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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna laughed "Thank you very much Tyr, but it's okay you don't have to protect me. That's why I have Gabriel around." She looked back at him with a smile "So, how did you get in the woods?"
Tyr look at luna with a confused face. "well i was walking with my paws and then i just end up there. how else would i end up there silly! I was fallowing mama and she said that i was slowing her down and that she couldn't protect herself and me. that's when she started to run really fast and i tried to catch up to her but she was to fast. i couldn't find her but i kept looking. she always said that we had to keep moving. so i kept going and then i was found by that guy." he said pointing at dante.
Luna put her hand over her mouth when she heard the boys story. She wrapped him up in her arms and held him. "Poor baby, poor poor baby." She mumbled over and over.
try hug the lady back and said "I'm not a baby lady. i'm a brave and strong wolf." he said with a big grin on his face and looked at dante. "Thank you mister for saving me. everyone he seems really nice. Is it alright if i stay?"
Reptilesandromance said:
"That's my father in me.." She sighed fondly and shyly through her hair over her shoulder, covering a large portion of her back. "My mother had no clue and when she did she wasn't thrilled..I was three." She explained, quietly speaking in shame @shadowz1995
Victor could tell the conversation was starting to get personal and he sincerely doubted Kate would appreciate talking about this further without her really wanting to. Maybe another time she would talk about it. "It's OK Miss Kate. You don't need to say anymore. It seems like an uncomfortable subject and its neither the time nor the place don't you agree? So why don't we get that paw patched up hm?
shadowz1995 said:
Victor could tell the conversation was starting to get personal and he sincerely doubted Kate would appreciate talking about this further without her really wanting to. Maybe another time she would talk about it. "It's OK Miss Kate. You don't need to say anymore. It seems like an uncomfortable subject and its neither the time nor the place don't you agree? So why don't we get that paw patched up hm?
"It's fine, just a story at this point, it needs to be wrapped. I have an ace bandage back at my den." She explained, shifting as the pain lightened in her foot. She held her hind paw off the ground and made a decent pace on three legs.
Reptilesandromance said:
"It's fine, just a story at this point, it needs to be wrapped. I have an ace bandage back at my den." She explained, shifting as the pain lightened in her foot. She held her hind paw off the ground and made a decent pace on three legs.
"Here let me give you my shoulder."
Luna grinned, "Well, get plenty of rest and when you're ready you can come meet the others." Luna gave a little wave and then walked out of the cabin. She was ready to meet this new female as well.
shadowz1995 said:
"Here let me give you my shoulder."
Kate caved and finally just listened, accepting his offer for help without any issue. She licked his cheek and her tail hung low but still swayed, apologizing for her previous out burst.

It took time but they finally came near the den, the smell of wild raspberry hitting them for more than a hundred feet off though bushes were no where to be seen.

Kate let him help her as close as possible but he probably still would've kept going if she hadn't stopped him by pulling away, though before hand made sure to stay near him, avoiding any rude or even teasing gestures for now.
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Guinevere perched on the branch of an old and gnarled tree overlooking the forest. She could tell by the singe marks that it had been struck by lightning in the past, yet the ancient sentinel still stood proud against the mountain.

Grey eyes scanned the lush mat of trees, searching for any sign of movement, though this hunter was not looking for a meal... she was looking for a settlement. Rumors had reached her ears of strange occurrences happening within these woods; overly intelligent wolves that towered over most of their kin in other areas. There was even a report of a group of strange cabins in the area. That was what peaked her interest.

The cougar's tail twitched in anticipation when her eyes spotted something in the distance that was out of the ordinary. Silently, the hulking feline leapt down from the tree and onto a rock shelf formed into the mountain. She would need a higher viewing point if she wanted to confirm this sighting.
Gabriel followed after Luna. He put an arm around her shoulder. "So," he said, grinning, "you want to go meet Kira?" He would accompany her of course.
She leaned against him "Sure do, let's go." She started to sniff her out

Marco had been travelling for years now, never fully settling down. He sometimes thought of his old pack but quickly pushed the thoughts out of his mind.

He had gone off the beaten track a week ago and he was getting hungry, he had lost some weight and he was lethargic running on minimum energy.

Staying as his wolf form he came to a river, not knowing how close he was to the local packs territory.

Running forward he began to lap up the water greedily, his stomach groaning at the sudden slosh of water flooding his system.

He was so focused on getting his fill of water he did not take notice that he had been spotted.

(leaving it open for anyone to come across him :3 )
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate caved and finally just listened, accepting his offer for help without any issue. She licked his cheek and her tail hung low but still swayed, apologizing for her previous out burst.
It took time but they finally came near the den, the smell of wild raspberry hitting them for more than a hundred feet off though bushes were no where to be seen.

Kate let him help her as close as possible but he probably still would've kept going if she hadn't stopped him by pulling away, though before hand made sure to stay near him, avoiding any rude or even teasing gestures for now.
"What what is it?" The male immediately turned alert and looked around the area scanning for any form of threat. Something had caught her attention it seems But the make couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. Of course, he had no idea that was her den and the smell of berries was overpowering his sense of smell. The main sense he relies on.
Dante look at the little guy and gave him a big smile. "Hey there pup. Since your going to be staying with us, I'm going to be looking after you. I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you and protect you. Anyway I'm going to look around for some food. You get some more sleep." He then left his knew pup sleeping as he went out. He was searching the territory for food. That when he got the scent of a wolf. He began moving trowards it. "Hey there hold your gournd" he said with a growl as he approached the wolf. @Haus Of Alaska
From her new view point, Guin could see the unmistakably shimmering surface of a distant lake ringed by a thick wall of trees.

