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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
She looked down "He said that I would have to go through treatment. It would be painful, and possibly make miscarriage worse. Then, a chance I could die in childbirth, but he said there was also treatment for that." She didn't know what else to say. She was sure she remembered everything correctly

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"Faolin?" Kira called out, rolling over and up onto her paws looking at where she'd smelled him.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Faolin watched unable to look away. He was finished stretching. Time to move on. Trotting he tried to get out of the clearing before Kira noticed. As he trotted he thought of how to hide his feelings. He was terrible at it. He was stressing he stopped stretched to calm himself then sighed and continued on walking not out of the clearing yet.
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel felt....disheartened. And it showed. "Oh," he said. "Will you go through with it?"
"I don't know. Should I?" She ran her fingers down his arm and continued looking at the water.
"Faolin?" Kira called out, rolling over and up onto her paws looking at where she'd smelled him.
Silently Faolin stopped still in sight. He sighed then turned around as he called, "Yes?" He began to approach her slowly in no apparent hurry their wasn't something preventing him from taking a break.
tuocs13 said:
S a m W r e n
"Pretty good, I guess... kind of boring, but at least I have someone to talk to." Sam said.

(Sorry, Carmilla has literally consumed my life)

Ollie turned to him, the corner of her mouth turning upwards in a smile. "Thanks for letting me stay here."
Kira broke into a positive expression maybe two notches down from a grin. "I... would you be interested in sparing?- unless you're busy, of course," she added.
She shrugged "Not necessarily at the moment. I mean of course I do, eventually. But, we should just be, mates for a while." She looked Gabriel in the eyes
Kira broke into a positive expression maybe two notches down from a grin. "I... would you be interested in sparing?- unless you're busy, of course," she added.
Looking at her Faolin grinned as he stated, "No I need a break. I would love to spar with you just go easy on me please." He grinned not needing to stretch. He readied himself then asked, "What are the rules of sparring?" Better to set up rules then have someone hurt.
Luna put her head on Gabriel's shoulder, happy he understood. She wrapped her arms around his waist and just breathed in his scent
She kissed him back. Then pulled away, grinning ear to ear. "So I have a question of my own. How does it feel to be a mated Alpha?" She leaned back a bit and smirked
Kira nodded and took her stance, lowering slightly to the ground, ears back. "Bite lightly not to draw blood, try not to scratch too deep. First pinned down looses the match."
Jasil said:
She kissed him back. Then pulled away, grinning ear to ear. "So I have a question of my own. How does it feel to be a mated Alpha?" She leaned back a bit and smirked
Gabriel chuckled. "Brilliant. The sex in particular is great," he said, smirking. He pulled her back to him. "Want another round?"
Kira nodded and took her stance, lowering slightly to the ground, ears back. "Bite lightly not to draw blood, try not to scratch too deep. First pinned down looses the match."
Silently Faolin nodded taking his stance as he circled her. "Agreed. Go in three two one." He then jumped back a bit then circled her his trained eye taking in her abilities. One good fighter. Two she had experience. Disadvantages. Smaller then him and slightly weaker. All this added up to a close spar. Grinning he watched her move. Advantage. Bendable and fast. She was going to win most likely.
She put her hands on his chest and pretended to think "Hmmmm, not right now." She smiled. "Cmon, let's go dry off. I caught the scent of a new wolf a while ago, I'm ready to meet her."
Kira followed him in the slow circling, tail flicking back and fourth slowly. Her hind right paw ached from a scratch earned by scrambling against the boulder in an effort not to fall all the way to the bottom and she made an effort to not favor it. Weakness shown in battle gives the opponent targets. She came abruptly to a halt and pivoted to lunge at him.
Luna began to walk out of the lake. "Wonderful, I'm happy to get to meet her." She dried off and pulled her clothes on. Taking her towel she watched Gabriel get out of the lake before whipping the towel and hearing it snap against his skin "ouch" she mumbled between laughs
Kira followed him in the slow circling, tail flicking back and fourth slowly. Her hind right paw ached from a scratch earned by scrambling against the boulder in an effort not to fall all the way to the bottom and she made an effort to not favor it. Weakness shown in battle gives the opponent targets. She came abruptly to a halt and pivoted to lunge at him.
Silently Faolin waited for her. She lunged he moved aside. Smiling he moved looking at her. He wondered what move he should do he didn't want to end this. Quickly he pushed her over easily then looked at her ready as he smiled. He could have pinned her but didn't waiting for her to recover.
Gabriel took it as a challenge. He grabbed the towel, and yanked hard, pulling it so Luna would fall over as well.
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel took it as a challenge. He grabbed the towel, and yanked hard, pulling it so Luna would fall over as well.
"Ah!" Luna started tumbling forward and caught herself on her arms. Glaring, growling, and jumping onto her feet, she ran at Gabriel
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