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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Cloe had been waiting in the side lines of the encampment for a while, ensuring that her skin had been rubbed in plenty of wolf’s bane to mask the warm coffee scent which clung to her skin and clothes. From the safety of a branch, she had watched drama unfolded between cabins as small clusters and pairs broke off to do their own thing… which in one pairs particular circumstance, meant shouting odd things… something about pasts?

“Well I guess everyone has one.” Cloe offered, not to anyone in particular, as she was sat in a tree, but regardless. True, being in a tree was rather un-wolf like of her, but in most cases it was the safer place to be. After all, after news of a new pack forming had gotten to her, Cloe couldn’t resist coming to check out the new group, but this didn’t mean she was thick.

It was risky to just stroll into another pack’s ‘den’ as a perfect stranger. Some alphas could take it as an offence, only addressed by the ripping out of someone’s throat. A touché response, slightly melodramatic, but not unheard of either. So Cloe was just covering her tracks so to speak. She wasn’t pack-less, she shared blood lines with the Turok pack, but as a young woman herself, she had wanted to seek her own path and maybe, just maybe, this pack was her answer. Temporary answer perhaps, but an answer none the less.
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Luna woke up alone. She ran a hand through her hair and began getting ready. Cooking some breakfast in the kitchen, she started getting worried about her future visit to Dante.
Gabriel went off to find Luna, then Faolin. She was very protective of him, and he her. So, when he found her in the kitchen cooking, those thoughts were at the forefront of his mind. "Luna," he told her, "I have been thinking about something."
Kate had froze and sat completely rigid for a moment before finally relaxing. She held back a growl and resisted the urge to snarl at him.

She stopped her grooming and watched him contently, half expecting him to suddenly snap down on her. Her father had taught her a healthy distrust for most things that could threaten her and being raised away from packs like others had left her standoffish.

She continued to watch him, her gaze not harsh or threatening, but curious. She watched him as if memorizing his movements like he was something she'd never seen before. It was strange to not be snarled at or challenged, but it was certainly welcome. @shadowz1995
Luna looked at Gabriel "I thought you'd already left." She turned around and leaned against the counter "What's up?"
Gabriel drummed his fingers on the counter next to her. "I think we should mark each other," he told her. He felt it would be the best way to let others know that they were taken.
Luna opened her mouth and then immediately shut it. Her wolf was excited, considering all the other females pouring in. But Luna was a bit scared. "Go on."
"We both care for each other, and I have seen how possessive you can be of me. I fell it best if we mark each other and officially become mates, to let the others know." He then put his hands on the counter, so that there was one on each side. "Do you want to?"
"I um I mean yes." She felt fire run up her spine from nervousness. She tangled her hands
Gabriel put his hands on Luna's waist, and stared her in the eyes. He swallowed. "You go first," he said to her. He felt it the polite thing to do. After all, ladies first applied to everything.
Luna reached her hands up shakily to Gabriel's face and held it. She sat there, unsure of what to do. She was never taught about marking. She pulled his face to hers and put her forehead on his. "I'm nervous."
S a m W r e n

Sam fell asleep, it was now morning. He awoke, hearing the shower run.

He decided not to investigate, lucky for Ollie.

Instead, he transformed and set off into the kitchen area.

After preparing two bagels, he took one and sat on the porch.

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Gabriel nodded. "Me too," he said, before moving his lips to meet hers. He knew very little about marking, but would do his best here. He broke the kiss. "What are you waiting for?"
“You know, an engagement ring would work just as well.”

The words slipped off Cloe’s tongue with teasing tone, as the petite woman leaned in the door to Luna’s cabin. She wasn’t really watching the pair, as that would be rather prevy, but rather focused on her own mood ring.

She had waited for one of them to come up for arm in their entanglement before speaking however, and now waited for the inevitable rage, knowing full well that she was speaking out of terms to an alpha as well as invading a personal moment…but then Cloe was known for many things and good timing had never been one of them.

Now how she had gotten into their doorway was a simple story. She had watched the alpha stroll towards the cabin, and on noting most of the pack still being a sleep, had decided that now was the best time to make acquaintances. If things did get hairy, she would be able to make a run for it relatively easily, without worrying about being surrounded.

So, after suffering much cramp as a result of sitting up in a tree for far too long, the woman had followed, only pausing briefly, as she stumbled in on the tender moment, before having to stifle an awkward giggle.


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Luna jumped and stared at the woman. Her face felt hot with either embarrassment or anger, she couldn't tell.

"Can we help you?"
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Cloe looked up as the girl spoke, and offered a cheek dimpling grin, before nodding. As first impressions went, Cloe thought she was nailing this, soaking in the girl’s reddened cheeks, before raising her hands in an apologetic manner, deciding not to try and figure out what emotion was the cause of the sudden flush.

“I’m new in the neighborhood is all. When I heard from the other groups back in town that there was a new pack…” Cloe shrugged here, “I figured I would check it out. After all, curiosity never killed the wolf.” She smiled again at this, before holding out a hand. “I’m Cloe by the way. Sorry to …err.. Interrupt that tender moment…” At this, the girl waggled a finger between the pair. “You two are new to all this, huh?”
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Gabriel grunted. "You could say that. I am the alpha, Gabriel Forest. It is a pleasure to meet you, Cloe," he told the petite girl. Did she know anything about marking?
Luna nodded "Luna North, welcome."

That's all she said before turning back around to finish her cooking. Gabriel could handle this, as long as Luna stayed in the room everything would be fine

@Lokipi @DaManofWar
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The last thing Cloe needed was to give the wrong impression to alpha's girl about her intentions, so as Gabriel closed the gap between them with a few brisk steps, Cloe leaned back a little as to not invade personal bubbles.

When the man asked about skills however, the girl's brows furrowed, puckering the skin between them as she looked up at the towering form in front of her.

"I'm a fast runner, pretty good fight and I've got a good nose." she offered with a shrug, "Was usually part of our hunting party back at home." Again, the woman took a step back, before then eyeing the frying pan which Luna watched over with smile. "But honestly, the human me is more interesting. I'm a history student back in town. Coffee girl and I'm also a pretty amazing cook, if that counts for anything?"

*I have to go to work. So If you wanna wrap up and continue makes sense. Just say she goes off to work in the cafe, I'll finish her shift when I get back @DaManofWar , @Jasil .*
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Luna watched them out of the corner of her eye. She approved of the girls decision to step away as Gabriel got closer. Finishing her cooking she put everything on a plate. She wiped her hands and leaned on the counter. Crossing her arms, she continued to observe
Gabriel nodded. "We could use some guards for the borders. You would do good. Go and see the other members of the pack."

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Luna turned her radio on and went into the living room. She let the two others talk while she sat and read a book. It sounded like they were getting done but she didn't know
Gabriel left Close, and found Luna in the living room. He walked over to her, and took off his shirt. "Shall we continue?" He smirked at her. Then he took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

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