to jostle too much for fear of making his injuries worse.
Luna threw the young wolf across her back and slowly ran to the cabins. She went and placed the wolf down on a new and shifted "Hey cmon big guy, you gotta change so we can check you out."

She gently nudged him
Kira appeared at the cabin shortly after Luna and stepped inside hesitantly with Dante still draped across her back. "Where do I put him?"
Kira noticed she was absorbed in making sure the young one was okay and went over to a spare bed. She rested him down gently and snarled before picking up Gabriel's scent mingled with the cougar and bolted after to meet up with him. Cats were always bad news.

Marco could barely hear but he recognized the tone of an Alpha, with as much energy as he could pull together he changed back.

Groaning from the effort, the smell of his blood was easily piked up on.

He let out a wolf like whine despite being in his human form.

After she had run non-stop for a while, Guinevere decided that she was far enough to slow down to a walk. Her sides heaved from the previous exertion as the feline stalked through the forest, keeping to the hard ground and walking through streams to confuse any possible followers. It was easy at first with the adrenaline still coursing through her limbs, but once the threat of being tracked eventually ebbed away she started to feel the effect of her bite wound kicking in.

She unleashed a growl of annoyance when she realized that her stride had developed a limp and was displeased to discover that she had reopened the wound when she leapt up onto the rocky outcrop of the cliff. Above her she could see the pale limbs of the tree she had perched on earlier but she didn't want to risk injuring herself further by climbing up its steep trunk.

Instead she forced herself to clamber over the rocky slope and up to the sanctuary provided by the mountain. Rocks skittered under her paws when she stumbled one or two times, but she was able to reach the vacant bear cave she had been to that morning. It would be a dangerous trek for a wolf, but even if one ventured this far the slope would at least alert her of their approach.

Only then did she allow herself to shift into her human form. The wound looked much worse this way, much to her displeasure, but she knew that she needed to treat it. A bag was propped up against the cave wall, which she limped over to and got out a sewing kit and a bottle of disinfectant. Guin hissed out in pain as she doused the wound with the disinfectant, but it died down to a grimace by the time she began stitching the wound up with the needle and thread.
Eventually Kira lost both the alpha's scent but that of the cat still lingered, though her nose itched from a patch of strong herbs she'd walked by. Pads tired, she began to realize she was lost, much further than the clearing she'd been using for practice, and flattened her ears as she grew wary of her surroundings. The trees became thin and bore white bark, the ground became rocky and hard on her pads. Kira stopped for a minute, tail flicking in annoyance as the cats scent was growing thin with no bushes or leaves thick enough to hold it and with thin trees, wind easily carried smells away. The cat became hard to discern so after a rest, she continued forward.
Grace sat in her lynx form on top of some rocks about 3 meters up from a bear cave.she was grooming herself when she heard a growl of a mountain lion.she went out of sight as it entered the cave.she jumped down from rock to rock till she was next to the entrance to the cave but still out of sight.she slowly put her head out to see into the cave and saw a girl.she can change into an animal too! yay! she walked out into the open and sat in the entrance of the cave.

Kira stiffened as the wind blew to her the scent of another animal. It was a cat, but not the one she'd been following. Flattening her ears further, she let out a low growl and looked up at the rock face she was now faced with. Lowering onto her haunches, she sprung forward and landed on the first boulder after a little scrabbling at the rock with her hind claws. One down... however many it takes to go...
Gabriel tracked the cougar to a cave. One that would be dangerous for a wolf to climb. So, he did the logical thing: started climbing. He kept quite, so as not to attract suspicion of that damned cat. As he climbed up, he almost slipped. He had to shift to steady himself. Then he saw Kira. "Kira!" he cried down softly.
After her wound had been sealed, Guinevere put her supplies back into her bag and placed it behind the roots drooping from the cave wall. It wasn't much, but it would at least hide it if someone was to peer inside of the cave.

'I will have to move to a better location.' she thought as she sat down against the opposite wall of the den. 'This pack will be a problem until I can pick off a few.'

Her grey eyes found their way back towards the cave entrance and out into the endless blue... that is until a scruffy looking lynx had the nerve to plop down at the mouth of the cave.

In an instant a mountain lion replaced the injured woman and closed the gap between the two in a quick leap. One paw was enough to hold the creature down, but she extended her claws into the soft fur of the lynx's chest for good measure. She lowered her bared teeth inches in front of the smaller cat's face and snarled. It would be all to easy to snuff out this one's life.

(can shifters talk to different species?)

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Luna started cleaning Dante and the new wolves wounds. "What is it with this pack and trouble?"

She laughed to herself but then it occurred to her "Where is Gabreil?"
Juju said:
After her wound had been sealed, Guinevere put her supplies back into her bag and placed it behind the roots drooping from the cave wall. It wasn't much, but it would at least hide it if someone was to peer inside of the cave.
'I will have to move to a better location.' she thought as she sat down against the opposite wall of the den. 'This pack will be a problem until I can pick off a few.'

Her grey eyes found their way back towards the cave entrance and out into the endless blue... that is until a scruffy looking lynx had the nerve to plop down at the mouth of the cave.

In an instant a mountain lion replaced the injured woman and closed the gap between the two in a quick leap. One paw was enough to hold the creature down, but she extended her claws into the soft fur of the lynx's chest for good measure. She lowered her bared teeth inches in front of the smaller cat's face and snarled. It would be all to easy to snuff out this one's life.

(can other shifters talk to different species?)

Go for it
As Gabriel continued to climb, he heard a growl. He snarled. He was almost there. Then, he would end the cat's life. No way she was making it out of this alive. After the threat she proved to be, he couldn't risk it. He hoped Kira would be okay.

When he finally neared the top, he saw the mountain lion. She had a lynx pinned beneath her. He shifted, and waited in ambush. The lion was his to kill.
Kira lifted her gaze to the rock where Gabriel stood and flicked her tail, looking for a way up to him. She found a path and in a series of lunges and near-misses, she was at the ledge where the cave sat, directly behind Gabriel. "Hey," she whispered, settling in the shadows beside him. Luckily they were downwind of the cave so their smell wouldn't drift to the felines.
She nods and lowers onto her paws, ready to spring forward. "But pin her first... before... y'know." The wolf shivered slightly before narrowing her eyes and training them on the scene at the cave mouth.
"You have 5 seconds to tell me how you found me, before I end your pathetic life by flinging you off of this cliff." Guin growled to the lynx. "Though as a fellow feline I can assure you that you will not end up on your feet."


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