"Houses..." she thought, but quickly corrected herself. "No, cabins. A community of the things, how droll."

The cougar paced along the rock, tail swishing languidly as she thought of her next course of action. After a moment she ceased her pacing and decided to sit down on her rocky outlook and continue her observation.

Up here the wind was always chilled and had a certain cleanness that could not be compared to anything down among the trees; she was above all. She lifted her muzzle to the skies and watched as a falcon soared overhead with a pang of envy.

The moment of peace ended abruptly when a splashing sound from below caught her attention. A low growl escaped her throat when she realized that the cause of this disturbance was none other than a wolf. Guin crouched down against the rockface and silently stalked towards the wolf, flowing down the rocks and circling around so that she was upwind from the canine.

Two grey eyes peered through the foliage of a bush, its roots clinging desperately to the the cliff. Below the river tumbled into a short waterfall and joined into the stream where the wolf was drinking.

"So malnourished...pathetic." she thought. "I shall do him a favor by giving him a quick death."

The feline was about to charge when another wolf appeared out of the undergrowth. As much as she wanted to take on both of them, she stayed put and waited... they could lead her to the others. It wouldn't hurt to know what she was up against. Who knew, maybe one wolf would kill the other and she would only have to clean up the mess.

@Haus Of Alaska @loyalwolf
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Juju said:
From her new view point, Guin could see the unmistakably shimmering surface of a distant lake ringed by a thick wall of trees.
"Houses..." she thought, but quickly corrected herself. "No, cabins. A community of the things, how droll."

The cougar paced along the rock, tail swishing languidly as she thought of her next course of action. After a moment she ceased her pacing and decided to sit down on her rocky outlook and continue her observation.

Up here the wind was always chilled and had a certain cleanness that could not be compared to anything down among the trees; she was above all. She lifted her muzzle to the skies and watched as a falcon soared overhead with a pang of envy.

The moment of peace ended abruptly when a splashing sound from below caught her attention. A low growl escaped her throat when she realized that the cause of this disturbance was none other than a wolf. Guin crouched down against the rockface and silently stalked towards the wolf, flowing down the rocks and circling around so that she was upwind from the canine.

Two grey eyes peered through the foliage of a bush, its roots clinging desperately to the the cliff. Below the river tumbled into a short waterfall and joined into the stream where the wolf was drinking.

"So malnourished...pathetic." she thought. "I shall do him a favor by giving him a quick death."

The feline was about to charge when another wolf appeared out of the undergrowth. As much as she wanted to take on both of them, she stayed put and waited... they could lead her to the others. It wouldn't hurt to know what she was up against. Who knew, maybe one wolf would kill the other and she would only have to clean up the mess.

@Haus Of Alaska @shadowz1995

(that was close)
(You should have tagged @loyalwolf )
shadowz1995 said:
"What what is it?" The male immediately turned alert and looked around the area scanning for any form of threat. Something had caught her attention it seems But the make couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. Of course, he had no idea that was her den and the smell of berries was overpowering his sense of smell. The main sense he relies on.
Kate couldn't help but laugh at his sudden sense of alertness and she touched her nose to his quickly, a sign to relax.

"Easy kid, we're here." She rumbled and gestured toward an easily unnoticed crag in the rock. She limped foreword, avoiding touching the ground at all with her hind paw, shouldering her way into the opening she disappeared, the small opening proving to be highly misleading.

Marco yelped at the growl and whined, the approaching wolf larger than him easily. He was a juvenile really compared to this guy.

Marco was not even a fighter making this a very
very tense situation. Whining he laid himself flat on his stomach as a sign of submission.

He knew he should change back but right now he did not even have the strength for that.

He whined again hoping the other wolf would see he was not a threat.

Dance look at the wolf that was show complete submission. Not even putting up a fight, instead giving out sad whimpers. He felt bad and couldn't help but fell bad for him. He approached the wolf and looked down at him. " relax little one, I'm not going to hurt you. I just was protecting my pack. Come on get up and show some pride in yourself." He then gave a small lick to the wilds nose.

Marco got to his feet and rubbed against you in thanks, the water he had greedily drunk giving him back some strength.

He sniffed the air curiously, there was another scent not as strong but he could pick up on it, it was the scent of a pup.

Shaking his head, he quietly followed Dante, the initial fear now gone.

He yipped playfully despite his lack of energy, the only thoughts in his mind were of food.

He knew it was rare for a pack to help a lone wolf

Dante gave a silent chuckle because of his quick change in mood. " I am Dante and I'm my pack healers. As a healer I can't leave a wolf in your kind of state just wander around. Of course I'm going need to tell my alpha but I can atleast patch you up first." He just hoped the new wolf didn't upset His pup. The guy seemed like just an over grown pup so he shouldn't cause to much trouble

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