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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Well first you said you wanted to check me out after all the stuff yesterday, second, I need you to help me with something very secret. I'll tell you once we are inside." She kept walking, nervously looking around
Dante couldn't help but be amused at the fact that she actually agreed to have him check her out. " glad to hear you finally agreed to let me examine you. With your reaction yesterday I assumed I wasn't going to get the chance." he was curious about the secrete she need help with. They reached his cabin and he opened the door for her to go inside.
Luna immediately went and sat down in a chair. "Do what you need to do for your check, then I'll tell you what I need help with."

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Kira hopped down from the tree she'd been calling bed and boredom place since arriving at the cabin grounds and faintly wondered what she was doing. She unbuckled her bag's strap and secured it around the branch before ducking behind the trunk to change. She tucked her clothes into the bag and by the time she hit the ground, paws met soft grass. Alphas always smell strongest... time to start using this lovely nose. Taking a few deep breaths, Kira trots off toward the alpha's scent.
Sniffing the air Faolin growled slightly. He looked around as he stated, "Gabriel I smell a female. I don't know if it's in your pack or not. I need to meet everyone and be able to memorize their scent I only need one whiff to remember a scent it comes with also being a tracker." He didn't like to admit he was a tracker. It was the most distrusting job you could do.
"Right of course. The reason I wanted to check you out is because when wolves are under stress abs emotion pressure, our bodies react weird. Mainly are healing is weakened and then the body can go into stress mode." He then began checking her heart rate and checking her healing ability by make small cut on her arm. He then check how long it took to heal." So tell me how are you feeling? Any issues?"
Kira glanced nervously at her claws, unsure if she'd be asking for a fight approaching in this manor. Idiot leaving your clothes at the tree... She scolded herself, flattening her ears against her head for a moment, but stayed on track where the scent was leading. The only way to get into a pack is to try...
"No, not at all. Well at least nothing related to yesterday." She bounced her leg nervously. Her hands tangled together as she thought about what she would say next. Without thinking she reached up and touched her scar

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He noticed her nerves and wasn't sure what to do about it. " well getting the news that your old pack is gone. Plus being confronted with your brother could take its toll on someone. So if it's affecting you I need to know." He said without a tiny bit of sympathy. " if not then we can get on to the other thing you came here for."
"Yes yes let's get on with that."

She stood. "I need you to help me figure out if I can have children."

She looked down

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He looked at her very carefully and nodded his head. " right but I'm going to need to know why you don't thing you can have kids. And I'm also going to need some personal details about your love life."
"Okay, for a crime I commited in my old pack, I was punished by being attacked without defense. No one knew I was pregnant at the time and it caused me to miscarry. I went to see a healer immediately and she told me I will most likely never bear children."

Luna let out a breath and sat back down, looking at Dante.

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"Right of course." He said as a response, he has to play this situation right. " there is a chance I could help you but I want you to make sure you want to first. Because of your situation the treatments will be painful and then there a higher chance of miscarriage. Plus there is also a higher chance you could die when you give birth but u should be able to help with that last one." He need to make sure she was ready for the risked that came with this
Luna started pacing. "I want to be able to have children, to be able to give Gabriel a family. Whatever it takes. Go on Dante, what do I need to do?"

She put one hand at her side and another on her stomach
"You mentioned that you need to know about my love life, why?"

She gently touched the scar on her neck
He look at her intensely " if your making this decision for just the alpha I would reconsider.also you should tell him the risk." He then moved to grab a clipboard. " I need to know how many partners your have had.if they were wolf or human. Also how far along were you before you miscarried."
"He isn't just Alpha to me anymore, he is my mate. I've only ever had one partner besides Gabriel, and I was three weeks"

She scrunched up her face as she recalled the memory

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he looked at her carefully " that is even more of a reason to tell him about this. If your mate that mean you need to trust each other and make decisions together for the good of both of you." only one other partner is not to bad and the 3 week period isn't the worst time to get a miscarriage. "Look from what i know so far i cam help you but im going to need to get somethings first. i have some of the thing i need to start treatment here right now. But i want you to be 100% sure about this."
shadowz1995 said:
When Victor finished up with the grooming , he took a step back and sat back on his haunches. The way she froze up initially meant she either really didn't like him or that was something she wasn't used to. Regardless, Victor made a mental note to not do that again without her tasking for it. Now that she was relatively clean, Crimson bowed his head slightly towards her and murmured his thanks and his apologies for making her uncomfortable. He looked up to the skies and saw that it was dusk now. Victor personally preferred the night. It was when he was most active and alive.
The scarred wolf looked back at Kate and gave a half-smile before he spoke, "looks like its time for everyone to turn in no?"
Kate looked at him, and smiled wholly as his lips partially turned up. "Is it past your bed time?" She taunted playfully, standing and strutting out of the clearing, head and tail high.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate looked at him, and smiled wholly as his lips partially turned up. "Is it past your bed time?" She taunted playfully, standing and strutting out of the clearing, head and tail high.
"Ha! My bedtime? Back in my tribe, my bedtime was when my body couldn't handle training anymore and all of the young ones would simply collapse somewhere until the next day. You were lucky if you made it back to your den before you passed out. We actually lost a few pups that way. During cold winters...." The alpha wolf momentarily loses himself in thought before shaking off the memories and refocusing on Kate. "So I can safely say I have never had a bedtime hahaha." he laughed as he followed close behind.
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shadowz1995 said:
"Ha! My bedtime? Back in my tribe, my bedtime was when my body couldn't handle training anymore and all of the young ones would simply collapse somewhere until the next day. You were lucky if you made it back to your den before you passed out. We actually lost a few pups that way. During cold winters...." The alpha wolf momentarily loses himself in thought before shaking off the memories and refocusing on Kate. "So I can safely say I have never had a bedtime hahaha." he laughed as he followed close behind.
"You're sure? I don't want some angry beast barking up my tree cause I've got a pup out past his curfew." She teased him further, getting farther away from the clearing but not heading home. She paused to stretch, bowing on her front legs, she stretched and recoiled like a rubber band, everything tense under her fur.
Reptilesandromance said:
"You're sure? I don't want some angry beast barking up my tree cause I've got a pup out past his curfew." She teased him further, getting farther away from the clearing but not heading home. She paused to stretch, bowing on her front legs, she stretched and recoiled like a rubber band, everything tense under her fur.
"Ha...yes believe me the 'beast' of my father won't be barking up anyone's tree. I can..uh assure you that Miss." The male eyed her over as she stretched and he admitted to himself that she probably should stretch a little more. She looked tense for some odd reason. Then again, being alone with a stranger all day, who hunted with you, even overstepped personal boundaries to groom you, and not having the best of first meetings. Yeah, Victor could see why she might be tense. Not to mention the little disagreement she had with the new pack nearby. The nubile alpha leading them better learn quick or he would see how quickly things could go to hell.

"Well if you don't mind. Where are we going right now Miss?"
Daisy sighed. During the conversation she had left. She walked through the forest, with her hands in her pockets. She was glad she made new friends, but still she had a bad feeling... And she didn't know why.
loyalwolf said:
he looked at her carefully " that is even more of a reason to tell him about this. If your mate that mean you need to trust each other and make decisions together for the good of both of you." only one other partner is not to bad and the 3 week period isn't the worst time to get a miscarriage. "Look from what i know so far i cam help you but im going to need to get somethings first. i have some of the thing i need to start treatment here right now. But i want you to be 100% sure about this."
Luna nodded "Thank you Dante.

But no one can know, alright?" She looked at him expectantly. "I will, disscus some of this with Gabriel but other than that it is not to be mentioned."

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