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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dante watched as Luna left his cabin and decided he wanted to go out to check the area. He was hoping to find daisy to ask about plants that grow in the area. He caught he sent of Faolin and another wolf. He shifted into wolf form and start to run trowards him. He wanted to remind Faolin of treatment later and see what he is up to
Kira's struck silent for a few moments. "Um... Forward, for one thing, and you seem like a wolf loyal to his pack to the ends of the earth." She stiffened for a moment as she smelled another wolf approaching and flicked her ears back. "Another of the pack?"
Luna crawled onto the sand and layed on her back. She stretched out, ready for a decent tan

(I know I'm not talking to anyone, I just like to update what my characters do a lot)
Silently Faolin looked at Kira and stated, "Don't worry it's my friend Dante. Probably here to tell me to do my stretches get behind me. You know just in case." He smiled then stood in front of her just in case.

Kira's struck silent for a few moments. "Um... Forward, for one thing, and you seem like a wolf loyal to his pack to the ends of the earth." She stiffened for a moment as she smelled another wolf approaching and flicked her ears back. "Another of the pack?"
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Dante was approaching fast and could easy tell that someone else was with Faolin. he could amuse they were friendly, because that could lead to issues so he decide to approach with some aggression. he growled loudly before he could be seen to make sure the wolf knew not to play games. when he came into view he saw a she-wolf behind faolin. he spoke with slight aggression in his voice "Hello faolin, who might be the wolf that i dont know behind you. he was barring his fang and had a defensive stance up. he knew he was coming off a bit much but this was the same way he approached faolin so he should have expect it. the fact is, it wasn't easy for him to trust people right away so this was how he dealt with new situations. plus his lack of sleep was also getting to him.
Silently Fang looked at him. He bared his fangs slightly. He then stated, "This is Kira a new member of our pack Gabriel accepted her this mourning now please stop the agreesive act we both know your not like this besides you try to attack her I will stop you understand?" He smiled at him then looked at Kira gently and whispered, "He's normaly not like this."
Dante relaxed a little after that and went into a more neutral stance. " Right sorry. You can never been sure." He explained himself leaving out the lack of sleep. He then said in a very neutral tone " welcome to the pack Kira. My name is Dante and I am the packs healer. I can to remind you about your stretching Faolin. Also I was bored" he approach then with aggression.
Looking at Dante slightly Faolin shook his head. He streached his legs a bit. Not feeling any twinging. However he was slightly distracted to make sure Dante didn't attack or Kira take Dante wrong. Softly he stated, "Dante Kira is a hunter and a fighter if she was a threat she would have already attacked she wants to be a wolf of our pack so please relax."

Kira's struck silent for a few moments. "Um... Forward, for one thing, and you seem like a wolf loyal to his pack to the ends of the earth." She stiffened for a moment as she smelled another wolf approaching and flicked her ears back. "Another of the pack?"
Kira regarded the new wolf coolly and replied with the same level of friendliness. "A pleasure, Dante," she said dryly, flicking her tail back and fourth.
Jasil said:
Luna crawled onto the sand and layed on her back. She stretched out, ready for a decent tan
(I know I'm not talking to anyone, I just like to update what my characters do a lot)
Gabriel found Luna tanning. He shifted quickly, and went to his cabin. All he found where some boxers. He put them on, and came back to her, smirking. "Luna," he called.
Kira regarded the new wolf coolly and replied with the same level of friendliness. "A pleasure, Dante," she said dryly, flicking her tail back and fourth.
Smiling Faolin looked at Kira she could handle herself. He stretched slowly. He looked around. Silently he looked at Kira. She was good looking even despite her scars. He blinked. He looked up. Seriously? Nothing not even a peep. Figures.
Luna sat up and turned around. She grinned at Gabriel "Hey, here to swim?"

