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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna looked up from her book and saw a shirtless Gabriel. She shut her book and stood with shaky hands. Luna closed the distance between them and grabbed his face again. She tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck. She let a small part of her wolf out, just enough to lengthen her teeth. She gently bit his neck and let a little bit of blood trickle into her mouth. Then she pulled away. Her heart was beating too fast.
Gabriel sighed in pleasure. He let his own wolf out now, lengthening his fangs. He gently expose Luna's neck, and he bent forward. He then bit her neck, taking some of her blood. He then pulled away. "Is that it?"
Luna calmed herself "Y-yeah, as far as marking goes. Now our scent will always be on each other. And dainty little scars on our necks as a visible sign." She gave a small laugh.
Luna blushed and looked to the side, "Yes we are."

She put her hands around his neck and smiled. Her eyes feeling misty
Luna decided to be the bold one. She reached up and kissed Gabriel. Pulling him closer to her.
Gabriel was surprised, but quickly kissed her back. He felt a hunger build up in his body, and pushed Luna unto the couch gently. His hands started tugging at the bottom of her shirt, pulling.
(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA yea ooookkkkkaaayyyyyy)

Luna layed back with Gabriel (FADES TO BLACK)
Ollie dressed and stepped out of the bathroom, glancing around. She spotted the bagel on the counter and took it, biting into it as she stepped out onto the porch. "Thanks."

(Wasn't that bad)

Gabriel smiled with glee, panting. He put his arm around Luna. She was next to him. Clothes were everywhere.
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Luna looked at Gabriel with a grin. She touched the little stubble on his face "you need a shave." She laughed
Gabriel chuckled. "And you're now alpha female," he said to his mate. He put his other arm her, and lifted her up so she could lie on top of him. "How did it feel?"
"Amazing." That's all she could really say. She wasn't one for words, but she hoped he knew how much she meant it
Gabriel softly smiled. "You're amazing," he told her, cupping her cheek. Both were naked, but he was tired. "We should just sleep on the couch."
"There is a perfectly good bed, ten feet away." She laughed. "You sleep, I'm not very tired and I still need to go check with Dante."
Gabriel also laughed. "I have to check on Faolin." Then he had a thought. "You're looking for a way to have children, aren't you?" He looked at her stomach, where her womb would be. Please tell me I did it....
Her face felt hot "I hadn't thought of that. He had just said he needed to check on me because of all the stress of yesterday."

She moved a little, propping up on her elbows and looking to the side
Gabriel sighed. "Well, I hope it does go well." His hand spread out on her stomach. He delicately started rubbing. "Let's hope someone is starting life in there," he said with a smirk.
She laughed nervously "Even if I can, I hope not for a little while Gabriel. I still want to enjoy my 20s." Luna got up slowly and started cleaning up clothes. She headed to her room to get new clothes for the day.
Gabriel sighed, and also got up, getting his clothes. He also went his own room, getting new clothes. He remembered Luna's words. He chuckled. "Life doesn't go as planned," he thought
Luna got dressed and finished putting on her makeup. Walking out of her room she had an odd peaceful feeling she couldn't quite place. She walked past the living room and subconsciously touched her neck. Smiling she left the house to go on a run
S a m W r e n

"No problem, Red." He smiled.

"So, how are you doing?"

(sorry I was playing undertale and I was filled with determination so I couldn't pay attention
@Carnassial )
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate had froze and sat completely rigid for a moment before finally relaxing. She held back a growl and resisted the urge to snarl at him.
She stopped her grooming and watched him contently, half expecting him to suddenly snap down on her. Her father had taught her a healthy distrust for most things that could threaten her and being raised away from packs like others had left her standoffish.

She continued to watch him, her gaze not harsh or threatening, but curious. She watched him as if memorizing his movements like he was something she'd never seen before. It was strange to not be snarled at or challenged, but it was certainly welcome. @shadowz1995
When Victor finished up with the grooming , he took a step back and sat back on his haunches. The way she froze up initially meant she either really didn't like him or that was something she wasn't used to. Regardless, Victor made a mental note to not do that again without her tasking for it. Now that she was relatively clean, Crimson bowed his head slightly towards her and murmured his thanks and his apologies for making her uncomfortable. He looked up to the skies and saw that it was dusk now. Victor personally preferred the night. It was when he was most active and alive.

The scarred wolf looked back at Kate and gave a half-smile before he spoke, "looks like its time for everyone to turn in no?"

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