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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Guin flicked her ear irritably when she witnessed how yellow-bellied the wolf she was stalking was. 'There is little threat in this one...' she thought. 'A shame that this pack member doesn't have the decency to end him; he looks like death warmed over.'

Her tawny pelt blended in perfectly with the surrounding shrubs which left little to fear of being spotted, yet she still played it safe by creeping slowly. When they moved, she moved; a silent shadow among the undergrowth.

'A healer... what a blow that would be to their precious community if he were to sadly disappear.'
The feline could hardly contain her contempt and found herself imagining the taste of blood while she crept after them. Grey eyes flashed maliciously as the cougar's paw steps suddenly stopped and was replaced with a tense crouch, waiting for the right second.

(@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska

Guinevere is going to strike in my next post. Though she has the intent to kill, I cannot kill your characters without permission nor would it be entertaining to end both of your journeys this early. Just giving you a heads up in case you want your characters to finish up a conversation or sense her.)

Marco trotted along, the scent of a pup still lingering, did this wolf have his own pup?. Was he mated?

Marco felt a small spike of jealousy at the thought of this wolf being mated. Shaking his head loose, he kept walking.

He was surprised by the change in mood considering he knew next to nothing about this wolf.

He was deep in thought as he followed along back where Dante had come from

"Oh really? Well I'm glad that our paths crossed so quickly. I assume you've met My mate Gabriel." She gestured to Gabriel behind her.

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Dante kept moving make sure to keep some distance between him and the new wolf. He looked around the place and sighed. He need to now call his alpha again in order to introduce another new person. Why is that he always finds the most wolves. "So tell little one what's your name?" He asked un aware of the danger hiding near him

Marco spoke softly, even after all this time the slight spanish accent from his father coming through

My names Marco"

He said softly as he walked, he could smell something...off but could not pin point it, one of the downsides to being so sheltered was that he could

not distinguish different scents

"I'm not in trouble am i?"

He asked Dante looking nervous

Gabriel waved at Kira. He would let his mate talk to her for now. Best they bonded. In the meantime, he wanted to talk some more with Dante about the possibility of Luna bearing children.
A sudden yowl and the sound of rustling leaves was the only warning before a tan blur crashed into Dante. Teeth dug into the back of the wolf's neck, aiming to break the spine, as the enormous cougar attempted to hold down her prey with ten hooked claws. Guin felt a rush of delight as she tasted the healer's blood ooze from his wounds and flow past her teeth.

The younger one was left unharmed at the moment, chosen to be dealt with last due to his crippling condition. He could run if he wanted to, or he could try his luck in defending his new-found friend.

@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska
As Gabriel set off, he shifted into wolf form. He started off at a slow walk, taking his time to find Dante. He could wait.

Marco yelped as he fell sideways, seeing the large cougar attacking Dante, something in him snapped.

With a blood curdling snarl he jumped at the cougar his teeth biting into her back leg and gripping tight.

@Juju @loyalwolf
Kira nodded and shifted into her human form, quickly wrapping around herself the long grey sweater. "Met him I have indeed."
"Wonderful. I just thought I'd welcome you to our pack personally. So tell me Kira, are you comfortable here so far?" Luna rested her weight on one foot, trying to get along with Kira
dante felt the teeth go in his neck and couldn't help but let out a whimper. he didn't know how he let him be blind sighted like this. he let out a loud howl, almost like a cry for help. he could tell that so far all he had was flesh wound but any deeper and he would have his neck snapped. he notice the cougar being attack and saw his chance. he rolled towards his back putting pressure on the cougar and allowing him to get hie off his neck. he knew that had very sensitive eye so he aim for those. he used his claws to slight right at the cougar's eyes and and back off. he was in a lot of pain at the moment.
Luna immediately heard the howl "Dante! Kira we have to go now!"

She shifted, not bothering with her clothes and took off towards the sound
Gabriel heard the howl, and immediately began sprinting. As he did, he howled, letting the whole pack know. He bared his teeth, ready for battle.
Silently Faolin looked around. He was still walking around the perimeter. He walked towards his Alpha then saw he was engaged, "Oops." He had been relived by another guard thankfully. Now he was going to ask what he should do. He looked at Kira silently then sighed looking away rats. Figures that the wolf he would like was here two.
Silently Faolin heard the cry and the Alpha female. He moved quickly. Silently he bounded past them like a bullet. He was faster then most wolves when he needed to. He sighed then came upon Dante and the cougar. Growling he looked at the mountain lion who relized Dante to face the new arrival.
Guin would have been mildy surprised with the younger wolf's sudden outburst if the insolence hadn't have enraged her so much. A snarl escaped her jaws when she felt his teeth cut into the flesh of her back leg, causing her to let go of Dante's neck momentarily.

Though this act of bravery distracted Guin's attention from Dante, her rage immediately switched over to the youngling. As Dante was floundering on the ground the feline turned to swipe at Marco's head; which happened to be an easy target because of the stubborn grip. She missed the eyes, courtesy of the chaos that was developing but was able to have her heavy paw crash against the top of his head, raking away five lines of red where her claws had torn into his flesh.

It could have been a lot worse, but the healer's retaliation forced her to reel her head back or risk damaging her eyesight. She bared her teeth into a savage snarl but perked up her ears when she heard the responding howls from the rest of the pack. Two wolves were one thing, but a lone cougar could not take on a pack by herself.

When another wolf appeared she gave one last hiss, the hatred flashing in her eyes, before she reluctantly turned and sprinted off into the undergrowth.

@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska @Lighthouse8477
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Gabriel snarled as he saw the cougar leave. He was ready to give chase, but instead moved to Dante. He stared at him, and turned to the other wolf. "Who are you?"
Silently Faolin moved to Dante. He looked at his injuries and stated, "Well I hope a season in herbal training taught me something." He ran into the bushes and got herbs and returned. He chewed a bitter root and spit it on the most severe wound to sterilize it and stop the bleeding then he looked at Gabriel and asked, "Do we have another wolf who knows healing better then I do."

Marco yelped as the heavy paw connected with the side of his head leaving a line of angry red wounds.

The injury paired with his exhaustion made him collapse shortly after everyone else arrived.

His vision was turning hazy before he passed out and changed back into his human form.

The only one still awake who knew what happened was Dante.

@loyalwolf @DaManofWar @Juju
Kira shifted and bounded after Luna, only to find her already attacking the cougar and hung back at the edge of the clearing.
Luna bounded up to the other wolves "Holy shit what happened here!?"

She ran up to Gabriel and looked at the wolves around her
"Cougar. Take Dante back to the cabins at once," he then gestured to the new wolf, "along with him. Understood?" He turned back to look at his pack.

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