She gestured to the lake in front of her and layed back down. She was still smiling
Gabriel came up, and suddenly picked up Luna in his arms, laughing. "Only if you will come with me," he told her. He moved his arm under her leg, and carried her bridal style to the lake.
Kira glanced sidelong at Faolin for a moment before glaring back to Dante, stance still tense. If he attacked, she'd have no qualms with giving him scars to remember but restrained a growl. "Are you going to let us continue or will we be standing here for the rest of the day?"
Dante looked at her closely and examined her to try and determine what she was like. " Very nice to meet you. Good thing to we need a hunter in this pack. Plus you dont seem to need faolin to protect you." he said with a slight smirk on his face." Faolin i'm taking it that alpha agreed with my analysis you would make a good scout for are pack. i think ill join you guys for you patrol. also to make sure you dont over do it." he saw the scar on her and couldn't help but be curious about it. he lied down on the ground feeling a bit sluggish and waited for a response. the girl seemed like she would be a good addition plus she seemed to be able to handle herself well enough.
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Luna beat on his chest "Gabriel I just dried off!" She pretended to struggle but was laughing too hard. "Cmon now!"

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Kira glanced sidelong at Faolin for a moment before glaring back to Dante, stance still tense. If he attacked, she'd have no qualms with giving him scars to remember but restrained a growl. "Are you going to let us continue or will we be standing here for the rest of the day?"
Glancing at Kira Faolin shrugged. He had not the authority to tell Dante to leave so he said nothing. Silently he finished stretching and stated, "No she definitely doesn't need my protection but nonetheless I fell obliged to give it." He grinned then flicked his tail posture easy as he stated, "Well I am going to keep on scouting if your coming with me Kira follow if not you know where camp is."
Kira nodded curtly and relaxed, suddenly made self conscious of her old injuries by Dante's glance. She shrugged. "I might as well see what the territory is like so I'll stay with you."
dante fallow right behind him and watched his surrounding carefully. he was also making a mental list of all the resources in the area. he then ran up right next to Faolin and spoke softly. " i didn't make the best first impression did?" he couldn't help but be a little put off with how he himself handle situations. he couldn't help it tho it was a defense mechanism.
Kira nodded curtly and relaxed, suddenly made self conscious of her old injuries by Dante's glance. She shrugged. "I might as well see what the territory is like so I'll stay with you."
Silently Faolin smiled. He glanced at Kira's scars for a second then looked back at her face as if the scars didn't mean much to him. He whispered, "Then follow me Kira." You could see he slightly care about her. Faolin looked around as he walked forward. Now he wasn't quite sure what to do. He just led Kira forward to scared to say anything.
Gabriel started walking into the water, laughing as well. He walked up until he was up to his neck in the water. "You're about to get wet again," he told Luna, and quickly dived under with her.
dante fallow right behind him and watched his surrounding carefully. he was also making a mental list of all the resources in the area. he then ran up right next to Faolin and spoke softly. " i didn't make the best first impression did?" he couldn't help but be a little put off with how he himself handle situations. he couldn't help it tho it was a defense mechanism.
Silently Faolin looked at Dante and smiled. He whispered, "No you didn't but you can apologize for it. I am sure she will forgive you." Okay maybe not certain.
Luna quickly held her breath as they went under. She opened her eyes under the water and playfully glared at Gabriel for dunking her under

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he look at him and frowned "well i dont see why i should apologize. i didn't know the new wolf so i reacted like i would in any situation." he sighed he wasnt going to apologize for being protective of his pack but he did feel bad. "anyway im not feeling to good. i couldn't sleep at all last night."
Looking at Dante with a that's no excuse look Faolin whispered, "That's your decision not mine." He flicked his tail then stopped. He looked at a deer track then looked at Kira and stated, "You should probably hunt that deer and bring it back to the pack. It would be best to introduce yourself that way. Good luck be careful and I'll see you later. Friends?"

Kira nodded curtly and relaxed, suddenly made self conscious of her old injuries by Dante's glance. She shrugged. "I might as well see what the territory is like so I'll stay with you."
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